Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, February 09, 1927, Image 1

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. <*•**¥*''..-7 K- *L J/*Wr
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Increasing cloudiness in the west,
is a potential pay roll for
unsettled in the east.
Leading Newspaper
for "Over — F
• - « * - -
(United Neve W ire Service)
(United Press W ire Service)
EDNESPAY, FEB. 9, 1927
Normal Loses to <
Dunsmuir Team
The high school basketball
team, accompanied by Coach- Rus­
sell Crlpe and W . P. W alters, re­
turned home yesterday from a
barnstorming trip, which took
as fa r as Salem, with a re-
cord of allowing only one game
and that one to Salem:
Heard From
According to M r. W alters the
high school team Is one
j of the beet in the state and it was,
Senator Borah A M That Dele- phenomenal the way the Salem
I boys could shoot baskets from
gates he Chasen Upon Their
U qnor Views
every angle of the floor.
Those who made the trip were:
♦ W A SHING TO N, Feb. 9.— The ROy and Aldo P arr, Roy Abbott.
| Everett McGee, W illiam Kanasto,
mystery regarding whether Pres­
ident Coolidge intends to run Wayne H ill, Lawrence Leedom
and C lifton Garnett.
again grew deeper today while
J Ashland w ill play two return I
rival aspirants maneuvered to
make prohibition and fafm re­ games w ith Salem in the new
lie f the pivots of the republican Junior hl gym here Friday and
party’s can^pg/presidenttal light. Saturday nights.
Three republican presidential
possibilities were heard from
here today— Senator Borah and
Dr. Nicholas /M urray Butler of
New York on prohibition, and j
former Governor F rank O. L o w - I
den of Illinois on farm relief. I
Overconfidence spelled defeat
for the Southern Oregon Normal
school basketball teem last night
| when the
*11 fltem
carried away the long end o f a 98
to 42 score. The local's missed
shots time after time that would
ordinarily have been converted
into baskets with ease, and were
extremely ragged on their passing
and checking..
Developed The All-Stars were all th a t the
Yesterday in Portugal,
name ifnplled and had th ^ g”
• Ghina and Nicaragua
largely their own way until the
last part of the second half, when
INTERESTS PROTECTED the locals began to show signs of
I realising that they were In a
Both H ila Country and Great
basketball game, and for a few ’
Britain R eady to Look After
seconds at a tim e showed flashes
Own People
I of their usual speed and accuraoy.
Fouling was plentiful and Ash- J
land finished the game w ith Gos­
nell, second, string .forw ard play,
lng that position, Coach HutMss
having to resort to him after three
of his men were ta^»n out on
In the prelim inary game the
Guard, and the second string of
the Normal playing two extra
periods finally called the game
on account, of time w ith a score
of 25 to 26.
Fiddle Contest
To Be Renewed
smoked Nearly Thirty Four Thous
cigars and said nothing.
and Dollars Worth of
S e n a t o r Borah forced the
- Land is Sold
liquor queetion Into the repub-1
llcan foreground today with a I
demand that delegate« to the I
Because of the closeness of the
I contest between the -five leading
fiddlers In the old-time fiddlers’
contest at W a lk er’s hai) In Mad*
ford last Thursday night, they
w ill hold another contest a t'th e
same place tomorrow night to de­
cide the winner. The music w ill be
broadcast over station K M E D , and
the results w ill also be announced.
Only those present w ill be able to
cast a votq In the final contest.
speech that the repablican party
must go wet oy be beaten next I
year. Butler also predicted Coo- *
lldge would not run again.
i *
Thia developed Jaet as the L
presidential aspects of the farm I
relief fight were thrust forward I
by a telegram from Farm er Gov- L
ernor Frank O. Lowden o f. Ijrtn- c
oia. declaring flatly for the Me- L
Nary-Hangen farm
relief bill L
and condemning the Curtis-Crisp L
revolving loan Dill, which Is sup­
posed to be preferred at the |
W hite House.
The farm relief fight Is rapid-1 \
ly approaching a climax as the I
senate has agreed to begin vdt-1
lng on the bill Friday afternoon
and the house is supposed to vote
about the same time.
Men Who Killed Prison
Guard Will Pay Penalty
For Their Act
V lS lt
next republican national conven-1
tion be chosen on their ’hrohtbl-
tlon views, so that the p a rty !'
would have a direct expression of I
sentiment from its members.
' Borah made this proposal In
a letter to Dr. Butler, president
of Columbia university, New York
who last night declared In a
Interest Growing as Final
Games of the Series
for Foreign Minister Eugene Chen
hevlapd British Charge <J’ Affaires
In a hard fought basketball
O’Malley had resumed their peace
nty I parley. Despite these moves look- game last night which needed nn
Ing toward
settlement of
the extra period to «decide the winner
k»y I British - Chines« controversy gun- the AAhland Junior H igh schooj
rat I powder still figures prominently team was defeated by the Med­
In in the foreign picture. The de- ford Junior High, by a score of
50.1 fenders of Shanghai have taken 18 to' 19. According to Coach
nr- the offensive against Invaders of Howell, last night's game was
ton I the Cantonese army, driving their, the last to be played on the home
I opponents back to a point 200 flopr tills year.
I miles southwest of Shanghai.
I President Dias of revolt ,-torn
Nicaraguan ordered all available
government troops assembled at
I Chlnendega where rebel liberals
IV engaged government forces in a
| | bloody battle.
I Rebel and loyal -forces contin-1
■ ued fighting in Lisbon, Portugal. I
I with seven reported dead and
H e e tlllff
Boy Scouts
esented last
filia tio n by
rlc E. W er-
rson, Dodge
Two Hundred Fifty Dollars
to go to Winner of
Holiday Race
FT. KLAMATH. Feb. 9.— Two
hundred and fifty dollars w ill be
I awarded to.the^skier who makes
the 42- miles between here and
Crater Lake Lodge and return on
t Washington's birthday, in
Only Seven Opposed to Pat­
shortest time, according to the
terson’s Proposal to
rules that Will govern the race,,
Wheeling and Lake Erie Road
Get Funds
which were announced here today.
. is Storni Center on W all
All contestants will have the wlde-
Street Action
est possible latitude in so far as
the style and make of sklis are
N E W YORK, Feb. 9.— ( U N ) — concerned, except that metal skits Some Vote for it Although They
Are Opposed to
Another gigantic railroad battle 1 are to be barred.
for control of the eastern sector,
The rules further provide that
rivalling the famous H ill-H a rri­ the course shall follow the Crater
man feud over Northern Pacific In
Lake Highway, with a sone ex­
SALEM, Feb. 9.— (UN )— With
1901, was imminent In W a lt street tending one half mile on each side
tonight after five hours of hectic marking the lim it the participants
trading had failed to break the may divert from the trail. Short
common cuts, and other advantageous at­
stock of the Wheeling and Lake tempts to shorten the length of
Erie railroad.'
the race will insult in disqualifi­
Instead of the / ants of the cation. The race is open to any­
bones one who think they might •
strewed the exchange during the to traverse the
, ...Meat
panic of 1901, market wlzarde see ad ao . ^ o a
¡J iin o rt» *
in the present situation two finan­ go entri
charged. I
cial houses, J. P. Morgan and •pie skle
also resort to their I
company, pitted against each own Ingenuity in so far as poles,
otj,er , n a struggle for control of brakes frog) ropes and straps, and i
the east.
similar assistance are concerned. 1
Morgan is backing the New The entire route has been care­
York Central and Nlckle
Piate fu lly mapped out. and present
railroads, which have not gained
plans call for Judges to be lo-
control of Wheeling and Kuhn anted throughout the trail, and re- i
Loeb and company furnish the ports every half hour as to the '
financial sinews of the Baltimore progress beldg made will be t
an(j Ohio lines. Both groups de- phoned In to headquarters where 11
g|re the otherwise unimportant I they will be announced.
Wheeling and Lake Erie as a lin k '
Snow conditions are exception- i
|n tbclr jpjatis for domination of ally good, according to John Ma- i
eastern tru nk lines. On the basis bln, caretaker at Crater Lake
of the first blow struck the New Lodge who skied out from the I «
York Central and Nlckle Plate | Lake recently. Snow in many e
given under seem to have triumphed.
As the Wher>'ng flu rry continu­
ed unabated In W all street today
scores more of Wheeling shorts
were forced to pay through the
nose for the stock -which they
had sold without delivering before
the present boom.
At one period wild trading ran
Hydroelectric development of the common stock up to |1 3 0 a
California Oregon Power Com­ share, practically four times the
pany on north fork of Rogue price It brought during the first
(week of January.
River progressing rapidly.
Where Rebel. Hopes Bloomed, Then Faded
twenty wounded. Both sides were
using machine,guns and th? gov-
lernm ent’s cruiser Carval Hoa-
jjj Iquanjo was shelling the city from
ry the harbor.
Great Britain entered the Por-
>e tngal revolt when three British
,d warships were ordered to proceed
nt I to the fighting area from their
„ base at Gibraltar.
CHICAGO, Feb. 9. — A ll eix
convicts awaiting death on the
gtfllows In Joliet penitentiary, w ill
meet their fate at dawn Friday,
as scheduled, unless Governor Len
8. Small intervenes — nnd that
Isn’t likely.
A fte r hearing much on the sub­
ject of why nn extension of time
should be recommended for three
of the condemned men, who are
Mexicans, the state 4 » a rd of par­
don» and paroles, meeting today
In Chicago for that purpose, an­
nounced that no extension would
be recommended.
The announcement xame nt the
end of a long distance, which was
as unfeeling and undramatic as a
rate hearing despite the efforts
of attorney* to make dn emotional
HIntoh Claybaugh, chairman of
the board, said:
“I don’t see why they should
be given any more time. They did
not give poor Peter Klein any
time to rave his Itte,” knd that
ended the heaj/ng.
K lein was the deputy warden |
A Correction
nt Joliet who stood In the way of
of Gettysburg, and
the six men when they made their
break fo r freedom last spring. not the battle df Bunker H ill was
They disposed of him in short or­ the. Inspiration for Lincoln’s Get­
tysburg address, B. V. Carter told
der with knives nnd clubs.
the members of the Ashland K i-
wanls club Friday. The Tidings
Confined to Home—
misquoted Mr. C arter’s speech,
Miss Ina Crow »on, daughter of and credited him w ith referring
Mr. and Mrs. F r is k Crowhon on to the battel of Bunker H ill, when
Eighth street. Is confined to her in his address rafsrenee was made
home w ith Illness.
to thd battle of Gettysburg.
'Vhitc House’ V
F Dr., 1
a r g u a it Liberal
president, a t
Cabezas* /
Critical Condition to Half
Dosen Cities Will be
CHICAGO. Feb. 9. — (U N ) —
The cold wave, predicted tonight
for Illinois, was expected to bring
an end to flood conditions that
have been critical in half dosen
Heavy rains 'and melting
have combined to bring the Illin ­
ois river to gverflowlng. The cold
‘wave with its freezing tempera­
ture, was expected to half the
thaw and to permit much of the
water to pass.
A t Beardstown, completely un­
der water for M veral weeks In
the fall floods, merchants and
townspeople were serving in vol­
unteer patrols as water began to,
rise In basements.
Conditions aliy> ware critical In*
Peoria. Perú, Lasalle and Ottawa.
A t Mount Carmel the Wabash
riv er was rising again and threat­
ening to destroy property and
In the Green Bay bottom dis­
trict south of Burlington, lows,
considerable livestock was In dan­
ger from the waters of the Des
Moines river. Hundreds of acres
of farm lands were under water.
places is five to eight feet deep, , the people of Oregon would be
with ravines tfnd gullies well 11 Justified to go before the next
rilled. A heavy snowfall in the | legislature and demand a reduc-
Cascades was recorded late today, ■ I tion In the automobile license fee
and with this additional snow and gasoline tax.
Would Cripple Funds
the racers will have one of the I
sportiest trails in the west to ne­ I He eald that an estimation of
I the receipts of thé highway fund
A second prise of 2100 and a I In the next blennnlum would .
third prise of 950 w ill also be I reach 915.500,000 and that 919,-
I 200,000 of this amuont would he
I required to carry the cost of ac-
I tlvitles in hand, payment of Inter­
est and so forth, and that but
92,470,000 would be left for new
I f this Is to be cut down so
that it would be but 91.781,125, a
then the highway program would
I suffer most seriously.
Were Aocused of Accepting several other, members mid
a Bribe to Help
they were not in accord with the
Idea, but as it appeared to be the
A U STIN , Texas, Feb. 9.— (U N ) only way out of the present finan­
— By an overwhelming vote the cial predicament, they woirid vote
Texas house of representatives to­ for It. .
day voted to expel two of Its mem­
—rr" *
SALEM, Ore., Feb. 9.—-A de-
bers, Representatives F. A. Dale
nnd H. H . Moore, after chargee nlslon that Oregon retire as a
of accepting a bribe had been farm er was reached by the legls-"
latlve Ways and Means committee
brought against them.
The vote to oust Dale waa 1S3 when they rejected the request
to four, and 119 to 15 In Moore’s of the Land Settlement Board for
Both seats were declared 815,000 to place the State Model ‘
vacant and Governor Dan Moody farms on a sound financial basts.
The farms were established 8
waa expected to call a special
election within a few days to fill years ago. one near Independence,
one near Roseburg and one In the
the vacancies;
Dale and Moore were charged Ochoco Irrigation district. The
with accepting a 91,000 bribe committee unanimously decided
f9om W . W . Chamberlain, optome­ that the state had better sell out
trist, to favor * legislation favor­ and leave farming for Individuals.
able to optometrists in Texas.
The house investigating com­
mittee found the charges suffic­
ient to mete out to the accused
the highest punishment by the
Foreign. Minister
Espinosa, on
th e Cabeza»
News which l»elted the globe day after day incubated in tho cottage home of the
S^casa revolution in Nicnragua, pictured above with the revocation’s leaders. The
cottage, a two-family affair formerly used by saw mill hands, looks out from Puerto
Cabesas, Nicaragua,,over the Caribbean sea—a thousand miles and more south of
New Orleans. The crowd shown in tho picture had gathered to congratulate Dr.
Raci(sa on a military victory. Hopes of success for the revolution faded-when Uncle
Sam stepped in with support for the other side.
PITTSBURG, Kana. Feb. 9— A
new theory, concerning the mys­
terious bombing of the home of
Lena Mayberry
night when two babies were killed
oame to light when physicians,
at the hospital where she Is re­
covering from laJurles, raid she
had aa unsound mind.
PO RTLA N D, Ore., Feb. 9. —-
(U N ) — A “strangler” suspect
brought to Portland from Polk
County waa not the murderer of
several women aa first suspected,
hut was wanted Just the same.
The man, giving the name of
Pearl Wlltermoore, was returned
to Dallas, Ore., today, where he
will be held -for vagrancy pending
P H IL A D E L P H IA . Fa., Fhb. 9,
the filing
of a more Mrtoua — Ty Cobb today »lgrad a year*«
charge by Loa Angeles, Cal., au­ contract to play w ltl ths athlottm
getting the highest salary ovm
W lltermoore, In proving he was paid a hasoball Mayor.
not the “dark strangler," admit­
ted robbing two service stations ’
in Los Angeles.