• LY T idings THEWEATHEB • Cloudy and unsettled tonight and Friday, probably rain. XsMandg Leading (United N eve W ife Servlet) TT to the 3F Velame 4» ASHLAND, 0 KEOON, NEW NATIONAL 1 « M Y TERRIFIC RAIN BÀNK11W LAWS' ™ r a ™ [ IN SOUTHLAND CONTINUES TO ARE NOV UP TO PRESIDENT CAUSE DAMAGE Unusual Interest Shown at Day Draws Bear for Championship Game Two far Over Fifty Years is a potential pay roll for r2 land. (United Press Wire Service) DAŸ, FEB, 17, 19-27 Mode Happy THIRTEEN ARE UN HUNDRED M B VOTE WILL BE QN U E LOST IN SNOW SNT TO NICARAGUA M INCOME TAX SLIDE CAUSED LATE IN JUNE BY HEAVY RAIN A valuable dianv>ftartmont. ' ' ' ' ’ A diamond ring -waa lost the first of this week, ’ WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 7 .— a small advertisement |n The Tidings Monday even­ (U N )— Two hundred marines and ing called attention to fhe fact that -the ring had six airplanes have been ordered by the navy department to Cor­ been lost. Shortly after the paper came out, Mrs. into, Nicaragua. O. Winters informed the Tidings that such a ring The planes are to be used in First Eye Witness of Dis­ reconnoiterlng Secretary of State Checking had been found. The owner and the finder soon work. The troops aster Arrives in Fresno Up on Earliest Possible got together, and a srtuUl investment luid made a and equipment will be sent from Today Date handsong) return for the owner of the ring. San Diego, Cal., aboard the de­ tender Melville. Tuesday a g°id win |h wqs found. The finder BRINGS W THE BODIES stroyer This action is regarded here as SPECIAL BILLS ABB UP brought it to the Tiding! office, where again a little Avalanche Cornea W ithout W ant­ further indicating the determina­ Withdrawal Corvallis Building classified advertisement*wa« set to work. Killeen tion ot the United States to en­ ing and Snuffs Out Lives mw np Financial me out, the watch was minutes after the pa: force peace and order In the cl o f Workmen ■at ion war tone. _ __ the owner. • identified and returned ________ I Qte*«» A**’ done for these people it What the* Tidings 17.- FRESNO. Cal., Feb « a E e M, Feb. 17.— In the lat­ (U N )— Bearing the first eye wit­ ter part of June probably Tues­ ising columns of ‘/your can do for you. The. ness description of the Big Creek day the 26th, the people of Ore­ home paper” 'are read every’ night by hundreds of (mow avalanche which is believed gon will be called to the polls to Southern Oregon people, If you have anything to ttf have taken the lives of 13 vote the income tax bill which sell, buy, rent or trade, o|r if yoii have lost or found workers in the high Sierras, John was put through by the senate and anything, put a little advertisement to work for Utterback, head caretaker of the the house by decisive votes. Sec­ demolished camp, arrived here Court House Where Inquest retary ot State Kqaer Is checking you, then sit by and which the results. late today. up on the time which m u s t Was Being Held Scene Utterback started out of Camp elapte between the legislature of Fight With an uhuaual demand for tickets, the Ashland-Medford bas­ ketball game, to be played on the Junior High floor Friday evening promises to he one of the best attended events of the aeasqn. Senate Under Pressure of Coach Crlpe’a players are under­ Transportation «od Com­ munication Facilities Clotttre Bule Adopta going some stiff workouts < thia Measure Yesterday Are Paralysed week, and with his team again intact after undergoing the rav­ WILL SIOW THE BILL ages e f influents, local tans are MANY LIVES ABB LOST freely predicting that Ashland Death Toll Known No Opposition Is Expected will be on the long end of the a May Resell Develop From the Eiecu- score. thro Office This game la the first of what may be a four game aeries to di­ LOS ANGELE8, Feb. 17.— WASHINGTON, Feb. IT. vide the championship of South­ is (UN) — Under cover of the ern Oregop, and both teams have (U N )— Southern California noisy farm relief discussion Sec­ been pointed all season for thia bending under the worst rainfall retary of the Treasury Mellon one series, aa the winner has the In history, was flood-bound today. Twelve persona were known has quietly nursed through con­ honor of representing the district gress a sweeping bill relating at the state tournament at Sa­ dead front the three days of con­ restrictions on the national bank­ lem. Thia fact also accounts for stant downpour, while reports in­ ing system and granting perpet­ the nnusual -Interest that la be­ dicated that the death toll might ual characters to federal reserve ing displayed in the first game reach as high aa 20. Transportation and communi­ banks. by outside fans. Medford has The «last stretch of thin ice repeated their request for addi­ cation facilities were paralysed, was paaaed over when the aen tional tickets, but high school of­ bridgea were washed out’ and ate under pressure of a cloture ficials have held up on this, to homes flooded by raging torrents rule, adopted the conference re­ give every Ashland fan /am ple running wild In normally dry riv­ “By raising the calves I have a port on the Pepper-McFadden opportunity to secure their tick-* er beds. No, a man does, not have Tbe weather bureau offered no eow or two to sell from time to measure. It was approved 71 to eta. They are on sale at Rose work his head off to make it relief, stating that the present time he said. “I never could 17. Now It goee to the presi­ Brothers. but he mnat work hia head.' storm would not abate before to­ make any great amount of money dent. who will sign ft. Harry Weagant, • Valley morrow night. on cows,” he.remarked, “but they During the scanty debate rancher, who has proven that Intermittent rainfall and con­ bring in ready money and afford chargee were made that bankers head work goes a long way tinued winds of high velocity me a market for my hay.” and big 'financial houses had ward success. # , from the ocean was the forecast. He has ten tens of hay to sell lobbyists at work around Wash­ He must not atop with head One Line Runs each year. work, however, aa he runs hie own ington.. Only one transcontinental rail­ 24 acre jdace, cares for U How about your chickens; Senator Wheeler. Montana, 'll way line, the Southern Pacific, charged that an officer of the acre orchard near by, rents 40 “best of anything,” he replied was operating and it was dis­ Sixty Students and Two “Some men make it acres ot a neighbor besides doing quickly. American Bankers association at­ patching traîna to San Francisco Teachers Are 111 in considerable spraying for hie f«M best with cows and some do bet­ tempted to break down the op­ only. Its fliers ware reported aa Marshfield low orchardleta. “Moot to* tor with chickens, just depends on position of Representative Hull much as five hours late. The the man." * by offering him legal business MARSHFIELD, Feb. 17.— Santa Fe reported Its trains held nch,” he sometime« thinks. ’ “Chickens’ Pay" He owns a Cleatrack tractor of banks. Attempts were made (U N )— Coos Bay school attend­ np for precautionary reasons. Jlis flock of 226 birds has the that he finds very efficient la to “reach" other opponents, Sen­ ance marks are suffering as the The Union Pacific, following the getting the heavy work out of the run of the p)aqe up to wet weath­ ator Wheeler charged. result of an Influents epidemic accident to one ot Its filers, tour er, when they are kept inside. Lobby Fund among children. miles from Whittier, had tempor­ Weagant flnda thgt they pay place he *e* Following the vote. Senator About »0 students and t w o arily suspended operations to profit of »2 per head. He 11 acres Glaaa, offered a resolution call­ teacher« are ill and unable to at­ southern California hia baby chicks. urth pears and ing for an investigation to learn tend Marshfield high school, while Last night the east bound LoU iwtoa sm H» finds -the pitfalls to the whether banking interest« bad ever 76 students, Including mem­ Angeles limited, driving tfcrewgt igtbrchaqd are young. business I* the little t h i n g s . a lobby at work’here for the bill. bers of the basketball team, have a terrific downpour, crashed 4bat,en the whole, the “With good stock and buildings He said It hand been reported that been stricken with the malady through a bridge over 8an Anton­ ' not; proven a paying close attention tb business with a »10®.800 lobby fund bad been from the North. Bend high school. io creek, bringing Instant death to hut hopes that from eyes open, guided by the O. A. C. raised by bankers. Grade schools on the bay also the engineer. An unidentified The feat of obtaining perpet­ report a number of students out passenger was reported down now w i t may phow batter re­ "bulletin, and successful growers, turn. J . ' . ' one should make good with chick­ ual characters for the federal of classes due to inflnensa. stream, while two more were ens," said he. Hl« »Haifa he considered a reserve banks eight years before probably fatally injnred and four pacing orcty- Pour tons to the the present 20 year charters ex­ Mr.' Weagant has been on this others hurt in the crash. pire Is a feat never beftore ac­ In addition to those killed in acRe .tn'thriM cuttings is the yield ranch for six years and from the complished In the financial his­ tbe train aceldent, two fishermen, he «octiRen,' Beside this he gets start has been getting ahead. tory of the country. caught by the storm off Santa considerable pasture tor his cows He says he would not« care to This same charter question Monica, were reported lost. One after the third cutting la off- try to get along without the wa­ Thirty tbna of this hay la fed ter, hia ranch being In the Talent youth was drowned when blown wrecked the First Bank ot the from a railroad bridge into a riv­ on the place to the dairy stock, Irrigation District. He f e e l s United States under Madison when congress refused to renew Clenry and Broadcasters all er there, last reporta from San oows and some half dosen ealfs that the right man with »2000 or that Mr.' Weagant raises each Diego said. the original character. In the Join .Hands Aqainst (Please Turn to Page 6) , • Eight have been killed in traf­ year. ' case of the Second National Bank Evangelist fic accidents resulting from wet — both of these banks being the ~ BOSTON, Feb. 17.— (UN )— streets In Los Angeles during tbe I early «counterparts of the present Radio broadcasting stations here past three days. federal reserve system, a national with the Conditions were said to be the election hung on the Issue of Re­ have Joined forces suming Its charter and when clergy to prohibit tbe appearance worst In San Diego. Radio dis­ Jackson won he killed the bank. in Boston of Aimee Semple Mc­ patches reported that the border Pherson, barnstorming evangelist town had .been struck by the ' Many Provisions of Los Angeles. worst storm since 1SB0. The Pepper-McFartden bill also Three of Boston’s largest broad­ contains many other sweeping (Please Turn to Page 6) casting stations announced that is a provisions, hidden in the tangle she would not be allowed to use of technical banking danses. One tbelr studios or wave lengths. is the branch banking provision Thia announcement came after it whick permits national banks to had been reported from New York establish branches in states which that her engagement to speak permit state banks to have through WRNY had been cancel­ branchea. led. Another provision loosens np Alleged financial Inducements the amount of paper money is­ have been offered by Almee’a ag­ W*r Lord Entrusted With Defense of Shanghai u suable on gold reaerves, permit­ ents for the use ef the churches, Betreating ting issue of »2.60 In paper for but they have been apurned. every dollar of gold Instead Of SHANGHAI. Feb. 17.— (U N )— holding the gold certificates to Hangchow capital of the Chekiang 10q per cent of the actual gold. province, has failed before the It permits national banks to thrust of Cantonese troope and make five year real estate loans. Marshal Sun Chuan-fang, north­ The old limit was one year. ern war lord entrusted with' the This far reaching bill has mov­ defense of Shanghai, waa retreat­ ed through congress under the MARVELINE. Mo., Feb. 1 7 .- t ing before the vlctorioue southern hands of the leaders with scant (UN )— When asked today by re­ troops, authoritative information attention being paid to It, porters fof tbe whole story of her reaching here said. While congress was fighting The capitulation of Hangchow, elopement with D. V. Downey, over farm relief Mellon was former pastor of St. Bohaventure pivotal point in the Chinese mili­ watcbtng for an opening. Then Catholic church here, Mrs. Down­ tary campaign has imperiled the farm bloc began to clamor ey, the. former Maudle Myers, Shanghai and threatens collapse for action recently, those behind' said: of the defending northern anal»«. the banking bill made a deal by Facing further attacks Sun waa “For »100 I will tell the whole which the bankers would help «tory of the elopement." reported to have established Ms get a vote on the farm bill and She Intimated that her husband last line of defense at Sunkiang, the farmers .would help get a had written out a statement on tho forty miles from Shanghai. vote on the hank hill. about tbe marriage and that he Today JJpnator Caraway, Ark., had entrusted It to her. She re­ STEIWKR TO W a SHINOTOX democrat, made a humorous fused to let the statement pass PENDLETON. Feb. 17.— (UN) speech about Secretary Mellon’s. from her possession. — United States Senator Elect Ignorance of farm life. It W*o “Money first and then the Btolwer left here Wednesday for tj Washington to take the oath of very funny. And a few minutes statement," she said. later the senate, by passing the She said that bar husband Is office and make arrangements hanking bill, erected a monument working as a traveling salesman for other dealt« In connection with > to the aatnteneaa of Mellon that for a Chicago concern and that he hie trip there as senator from Ore­ will stand aa lo n g aa the federal would meet hie former parish­ gon when the December term of congress convenes. ioners hers soon. reserve system lives. HSHI* ACRES COOS BAY DISTRICT s u r a s m a fui AIMEE IS REFUSED USE OF STATIONS That Lets Us Out -fas TAKE CAPITAL CITY THE POULTBY DfDUSTBY vari ITALIAN MOO A hrl I " ' MURDER OF BOY 72 ef the Southern California Company with the bodies of three companions killed in the disaster. He took them to El Prado, where they were transferred to a hearse and brought here. “The avalanche came without warning,” Utterbach, a small wiry man of about 60, told the United News. “Coming during the night it struck the bunk hous­ es with a terrific roar and the men within had no chance to es­ cape. Hears Screams "I waa above the ravine and un til I heard the>screama and cries from below, I did not know what had happened. All was confusion