Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1927)
I Uoeal j Personal Jiotes From Klamath Fall*— W. H. Shuffe« of and R. N. Chaney are eaeh building a new brooder house. The school yard fence has been repaired and L. H . Gallatin has been doipg some, egtensiv« feace buldlng. W e hope that the meeting held at the school house last Wednes day evening, attended by a com mittee from the Ashland Cham ber of Commerce and several farmers of Valley View w ill be productye of good fru it. Loyal cooperation between business peo ple and those of the surrounding community would result In good to both. Mrs. Kenneth Lansing arrived from Portland Tuesday evening for a visit w ith her parents, M r. and Mrs. Jas. Lennox. Klamath Falla spent the waek-en'l In Aah- land looking after business a f fairs. ... ■ . • • . h At the Lithia Springs Hotel— M r. and Mrs. E. H. Green of Seattle, Wash., and J. L. Van Confined to Home ' From H ilt— Loan of Monmouth. Ore., are B. R. K ing of H ilt. Cal., was a ? Russel Frost, who workp at the among those who spent last eve visitor la this city Saturday look Ford garage, la confined to his ning In Ashland. They registered ing after business affairs. borne on W lm e{ Heights w ith 111- at the Lithia Springs hotel. ribss. Paulserud'a for cleaning W ill Broadcast Over KMED— C liff Payne makaa tool chests. The male quartet of the Ash Valentines, all prices — El land Chamber of Commerce w ill Real chicken Tamales, served, broadcast over radio hart's. station 90c. t o take home, 25c. The K M E D at Medford n e \t Friday Plaza. . 104-tf evening. Coavalesrlag— DECREASE IN WEEKLIES . Mrs. W . R. Yockey, whó has APPROVED BY PROFESSOR keen ill for some time. Is reported R e g is te re d Cars Here Returned from K. F.—- C OLUM BIA, Feb. 7.— ( U P ) — D. M . Caldwell o f Pasadena, - A. G. Adams, who has spent the Prof. John M. Casey of the school to be convalescing nicely. Cal., Leota Davis of Modesto, past few days In Klam ath Falls of journalism at the University o f A dandy plate lunch lacluding Cal., and F. E. Brown of Fresno, returned yesterday to his home in Missouri believes the decrease in eoffee every uoon and night, 35c. Cal., are among those who stop Ashland. Mr. Adams reports the number of count/y weekly A t the Plaza. 106-tf ped at the Chamber of Commerce that the people in that section are newspapers Is a healthy sign ra- this morning to® register their very much Interested In the ther than an evidence of retro See the fine new spring wool cars. Rogue River valley and are mak gression. In a bulletin entitled ens and styles at Orres tailor shop ing inquiries about the farming "Country Newspaper Sugges jo w at 11 Beach Ave, east of L i Seventeen gradea of Venus tions,” be says In part: and poultry business here. brary. - 1 24 -tf* oils— Elhart's. • “ Fewer, better and more pro fitable newspapers are the results Confined to H o iw — Returned to Balera— From Montague— Mrs. W . A. Cooper is confined of the last few years of consolida J. H .,F u lle r and W . M. Briggs to her home on Manzanita street tions and suspensions. The re Mrs. J. A. Beemer of Montague was a visitor in Ashland yester who spent the week-end In Ash w ith Illness. duction in numbers *of country land visiting w ith th e ir families weekly newspapers is like the day. and friends, have returned to WIU Broadcast— - felling of inferior trees of the fo r «• Plenty of money to loan on Salem, where they are attending A musical program will be est In order that the sunlight may good security. Phone 21. Yeo, of the legislature. broadcasted over K M E D this reach those deemed more useful. Bourse. - 83-tf evening from 9 until 10 o’clock A wider territory Is served bo- See the new clothe« reel at Jor by the following Ashland girls: cause acquaintanceship form erly dan’s m ill, .ready to set in the Eunice Hager, Mary Galey, Floy lim ited to a township or two - Jg Returned to Ashland— 112-tf Young and Rose Atkins. now country wide.*** C. S. Richardson of the Lithia tronnd. Springs hotel returned yesterday from a visit to Son/hern Call- Visited a t Prospect- Jornla. Mr. Richardson has been | Kenneth V a n R u ff of Olympia, The F ru it Growers* League of Ey L. Ssnderln of Mountain Wash., W . B. Smith and w ife of Avenue visited at Prospect one Southern Oregon w ill hold its an nwsy for the past two weeks. McMinnville, Orb., and Mrs. W . J. day last week. nual election of officers at the Let the U N IO N write your full Jane of San Pedro, Cal., are Medford hotel next Friday a fter coverage automobile Insurance. among those who registered at Returned Home— noon at 2 o'clock, and a large a t- Yeo, of course. 83-tf the Ashland hotel yesterday. Jim Bowers, proprietor of the tendance la urged to insure a Ashland creamery, who has spent successful meeting. G irl over 18, neat and attrac the past few days on a camblned Buttons made at Orees Tailor tive to work In vaudeville road business and pleasure trip to San show. No experience necessafy. Francisco, returned to Ashland a Must be free to travel. Call Mrs. few days ago. Visitor from D illo n ■ 133-1 H. D. Weenlck of Dillon, Mon Leeper, Ashland H otel. tana. Is spending a few days In Confined to Home— Ashland, Mr. Weenlck is very In Ashland Last Evening— Mrs. C. ,E. Shinn Is confined to much Impressed In this city and Dan Bowerman and Miss Ruby her home on Oak street with the Its surrounding country. Timmons o f Medford were visit flu . ors In this city last evening. Mr. Loft for Han Francisco— Just received three hundred Bowerman Is »ews editor of the J. H . McGee of McGee's Dry new Victor records.— The Rose. Goods store, left yesterday for »an Francisco where he w ill be From H i l t - Apples, Newtowns, the next few days ooklng after Perry Norton of H ilt, Cal., good, 75 and 60 cents, business affairs. spent the week-end In this city pon Keith, enjoyed Sunda: ner with Henry Carter and Of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. H arry We Ray and Paul Hendrickson Mabel Reschert and mothei ¡‘'listeners in ” on the radio ¡home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Confined to Ho m e Have a fit at Orres tailors, 11 * Harvey C liff is confined to his Beach Ave., east of Library. home on Union street vyith Ill - 134-tf* ness. Visited With Parents— -A lfa lfa Hay. one bale or a car Miss Lucie Ellen Richardson, load. Ashland F ru it A Pro. Assn. a student at the Southern Ore ' 122-tf gon Normal, spent the week-end in Montague, Cal., visiting with From Medford— K her parents. ....Mrs. I. E. Barton of Medford was a visitor in Ashland this Rental Library— Elhart's. morning and shopping and visit ing with friends. GARDEN SEEDS A Goodrich Bottle Syringe Mrs. Lou Hansen of the Ash Valentines and valentines at land hotel left yesterday for Elhart's. Portland. Ore., where she w ill at tend a convention of the Delphian Society and also attend a dis Spent W eek-End H e r o - trict meeting of the Oregon Hotel B ill Holmes, who, Is employed Association. by the Standard Oil company In Grants Pass, spent the weelt-end Jazz dance Bellview community with his parents M r. and Mrs. H. House Tuesday night. Feb. >. P. Holmes In this city. Mr. Pie and coffee, men 60c, ladles Holmes form erly resided In Ash >Kc. 124-2 land. AUSO COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE deny yo u r children o f the advantage o f music In th e hom e, an d yo n deprive them o f a ropae important element o f happiness. Every fcra. fly should, and m ay Studio P la n o . BUTTER MILK COTTAGE CHEESE CREAM ’ BUTTERMILK > Always Clean and Fresh at Your Grocers. “ IT ’S THE QUALITY” LITHIA CREAMERY Phone 84 143 North Pioneer eniaaaaaiaaam And DOCTOR’S ALLY Now is the tim e for you to do your fencing. Ground is soft for setting your posts, end we carry every sise, height and description la fenc ing that Is made and at right, prices. , Harrows Plows and all hinds of tools carried In stock. A few W hite Hewing Ma chines left for 000.00 each, will cost yon 0120.00 else where.— A t GetuOife Now SICK! With Nothing Laid By Lithia Springs Pharmacy How easily this could have been avoided! Simply a small amount laid away each week would have taken care of just such an emerg ency. Start NOW! You will some day find it well worth the effort Registered. Pharmacist Phone 118 . Only The Best PeiPs Comer T H E TH E A T E R BEAUTFUL The Citizens Bank TONIGHT ONLY TEXAS COWBOY Ashland, Oregon BOB HYPNOTIST 10 People Not a Motion Picture There Dunsmuir All-Stars a Laugh With Every Breath TEXAS BOB Will Perform The Famous Bloodless Operation Tonight ALSO *\ ' < L z Ashland Normal A Special Picture Program DORIS KENYON AND WARREN BAXTER IN Simpson^ Hardware Ashland Armory MISSMATES Comedy and News N IN IN G E R ’S Tuesday Night “ Th« Winchester Store” Good Prelim FREE Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wiueland of this city, left last evening on a trip to Salem and Seattle, where «hey w ill spend the next few la y s looking after business a f fairs. Keep a Home Industry Growing HOMEGUARD WE HAVE MANY NOON LUNCH SPECIALS Left for Portland — / CREAMERY BUTTER Is made from pure pasteurized eream in the most modem and sanitary creamery in Southern Oregon. » Our golden brown waf fles with real maple syrup and hot coffee are delic ious and tempting. Other breakfast combinations i n c l u d i n g guaranteed fresh eggs are ready for you. GARDEN TOOLS — Thousands of persons speak ing the dialect of the Sogna valley the United States, according to Robert N. Nelson, Madison at-, torney, who Is national vice presi dent of the organisation. Miss M argaret Hunteen and Lloyd W illiam s, accompanied by Mrs. H. 0. Duel w ill sing old fash ioned songs for the Flacher-Schef- fel radio program to he broad casted over K M B D at Medford next Wednesday evening from ,0 live within a 60-mile radius of until 10 o'clock. - Mrs. Duel in a Madison and hundreds of oAers student nt the Southern Oregon w ill attend from a ll sections of Normal school la Ashland. s, Breakfast visiting with friends. NORWEGIAN SOCIETY TO MEET IN MADISON MADISON, Wi»., Feb. 7.— (UP) In Norway are expected to at tend the annual meeting of Sog- nalaget, national Norwegian or ganisation, In this d ty June 14, IS and 1«. Folk songs sad dances and an opportunity to renew old ac quaintanceships In the fam i|lar speech o f / h e Sogna fjo rd region w ill be among the attractions for the members of the order, * F u lly six thousand members “Hab-a-dash Inn” February Bargains OVERLAND SHOE SHOP W o rk Shirts 68c New Wool Caps 98c BUILDING & LOAN BLOX Wool Overcoats $11M 100 Good Dress Shirts $1.18 WOOD COAL •rove SERVICE AND QUALITY in fuel as well as lumber. Loans are made on improved property or for improvement purchases. Monthly install ments over a period of years repay the loan giving the borrower a cash refund at matur- Cai^on-Fowler Lbr. Co. We charge no commission and benhip fee. “Big Yank” Work Shirts W urlîïzer THE‘BEST $1.00 SHIRT IN THE WORLD. BLUE, GREY AND KHAKI. MILLER’S TOGGERY 7:30 WE WILL GLADLY ADJUST AND GIVE IN FORMATION ON ANY OF DR. SCHOLL’S FOOT APPLIANCE^ REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEY WERE PURCHASED. Jackson County Building & Loan Association ♦ ARMY GOODS STORE 30 North Central Ave. Biggest Little Store in Town—the new Hotel is Just Opposite. Open Evenings. .RRRfiRRHRRRR r Medford, Oregon