1 THE WEATHER THE POULTRY INDUSTRY Fair in the east, increasing cloudiness in the west portions tonight. is a potential pay roll for Ash­ Leading Newspaper for Over Fifty Years and (United Frees W ire Service) land. , . (United New* W ire Service) ASHLAND, QBflflON, TUESDAY, FEB. 8, 192 Little Railroad Stock Stai High I Locals Put nu Stiff Oouosi tion to Crack Capital City Team . Have Been Slain in Lisbon of Oil RESIDENTS EVACUATE I, N E W YORK, Feb. -Harassed shorts of the Wheeling apd Lake I Erie were squeesed for loan fees of 2,500 per cent'today when the I common stock of .the compear ranged to a new high of >5 points and became so scarce that scores of bearish brokers lost miUtoaa of dollars delivering shares which they had sold short before the present boom. Thirty Six Hour Run Pro­ Stock unprecedented exchange authorities and I duces Several Barrels officials of the hitherto obscure 1 RETORT WORKS FINE Efforts to Rappresa R evolt Fail Public Buildings Are . Darned I "O il can be produced in com- 11 merctai quantities from the 8hale I south of Ashland," is the state- ' I ment made today by M ajor Car- I lisle Mason, engineer in charge I of the operations at Shalehurst, I and who has just completed a I raccessfnll thirty-six hour test I run, which proved conclusively I that the retort, was correct In j Former Attorney General and Property Custodian Again Defendants [ little railroad became panicky in the face of a technical order, hat' they were not half so perturbed as the brokers who had sold short only to find the supply of common stock bnobtalnable except for fab­ ulous premium. t » • 1 OtLate in the afternoop W . M . 1 Duncan, chairman of the road’s * board of directors, announced 1 I what appeared to be a solution when he said that counsel for the 1 commission and the public u tili- < ties commission of Ohio to con-, < vert preferred stock into com- 1 mon< . c Chisholm was presented for pro­ bate in the county court yester­ day morning. There was a large number of citizens fropi Ashland Decision of . Executive on and other portions of the bounty McNary-Haugen Measure who were interested in the matter Portland S e n a t o r Also of the care of the family, which . is in Doubt Would Prohibit Proposed consists of six orphaned children, Tithing Plan I S V E R Y IMPORTANT only two t>t whom are of age. The approval of the will was re­ PATTERSON IS OPPOSED Veto Would Mean Blow to Coo- presented by Briggs & Briggs and those in opposition were repre­ Executive Proposal For Raising H«lgo Candidacy, Many sented by Bray & Bray of Med­ Finances Due for ljard Believe ford. Sledding I t appears from the W A SHING TO N. Fbb. 8. — The senate will vote Friday at 4 p. n»., that the d e c e a d ^ . at on the McNary-Haugen Farm Re­ property on Oa lief bill, under a unanimous con­ between »3500' and »1000. and left insurance amounting to sent of agreement. »4200 if paid in installments and W ASHING TO N, Feb.,8 — As »2800 if paid in cash. - This In­ the time draws near for a vote surance is to be used for the care ’ on the McNary - rfhugon bill one and education of the four smaller , political question absorbs Wash­ children. Joseph H Sander was appointed i ington - will President Coolidge as the executor of the estate and I approve or veto the measure? of the c h 11 d r e n I Assuming, as most in congress guardian do, that the bill will pass, Cool­ which position he accepted and i i idge’s decision will shape political agreed to do his best. history for the next few years. All here regard the test as pro­ bably the outstanding one of Cool­ idge’s presidential career. I f he signs the bill, his renomination is almost inevitable. If'h e vetoes It, there will be a rush to Frank O. industry in Oregon, Lowden, one of the sponsors of New Marriage Service Elim the farm bill. Coolidge will find inates the Word Obey SALEM, Feb. 8. — (U N ) — himself the object of a great anti- From Ceremony Already, before Governor Pat­ third time cry, with Lowden'as a terson’s finance program has had new political favorite. This- .view of the possibilities is held, not a chance to get started in the only by most observers in con­ house three different and addi- gress. but by some who are ex­ tremely close to the president. Yet Coolidge's intentions remain the mystery. Last spring, when the same bill Fas up in congress,the president »aid privately that he would veto ««fiSi principal, and that Shale oil can I be produced in paying commer­ cial quantities, from this field. I M ajor Mason, who baa spent Bond Street. Style Dictators I many years in the development I of machinery to take the oil out I Favor More Colorful I of shale, and who superintended Fred 0. Harnee and Irving Clothes I the rebuilding of the local retort E. Vining Tell of PorV LONDON, Feb. 8 . — (U N ) — I declared today that the results of | land Session Men’s clothing during the com­ I the thirty-six hour run, which ing year w ill be brighter than took place Saturday, Saturday I ary manifesto." , during the past few seasons, ac­ night and Sunday left no ques-1 cording to the Bond Street style tion as to t«e feasibility of the I Fire on Cruiser Revolutionists crowded the dictators. local plant. "W e were able to streets shouting “long live the Jt has always been considered | control the heat perfectly," the I that conservative oolora in clothes M ajor stated, “and every bit of I republic and the constitution.” A rtillery on shore returned the were a part of the good taste oil was successfully taken from I lire from the cruiser Carval Hoa- in the wardrobe of a well-dressed the shale. I f it -is possible is I quanjo. man. “ Plain bines for Plain The Bar Association of Jackson the future to replace the ma­ and Josephine counties met at (he The ministers of foreign af­ John”, however, have passed out chinery that is now there with fairs and the interior have been of popularity to make way for modem and up-to-date equip-1 Medford hotel la s t evening to con- arrested. Residents and shop­ gayer effects. . cider suoh laws as the Bar might ment, built on practically the ( Brown mixtures, Into which same lines that the present ma-1 keepers have fled to their homes, deem advisable to be submitted to the legislature. while buildings in the business are woven fain t stripes of reds, chlnary has been constructed, 11 section are exposed to the gun­ blues and maovee w ill be worn can see so Teason why Ashland I' The meeting lasted from ,8:30 for everyday wwar. Tweed», ‘ a l­ should not have an excelleht I fire. w i l l ' 11:00 cu’cloek. *n d x xoju •idsrable- portion of the time was A revolutionary committee has though the best wearing for a ll­ | paying industry.” spent In considering the proced­ been established in the city. Sail­ round wear are hot destined to I Several (barrels of oil were ure on appeal. The Bar passed re­ ors, police, members of the re­ he popular and the once fash-1 I taken out in the test run and solutions commending the legis­ public guard infantry forces hare ionable whipcords are now never I I some of it is on display in the lators of Jackson and Josephine joined the revolutionary force seen in London. Barret meat market. The oi! is counties in the matter of the A t one time St. Patrick’s D ay] here. They have sent details to of an excellent quality and as- w ’ae regarded as the first day in I measures introduced by such sefte various parts of the city. cording to the officials w ill com­ “open season” for clothing buy-1 UNLO ADED OUN legislators, and instructed the sec­ W hile gunfire In the city contin­ ers, but since the war this Is I mand a high price when it is PORTLAND, Feb. 8. — Jackie retary of the association to wire ued another stream of fire was I possible to place it on the market. I Wlldo, aged 4 , died here today them a message of appreciation. This is prin­ directed on the capital fro m the merely a legend. cipally due to the fact, It is said, I The recent test run is the re­ as the results of wounds which he Practically the entire Bar of cruiser Carval Hoaquanjo at an­ that well-dressed men desire only I sult of weeks of Work on the received while playing w ith a gun these two counties were present. chor In the harbor. to reptentish their wardrobes as I part of the engineer and others that wasn’t supposed to be loaded Dcfnand Action needed, rather than at a parti-1 .nterested, and the 'successful re­ The boy was playing with a Medford Vlsitor-*- Reports from Operto said that sult w ill be Welcome news to small companion, found his fath­ Paul Robison, editor and own­ cular period of the year. the m in u ter of war, who detail­ many Ashland people who have ers’ rifle and during the play dis­ er of the Ashland American, ed by Premier Carmono to sup­ become atockholdera in the ven­ charged It the ballet penetrating made a business trip to Medford Enterprise — Allen & Lewis press the revolt has been unsuc­ ture. j the lad’s liver. yesterday. t Company to open chain store here. cessful and the battle in the Major Mason expects to leave second largest city of Portugal shortly for his Los Angeles of­ was continuing. In both Oporto fice Where other Shale oil de­ and Lisbon the revolutloniata de­ velopments await hia attention. manded immediate resignation of the government and a return to the constitution. Revolutionists Mrs. Chaplin's Attorneys of Oporto brought reinforcements Granted Ten Days to from Valencia and government Amend Complaint troops bombarded them while they embarked. Throughout yes­ terday heavy cannonading con- - tinued there. Its intensity was i Indicated by the fact that one < Emergency Clause Contain government at Santovidlo nearby, < ed in Bill Makes it fired 150 shots in two hours. 1 Now a Law Among the many public build- 1 inga burned in Oporto were the I W hile in session of the legisla­ ture in Salem a message was re­ postal telegraph and the Theatre > St. ,Jean. ceived by W. M. Briggs to the effect that Governor Patterson signed the Courthouse Removal Normal Assembly W ednesday bill yesterday about 6 o’clock and The music and Dramatic de- partment of the Greater Med­ materialise, attorneys for Mrs. that owing to the emergency ford club w ill entertain the Nor­ Chaplin announced that irrefu ­ clause in the bill, It is now a law mal school students nt an as­ table proof of the marriage would fcf the state. Bar Association Holds a Meeting Driven Off af Last ■ey-ec^. Pit/ u K i sembly to be held Wednesday morning nt ten thirty, in the au­ ditorium. A trio consisting of Mrs. James Collins, soprano. Mrs. Richard Mulholland, contralto,’ and Mrs. Rawles Moore, pianist, w ill provide the entertainment and Mrs. W illiam Mullholland w ill give a brief talk on Cad- men. The public has been in­ vited to attend this assembly. BLASTER KILLED M A R S H F IE L D , Feb. 8.— John TIcaa, 40, experienced powder and slopeman, was instantly k ill­ ed Sunday at the Hauser Con­ struction company rook quarry on Coos river, when he fell down a 160 foot bapk. The man had been blasting and he had a rope arojind his body for safety bat removed It for a short time before he slip­ ped. be contained in the amended com­ plaint. I The absent comedian’s 'firs t victory came when Judge Schmidt granted a demurrer filed by Lloyd W right, personal attorney for Chaplin, 'dismissing W right from the divorce complaint. Judge Schmidt ruled that the complaint failed to show sufficient reason for considering W right aa a de­ fendant in the divorce action. Chaplin scored a second vic­ tory when a demnrrsr filed by the Chaplin studios, Inc., was granted dismissing the action and quashing the restraining or der against It. LEG IO N TO M E E T The local American Legion poet w ill meet nt 8 o’clock to­ night nt Pioneer hall, at which time matters of Importance to the post will be considered. V Golf Game Leads To a Shooting LOS ANGELES, Feb. 8.— (U N ) — A- dispute over a game of golf led Andy Jankowski of Toledo,. Ohio, Ao commit suicide hers this afternoon, after shooting and per­ haps fatally wounding his play­ ing companion, Cornelius K. Cal­ lahan of the same city. The men, playing nt the B e ll* vue Country Club, became involv­ ed In an argument concerning the number of shots each had taken at the eighth hols. Jankowski, ac­ cording to tnfc police drew a gnn, shot Callahan and then turned the weapon on himself. Callahan was rushed to the re­ ceiving hospital, where his death la expected momentarily. r s , . f i , i . 1 finance program, and the third would tend to cure for all time the shrink of the tax levying base caused by the six per cent limitation amendment. This lat- ter suggestion would fix, by an amendment to the six per cent limitation ameiyiment of the con- stitution, an irreducible direct levy base to which resort could always be had in the event of its approval by the people. H ie d Base i ; The amendment provides that • ithis definite and permanent base shall be the sum of »3.588,275.35 i — this being the base in 1922, which was cut by the state tax commission and which cut has been, the major cause of the state’s present financial trouble. It would increase, if permitted by six per cent each annum, and the base thus would grow by those steps as it does now under the constitution. Joseph sees no reason for sub­ mitting the Income tax to a special election, but would let it go over to the November elec­ tion in 1828. To bridge the gap H. A. Stearns, owner of the be would borrow money enough Lithla Springs garage, is putting to carry on the general state ex­ in a concrete floor on the upper penses from the Industrial acci­ part of the garage, and getting dent fund and the highway fund, it In shape for the summer tour­ if available, and the money thus ist season. Other Improvements taken wonld be returned when the are being planned by Mr. Shearns state gets on a sound financial as he believes this will be Ash­ basis again. Joseph contends land’s banner year so far as auto that this would be strictly a traffic is concerned. loan, interest bearing, which would not impair the balance of the credit to either the industrial accident or the highway com­ missions. Joseph declares that the tithing bill through its di­ version of funds, a special to a One or two ex-Ashland high general use, is Illegal under su­ school stars are members of the preme court decisions and could Dunsmuir A ll Stars, who play the be prevented by litigation. normal school basketball quintet at the armory this evening. Be­ cause of the presence of these F IN D FOUR R O M E S basketball stars of former years LOS ANGELES, Feb. 8.— Be­ much interest is being shown In lieved to have been dead more the game and it is expected a than two days, the bodies of two large crowd w ill he preeent. men and two women ware toaad Coach Htyhes Is looking for­ in a bungalow la W atts suburb, ward to one of the hardest and after the door had bean battered moat bitterly contested games yet d ow n to d a y. olayed this year as the Dunsmuir I t Is thought that they had team is reported to be the speed­ been the victims of either palm a iest in Northern California. ed liquor or carbon-monoxide gaa. There will be a preliminary game starting nt 7:80. Concrete Floor Added to Garagi Dunsmuir Team To Play Normal