Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, February 18, 1927, Image 1

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Cloudy and unsettled tonight and
probably rain.
ia a potential pay roll for 7
Ashland’s Leading Ne
(Unit«« News W ire Servie«)
to the
W. 0. W. LODGE
Extra Period Needed to De­
feat Faculty by One ;
Point Mangin
Poorest Speller
Ornees Troi
(United Prete W ire Service)
l Y,
N O .']
FEB. 18, 1927
— (U N )— “ Paul, the R
Falls in a Faint and Sym­
has been la town again end
pathetic Priests Offer
ping clerks In wholesale houi
have had their annual struggle
In. figuring out his orders.
B A K E R S FIE LD . CaL. Feb. 18.
No one recalls
Paol’s rag) — (U N )— A élever swindler "Who
name, but he is known as the preys on priests and churchmen
champion poor speller o f the trad­ has appeared in California.
ers who come to Vancouver to
Appearing at some church, the
obtain their tuppllee. Letters stranger suddenly faints, and
from him , are treasured for their upon being revived, says, “ My
peculiar fepellint. 'Never having God, give pie some food, I
attended schools where Epgtfcm haven’t* eaten for days.” He is
Is spoken,, he writes the word« as always fed by kind-hearted per­
they sound .when he pronounces sons and usually given money.
The man appeared at the St.
.Among Paul’s orders this tim e Francb church here and went
were eofe. (coffee.) shouo tobhdfUnto h b faint.
Upon being re­
(chewing tobacco) b la b parafdm' »nTe,
ived he was fed a hearty meal
(lilac perfume)7 I
ra l
(ro ll) and sympathetic priests gave him
pianist eaten (flannelette cot­ |1 0 .
They haven't seen him
ton,) 3 Tai gengamf gingham ), 1 sinee.
__ . —
dos met» (m itts ), shot (ab o u t) 19
Descriptions of the swindler
par shous (pairs of shoes), < have been given the police, who
wendars 8 pain (six windows. M y that he had appeared in sev
each with six panes) 2 4 led eto)N|i era| California cities and misled
(fo n r-lld stoves.) -
Mtple without arousing suspic-
Paul alee Is noted for hie hon­
Church officials say the
esty, a very remarkable memory man b a finished actor, grabbing
and his bookkeeping. These w W food given him as though fam­
know him say be rarely ever fort ished, and showing a remarkable
gets anytp’ng and has an annantf ability to stimulate unconscious­
faculty of keeping h b accounts ness.
straight. A ll Tear round he goto
between Quesnel end a village l i d
miles north of there, buying furs
and trading with the hunters and
trappers of the Cariboo country.
Battery B’s fast basketball ag­
gregation emerged
trium phant
last night In the final contest of Stvle Show. Auto Show and
Vaudeville on March 1
the city basketball league pro­
and 2 - Planned
moted by thb Y M. C A. Bat­
tery B and the Faculty team were
National Convention Will be tied' for first place In the series LEGION HAS CHARGE
Held' in This City
and they met for a fight to .the
Next Year
finish In the first game of the Enthusiasm In Community Pro­
ject Mounts Dally; Ford
evening. A t the close of the game
OHAMBRR IS SPONSOR the score stood 29 a ll and It took
Coupe to be Prise
Director« Urge Support to Plan; the extra throe minute period to
Each day added momentum is
decide the score which ended 29
Spring Opening Is
to 29, the wfnnlng score being a given the enthusiasm which is
foul shot. The game was fast greeting the effort of the ’ local
from start to finish neither team American Legion post, sponsors
An Invitation to the Woodmen
being able to get lead enough to for the big Spring Opening, auto
of the W orld to hold their nation­
make sure of victory. In the show and style show which w ill be
al convention in Ashland in 1*28,
second game between the High held at the Ashland armory on
and assurance from national of
School Seconds and the Normal the nights of March 1 and 2.
fleers of this fra te rn a l. organisa­
Merchants today
Seconds, the Normal boys emerg­
tion that Ashland’s Invitation
ed victors with a safe score, 31 to that they are selecting the var­
would be accepted • featured a
11. The final game of the eve­ ious frocks and other wearing
special meeting of the chamber
ning was played between the H I-. apparel which their models w ill
of commerce directors at the L lth -
T Employed boys and the L ith ­ display on the two nights of the
la Springs hotel-yesterday.
ians. .This game was a fight to show. Auto dealers have placed
The chamber directors adopted
the finish to stay out of the cel­ orders for the very latest models
a resolution pledging their sup­
lar, the H i-Y Employed team Just of cars for exhibit purposes In
port to the Woodmen of the
crawHng out by a one point vic­ the auto show department, while
W orld In arousing Interest in tory which was won on a foul other merchants are making com­
Ashland and Southern Oregon, to
plete plans for their displays of
shot In an overtime period.
the end that the 1928 convention
The final score being H y-Y Em ­ new spring and summer goods of
here would be one of the great­ ployed Id , Lithians IB. The f i­ all kinds.
est ever held by the organization. ns) standing of the teams are:
W hile the merchants are bend­
President O. F. Carson appoint
Battery B, first place Faculty, ing every effort to make their
ed a special committee to work
nd; Normal Seconds, third; part ef the Spring Opening a
with officers of the lodge to nr High School Seconds, fourth; H i- rousing success, the Legion com­
range preliminary details for the Y Employed, fifth and Lithians,. mittee Is busy night and day
MISSOULA, Mont., Feb. 18.—
chamber’s cooperation in the con­ sixth. The winning team w ill' be working out the many details o f
(U N )— A final check on the
vention plan.
presented with a silver eup. "The the big show. Practically all of
’damaged tim ber of the last fire
Members of this committee are series was a decided success from I the five vaudeville acts to be
season in the national forests
SUVA FIJI, Feb. 18,— ( U P )—
V. V . M ills. C. A. Malone and H. every point. Not one game was shown each night have been sign­
oi Western Montana and north­
In to the picturesque tropical har­
L. Claycomb.
forfeited, but all were played as ed up and rehearsals are noyr
ern Idaho has been made.
'A t the suggestion of M r. Clay- per schedule,” - said Secretary under way.
reveals that (he ferests of these
fringed shores, and studded w ith
comb, the directors voted to hold W alter.
W ithin the next day or two
. areas suffered a loss of 792.-
definite announcement w ill be f'nat,Te
.the Brl
a Joint meeting with lo cal’ gro­
cruiser Renown steamed joday, '919,000 board feet/ The season’s
cers and commission merchants
made of the free street stunts to
fire loss exceeded that of the
for the purpose of aroeking a
be held on the down town busi­ bearing the D a te of York, second preceding season because so much
Gog of the British
g rille s -----------
nn’ted spirit ’ of cooperation in
ness streets between 7 and
8 eon of the king
hi<A wife, dagghdw ot the timber burned was In
promoting the interests of Ash­
o’clock each night of the ebow».«;'
« a ¿ on their m e > “ »« w* eetefn pine belt.
land products.
Cooperation ‘ of
W hat promises to he n mag­
h alt of the total loss
............ A W Almost
the chamber with the farmers,
net to attract several hundred “ ra ^le
Kanlkau-fores|, where
rrorers and merchants genenattr
people on the lest p tffit erf (be
„ 9 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 board feet of THH-
will result in better conditions. Former Frerident Obregron »bow is the anhouhjmment ths( |
Gives Hie Idee of What
trffpl ber w ew destroyed.
Mr. Clavoomb declared.
tofrng in
paint sh
geek 1827 Ford coupe will
Considerable salvage w ill be
-* Wonld Help
Another reeotutlon was adopted
»h away on the (dosing' n ig h t cal turni
there- however.
pledging the unanimous support
This feature is attracting w ile - the Rei
Ificane» <hd might. ' P® P1« F,atheBd forest, the
of the chamber to the big Spring
soroad interest throughout the
•lgbtod on Athe offing.
Io8“ 8 were
Opening which w ill be held at thé (U P ) — More determined work c ity ,.
vAe ape
armory on March 1 and 2 under and leas flowry t a l k . is what
__ _
welcome eame
In addition to the nuto show, sbtffi
the auspices of the local American Mexico needs to solve her many style review end vnudevill pro­ Tropi (ha'jjfblte(»rósldelìts of this feet forest 148,000,000 board
harassing difficulties,, and. when
I t is believed that little
Legion post.
gram on the opening night,' the b tttp o d tW the-. British Empire
Officers of the Woodmen of the th b work is accomplished the Legion has arranged for a big knd excited native», arrayed In of this may be reclaimed.
W orld declared that more than country w ill reap the benefit of country store, at which many val­ I h e f r b b t t clothes for this 6c-
300 accredited delegates w ill be great natural resources, equal uable merchandise prises w ill be é M t o n . R n y a gets little excite­ Returned from Salem—
H al M cljalr. who lias spent the
here for the national convention to those anywhere in North given away. The; Country Store ment hbydnd the regular calling
past few days in Salem,- Ore.,
next year. In addition to the America.
always proves a strong drawing of the .mail boato, and this Was
attending the legislature return­
Such was the statement of
regular delegates, they predlA-
card in any city, and with the hn occasion only equalled pre-
ed to his home on Oak street
ed that more than 200 lodge mem­ General Alvaro Obregon, form ­ prises which the Legion expects to ~~ (P lee«s~T u rn to~Pagu s / '
yesterday. .
bers would be here for the meet­ er president of Mexico, while give away during this fM tu re,
ing and attendant festivities. It here on business recently, Obre­ many persons w ill receive in mer­
is planned to hold the convention gon said there was no end to chandise far more than the small
during the latter part of June, possibilities in bis native land. admission cost to the show.
“The west const o f Mexico,”
and arrangements w ill be made to
use the Chautauqua building for the .form er liberal leader ex­
plained, “ has a potential wealth
the business sessions.
F 7 /
vastly greater than that of the
west coast of the United States.
W ater for Irrigation purposes
FOR PICTURE THEATERS may be taken from* IT different
rivers; the climate is good; the
is perfect. By bringing cli­
N E W YO RK , Feb. 18.— (U P )
— Motion picture houses are too mate, water and soil together Merchants Tailors Conven­
tions Suggest But Few *
dark, according to Guy A. Henry, we could have a paradise.”
General Director of the Eye Sight
Conservation Council of America. former political leader said that
In poorly lighted auditoriums, his business in the United States
PO RTLAND. Ore., Feb, 18. —
he asserted,, people are subject had no political significance. He (U N )— Merchant tailors of the
was here to buy supplies and Pacific coast, who met here for
to eyestrain.
Investigations reveal that man­ organise a business deal through their annual convention, decided
agers of motion picture theatres which he has already leased that the present style of men’s
have no method of determining thousands of acres of Mexican clothing was quite satbfactory
the effectiveness of the lighting, land owned by Americans.
for another year at least.
“ I am here to work— to pro­
said Henry, who urged the fram ­
They did recommend, however,
ing of a special code of Illu ­
a few minor changes which in­
mination for motion plcUfre audi­ States on the west coast of cludes:
toriums, following a scientific Mexico',” ha ■ smilingly explained.
Coats with full rounded cheat
A t his home in the state of and soft rolling fronts.
study of the problem.
Sonora, the ex-president is doing
Coat collars to he Set lower
many things to show his faith and well rounded.
in Mexico’s possibilities.
Slightly longer coats w ith the
be­ central vent #ln the back.
ing constructed under his di­
Waistcoats to be fashioned full
COTTONWOOD FALLS, Kan., rection, a s e ttle m e n t project for chested andl single breasted. -
The use of suspenders.
Feb. 18.— (U P )— No longer w i’l natives, and the production of
Wide trousers have now be­
the fifty-m ile gales, heavy snow millions of dollars annually worth
of peas, tomatoes and peppers come the vogue, the tailors de­
storms and drifting snows hold
terrors for farmers of Chase which ar« sent to the United cided, but they are not to go to
the extreme. They should meas­
county who must keep In com­
Declaring that ha Is not In­ ure from SO 1-8 to 81 1-8 inches
munication with the county seat
terested la the oil situation and at the bottom and fame 17 1-2 to
during the winter months. Snow
other Mexican troubles, Obregon I t ’ at the. knee. Plain bottoms
fences, erected in the fa ll and
said he has settled down to ’’pro­ are correct tor dark and dressy
taken down and rolled rp in the
ductive peacefulness” — a rare materials, but cuffs are permit­
spring, are successfully k e-p ln r
gesture for a Mexican general and ted for light colors and sporty
the .western Kansas roads cldar
a form er president of the south­
• ¿ 7 ■*'
of snow.
The fences are ra-tde
ern republic.
of woven wire with pickets four
Incorrect and bad taste to wear
or five feet high and are stretch­
Portland — Heavy shipments a whits wabteopt with a taxedfe
ed along the north side of the
highways 100 feet back from the of Portland-made bathing suits and light colored overcoat with
go to Europe,
a dress salt or bright colored hat.
Seasons Fire Loss
. Shows an Increase
Royal Family Are
Visiting Tropics
Aouropriation of Hundred
Fifty Thousand for Build­
ing is Favored
legislature Gives np all
of Finishing Session In
Prescribed Time
SALEM. Feb. 18.— The house
bill appropriating one hundred
and fifty thousand dollars for
new building, and 833,210 for
general expenses of the Southern
Oregon Normal school passed the
house today.
SALEM. Feb. 18.— This Is the
fourtleth day that the legislature
has been in session and they
have definitely eliminated any
hope of adjourning without an
marks the end of the normal ses­
sion,'^ period for.which the law­
makers have paid. W ork after
today will be gratis. Both houses
and the senate are faced with
heavy calendars.
Vetoes B ill
Governor Patterson late Thurs­
day vetoed the Wilson rivpr toll
bill and sent the bill and his mes­
sage back to the house of repre­
sentatives Just before adjourn­
Expect to Celebrate. the
Hundredth Anniversary
in 1933
CHICAGO, Feb. 18.— (U P )—
Future, present and past in the
worlds of business, engineering,
a rt and agriculture will be par­
ad'd.! before the people of the
nation in 1933 when Chicago
celebrates its 100th birthday.
Plans aré going forward for
the , exhibit, which according to
those In charge, will surpass
everything done of this nature
before in the country.
N. Hurley, former head of the
Shipping Board, is chairman of
the committee preparing for the
big event.
Attempts are being made to
have .th e Olympic games here
that year.
While the Olympic
games • coiné only every four
years— which means In 1932
and then again in 1936— the
committee will attempt to exert
the necessary influence to have
the games in 1933 and in Chi­
Plans already call for using the
giant Soldiers Field, scene ot the
Eucharistic Congress and the last
Army-'Navy football game, for the
centennial exposition.
Then too, Chicago is suggest
ing that a mammoth hall— cap
able of housing any sort ot per
formance— be erected for this
It Is pointed out that
the ball not only could be used
for national political conventions,
big sporjing events and similar
The committee also is plan­
ning to erect temples for the
various units of the centennial.
One will be a labor temple. Plans
call for agricultural, fine arts,
engineering and manufacturing
This will be in addition to the
museum and big public buildings
along Lake Michigan which*«
The governor's veto brings
climax the two year fight
force the highway commission
construct the road or authorise
its construction under private toll
The governor gave as his rea-
1 son for vetoing the bill " It la lo ­
cal in color,” and that “ this local
convenience is not sufficient to
counterbalance the fact that the
road is not vitally needed from a
opmmerclal viewpoint.” He also ready
«»Id be objected to the emerg«
Cyclones ■ in South Kill
: Thirty Five and do
Heavy Damage
F ruit Region of Month la Warned
of Cold Weather That
May Damage Tree»
CHICAGO, Feb. 18.— Atmos­
pheric disturbances today caused
widespread damage throughout
the nation with- a loss of life
from storm and tide estimated as
high as seventy-two. In the del­
ta region of the south, centering
In Mississippi and Louisiana, cy-
slones swept through many com­
munities, and the loss of Ufa
was estimated at thirty-five.
The storm reached Itq greatest
fury In the vicinity of Pleasant
H ill, Louisiana.
steamer Elkton was missing be­
tween the Phlllplnea and Guam,
and it was believed that it went
down with thirty-seven men. Cal­
ifornia was coming back after a
tremendous rain fall, which caus­
ed all of the rivers to rise, with
resulting flood conditions. A cold
wave was threatened'in the mid­
dle west, with a temperature be­
low zero pending. The govern­
ment forecasts predict *that the
cold wave will extend into the
fruit region of the old south, and
may cause considerable damage to '
budding trees.
K ills Thirty-five
N EW ORLEANS. Feb. 18.— A
cyclone that struck portions of
Mississippi and Louisiana late
have been tendered the yesterday took a toll of lives esti­
mated at 35 injuring more than
lo r the cfintenplal.^
40 persons end causing huge
property damage.
Two entire families were wiped
but. The worst fury of the
^tnrm was spent in the Pleasant
H ill district, where casualties
may mount to a dozen.
clause attached to the bill, declar­
ing that “ no emergency exists.”
As soon as the governor's mes­
sage bad been read In the house,
Representative Grgham, Washing­
ton county, moved that the bill
and message be laid on the table
to give him. as be expressed it,
“ time to Investigate and see what Would Like to End Custom
this action o f > the governor
of Betrothal Made by
Parents Before Birth
Graham said the house should
grant him the courtesy to table
PEK IN G — (U P ) — A striking
the bill whfle he -investigated. example of the conflict between
This the house granted and Gra­ China’s adopted Occidental legal
ham left the chamber, evidently codes and the inherited customs
In a warm frame of mind.
of her people is furnished by a
He Knows WAen He's Had Enough
iper far Over Fifty Year)
A in T âc HM'
»T uke Tw wp
XT Rs Tüte of
- bò T ì
Strong Wind»
M E R ID IA N , Miss.. Feb. 18.—
Eight persons were killed at Rose-
hill. 45 miles south of here last
night when a windstorm swept-
•hat section, according to reports
received here.
The wind was so vtoient that
41 bales of cotton were picked up
and hurled a long distance. Two-
case now before the Peking dis­ of the bodies were blown 200
trict court in which a girl, be­ yardb.
trothed before birth, is striving
Steamer Goes Down
to avoid marriage with a man she
ILLA . Feb. 18.— Thirty-
Twenty-three years ago two seven men have perished and the
families, the
Hans and the freighter Elkton, with a million
Tsaos, were neighbors in the dollar cargo, has gone to the bot­
small town of Tsai Yu Chen near tom between the Philippines and
In the fashion known Guam, is the belief of insurance
to all Chinese for centuries, these companies.
No trace of lifeboats or the
families pledged tbelr friendship
by agreeing that If the next wreckage have been f o u n d ,
•hough four navy destroyers have
children born to both families
cruised over the sea’s course In a
were ot opposite sexes they would
search for the Elkton.
be betrothed.
To the Han fam ily was borif
a daughter; to the Tsao family,
a son. The betrothal took place.
As the years passed. Miss Han
An informal Knights Templar
grew into a clever industrious party will be beld on the evening
girl, attractive in nil respects i f Tuesday, Feb. 23, at Masonic
and of considerable literary ac Hall. Ashland, under the auapldea
complishtnents. On the contrary, of Malta Commandery, No. 4, of
the heir to the Tsao name and •his city. Dancing, cards and fea­
property found no Interests be­ ture entertainment. The event
yond the home farm and, in the will partake of an observance o f
eyes of Miss Han, was not only Washington’s Birthday.
A ll
uncultured mentally but uncouth Knights Templar and Indies are
in appearance.
cordially invited. The committee
The time drew near for the In charge have issued invitations
marriage. Miss Han’s father died, to the membership in Ashland,
and thus removed one of the Medford, and adjacent towns, en­
great binding ties of the Chinese deavoring to cover this entire ter­
A t once she exerted ritory. However, if nay parties
pressure tq obtain release from have been overlooked, thio an­
a promise in which she had had nouncement will serve as a ro-
.minder that they* are Included In
no part.
But the bond had been signed. the list.
R. E. Detrick and W . H. Mc­
The Tsao fam ily was obdurate.
Only one solution appeared, and Nair. of Ashland, and R.
that has been taken through ref­ Sweeney and W . W . McDonald, of
erence oi the marriage contract Medford, are member« e l the,
committee o a ----------- — —
to the courts.
Halraman Hero T o d a y -
Henry Weishaar, a salesman
for Oeorge Lawrence company
in Portland, Ore., Is »pending the
day In Ashland looking after
busiaese affairs.
visitors from Wn
Mrs. William Karhy,
man Summers aad
lor of Wagner Ci
Ashland yesterday
visiting with fries«