Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1927)
Waited te Ashland— Mr. and Mrs. A . T. M cllraln, MUa Tint« Anderson and Mrs. McClaren of Rogue River were visitors in this cttjr Wednesday shopplnc and „..fisitlng , w ith friends. Stated communication of Alpha Chapter No. 1, O. E. 8. tomorrow (Tuesday), 7:30 p. m. Initiation. Visitors welcome. By order of the Worthy Matron. L E A H M. C A LD W ELL, Secretary. Helping W a lt Frsklwa... - Bud 8torm, of Ashland, form erly of the Medford Center meat market, is helping W a lt Erskine in the Medford Plggley Wiggley Jn eat 'm arket f o r a f f f a r day* ‘ W ill you show your apprecia tion for what the hoys are doing Apples, IBc. BOe, 78c. Bring Hear the new eeratchiese Victor for jrout Attend the basketball box. AaMapd Fra it and Produce game at the armory Tuesday, Fob. Assn. electric records.— The Rose. iro -tf BUI Godiova, Helnle Floor and 15, 7 : IB. Adm. 10 and IBc. Jgck Porter of Medford spent 140-1 Spent Week-toad Here— 1 - I am now operating bootblack’s Saturday evening. In this city, stand In McGee building, service Miss Mabel Haggr, who is the where they attended the Junior and courtesy for men and women Visitors from M e d f o r d - Fourth grade teacher In the Prom at the Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hess, resi Central Point school, spent the will be the motto. Shoe laces, pol dents of Medford, spent Friday week-end In Ashland visiting ish, etc. evening in thia city visiting w ith 'with her parents, Mr. and M rs.’ Have a fit at Orrsa tailors, 11 ROY LUCAS. Beach Ave., west of lib ra ry . <> » ‘ ' #•> Marlon Hager on Scenic DrivO. -■ * * •£ is » -« ’ friends. 184-tf« See Jordan tor M ill Work. Inflneaaa Osseo ReporteA-- Influence eases reported in Oregon for the week ending Feb ru ary 6 number 104, according to the report of D r. Frederick i t Wrtekee. Yamhill county ii Convalescent Home, body over SO invited to entine party. , gnended had the game Tuesday night will* be one of. the boat n tn u rj.he southern Oregon Experl- teen on this floor this season. Be olidge ment station's last experiment ■ at the Arm ory at 7:16; Admis »■ w ith lim a and sulphur showed sion 10 and 36 cents. 140-8 that dry lim e and sulph u r used rery- at SO lbs. to the .hundred gave “ A dandy plats lunch Including > Val- [sligh tly better control of San Coffee every noon and Alght, 15 c. 139-1 .Jose scale than liquid. At the Pissa. 100-tf Visiting in Lae dngslsa Mr. ■ and Mrs. A. C. Niningef of Pioneer and Hargadlne street* are spending several days la L M Angeles, Cal., , visiting w ith frie n d s .'■ Mr. -and-Mrs. Mtolnger motored down in their %ew can the. worse a fflic t'd , haring 44 cases, while Portland conks second with 48. Jackson county has a number of Th4 National Guard represents Ashland. Back them up, be at the Armory tomorrow night. T u e s d a jr .F e fc .il, 7«LB. Adm- 10 aM >«e- " 140-8 Federal Bmly Organised— ’ The Pelicans coma well rscom- Formation o l an Association Medford Visitors Sheriff and Mrs. R alph Jen Let tga UNION writs your fo il coverage automobile insurance. nings of Medford wore visitors Too, M conree. B8-tf' In Ashland last evening. W hile hers they attended the picture show at the Vining theatre. (M «4 lb w m - *• Dr. Mattle B. Shaw of this city Is out of town for a few days looking after ■business at- Kfairs. She w ill be la her office 'again February 23. , ’ . Confined to Home?— Mias Evelyn Paddock, daagfa- ter of Mrs. Douglas Reid, is confined to her home on Coolidge street w ith illness. composing departmental heads of federal organisations in south ern Oregon was consummated Thursday afternoon at a - meet ing which was held in Medford. The association is to bo known as “ Federal Business Associa tions o f Mettford." Fred D. Wagner, Ashland postmaster, was Alfalfa Hay, osa bale or a ca load. Ashland Fruit A Fro, Assn C liff Payne makes tablee. typewriter Going Fishing or Camping? We have the equipment you will need. Tackle of all kinds and new, also tents, gas stoves, Beds, etc. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Licenses. • ’ ARMY GOODS STORE Biggest Little Store in Town—the new Hotel is Just Opposite. Open Evenings. . Buy an Orthophonie Victrola on the easy payment plan— The Ross. Tuesday evening, Feb. 16, dancing at the Civic clubhouse. Tillataoh*s orchestra. Admission |1 a couple. Everybody Invited. 139-3 NEARLY HERE Inspect yonr honse and you will see how badly it neqds parting. There is none better than Spent Week-end H ere Jimmy Reilly and Lester Gault, students at the Oregon Agricul tural college In Corvallis, spent the week-end In Ashland and Medford visiting w ith friends. Yon’ll want to ass “Ed" Dnnn as Sue Bascoms beau and the world’s eighth wonder at the community house In Bellview Thursday or Friday night, 17th or 18th. Admission 60c, lunch 20c and free dancing after the pro gram. Tickets on sale at Rose’s. 140-1 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Let us talk .over with you your PAINTING PROBLEMS • , or send our painter to call on you. Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. 1"•f Ä O 1 1 .G 1. J.J ■1 1 ’1 71 .JO 11o 1 1 C 11r i N1I , « i B. A. Peters Jr.. Is confined to his home on Iowa street with Illness. POOR BECAUSE HE NEVER SAVED aU, pther oroddets that have won the p u b lics favpr in a domi nating way, must bear the penalty leadership. I : That is to be expected because leadership invariably involves the winning of trade infthat line from others. I These shifts are the inevitable tnarks of progress and no power can stop them; / Ufiion-Ethyl is/better than any ordinary gasoline that we or any other makers have/ produced in the West.. ] This is not because of any fault in anyone’s good ¡product, but due to the fact that tne genuine Ethyl flu id adds certain/qualities to gaso line that no other fuel can have without it—ours/or any other mak er’s best. / The results of these qualities are: Elimination of all ' ‘ Knocking;’’ faster pick-up; treater speed with less vibration: si aoother and more powerful hill - climbing abilities, and more flexib lity in traffic than any other moto ■ fuel has ever dem onstrated before. 'S u c h superioritict, im p ro v e- rti$hts and betterments pre simply / ¡ W that the Natural Laws o£ Science award in recognition of progressive vision coupled w ith painstaking research and pioneer-* ing effort. Ten years were given to exhaust ive, study and experimen radon by abi# scienrists and 35,000 tests were made in one of the largest auto motive laboratories in die world before the Ethyl fluid was finally perfected. Thus its leadership was earned, through leadership in vision and effort. Such achievements are never the result of over-n igh t magic. Neither men nor products rise quickly without a sound founda tion: If y o u analyze their success, you invariably find th at you m u st go far back to discover the begin nings from which they worked forward^ step by step—a long and tedious journey, which you 11 agrfce deserves the leadership in the end. Not because he never coult} but because he Dever would. Avoid any such'future discom forts by looking ahead. The firet dollar is not difficult to lay aside aad-it can be made the corner stone to a substantial foundation for youl The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon Work Shoes For Men MAXIMUM WEAR IN EVERY PAIR ALL SIZES — ALL GRADES OVERLAND SHOE SHOP Income Tax Troubles Disappear Mr. F. A. McGuin, Public Accountant late of . Port land now residing at the Lithia Springs Hotel, can aid you if you are having troubles with your Income Tax of this or other years. He hSX had over fifteen years experience in the preparation of the returns of some of the largest corporations, partnerghips and individuals in Oregon and may be depended upon to give satisfaction in aH lines <^f accounting. Super Motor Fuel A M W IO S matinee EVENING Children—10e The preparation of Income Tax returns is parti cularly the job of» the accountant as he ’can from experience advise you of the.proper methods to be followed in your record keeping whereby at the end of each year the figures necessary to' making a proper return are produced automatically. He may be consulted at any time1 by appointment and all matters brought to him will be treated with confidence.