■ * THE WEATHER . r t Irferoasing cloüdinea« in the west, unsettled in the east. A shland daily tidings Ashland's Leading Newspaper for Over Fifty Years (United News Wire Service) VOL. L «Bd .A S H L A N D , O R E G O N APPROFW â M P M M î BILLS TOTAL' MILLION SENATORS CHARGED WITH USING PLACES OWN BENEFIT, TH U R SD A Y , F E B . T H I POULTRY INDUSTRY is a potential pay roll for Ash­ land. (United Press Wire Service) 10, 1927 ASHDAKD ACRES NO. 137 M’NARY - SAID FEA# W IE HODS m HUNDRED TO BE A REAL MAT M H E D NARINES ARE DIRT FARMER L A N D E D ON CHINESE SOD. Slalle Reed Is running a floek m er.. of 1100 hens on two and on He evidenty doesn’t agree with Utah Officers Pick up Man half acres In the edge of Ashland. Henry Ford, as he Vnaintain* a President Objects to Build­ Wanted by California thirteen hour day and seven day ... He located within the city lim­ ing of Commercial Police 0 ■ its to secure water for irrigation week. . Buildings but now that water la available His houses are electrically SALT LAKE CITY. Feb. 10.— WASHINGTON, Feb. .1 0 . — from the Talent Irrigation Dt»>. lighted and at 4:30 in the morn- . (U N )— Welter Riley, wanted In (UN) — Fear that the White trict he states that he would mneh ln* he switches these lights on Ways and Means Committee Jackson, Amador county. Cal., for Of Two Kinds Political and Houae, one of America's nation­ prefer to be on a larger tract enL-|and his biddy’s day has begun to Pass on Bills for Last the murder of Harold Lags, an Dirt. McNary Comas al monuments, fares architectur­ I side of the city. She is allowed to quit at 7:30 automobile salesman, was being Time Tonight Under Latter Head al strangulation among a hodge­ Mr. Reed took a two m., when the lights are turned held In Jail here tonight, Swatting podge of new and lôfty commer­ StmatOTB Haie and Miller course in the Pennsylvania State >ff for the night. 18 TWO MILLION SHORT word from California authorities. Soldiers Stationed at Philip, Mr. Reed buys his baby chicks, BORN IN U. S. SENATOR cial buildings was expressed to­ Riley, also charged with forg­ vharged With Manipulât- I College but dld not hâve any speg pines Are Transferred ing Highway Program lalw ork on poultry. lone lo t'in February and when Says He Has Never Had to D o day on behalf of President Coo­ B ills Now Passe«! Upon W ill ing a check for (421' here was to Shanghai lidge. Hie eleven hundred birds do (these are old enough to take out Leave D eficit W ithout In­ taken from a train he had board­ velop an Intenw t in I’arm- The president feels great con­ come Tax Measure ed today, ready to leave for Den­ SECURES t STATE HELP I not take his full time, but h e l° f his brooder house in April he ’ Ing Problems ULTIMATUM cern over the encroachment of DELIVER finds, in them a good living, his I puts in another lot. By crowding ver. He Immediately admitted the private buildings which would SALEM, Ore., Feb. lO .-v(U N ) forgery charge and offered to Claims R oosevelt and Redwood floek* averaging him around one J this latter lot he is able to bring Highways Are Receiving dollar and fifty cents clear. One I his whole bunch Into laying at WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. — cast their shadows over the lawn Rrltish Cabinet Expresses Stiff«,» — Fifty appropriation bills, rep­ plead guilty and take a term In Special Attention | man should have 2000 birds to [about the same time from Octoh- There are two kinds of farmers of the executive mansion, his resenting some '(9,133,997,' will the Utah prison. Policy Yet Adopted To­ keep him reasonably busy «Mr. fer 1st to 16th. He figures on in. the United. States congreqe— spokesman announced. While Riley was In district go through tbelr final stages of ward Chinese 8ALEM, Feb. 10* Senator Up-1 Reed statea. He says that wKhmaising from 600 to 700 pullets political and dirt. Already the famous old John consideration at the hands of court preparing to plead guilty, Senator Charles L. McNary, Day home is falling before wreck­ the Joint ways and means-com- officers received a circular from ton of Deschutes county, today reasonable management a flock end these .with one halt to two WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.— The mlttee Thursday night, and be Sheriff George W. Lucot of Jack- charged In the Senate that Sen­ shoujd return from (1.00 and third of his year old hens make Oregon, republican, leader of the ing bars to make way for a hnge United States ship Pecos, with up his laying flock for the next farm bloc and co-author of the apartment hotel, whose inmates two hundred and fifty eight presented to the house for their I son, stating Riley, alias Shannon, ators Hale and Miller were uBe­ np profit. ear. ing their memberships on the a His building cost him 60 cents farm relief bill, comes under the will be able to look over the marines, arrived at Shanghai initial consideration Friday morn-1was wanted for murder. very flagpole on the White yesterday from the Philippines, He finds no tfeuble in disposing latter classification. Ing. "My God,” ¿you win,” gasped highway committee, to manipul­ per bird for material. for He' raises kale and stock beets !of his old hens at about one half ’’I never had to develop in­ House. This amount represents the R,,ey as he was confronted with ate the highway program the war department announced Plans are being drafted for a today. The marines will await money demands that have been th® clruclar bearing his picture, tbelr own benefit. The bill up at for winter green feed and the of their original cost and his terest in the farming problems. ¡ockrels will Just about pay for It was born in mp,” Senator Mc- commercial office building to be further orders from Admiral made upon and allowed by t h e |Tlien he confessed that he an< the time was Upton's measure I clippings from a large lawn and for repealing the certificate of I a little rreen^afalfa furnish an uary told the United News to­ erected at the west border of Clarence S. Williams commander Joint committee during the next two companions shot Lage during (Please Turn to Page fl) day in a frank discussion of him­ Lafayette square with a second of the Asiatic fleet. la holdup and fled in Lage’s car title law which the committee (abundant supply during tfa^ su n - two years. self and the aims of his agri­ similar structure to follow. Approximately (7,161,778 is He refused to name his two com- had reported unfavorably upon, but which was saved thru the The need for legislation to cultural surplus control bill, now available to be drawn upon I panlons. Deliver Ultimatum authors efforts, and given a re­ which is to be voted on Friday. preserve the architectural beauty daring the biennium, which LONDON, Feb. 10. — A vir­ gular place upon the Senate cal­ "Legislative machinery to solve of Washington is urgently, Hor­ tual ultimatum to South China leaves a deficit of (1,982,189 endar. the greatest agricultural prob­ ace W. Peaslee. chairmsn over and above the state’s ability has been outlined by the British Upton said that Senator Hale Gregna Historical Society abinet in the stillest Chinese lem— crop surplus— is what we Amen’oresou to rajse funds in payment. Auditorium bad secured state aid for the are seeking,” he explained, “not com ni Lester Hersha, age 19 aad This is not taking Into con­ ►ollcy yet expressed In London. Roosevelt highway, and had James Laadwermeyer, age 16. Sixty Foot Waves Injure a whole government solution, IngtoA y tu M k Mr- sideration an estimated revenue Completely reversing Its pre­ taken advantage of It, by build .Exactly the same condition vious policy and ordering a small for the farmer must cooperate Passengers and Spread of Portland, Ore., were picked of two million dollars a year from lag up a great telephone system holds for the capitol building number of troops to Shanghai at and help.” Terror up at Stineman this morning by the income tax, not the revenue the Coos and Curry county tele­ the architects maintain. Commer­ once, the British cabinet went Under his leadership the sen­ that would come from the tith­ HOLLYWOOD, Cal. ,Feb. 10.— phone company. He further de­ Deputy Sheriff Howard, when NEW YORK. Feb. 10— (U N )— ate farm bloc has developed into cial structures are past pressing they tried to get over the 81»- ing bill, which is estimated to Babe Ruth. “Sultan of Swat,” will clared that Millers Interests in further and practically checked klyou mountains in a Ford track, Sixty foot wnfes, kicked up by ane of the most powerful bodies on the snow white dome of the it up to Eugene Chen, south reach more than (750,900 for return unsigned the contract he road construction centered on winds that blew 120 miles an "If we can't beat them we capitol. Chinese foreign minister at Han­ the biennium. If the income has received from the New York thq Redwood highway, It bene- belonging to Jim Tucker of this hour, injure* passengers and will let them join us,” the bloc city, which they had taken thia tax bill were passed and yielded Yankees and he may “qnlt base­ fltting him as owner of a great kow to sign the Hankow-Klukang morning from Pioneer Avenue spread terror on three great remarked a few days' ago when Its expected revenue for 1927, ball altogether,” if tbe club falls hotel at Grants Pass. agreement or expect no further Ocean liners which came into port it formed a coalition with the available Ip 1928, and the tith­ to meet bis terms, he said here where it was panked negotiations with the British. bZy."7re'Zi?s?ed to have k * ” fro™ Eur°Pe ' one t0 two bankers and forced the senate to While Premier Baldwin and ing bill also were passed there tonight. days overdue. its knees for the consideration stolen another Ford truck la his ministers swerved toward would be nearly (2,750,000 avail­ Ruth, here working on the pro­ Days and nights of Increasing of agriculture and banking legis­ Albanjr oa their way dowa, but defiance of the dallying envoy of able for use during the biennium. duction of a motion picture, said fear that reached a climax on Feb lation. they abandoned it on the road south China, they arranged to The amount In demands listed that the contract mailed to him ruary 3, when'lightning suddenly Through this legislative strat­ when the batteries died down. present to the league of nations does not include the revolving for the coming season called for ighted up the seas, tbuqder egy. the Oregon senator stepped They were trying to get to San and the United States govern­ fund of (200,000. (51,900, tbe same figure be was sounded above tbe roaring wind, firmly Into the spotlight. Stav of Execution Granted ment a complete exposition of Francisco. . Id last season. Tomorrow evening (F rt and hailstones formed an Imps** Three Men Whp Were It Is thought that the hpys by crew and passengers. McNary as a name means 1 the British Chinese policy since “I think that the New York between 9:29 and 7:30 p. m. a ' Asks Consideration to Haag lief from financial depression for the time of the Washington con­ z SALEM, Ore., Feb. 19.— (UN)* club used exceedingly poor Judg­ dinner hour program will be will ba taken to thp Juvenile The liners were the Hamburg ference. — A memorial to congress Intro­ ment In offering me the Identical broadcast over KMED at Med court In Jacksonville.' hundreds of farmers. Of McNary i JOLIET. III., Feb 10.— (UN) of the Hamburg-Amerlchn line, duced by Representatives Bur­ sum that I received for last • ford by Carl Lovelaad and his with 906 passengers, two days as an individual they know n o th -|g |X convicts who were to hang at (dawn Friday, have been given ri ic today asks favorable con­ son,” Ruth said, ** and I have no aggregation of Radio artists far late; the Cunarder Auranla with ing. or but very little. Nullify Treaty sideration to be given to legis­ intention of signing on such McNary is the symbol of farm three weeks more to live by Judge Judge Thomas Will Move the purpose of showing the pub­ 197 passengers, two days late; HANKOW, Feb. 10. — (UN) basis. lation now "proposed by Senator At the Jackson Cobnty Bar As­ and the White Star liner Olympic, relief, but he is not a fanatic. I Arthur Desoim, who granted the lic the variation of musical com­ — South China made Its first He Is a clear thinking, fighting »tay to allow their counsel to ar- Charles N. McNary and Repre- binations that Mr. Loveland Is sociation meeting, which was held with 899 passengers, one day late. move to nullify American treaty business man, legislator, lawyer senatlve N. J. Sinnott, which gue a motion for a new trial. at Medford last Monday evening, In a position to offer. . and farmer. Farm relief is legislation, if enacted, will ap­ The attorney’s made a frantic rights when it notlflqfl the Amer­ During this hour he will use it was unanimously voted by the NAME OF POSTMASTERS something he did not create, ac­ propriate money for the con­ appeal to sympathisers in Joliet ican consulate today that plain­ a concert orchestra; a string trio; members that Judge Thomas WASHINGTON Feb. 10— (UN) cording to his confession, but he struction of a storage reservoir and Chicago, and by Wednesday tiffs in legal actions henceforth instrumental solos on violin, should proceed to move his office President Coolidge today nomi­ has used sincere efforts to help had collected (760 to pay for the must appear In Chinese courts at Benham Falls In Deschutes cello anil saxophone; a male to Medford in order that all court nated postmasters as follows: unaccompanied by representatives agriculturists. county. expense of making the motion. Oregon— Chester C. Goad, at quartet; vocal solos and a red- cases could he tried In Medford of the American government. Attorneys for the state have The mèmorial recites that 'the nstead of In Jacksonville. Judge Dallas Arlington B. Watt at hot dance bend. This was regarded as the first been given until February 24 to Thom»C is now arrangeing to Amity; Harry A. Cool at Drain; measure has been Introduced to Wants to Debate Improve­ This is a varied program and pnove blow in an effort by South China ' his office, as well as the Nellie 0 . Reed at Gold Hill; Baker City — Pacific Fruit Ex­ show cause why a new trial frongress to appropriate sufficient Mr. Loveland asks listeners to ment of the Marriage to enforce its demand for aboli­ money to construct the reservoir phone or write in to him, care County Law Library, to the Palm Thomas W. Angus at Gardiner press Company has harvested 14,- should not be granted, and the Code tion of special privileges to for­ condemned man, sentenced to 000 tons of ice heroy block In Medford. for the storage of water long and Oscar C. Maxwell at Elgin. of KMED, any suggestions which hang for the murder of Assistant eigners. enough to reclaim 150 acres of they might have regarding the DENVER. Feb. 10.— (UN )— Warden Peter M. Klein during s land. musical combinations used on Refusal of Bishop William T. this program that they would lallbreak last spring, are sched Manning of New York to debate like to hear on future programs. uled to die at dawn March 4. Adopt Resolntion If a new trial is not granted, SALEM, Ore., Feb. 10.— (UN) with Jadge Ben Lindsey, advo­ The program Is as follows: cate of companionate marriage, it was Intimated, the case may be •—The senate today adopted the 1. (a) Selection from “The taken to the state supreme court. senate concurrent resolution di­ the question of whether the mar­ Prince of Pllsen”, Luders; (b) Ttvo stay in execution came recting the state highway de­ riage code can be improved, has An Idyl. “Summer Nights”, Rob­ • while final preparations for the brought another challenge from partment to proceed with con­ erts, by Carl Loveland’s concert hanging were blng made. Qovern- struction of what Is designated tbe Denver Jurist. orchestra. One Man's Dream of Rail­ ro Len Small announced he would The Thinkers* association, a as a desert type highway across 2. (a) Violin solo— “From the road Supremacy is not exercise clemency in their the high desert section of central group of youths in the city have Cottonflelds”, Spaulding; (b) Vio­ Shattered ?sses, and the state parole com­ Oregon. Tbe type of highway backed Judge 'Lindsey in renew­ lin solo— “Loifdonery Air”, Kre- mission has said it saw no reason ^involved in the proposed im­ ing the charge and have guar­ isier. By Carlton Janes. NEW YORK. Feb. 10.— Crash­ why the death sentence should be ing suddenly to a low of (85.75 provement is said to be very in­ anteed to defray the expenses for 3. (a) Saxophone solo, “Valse commuted. after the most sensational Wall expensive as it would require holding the proposed, debate on Erica”, Wiedoeff; (b) Cello solo, street boom In 26 years, com­ only the clearing of the right of February 22. ’Song to the Evening Star, Judge Lindsey telegraphed his Wagner; (c) Vocal solo, “Mother mon stock of the Wheeling and way and the grading. PRINCE MAKER VIHIT first invitation to Bishop Man­ Machree”, Olcott. All three num Lake Erie railroad has returned ning last Saturday. He receiv­ bers by Carl Loveland. to a semblance of normalcy. LONDON, Eng. Feb. 10. (UN) ed the bishop's answer this after­ The most Immediate result of 4. (a) Piano Solo, "Second Bouncing babies of the poor on the wild trading of the last few noon, refusing the invitation on Hungarian Rhapredy”, Lisst; his knees in the maternity house days — now that a temporary the ground that “for Christian (b) Plano solo, “Waters of Min­ In the east end, the prince of halt has been called — is the and moral standards given to netonka”, Leaurance. Both num­ Wales again delighted the slum clashing of. one man's dream, the world by Christ are not open bers by Wanda Hinkle. district with a visit. to debate.” » after years of struggle for trans­ 5. (a) String trio, “Ava His visits to the poorer sections “The temporary so-called com­ Maria”, Oonned; (b) String trio» portation supremacy and the tri­ of London began shortly after Colored Servant of former panionate marriage advocated by ‘Eleanor”, Deppin. By Carl umph of four men who fought the first of the year when he call­ Official Testifies in yoiirself and others is not a Loveland and Mr. and Mrs. Carl­ their way from humble begin­ ed at one of the public houses, His Behalf marriage but only another name ton Janes. nings to ssccess. ‘ helped himself to beer and on one for free love,” read the bishop’s Although the boom In Wheel­ 4. (a) Male quartette, “Don’t occasion attempted unsuccessfully NEW YORK, Feb. 10. — (UN) answer. “Your teachings would Sing Aloha When I Go", Moret; ing stock Involved millions of to attend a prise fight incognito. __ Former Attorney Oeneral lead not forward but backward (b) Male quartette, "Barcelona”, dollars It was more than a great Harry M. Daugherty came near to those conditions which destroy­ Kahn. By Harry Yeo, Carl Love­ financial coup. It marked the BELLVIEW SPONSORS PLAY " t a E WAS to being a hero to his own valet. ed the old pagan world. In your land, Lew Hanson and Bert Mil­ end of a t le a s t one round la a Regarding his formdr employ­ writings you would hold up to battle of personalities aad fin­ ler. On the 17th and 18th of this UNPEKTRE er with fond eyes, Arthur L. contempt the Christian ideal of ance, with "the schoolmaster” 7. (a) Fox trot, "I Found a month the Bellview people will Brent, colored, gave teetlmony In morality and purity. Such teach­ Million Dollar Baby In a Five of American transportation, give a play In the Community federal court Wednesday that ing is a sin against Ood, an in­ and Ten Cent Store”, Roee; ( • ) clubhouse, for the purpose of rais­ shaggy headed Lores, the loser. may or may not help the govern­ sult to womanhood and manhood Fox trot, "Where’d Yoa Get The victors, C. P. end M. J. ing money to reduce the Indebted­ ment’s effort to convict Daugh­ and should he condemned by all Those Eyes”, Donaldson. By Carl Van Swerlngen of the Nickel ness against the buildings and to plate; Daniel WlUerd of the erty of conspiring with Thomas good cltisene.” equip It for the future. Loveland and hi» dance band-. The bishop’s answer drew Im­ W. Miller, former alien property The entertainment will be worth Baltimore and Ohio, aad Patrick custodian, to defrauid the United mediate fire from Lindsey and while, some fine local talent will Crowley of the New York Cen­ States of their rightful services he despatched a lengthy telegram C on flnM to Home— bo shown and a good tlmo has tral. started their careen as Wayne, Lois and Madeline newsboys, trash walkers aad fire­ In the American Metal company denying the bishop’s assertions, been promised. men. * attacking the present marriage Hill, children of Thomas HUI of caae. Following the progràm the re­ "The general,” declared Brent code and again demanding that the Place grocery, are confined mainder of the evening will be solemnly, “was the best friend the question be brought Into an to their home on Granite street Hood River spent dancing, during whjch time open debate. with Illness. r I ever had.” 24 cars of i oaks sad coffee prill he served. Boys Held for Taking Truck BABE BUTH TURNS FIERCE STORMS DO DAMAGE 10 LINERS MUM SIX CONVICTS A lt m THUE WEEKS to Z Local Man Will Broadcast Friday LINDSEY CHALLENGES For the First Time in History TO HIS BWN IM ET H A » STOCK TAKES HUGE DIOP