; THE WEATHER i spumo opinino cloudy and unsettled tonight and Ashland Arpnory (/ probably ruin. » Ashland's Leading N< March l and 2 tyer for Over Fifty Years (United New» Wir» Servie») Ax (United Press Wire Se ASHLAND, QBEGON, LEGION GO: PLÀNS FES FURTHER SPRING OPENING In order to make the exhibit e»t civic event-ever staged ’u .the beetha. at the armory all uniform city, I h teres t is mounting In ev* Daylight Bandits Hold Contempt Proceedings Will for the Mg Spring,Opening, ahta »■*■/ part ot the city, and th * show > Cashier and Escape be Started on Cam­ show and style review uniform «0» vhkh the Legion will stage In ad­ , With $5,500 paign Investigations March 1 and 2, the American Lei dition.to the exhibits and ¿tyle re- gion committee last night voted V'ew ts causing much comment. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 33 - - WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. — One vaudeville act whlpi jiiom- to build the booths themselves t»» (UN)— Police were searching .to­ Contempt proceedings are about ises to draw a rousing hand w.ll stead of asking the individual bn- day for five bandits who escaped to start to test whether the sen­ be offered by Roy Lucas and I ts htbitors to do It. with $5,500 in cash in a daring ate has power to And out about Thia will not only save. the setSrr-year-old son, Clifford, flie daylight holdup in the down­ the campaign funds of senatorial ' Northwest is Still Isolated merchants thin added trouble bnt lad Is an experienced clog d»ncer town business , section here lute will likewise lesson the cost to the and he also has a comedv lino Ur’ted States Moves With candidates. All Hope of an Early Ad­ this . Prom California'By South , Bound Passengers afternoon. These proceedings are threat­ exhibitors. Members of the legion which will be a laugh producer journment fad es With Force to Suppress All Land Slides The bandits, driving a high ■ Transferred to Horn-» ened as a result of the clash in will do this work themselves and from start (o finish. 1 Action on Bill - Form of Rebellion brook by Auto the Reed primary Investigating powered tonring car, halted a have the armory in readiness for Other vaudeville acts also will company today when three men I. machine en route to a bank with BANKS F U L L the exhibitor» bright and early hit the right spot with the armory HAVE HEW PEOGEAMI receipts o f the Los Angeles EAIL& 0ADPLAV8 host Tuesday morning, or probably by crowds, and every person who at­ WANT AN ALLIANCE who dealt out large sums of is in Total Darkness Transfer company. money in the Illinois and Penn- ' tends will agree that the leg'on Dance, Radio, and Phonograph Monday. no Gas or Electric Request is Being Sent to syivanla senatorial primaries last Two of the bandits jumped A general srmmihg np of the:r Helps Visitor« to Enjoy Power Service has provided a dandy show cn States to E nter Into spring refused to divulge details from the machine and held 8. efforts last night indicated to the Stay in Ashland Alliance of the transactions. After these both nights, is the promise of the C. Hinkle and A. A. Moon, cash­ Legion members that the Spring three men defied him. Chairman SALEM, Feb. 22. — All hope iers of the transfer company, at Opening will be by fnr the great* legion committee. James A. Reed intimated strong- 1 for the adjournment early this the point of a gun while a third Ashland began to return to nor­ ly that contempt proceedings * week of the Oregon legislature member of the band relieved malcy today, with the work ■ of was thought to have faded toSay them of the moneg hag. W O!,W ioreg»» MMWrt«*’ BeeieO clearing aside the dangerous senate. | AagMorl«m Witnesses to the holdup took after (he senate Indefinitely post­ slides and the repairing of bridges to answ]^ . —..„.or a quest- e poned the Governor’s Tithing bill, the license of the bandit auto- that have cut off this city1 from ions last summer were called 1 his companion for the Income mobile. the entslde world since late Sun­ back today. * Tax bill. The senate bill was day afternoon, going ahead as fast A story ot Young America baa One answered all questions C postponed by a vote of eight to as conditions will permit. at last found Its way to newspa­ Nitroglycerine Blows One fntly, Robert E.< Crowe, state’s 1 fifteen. A new financial pro­ Within the city, damage was pers In “A Regular Scout.” made Into Small Bits, and attorney for Cook county, Illin- B gram is thought necessary. found to be slight, with a bridge from au FBO production starring Starts Fire ois. The other three defiantly h The Tithing bllf was the pro­ or two weakened, by the rapidly Fred Thomson. It is,a story of refused to answer—-Samuel In- * position to have self-sustaining rising Ashland creek, and with life and motives of the greatest suit, Illinois public utility man; boards and commissions to pay BORGER, Texas, Feb. 22. — can hope for now Is the oppor- some small slides in various parts boy organisation on earth—-The Daniel J. Schuyler, his attorney, p a percentage to the general fund. of the town which were rapidly Boy Scouts. The locale is ' the ,(UN) — Bits of flesh and bone tunity of quitting with honor.” Foster King is Summon removed by the city street depart­ of on» man were scattered hun- Meanwhile a request for the and Thomas W. Cunningham, " West, with towering, majestic dredg of yards, another is miss- United States to enter Into a Philadelphia politician. h d to Explain Where­ Spirited Debate ment. mountains for a background, and Insull was given one more A abouts of Property SALEM. Feb. 23.— (UN)— The Ing and a huge prairie fire was form of military alliance with Nlc- Train service was partially re­ all the thrilling riding, so vividly chance. He will return Saturday a senate indefinitely postponed the sumed today when No. 13 and 63. a part of Western pictures, le at raging as a result of an explos- aragua was enroute from the and If he does not answer the h NEW YOR?, Feb. 22. — (UN) ion of 1,8*0 quarts» of nitrogly- Diaz government to Washington, tithing bill Monday after a — Harold F. McCormick’s bene­ which have been stalled in Med­ its beet with Silver King as the cerlne here late Monday after- It was learned by the United questions then, he, with the other a spirited debate. - ford for the past two days, were exponent ot the eowboy’s Pegasus. two, probably will be cited for a noon. News. According to the rules it means volent Interest in a beautiful brought to Ashland and the pass­ .A troop of 8couta and Fred meat young refugee from a Turkish contempt, Reed indicated. sl that this measure may not be The powerful explosive ignited The proposal was said to be a all parts of the state. harem has led to (be harvester engers were transferred by auto­ accidentally one night while when it was being loaded Into a ' modified from of the alliance pro- considered at this session. mobile over the Siskiyou moun­ camping on the deaort. aad from The Willamette and streams In king being summoned to appear Eighteen senators voted to tains to Hornbrook, Cat., where then on their lived are drawn to­ truck at the magailne of the In- vlded for In the new United States the Coast and Cascade range in surrogate court on March 16 kill the bill. Panama treaty, recently rejected they will be able to connect with gether. and the matual friendship dependent Torpedo company. are running bank full with the to show cause why he should not Homer Ruaaeli, driver of the both the Panamanian legislature Senator Joseph closed the de­ a local and continue their Jour­ grows to snch proportions that the forecast for more rain today hand over certain parts of her truck was blown to bits and a and attacked as a violation of bate with a plea to Join hands ney. entire life of the man la changed and tomorrow. Roseburg, Med­ property ’t o . her husband. wlt&^he governor and the state Both sections of No. 12 left thia through the boys' ennobling in­ man named Davis, said to have native soverlegnty. ford and West Springfield were The woman in the case — been with -Russell, Is missing. Certain American officials are •8EASIDE, Ore., Feb. 21.— treasurer in working out an ac­ ctiy about one o’clock northwasd fluence. the worst hit. At West Spring- Carmen Sylvano — died In I