■ häily Cloudy and unsettled tonight and’ probably rain. ' T idings AdUand’a Leading Newepaper jar Over Fifty Years kd News Wire Berries) ASHLAND, OREGON, ON THE FIRST OF THE WEEK I RT. Kesta* oi Keno Tollo »cal Ohickenmen About Rhode Island Rods sz: THE POULTRY is a potential pay roll for land (United Frees Wire Service) & JBDAY, FEB. 19, 1927 Restoration Months Are Be­ ing Observed by Local Organisation T |E FATE OF CHINESE CITY LOCAL Bi EXPLAINS THE PROVISIONS OF NEW BANK LAW Kiwanls d a b members were Complying with an order from "hosts to poultrymen la the vicin­ the National Pythian organiza­ ity of Ashland yesterday and tion designating the months as heard 8. W. Kesler proprietor" of restoration months, the local the Log Cabin Poultry Farm of Knights of Pythias lodge held an Keno advance some of the reasons open meeting last evening at the Senate W ill Consider Oom why he preferred the Rhode Is­ Passage of the McFadden of D e f e a t e d Odd Fellows hall for the purpose panion Bill of Income Bill to Strengthen Na­ Northern Army Drift into land Red, to that of any other of regaining former members who Tax Monday tional Bank System Oapitol Pity breed. The attendance was un­ have been suspended. L a d l e « usually large and the Interest were Invited to attend In an ef- i A w jg (J L A R I F I E D COMMITTER? AVORS IT keen, as the speaker pointed out [8 NEAR A CLIMAX fort to Interest them In the or- j ______ the advantages that he had found ganlzatlon of a Pythian Sister CMnmlttce From Senate Makes , Many Points Which Have Not Straggle Between the North and In the raising of a dual purpose Temple here. • Favorable Report on Bren Clear in Old I j iw • South For Control WUI chicken, as well as explain why The meeting was called to or­ m ». Governor’s BUI Arc Now Explained Boon Come to Bad he had located his ranch so far der by Willard B. Dunn, Chancel- ! from any city. . . ... lor Commander of the Ashland With the passage recently SHANGHAI, Feb. 19 — Rem­ “The principal advantage that Knights lodge, who Introduced ! in Congress of the McFadden la g capital outlay bills nants of a defeated northern army I have found In ' this breed of Mrs. L. A. Roberts, Supreme Rep- ' bill having to do with Na­ of tbe ln< *1.930,000, tbe chickens” the speaker pointed arrived in thia city today and It resentatlve of the Pythian Sisters. tional banks, the Tidings re­ Oregon legislature out,” is the fact that the cock­ appeared that the fate of Shang­ In Mrs. Roberts talk on the quested J. W. McCoy, cash­ day. erels can be sold at ,a price that hai would be decided in a battle purpose and activities of the ier of the First National The bills p a ss e d inrlnded 0178,- at Hashing, midway between will pay for the expense of raising Pythian Sisters, she stressed the Rank, to prepare an article OOO for a dormitory for tbe Ash­ Hangchow and Shanghai, and both the 'pullets and the cockerels, necessity of the cooperation of p h i: Mr. Oxford, Mrs. Payne, M r./Huilivan, Mrs. Parr, Mrs. Smith, fully explaining just what land Normal school and **78,000 and leave your pullets clear. The about SO miles south of here. second row: M rs. Mlkkeleon, Mr. Joy, Mr. Provost, Mr. Johnson, the Sisters and Knights, If the this bill embodies. The fol­ for a new library for th e Uni­ The mighty struggle between Thomas, Mrs. Goodyear and Mr. Shew; third row: Mr. Dozier, lodges were to be successful. Ac eggs from the Reds bring just aa lowing Is presented through versity of Oregon. north and south China for con­ Mr. Patrick, Mr. Hazelton, Mr. Benedict, Mr. Hall and Mn good a price as other eggs, and I the courtesy of the local . Fielding, Mrs. Dyer, Mrs. Vannatta, Mr. Webster and Mr. cording to Mrs. Robe«-’- __t have found that this breed of trol of the republic seemed to be anker. SALEM, Feb. 1».— The Tithing chickens lay exceptionally well. approaching a denounement In ” on e °S dtw * b the orgart ° — | Editor. bill companion measure to tbe which the Cantonese would make OLD PEOPLE ENTERT A im d delightful readings and Mrs. and he deceived a leather note Wd" trap nest every one on our Much it vae*formation income tax bill,' was made a Mary Parr, aged 86, gave two book. Aunt Lib Smith was the of a lodge eighty acre ranch, and original their big play to obtain control of shown by those A piece of important legisla­ special order of business for Mon­ Mrs. W. M. Barber entertain­ splendid readings. A beauty con­ recipient of a dozen lovely car­ present, but because of the limited stock was secured from*trap nest­ Shanghai, richest Chinese city of tion was passed recently by the day afternoon. The senate com­ ed poultry, records for which the orient, whose vast resources ed the above people with a party test was held for which Grandma nations in honor of her 85th attendance the organization United States Senate which ends mittee reported favorably spon It. were available twelve years, back. would provide funds for the ex­ at the Convalescent Home on Payne won the prize, as she re­ birthday anniversary. could not yet be effected. a campagin waged for many yeafs Tbe senate Is In session today, b n f The hostess, assisted by her By careful work, we are able to tension of the nationalist regime, Granite street Monday afternoon, ceived the most votes. She was Forty-five were present at the for the strengthening and clarifi­ the bouse adjourned over the call out the non-producers, and throughout China. Feb. 14,. at which only those presented with a beautiful bou- daughter, Josephine and Mrs. pot-luck supper which was served cation of the National Bank Act. week-end. Meanwhile reports from Toklo SO years old or over were In­ qhet of red carnations by Mrs Will Mitchell, Miss Durham and always have the flock up to Its In the lodge dining hall before said additional warships had been vited'. The law referred to is the so- highest standard? Barber. Mr. Sayles was elected- Mlsg Jean Aitderson served de­ the meeting. Reject dispatched here and the United called McFadden BUI and has, Mr. Kesler, who was the spec­ Mrs. Mary Wilshlre gave four ed as the most handsome man licious refreshments. After the session cards and a SALEM, Feb. IS j ._ ( U N ) — j ial guest of 3. W. McCoy, has States cruisers Richmond, Cin­ through the press, been designat­ social time were enjoyed. The house today flatly r refused to made a phenomanal record on his cinnati and Marblehead at Hono­ ed as a “branch banking bill^’ It The committee in charge was consider senate amendtmenta to ranch and attributes part of his lulu were reported to have been should be understood that this L. E. Turner, chairman, A. O. the income tax bill. There were success to the location. It being ordered to prepare to come here bill was not, primarily, a branch Weber and Hubert Henson. 40 votes against the motion. banking bill, that portion of the twenty miles from Klamath Falls to assist in protection of the city Rep. Henderson, speaking in la the heart of the timber. This from mob violence. bill referring to branch banking support of the motion, bald that fact allows plenty of shade, the having been injected Into the or- Nlngpo, principal port of Che­ the amendments mean that one speaker declared, and Is away kiang province, fell before the ad­ Iglal bill long after it was first third of the Income of Install­ Trom all wind, and other damag­ vancing Cantoneee nationalists to­ Introduced into Congress. Renewal of Gang Feuds in Edward* Forced ment houses entered Into after ing elements. A brief discussion day, retreating soldiers aid. Ac­ It Is believed by many Inter­ Kentucky District Re­ to Wander in Effort to January of this year would be was held after the meeting, when cording to heat available reports, ested in this measure that the sults in Gun Play Regain His Health excluded from the groan income local poultry men took up some Hangchow, capital of Chekiang branch banking feature was intro­ for that year and several HARLAN, Ky„ Feb. 19.— (UN) Fragments of Plans Are duced solely because It was Like Salathlel, Eugene Sne*» of their problems, with the visitor. province, more than 100 miles years. found that the other provisions of south of Shanghai, had been ev­ well-known —-Two deputy sheriffs are dying , Washed Ashore on Wandering Jew, Hamilton, taking the floor In the bill were of such merit that acuated by the northerners and Lionel “ Happy” . Edwards, 17 and further fighting Is feared aa Atlantic Coast support of the net as amended, in- soon would be oecupied by Can­ year old Canadian youth the result 9t the renewal of gang 8EA8IDB. N. J .; Feb. 19. — It would carry the additional pro- tonese troops. ' ■*-„ ■ • Qwebee City la condemned y I a U xa M » in 41 k feuda In this diatrlet. . . (W ) Ttfo ftit/» W ' *irfffted ment amendment Marshal Sun Chuan-fang’s beat­ wander tne earth, seeking not of the bill were not particularly Deputies James Daniels and States army aviators who attem­ poncerns affected by it estimated en soldiery was reported to have escape from a haunting deed hut Almost Complete C h e c k Isaac Pennington were wounded concerned. pted a flight to Langley Field, Shows at Least 32 tbslr gross Income on a cash ba­ The McFadden Bill, among oth­ looted communities in the vicinity trying to offset the ravages of in a gun battle with eight gang­ Va., in the face of adverse wea­ Were Killed sis, noting all amounts paid on of Hangchow aa the retreat be­ an accidentad disease which sters Friday night after they had ther conditions are believed to er things, provides for a method partial payment contracts within gan. Sun’s defeat at Nlq^po, a threatens to cot hla life short of consolidation of banka, which ¡arrested two others for carrying have been drowned in the At­ was not satisfactorily set out In RELIEF IS HAMPERED whiskey. the tax year. Second Half Prove* to Be a treaty port, was reported by sol at any time. lantic Ocean. Hamilton pointed out the the previous law. It provides for diers who arrived today by boats ’ “Happy,” with Thriller, With Locals The Raines brothers, Clydo and his hands o f Injured is More Tlinn Fragments of the de Haviland perpetual charters for National amendment was the federal law . across the wide Inlet of the sea shackled In front of him and a Playing Good Game Herbert, are in jail, charged with Hundred, and is Growing plane In which they took off from and therefore could not be a vic­ separating Nlngpo from the south­ smiling determination on his face the shooting, while a sheriff's Mitchell Field, L. I., Thursday, Banks, which places them In po­ Every Hour Coming back in the second halj, ious provision. ern extremity of the province of strolled Into the offices of the possee Is seeking other members have been washed ashore here, sition to handle certain trust business heretofore Impossible He admitted he was no expert after allowing the fast Medford Klangai, of which Shanghai is the Tidings this morning and told of the gang. indicating that their plane was because of the charter limitations,. NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 18. on Income tax matters In technic­ High school basketball team to capital. Daniels continued shooting the reason for his long and weary wrecked In a storm which was complete al detail and said such experts bad have, things very much their own Shanghai waa reassured by the jannt acrosd the continent, and — (U N )— An almost Clarifies Law I ■ after he fell and succeeded in raging over the sea when they divergent views about the effect way during the first stanza, thq knowledge that American and why he is handicapped by a very cheek of the devastated Southern routing his assailants. The bill further clarifies the undertook their perilous journey. of the consolidated returns Aahland High School basketball British marines and soldiers al­ efficient-looking pair of hand­ Mississippi Valley after the tor­ The battle Is the latest out­ The missing flyers are Lieuts. law and makes It possible for nadoes which ripped through team not only held their oppon­ ready had arrived and that a large cuffs. amendment. break in a series of affrays In Willard L. Harris and William banks to legally handle invest­ widely separated communities, 24 Today being the fortieth day of ents to few counters, but gather­ contingent of United States Since the time he was ten hours before, showed at least 32 which rival gangs of miners und A. Gray. Both are expert flyers ments for themselves and their, the legislature, all bop eof avoid­ ed fifteen points for themselves, marine would arrive next week the authorities have been engag­ but It Is believed they were un­ customers, and provides for the ing an extra session was definite­ which was not enough however aboard the United States army years old "Happy” has always dead. organisation of the safe deposit- able to navigate the fog and The list of injured is approxi­ ed. ly eliminated. The house and to even up the first Inning, In the transport Chaumont, now enroute looked after himself, having no business, which was also omitted relations that he knows of. Late mately 100, according to reports high winds which prevailed over senate face overcrowded calen­ championship round of games, from Honolulu to Shanghai. from the old law. Additional hte Atlantic Thursday faternoon dars and there la no possible Medford emerging winner by a Details of events at Nlngpo last winter he and his pal, Larry from hospitals and Improvised provisions include permission to and that they crashed into the chance for adjournment tonight, score of 17 to 29. were not available tonight, but Rae, obtained positions In a clinics in the Pine Woods coun­ hold real estate which Is needed sea. The locals seemed to be suffer­ the soldiers’ Stories Indicated home-town shoe factory, where try and the Mississippi r i v e r which marks the end of tbe regu­ for business purposes. The re­ lar session, tbe period for which ing from an acute attack of stage that there had not been mnch of they worked for five months. At swamps. striction heretofore having made Physicians said ten or 12 of the the lawmakers are paid. Their freight during the first half, and a fight. Observers here believed the end of that time, discover­ It only possible to own the real es­ before' this wore off, Medford had that the withdrawal from Nlngpo ing that they were losing weight injured were severely crushed by work after today will be gratis. tate on which the bank was then Tbe bouse financeial appropria­ a total of IS points to the home was symptomatic of the crumbling rapidly, they consulted physi­ falling timbers that they might Claims He Was One Who operating. tion bills, carried over from tbe boys' two. There were no out­ morale of Sun's army and that cians and underwent a week's die, raising the death toll to well Authorised the Alien Limitations as to the capital The doctors then over 40. session of special consideration standing local stars, although A1 rapid advance of the nationalists treatment. Allowance required, based upon population. gravely informed the lad« that Torrential rains which set In Thursday, In addition to ten Parr right forward was the high waa Imminent. Is more clearly set out a n d the chalk which Is used exten­ following the death dealing twist­ k s rapidly aa the soldiers came NEW YORK, Feb. 19.— (UN) Pneumonia Claims Mother strengthened. It authorizes the house and <7 senate bills. In the point man with a total of eight. sively in shoe manufacture, had er ere hampering relief work In Ashland guards distinguished ashore today they were loaded cu — After putting Senator Guy D. meantime tbe senate continued Whose Son Was First bank to create the position of working up new laws and the themselves throughout the game trains bound For Kashin x. a city entered their lungs and as there Tensas and Sabine parishes In Goff of West Virginia on Ike to be Killed in War Chairman of the Board of Direc­ Louisiana and the counties about was*no known method of remov­ house cannot adjourn until It has by some excellen t work, and the on the railw. j midw-iv between stand to testify that he alone EVANSVILLE, Ind., Feb. 19. tors. passed upon bills yet to be receiv­ offensive was generally good with Shanghai and Hangchow, where ing It, they could not live a Meridian, Miss. was responsible for the allowance One of the very Important pro­ the exception of Ashland’s failure Sun apparently has determined to month. R oads Im passable ed from the senate. of the $7,000,000 alien property — America’s first Gold Star visions of the bill clarifies the mother, Mrs. Alice Gresham to shoot baskets when they had make a stand. Continuing throughout the day claim lnvolvod In the trial, of z Faint Chance law with reference to the sise of the opportunity. Finally they stated that if It the precipitation has rendered former attorney general Harry Dodd, aged 04, has Joined her the loans that may be made to ' FORMER RESIDENT JHRB Coach Cripe today predicted a waa possible for the youths to many roads Impassible, washed M. Daugherty and former Allen son In death today. Word has bean received in victory for the locals when they She died with pneumonia In a any individual or corporation. The change their climate constant­ out bridges and left the marsh Property Custodian Thomas W. restrictions In thia respect in the Ashland of the death of Will W. meet the same team tonight at ly there might be a faint chance, land Inaccessible to all save boats. Miller, the defense rested Its case little cottage here, which the national laws are more rigid than Nickerson, aged «0 years, In Medford, due to the fact that Evansville cltisens had built for It has been established that 12 late today. depending qn the fact that the In most state laws. The new law Merced, Cal., Feb. 10. Death they will have had the experience reaction of the various atmos­ persons lost their lives In Sabine Goff, who was assistant to her as a memorial to her son does not Increase the limit hsre- was due to Influenza complica­ of last night’s game to go oa. • ——■■I I pheres 'I n different localities Daugherty In 1921, declared with James Bethel Gresham, the first tofore permitted, hut clearly aeta (Please Turn to Page 3) tions. Ashland Father Slashes Throats of would eventually' loosen the Medford pmphasls that he was ”no auto­ American soldier killed In the out and defines the character of The deceased was formerly a Melvin Nutter maton” In the department of World war. chalk and they would be able Entire Family, Then such loans and advances as may resident of this city for many Archer Parr justice, and that he approved the to exhale IL Ends Own Life be purchased. 3 years and la survived by bis wife, Laing MALONEY WINS Garnett The ease attracted considerable claims without consulting his Improved methods are furnish­ who was Miss Ella Shepherd, Anderson - MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, Hill UTICA. N. Y„ Feb. 1«.— (UN) Inteipst and a firm of under­ chief. ed for certlflcetton of checks, both member of one of tbe pioneer McDonald Abbott —George Taylor killed hla wife writers, hacking the doctors up, Daugherty and Miller have New York. Feb. 10.— (UN)— by member banks and by Federal families of thia section, and a Substitutes, Medford, -Deuw, and five children by slashing their placed a stake of *1000 that been on trial for the past ten Jimmy Maloney e f Boston, last Reserve Banka Permission la married daughter, Mrs. Lets Phipps, Ashland Leedem and Mc­ throats and then took hla own J. W. Klein, a pipe organ ex­ they could net live to reach BI days on charges of conspiring to night exploded the myth which given for other officers to per­ Nickerson Childers of Merced. Gee. life In the same manner, accord­ Paso, Texas, and return to their pert from the factory near L or defraud the government of their has surrounded tbe prowees of form acts which have been hereto­ ,ck Delaney of Bridgeport, by fore limited to the president and ing (o the theory of police who homes, the only conditions Im­ Angeles, has been spending tbe unblassod services as government Jacl found the seven bodies in the Tay­ posed were that they go hand­ past two weeks In Ashland re­ bfficlals in allowing the Swiss f h i Ipplng the vaunted French- the cashier. AMERICAN WOMAN GET» BURNER BLOWS OVER lor home. cuffed together and without ask­ pairing and thoroughly overhaul­ ¡Metals claim. The government Canadian throughout 10 rounds * Another Important provision In AMBASSADOR’S HOME ing the organ at the Vining thea­ The oldest boy, Owen, l l , ap­ ing aid on the way or Intention­ MARSHFIELD, Feb. 1«.— A also contends that Daugherty and of dlapapolntlng fighting before that granting to the tre. huge refuse and sawdust burner peared to have been tbe only ally breaking the law. ^Miller shared In a *441,000 bribe 22,000 spectators in Maidlson Banks the privilege of Mr. Klein has added several LONDON — (UP) — Crewe at the Ceos Bay Lumber Go., member of ,the family to resist paid the late John T. King for Square Gardens Friday n ight By loans for e longer Leave Quebec new attachments, which only tbe House, the home of two succes­ plant blew over last night, the his father’s .attack. Hla body waa his services In having the claim hla victory, the Boston strong boy year on real estate The hoys accepted and on the eliminated Delaney from the list sive American ambassadors to damage being estimated at *40,- found on the floor, Indicating that 20th of May left Quebec in newest Instruments are equip­ allowed. farm land. Farmers have >of logical contenders for Gene Great Britain, and which was 000. the boy had fought for hla life. search of health, with no mrfney ped with, and when finished the been entitled to live-year Tunney’s title and earned for recently vacated when Ambas­ A driving wind here caused All of the other bodies were In wnd BO equipment and the c a r « organ will be'Completely up-to- since the brigtnal law waa sador Houghton moved to Mor­ much damage, tearing down eigne beds where the father appears to ^ e e miagiy ai ready stacked against date. *”*• „No increase will be demanded himself a bout with tha wlnaer ed. , i' Mike McTlgue - Jack Work Is expected to be com- for national forest grazing fees, of the gan House, will shortly have an­ and was estimated to have have attacked them all while they Sharkey contest next month. pleted within the next few days. this year. - (Please Tarn to Paga S) other American chatelaine. (Continued