jp ■- Fair in the east, increasing cloudiness in the vest portions tonight. war W I ft £ R ■ /W i t . . ■ ■ a ■ ■ m L X J m. r ■ i IA w 1 1 1 ■ J T O POULTRY IM D W 1T is a potential pay roll for Adi- Aahlcmd't Leading N< per for Over Fifty Years (United New» Wtr» Sanie») d ASHLAND, OREGON « C H I C AR A Cl) A BATTLE tares I ä t LIVES OF OVER land. , (United farsas Wir» Service) )NDAY FEB. 7, 1927 WAWM CHANGE MAjML WASHINGTON. freb. f j - ( U N ) — Áltfconab the United States always toa toan recog­ nised as a Christian nation, tto High School Defeats Cor Mental Experts Officially in the Coastltnttoa. Rep. H od­ ▼allia in Second Game Declare That Former son. Michiana RepubUgaa, of Trin Logger Insane ' told the Hons» recently, « t a n he offered . a petition of t to LONG BEACH. Feb. 7.— Mrs. TOLEDO. Ore., Feb. 7.—-Alex­ W inhlng its second Victory on Southfield Reformed Preehy- M yrtle Huddleeon, the first wo­ ander Hill, logger who strangled terian cnurch of Blrm laghaja, | what w ill be a three game barn- man to swim the C aU llna chan­ Minnie Washington, seventeen ' storming trip, the Ashland high Mich, t nel, rested- at her home today. year old Indian girl, was official­ school basket ball team nosed The petition naked adoptten She collapsed yesterday after ly proclaimed insane after an ex­ out the crack, Corvallis quintet­ of a Constitdttoaal amendment making the crossing in twenty amination by Dr. William,, House, Fierce Battle Rages AH Di te Saturday night by one pdlnt to acknowledge “Alm ighty Odd Bill Introduced by Joseph Portland mental hour« and forty. minutes, being expert, and R. Imposing Ceremonies Are Yesterday With Heavy the score beng, Corvallis Sixteen, as the sonree o f all authority Generally Disagrees With E. Stiener, superintendent the first woman to ever cross the Held at Funeral of Late of the Ashland seventeen. According and p o w e rjn civil government channel. Attacked by fog at Bar­ Governor’s Plan Japanese Head 8tate Insane . Asylum. He said and the Lord Jesus Christ as to word received from Corvallis, racuda, lost la a fog, swept beck that tjie voice from heaven told the ruler of nations.** ' * " the score does not Indicate the from land by currents were but a W ATCH him to kill her. Hill was one of THOUSANDS type of basketball put up by the MANY BILLS ARS tew of the difficulties she en­ live brothers, one who is already Sol u m n F uneral Services in A n- local hoopators, they being partic­ countered. She said she made Five Hpndrcl Mark Has Be In the asylum, and it Is believed ularly strong In this game, on elen t Custom s Are H eld the swim, In topes of receiving possible that another brother may Reached In the Honae With tbelr offensive. Over th e Body vaudeville contracts to get suf­ Two Hundred ln Senat« be the much looked for strangler. Friday night the locals took the ficient money to educate her BY J. H. F U L L E R MANAGUB, Nicaragua, Feb. 7. Roseburg high school five Into TOKYO, Feb. 7.— (U P )— The eleven year old son. A t the Tuesday Forum this Anothcr Suspect '— The siege o f Chinandega by the camp by another one point mar­ funeral of Yoshihito, late Em­ week Fred C. Homes w ill tell PORTLAND. Feb. 7.—Word attacking army of General Para- SALEM. Feb. 7.— Faded with gin, and with the final, game of peror of Japan, was carried out o f the State Chamber meeting Jon, Liberal leader, continued to­ Fast Basketball Till WiM bn the trip to be played tonight, at a mass of bills the Oregon legisla­ was received here that a man with imposing ceremonies hers at Portland on January Slot, day with heavy lo.'aee on both Stowed at Annory Salem, the locals will be home ture opened its fifth week of the answering the description of the tonight. where Meaara Homes ahd Vin­ sides, the government admitted. Tomorrow Eve 3 in plenty of time to prepare for aeasion today. T to house passed strangler who was thought to More than 1,000,000 people. ing were repreeentatlvee of the The Conservatives are well en­ their two week end games with the five hundred m ark In bill In­ have killed a dozen women on the Including many foreigners, lined Heralded a» one of the speed­ the same team they meet tonight. troduction today, and the Senate çcast, was held In the Polk county Ashland Chamber, and Mr. V in­ trenched with 1500 men there un­ the three miles route of the der General Vlquex and reinforc­ iest basketball teem» in Nortpdnt ing was reelected President of Announcement of these two had over two hundred. In the Jail. Ho answers the description funeral procession from the great. A ll games has already attracted much Senate a resolution by Upton, in almost all of the particulars, that organisation for another Two Ashland Stridents Are ed by 1600 men under General California, the Dunsmuir Chlyoda Castle in the center of year. i Oomes with 10,000 machine gnaa. 8 tars w ill Invade Ashland tom or­ attention as it Is known that the proposes the creation of a coun­ and wil be brought to Portland to­ Tokyo to the imperial garden of Officials in New The battle raged all day yester­ row night fob a game w ith tto Salem five are unusually strong ty fa ir inspect^. to compile In­ day for examination. Organisation Shlnjuku where the final Shinto day. UnconSrmed reports said Southern Oregon Normal sntaol this .year,, having defeated the formation and help the legisfc- The discussion of the last rites the body were held. The 4 H Club has been reor­ that >00 had been killed on both quintet. The game wiH be played freshman team from the Univer­ ture In appropriations for county Forum rylatlvo to the Llthia ggglOlV Funeral services, in the sity of Oregon recently. The re­ and district fairs.' W ater is la good thing sad the ganized on tto Oregon Agricul­ sides. The American marines at at the armory. > itoms of medieval Jap­ The Dunsmuir five has won turn gamesiwith Salem will be Directors of the Chamber of tural College campus this year Corinto have been ent o ft from an. were held over the body in the Commerce at their next meet­ and le actively engaged in car­ their base of supplies by the bat­ most of Us games so fa r this year, played Friday and Saturday eve­ funeral hall of Chlyoda Castle and expects to give tto local col­ ning at the Junior High gymna­ ing w ill undoubtedly ask for fu r­ rying out Its progressive program. tle. throughout the day and as dark­ legians a hard ran tomorrow o n - sium, with an excelent preiminar- ther expression on this question. The questions of the Union Pa­ ness came on the procession pass­ n lrg . I t numbers several ex-?ol- les already arranged for. The One th in g , la certain, we have cific scholarship, and W hat the ed out of the main entrance of Only a Week of Illness the Caatle, across the famous N l- lego stars In the lineup. Saturday night game, acoordlng not yet begun to utilize the valqe O. A. C. R H Club can do to help' Claims the Life of A good preliminary game will to Principle B .-C . Forsythe will their county agents has been to Ashland of the Mineral Waters ]u Bridge, and started along ttart at 7:50. A. W. Thomas The not start until nine o'clock al- - and with the plane for Improve­ brought before the dub. torch lighted streets . to Shtnju- lowing plenty of time for those ment In onr general water sup- ku where the final ceremonies who do their shopping on Satur­ '• were^ concluded shortly after ply -Buderwar, * ts tto right day evening to atted the game. y midnight and the body started for tim e to be considering what the Chicago Man Thinks Shore« '• the Imperial Mausoleum near Aq? next step should be toward mak- ofLouisiana Lake Hold He opposed the Governor’s pro­ akawa Village, 30 miles north- , lng Ashland stand out as the . Much Wealth posed spécial electon, and would ’ west of Tokyo. principal watering place on the SANTA C LAR A . Oal., Feb. 7. postpone the submission of au The imperial coffin was car- CHICAGO, Feb. 7. — (U N ) — Pacific Highway. Isn’t It time — ( U N ) — The old fashioned girl r rled In a strange four-wheeled income tax Until November, 1923. Spanish donbloons and pieces of to make a real effort toward etill has a place in the heart« of He was also against the Govern­ ' hearse, which creaked mourpful- eight He bnried la a vault under Securing someone w ith the vision students nt the University of * ly through the dim streets lined or's plan to have the seif support­ three seamen interred In the form and the ability to establish a Santa Clara. with multitudes of the subjects ing commission pay a percentage of a crucifix on the shore of sanitarium here that w ill make Questionnaires, asking thetype of the- Late Emperor. T h e to the state general fund. L ake Pontchartraln, Louisiana, the name of Ashland known far of w ife desired were distributed Co-ed Who Attempted to hearse was specially built for the according to s. 8. F lo t of thJe and Wider This ft not a M atter Rob Bank is Arraigned , ' funeral by the ancient Nishtmura city. v that eaa be gone lu te with any* w îth th e raton that •« p o r iS « - in Court _ ; '• family of Kyoto, for centuries two bp four plan; it w ill, re^ I t was a daA' night 'in this' /d - of those answering passed up 1 carriage makers for the Imperial mantic 1820’s when Antoine the (topper and chose the old quire the most export ability V E R M IL L IO N , South Dakota. f family. Its creaking, caused by Surle, grandfather o f'F lo t ‘a wife fashioned girl of song and story. and genius; but there Is such Feb. 7. — Although represented 1 a scientific arrangement of wood- and a fisherman, found a dirty ability and snch genius, and Ash- Only seven per cent chose the by council and not in court the 1 end wheel on axle, was divided map, which he read by the light flapper, the rest wavering be­ arraignment • land should be able to secure It. of Miss Marian into seven mournful cadences enp- of the moon. SALINAS, Cal., Feb. 7.— The tween ' ‘medium flapper” and Meyers, University co-ed on the peeed to represent the collective ’’W here three sailors lie bur­ “ undecided.” W ith the State Educational In ­ charge of attempting to rob the bodies of two men shot to death weeping of the population of the ied In the form of a cross on the stitutions asking for appropria­ " I f there Is an old-fashioned F irst National Bank was con­ In a lonely ranch house, sixty- Empire. tions aggregating >1,500,000 The preliminary five miles south east of here VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 7. shore of Lake Pontchartraln rests girl |o he found. I ’ll marry her,” ducted today. The funeral services w ill be The hearse was drawn by two Ashland's >160,000 seems a.mere — (U N )— When a no.*e on the the richest treasure off Spanish stated one student on the ques­ hearing was waved and a bond found today, was confronting au­ held at 10:30 tomorrow morning great black and white oxen, spec­ of fifteen hundred dollars was thorities with a grewsome mur­ from Stock’s Undertaking parlors bit, especially when one consid­ front porch awakened him at 4 doubloons man ever saw,” read tionnaire. ially selected and trained for the "•rt>e modern g irl, minus the J set. The case will probably be der mystery. ers that all these other Institu­ o’clock the other morning, the the old man. The slain men, and will be in charge of Rev. H. task, with two additional oxen The territory was then a w ild­ Happer traits,” remarked another. heard in the March term of William and Dan Estes, were F. Pemberton, pastor of the Meth­ tions except the proposed new Rev. A. D. Skaggs found two in reserve. Ed Estes, another I odist Episcopal church, and the school in Eastern Oregon are couples waiting to be married. erness of moss and cypress trees W h ile a third, waxing phlloso- court. No attempt was made to brothers. Streets had been crowded with Evidence of a Grand A rm y .jJ the Republic of hundreds of thousands of people centered around one section of But the parson didn’t mind, for with oily water lapping the shore. uhical. declared. furnish bond and it is doubtful found them. The map related that Jean La­ the state. It would seem most down In his big memorandum "Love knows no type. I ’m wait­ If the girl w ill make any attempt brawl, in which liquor played a which Mr. Thomas was a mem- since early afternoon and thou­ part was found in the house. helpful for the upbuilding of book went four more names, fitte, New Orleans free-booter of ing for love.” i to raise her bail. sands and thousands of- police, Oregon to spread some of these bringing his total number of mar­ the period, “ did bury the ship m ilitary reservists, and regiments loads of fabulous treasure’’ on opportunities and advantages, riages to 7500. of the Imperial Guard and the The "m arrying parson” doesn’t the banks of this Louisiana lake and permit Southern Oregon and Army and navy lined the streets Eastern Oregon their share of claim the world record but he connected with the sea by a tor­ from the caatle to Shlnjuku. these benefits. That is why we believes he Is right np w ith the tuous lagoon.' A ll streets along the route ha<( Five of Antoine’s friends and are working every minute to see leaders. During (he 57 years of been carefully swept and coated that we get at least a portion. his ministry he has officiated in Antoine Surle, Jr., Mrs. Plot’s J. M. Brady of this city, a with fine sand along the route Oregon, Kanaas, Missouri. Mexi­ uncle, fortified themselves with graduate of the Oregon Agricul­ of the funeral procession. Un-; Representative Briggs was a co, Europe, Africa, China, South picks and shovels and set ont tural college, won the >100 sightly buildings. Including many on the treasure quest. week-end visitor to obtain some America and Japan. scholarship o f f e r e d by the shacks thyown up after the burn­ The secret of the Rev. Skagg’s In a small hummock on the B e views of his constituents on var­ Behnke-W alker Business college ing of 7 ,k y o in the great earth­ phenomenal record at matchmak­ shore of a lagoon, indicated by ious measures now pending. for the best ad written for them quake of 10)3, were torn down d u . s ß ? ing lies In the fact that he lived a cross on the map thia group during The Oregon-Zain >10,000 some days ngo so that no ugly next doorz to court houses for 27 found a Jar— or a Jug containing prise amateur ad w rlttlng con­ thing marred the solemn beauty years, seven in St. Louis and 10 >12,000 in gold. They divided It. test, which was recently held in of the Emperor’s last Journey. in Vancouver. The searchers later dug up A ll electric lights along the Portland. M r. Brady is the eon Vancouver Is quite a marrying the skeletons of the sailors. A of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brady of route were extinguished, the pro­ city, anyway, since It is J u s t few drams further on they came cession being lighted only by Allison street. across the Columbia river from to a water-logged vault. He is the third sx-student of thousand; of paper lanterns, top­ Portland, where an Oregon state Then the fortnne-hunters quar­ the Oregon A gricultural college ped with funeral black, and occa­ tow requires all males to undergo relled over who should pump to make an outstanding success sional flaring torches. Use of Words “ Data, Are a physical examination before a Instds the Garden specially the vault dry so, w ith >2000 during the ad w riting contest. is Basis for Lengthy license may be secured. bult pavilions lined the route be­ each, they covered np the exca- The grand award and the en­ English Disputes The pastor has kept no record vacation; went home and never tire contest special prises will tween the first and second T o n ! SALEM, Ore., Feb. 7.— (U P ) of how nquch marrying couples went back, Flot said. He believes be presented Tuesday at the Col­ the sacred “square arch” of the has netted him, although he it Shinto faith. Upwards of 5,000 —-A tidal wave of grammatical a large quantity of gold is prob­ umbia theatre at Portland and certain It has totaled more than specially Invited guests watched exclamations, aqd arguments en­ ably there yet. the winners of these prises will >10,000. the procession from these points gulf this city, the capital of Ore­ be given complimentary admission Most of the "trade” Is tran­ of vantage. These guests Inelnfi- gon, which nt present Is the OREGONIANS ARE AGAINST to the theatre. sient. He expressed disgust nt a ed high governmant officials, scene o f the 84th session of the ABBREVIATED STATE NAME few bridegroom^ who gave him accredited correspondents of for­ Legislature, as a result of two worthless checks as marriage eign newspapers and press asso­ words In the inaugural Message PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 7.— fees. ciations. persons holding decora­ (U P )— W hat s the proper abbre­ of Governor, I. L. Patterson. "That kind of a fellow ." the tions and representatives of the viation of Oregon? According to Interrupting the straggles and LIN C O LN. Neb.. Feb. 7— (U N ) clergyman said, “ weuld make a 30 Treaty Powers with which Oregonians the answer le “nene.” strife of a legislator’s life are Business men are writing better poor husband. I ’d pity his wife Japan Is associated as a world A survey by the Oregon State the pros and cons o f that weighty letters than they used to, accord­ power. The emperor did not Editorial association discloses question, “when is Is plural and ing to Prof. Maurice Weseen of march In the funeral procession that papers In Oregon refer *• to when are are singular?” the University of Nebraska. He but proceeded to Shlnjuku by a Oregon as follows: “ O., Or., Org., W ith the Senate and House based his statement on a study of separate route, meeting the body Ore.” The totter is the one most overwhelmingly Republican, lead­ the letter files of several business of hie ancestor in the funeral t a ll MOSCOW. (U P )— The people generally used. firms. ers of the party had hoped for of the garden. The editorial association Is on "The potential power of the ' The cortege arrived at the fu­ an end to factional difficulty of the K alm lk tribe could not read’ and write If they wanted to, record against the nse of any ah- business latter le being recognis­ neral hell ebon: 0 p. m. end the with the retirement of Governor ed.” 'said the professor. " I find coffin wee taken by bearers late W alter M. Pierce, Democrat. B at Soviet educators have discovered, breviaton of the name of this that leading business Institutions the imperial they reckoned .without the two because they have no alphabet to state. That this attitude has presence. Shtate throughout ths country are mak­ priests carried ont the late rites words of that Inauguration mes­ expresd the Sounds of their lang­ found general favor is ladleatelgi uage. Philologists have been set by the fact that I l f ? attomobll« ing systematic efforts to ellminats and Bmperpr Hlrohlto, t h e n sage. I» "work by the Soviet Government license plates have Oregon spelled "doad” letters and make their spoke briefly giving his condol- In his speech, Governor Pat­ ont In fa ll, for the first time In to devise an alphabet for the K a l­ business letter as attractive and ences to the natioa and urging terson said “ data are.” W here- m lk tribes, which belong to the history.. Ip peat year the abbre­ fu ll of power as their sdverM»- (Please Tarn to Page I), viation “Ore." was need. Mongolian race. in g :” Students Like The Old Fashioned Girl Double Murder Mystery Found Vancouver Parson Has Married 7500 Too Much is Enough W ill T ha T