This Tells the Story of Blood Poisoning Will Not Prevent His Attempt to Gain Grown - LOS ANGELES, Feb 10— (U N ) — J auk Dempsey, recovering from M O N G O L IA a Berlous attack of blood polson- ing. la atill determined to carry on his campaign to regain the heavyweight championship of the world, his wife, Estelle Taylor, said today. “Jack's arm and hand will be as good as eve? In a few weeks” , ' the screen actress said, “and YILUOW except for a short postponement a his traiaing plans are the same as before the illness.” Dempsey was entirely out of danger today, and in a mach better frame of mind than at aay time since he contracted the poisoning, the .former champion's wife said. "The doctor has assured Jack that his arm and hand w ill heal 1 HONG KONG “ soundly and that has helped him SOUTH CWWA in his quick recovery, but he •B A probably w ill be forced to re main In bed at least a week Here’s a sketch of “ W hat’s wrong with Chtag." Bach province eiipwB^ longer.” qb the above «aap has Its owa governor or local rn ler; superimposed > A fte r’ all effects o f the poison oa the collection o f goveraors la aa assortment of “ war lords,** ex-, ing have disappeared, Mrs. Demp erdslng.m ilU ary^ <ha. hey to the mep^tadfcates. *• T h e , re s a ltls chaos. sey said, Jack w llk go to the mountains to prepare for hla pro posed bout with Tunney. He w ill confine his early training to roadwork and woodchoppi^g and will do no boxing until he is sure his hand can’. btan< jtlfl, strain. VA CUT T H IS OCT— I T IS W O R T H MONET Send this ad and 10 cents to Foley ft Co.. 2995 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., w riting your name and address clearly. Ton w ill receive a tria l bottle of Foley’s Honey and T ar Compound, for coughs, colds, croup (spasmodic) and tickling throat; also a trie] packet each of Foley p ills, a di uretic stimulant for the kidneys, and Foley Cathartic Tablets for constipation, biliousness and sick headaches. These wonderful remedies have helped millions of people. Sand for them. Sold ev erywhere.— No. 1 . Defeats Eddie Huffman Be fore Small Crowd of New Yorkers MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, N E W YO RK, Feb. 10— Yonn^ Stribling of Georgca made an tm- presaive Now Y ork debut as a heavyweight Monday night when he defeated Eddie Huffm an of California In ten rounds before 6,786 fight fane, the smallest crowd of the season, at Madison Square Garden. • Defeatiag H uffm an is ho gregt stunt and Stribling was far from scoring even a knockdown, but considering hla long vacation the Georgia Peach baa experienced I T DEPENDS on what you feed it. Put Cool as a magistrate firin g a fine. Sweet as the news that you won’t have to pay it. M ild as a wifely rebuke fo r having speat too much on her birthday pssaswt. M ild , yet with that fu ll tobacco body that sat isfies your smoke-taste to the lim it. A smahel it on a regular ration o f Prince Albert and it will yield you pleasure, without er 1« hlv c»raer, th youngster should sham at 177 1-J pounds, weight as Huffm an. - stint or lim it. “ Never,** you wiM say, “ has the old pipe tasted so good.“ There isn't the ghost o f a doubt about at. ------------------------- g - le m __ Modern m for Pru) tory - ', Oregon motorists pa 000 In motor fees du ary, 1800,000 more tl same period last year. Just try it! As you open die tidy rad tin, dose Buy yourself a*tidy re itin o f P. A . and give your pipe a chance to deliver ca pacity jo y . N o matter how settled you appear to be on a smoke-program, try Prince Albert. Millions o f pipe-happy your «yea ia d drink-in that rich, tare aroma. You can hardly wait to get the taste o f tobacco that smells as good as that. Thao the big moment: Y o u load up and lig t t up. That's Prince Albert, Meo> prime, favorite of h. Y o u 'll n a tio n a l lion-hearled People in Italy began to whisper; “ Musolina’s en m emies are too strong for him. He will surely be destroy u m ON GIK MISS Strange Story of Alleged Abduction Told in Bat oueinies did not daunt Mussolini. And to show tho Italian people that he had courage and to &|iare, he strolled into the lion’s cage at the Zoo in Home and had himself pliotograjdied patting one of the lions on the head. The advertisement succeeded. All Italy exclaimed: “ Let Mussolini’s enemies beware. He has the heart of a lion.” , • Musolini w&s aide to advertise his courage in this way oidy becutwe he had courage. That is the basis of all advertising. Anyone who advertises must liavc goods that will stand inspection. Advertiwmeut« speak toted truths. Bead them Ù ou can act upon them with assurance. Only true qualities can stand the test o f publicity I SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 10— I (U N ) — A strange story of mes- ! merism, Involving a 19 year old I girl and her alleged abduction by a Hindu metaphysician, was related today when the United States circuit court of appeals ! confirmed a sentence o f five years I imprisonment against Colonel | Dinshah P„ « b a d ia li, known as the “ Hindu Edison.” Ghadlall was convicted of hav- lng taken Oareldlne McCann from hdy home in Partland, Ore., to California sad subsequently on a H E A T H S T IL L M Y S T E R Y ~ M A R S H A LLTO W N , Iowa, Feb. 6. ( U N ) — Extended efforts to )olve the death of her sweetheart haring been futile, Miss Veda ilefuUa, 19. was pqrmltted to urn to high school today. Miss Beliefuile was the fiancee of Chares C. Elrod, Nebraska war veteran, who was found dead re cently In his 500m in a Marshall town hotel. To teat bis love the romantic girl had w ritten flam - tag love letters to hersaf signing pie fg m e e o f imaginary rivals and bad showed them to E lro f. 2 An examination - of the youth’s bo<y failed to_ tnd,lc^te Jllrad had Been murdered. e Children here. Rlvett makes their Rtvett’s only assistant is his shoes. wife, who Is his constant compan He has fashioned hundreds pi ion In his little workroom. They pairs of shoes for dtsnbled em were married la Manchester, Eng ployees of the United States Steel land, 44 years ago. Corporation and Judge Elbert IL Gary Is hie personal friend. There are fewer cripples than there used to be, because acci dents In the mills are decreasing, R lvett said. Installm ent P lan Marriage Fails Unlike the m ajority of special ists, he is not particularly fond of his work. B E R K E L E Y . Cal., Feb. 10.— (U N )— The Instalm ent plan m ar “I ’d he glad If I never had-to riage of Charles Naylor and P ri make another shoe for a cripple,” scilla Christie w ill be followed by he said. A paid in advance annulment. Charles Is 18 years old and P ri scilla only 17. They were married » In Martinez where Charles, short of cash, gave |1 to Justice of the Peace Frank H. Glass w ith the promise that 94 more would fol low soon. The bridegroom explain ed that tbs |8 for a marriage license had left him temporarily emharassed. False ages were given. Mrs. Naylor, the boy’s mother, fell downstairs in her home today when informed of the wedding. She and the bride's parents were emphatic in declaring that an an nulment would follow speedily. O hio Man Makes Shoes for Grippi 1 transcontinental journey. pre#e- E L Y R IA - O .j Feb. 1ft— (U P ) • One' of HJyrta’s most widely «Hlou was -nndor the Man act, baftp ettfsens ta a maker of odd sad « b a d ia li was ardered to pay a 96,101 fine as wall a » ’ serve W illiam Rlvett. who makea the penitentiary term. J o p ,. .cripple*, i p . his , little According 4a evldancstutrodur- ed at the tria l Ghadibll obtained horns on the outskirts pf Elyria la compieta control over, „tpa girl kpqwn to thousands o fu n fo rtu n - pfter aha had visited him In the stp persons, tbs country over.' He Is a specialist, creating bop» that he could care aa ailing shoes fpi* deform ed, feet. Some w pt. Finally, because of the Hindus times he Just makes over a stand hypnotic wflab, Mias McCann sign ard shoes, but often be bupds a ed a document giving herself ever new ane. R lvett has devoted many, years eompleteiy to Obadiah, the prose- to the study of shoemaking, and CfftlOn charged. ’A l p b r i of thia agreement Miss hgs contributed sevqral Invautlons McCann promised to abstain from of hla own to (t. Re has invenj- dd Ipuelal arch supports and new the use of meat, tobacco or In types o f heels to enable his crip toxicants, to dress as Ghadlall pled easterners to walk. ordered sod without “ beautifying His repstatlok I I widespread, .mbaspraa,” lacds silk stockings or sad be satisfies far-away custom ise by m all, for all that he needs Is a few brief Instructions and he builds the ^hoe. X a Grande — 9 2 * 0 ^ 1 9-story 1 On the shelf of *1 « 'workroom Mel to be built bere, work start- la a list of patients in the Gatos li, at once. Memorial hospital for Crippled Oldsmobile CLOSED MODEL Good M echanical C ondition, Good Rubber. Bargain if Taken TSfe.W w k.