Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, February 05, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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Railroad A ccidents Reduced
In no r esp ect h a v e th e railroad s o f th e U n ite d
State« m ad e g r e a te r p ro g ress th an in th e p r e v e n ­
tion o f in ju rie s to em p loyes.
** .*
R ep orts o f th e in te r sta te oom m erce co m m issio n
sh ow th at in road fr e ig h t service, w h ieh rep resen ts
th e m ost r a g g e d ty p e o f serv ice, there h as b een a
g r a tif y in g p r o g r e ssiv e red u ction io both f a ta litie s
and in ju ries p e r 1000 then em p loyed fo r ea ch su c ­
ce ed in g y e a r fo r th e la st n in e y e a r s.
„For ex a m p le, in 1918, whan th e r a ilro a d s w ere
con trolled and op era ted b y th e g o v ern m en t, th ere
w as an a v e r a g e o f 109„819 e m p lo y e s in road fr e ig h t
service, o f w hom 847 w ere k ille d an d 23J)23 iu ju rod ,
or a rate p er 100 employe)» o f 4.99 k ille d and
135.57 inju red.
In 1921, u n d er p r iv a te co n tro l and o p era tio n ,
there w a s an a v e r a g e o f 137,852 em p lo y ed , o f w h om
302 w ere k illed and 13,128 in ju red , o r a r a te o f 2.19
k illed and 95.23 in ju red , a red u ctio n eom p ared w ith
1918 o f 50 per oen t in th e ra te k ille d an d o f n early
30 p er cen t in ju red .
S till g r e a te r p r o g r e ss in a co id eu t p r e v e n tio n is
show n fo r 1925, I n 1925, th e a v e r a g e n u m b er em ­
p lo y e d in road fr e ig h t se r v ic e w a s 148,267, th e n u m ­
ber k illed p er 1000 w a s 1,97 an d in ju red 82.47,
a retf^ption in th e k ille d co m p a red w ith 1921 o f
10 p er cen t a n d in th e in ju re d o f 13 p er c e n t; an d a
red u ction in killed co m p a red w ith 1918 o f o v e r 0 0
per cen t an d in in ju red o f ab o u t 31 p er cen t.
T h e r e su lts n o t o n ly th o r o u g h ly e x p lo d e and
d isp ro v e t h e c la im s o f p ro m o ters o f train lim it
le g isla tio n , th a t h a z a r d of a c c id e n ts in c re a se s as
train s a r e m a d e longdr, fo r tr a in s w ere lo n g e r in
1921 than in 1918 a n d lo n g e r in 1925 th an in 1921,
y e t a s th e y ’h e e o m e lo n g e r a o e ld eh ts to train m en b e ­
cam e le ss; b u t m a k e i t c le a r t h a t a c c id e n ts are
m a in ly c a u se d b y c a r ele ssn ess, r e g a r d le ss o f len g th
o f train, a n d th a t th e re m e d y is co m p ete n t su p er­
v isio n and s y s te m a tic s a fe t y w ork , ra th er th an train
lim it la w s, f o r sh o rter tr a in s w ou ld m ean m ore
train s, m ore e x p e n se t o sh ip p e r s a n d m ore lik e li­
hood o f a c c id e n ts.
Go A head A nd B u y T he Car.
I t is n o t lik e ly v is it o r s to D o tr o it’s la te s t an d
g r e a te st au to m o b ile sh o w w ill b e d eterred from
b u y in g th e oar o f th e ir ch o ice b y a n y co n sid era tio n
o f th e o c ca sio n a l m ou rn fu l w a r n in g s o f p r o fessio n a l
p e ssim ists th a t th e w o r ld 's s u p p ly o f fu e l oil is ab o u t
exh au sted and m ay g iv e o u t b e fo re th e y h a v e p a id
th e th ird in sta llm en t.
F a r from liein g e x h a u sted , th e w o r ld ’s oil su p ­
p ly is as y e t sca rcely tra p p ed an d p ro b a b ly , so fa r
as the requirem en ts o f m en g o , is p r a c tic a lly in e x ­
h au stib le.
S till, it is a lw a y s p lea sa n t to be reassu red .
A n d G eorge H . J o n es, chairm an o f th e b oard o f
directors .o f th e S tan d ard O il com p an y o f N ew
J e r se y , s p e a k in g at a banquet th e o th e r d a y , w in
m ost reassu rin g. “ There, is no lik e lih o o d o f th e
w o r ld ’s g a s tan k e v e r g o in g d r y ,” said Mr. J o n es,
“ but if it sh o u ld , w e a lw a y s know w e can m ake
a m otor fu el sim ila r to ga so lin e from raw m a teria ls
such as o il sh a le and coal, w h ich are a v a ila b le in
enorm ous q u a n titie s ,”
S o go ah ead and buy jh c ear.
A d efen d a n t in a T exa« court, w h o ask ed w h at
is prohibition iu ig lit h a v e been told th a t it is a sta te
o f affairs w h ere th e d ry s h a v e th e la w s and the
w ets have th e liq u or aud n e ith e r is sa tisfie d .
By. Williams
/ Z 0 0 m T |4 a O ^ »F ATS a
tO «N O Q 6N C l'JHA-HA
*T h * s OfttMK'is
P u n \ * Â T UB»M
»M ! C o t t ' e m m û m e s , <=o
foo nt U ’ fvt
ouh U m AM CVOCH' 9 0
D o v e ORtwrta. a w
u c x x e / Y T ’tU a o o <
S w » «lOMT
U G r \WORWe -TkM M lM utE -S \ TURM *tÍ4»MQS'u.
¿H£R£. BN
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AM’ TAtM O O F* AM GfCB A \ F®R ’ífae.'MSBV.VR*
T Z tfiV INQRK < H uH T y
< B v m c m T /
’IfcM a m ’ « o e s AM' e t E i toMKT ZlCr -H I.' IX H AFTA
T I m l rT
»M H i s OWN
mca N
R /i
■ ‘—»rt! -V
I WhatOHiers Say I
WINNIPEG— Sowing rice
br airplane has been Inaug­
urated by the Manitoba de­
Sacha of wild rice • ’ere for­
warded to Cormorant lake
station for distribution by
airplane over suitable marsh­
es la the noythland- I f is ex­
pected that-ths ri«e wifi in-,
crease the food supply aad
attract wild ducks aad musk­
REV AL, Bsthonla— Scent­
ing lucrative business, a firm
chiefly consisting of boot­
leggers has planned a float­
ing restaurant on the Baltic.
A passenger steamer will
be purchased and anchored
off the coast outside the jur­
isdiction of countries where
prohibition la enforced Past
motor launches will trans­
port the patrons.
CHICAGO Playful burg­
lars pushed Mrs. Rebecca
Kats Into the filled betotnb
of the Kats home and scoop­
ed up 16,000 In Jewels.
small clod of froaea dirt,
weighing toon than three
pounds, killed Lnurlts Lar­
sen when it strnek him on
the head after felling i l
feet. Larsen was in e man­
hole, working on tke con-
gtruetion of a sowar system.
Sorrow : Something that is eas-
ly borne if aonmbody else has It.
Vice; Similar to an iceberg
mont o í it halag below the sur-
Dishonesty; Being honest for
tbs sole reason that you think it
will* pay.
Issue: The ope essential thing
politicians must create In order to
continue In business.
Preeodty: The early symptom
that mediocrity will develop when
the whiskers begin to grow.
Diploma: A piece of paper that
“ *y get a boy a Job but gives
no guarantee that he can hold it.
Hos Heck eays: “Affy mnn kin
be respectable on a Utile meney
casier thgn he kin on a lot.”
• < « sm e a r s»
e * » * e iw
(Bead Bulletin)
U due poqroe of tipte, and
with the dignity and ponder­
ous motion which might be
expected from the namesake
of Kenesaw Mountain, Judge
Landis, dictator ef organis­
ed baseball, hoe finally de­
cided and announced that Ty
Cobh and Tris Speaker are
not guilty of the charge of
Judge Is weeks late. Pub­
lic opinion had exonerated
Tris and Ty from the mo­
ment the charge w u prefer­
(Klamath Palls Harald)
Attorney General
Winkle may possess the wis­
dom of Solomon hat his wis­
dom never can convince ns
that the state as a political
unit la entitled to mare than
a mllMoa dollars of the feder­
al refund tax on the grant
lands whlck was brought
hack from Washington as a
conscience fund from the
It is quite plain that Salem
la proceeding on the theory
that this money will go to
the state, and it la squally
plain that 1« ^counties will
resist such interferenee with
county business.
Because tke state as a po­
litical unit Is In the red fi­
nancially 1« no good reason
for taking from 18 eouptles
that which rightfully belongs
to'those counties.
Crater Lake
In W inter T im e
Caretaker at d a ta r Lake
I saw something yesterday
that I have never seen before, a
thawing wind coming from the
p o rth
Seme time while I was
gone the wind blew a gale from
the north and filled the lake aide
rooms full of snow. It was melt­
ing when I arrived- That 1« the
beauty of the watch clock. I dis­
covered the anew When I waa
making my five o'clock round,
juat after I arrived nt the Lodge.
I did what I could to protect the
rooms in the new building, but It
waa dark and I had come all the
way from the Fort and wee dead
tired eo I had to let moot of it-go.
Thia morning the first thing
I had to do was to hnnt the
break In the telephone line, for
I had told the operator as aeon aa
I reached the Ledge I would call
her. I found «the break down the
hiU a half mile away, a tree had
fallen and had taken the line
with it in it’s elide down the
It la hard to make you see the
amount of snow that le blown in
the rooma In a abort timet la
some of the roams I found drifts
two feet deep. This had Mown In
one night. Hew de I know? I waa
In sight of the rim almost every
hour that I was away, and ex-
cepting the night that I left and
until seven the next morning,
Garfield was In eight at all Umea.
Work— Fixed telephone line,
shoveled show, mopped up rooms
and cleaned gutter or vallies of
Weather— Day clear; w i n d
northwest; snowfall sines
obeorvatlen 0.1 in., precipitation
0.00 In; snow on ground 5 tin.;
H. 45; L. 15; R. 10; M. 37.«.
»Senator J im B ead h as d isco v e r e d th a t th e p r e si­
d en tial K|*okeHuian in C oolid ge h im se lf. N e x t th in g
you know mmuo o f th e se in v e s tig a tin g sen a to rs is
g o in g to find ou t h e 's n R ep u b lican , too.
Philadelphia clubwomen have joined a move­
ment to have public libraries open on Munday. Whère
is this wave of dissipation carrying usf
Perhai>s U n cle Sam is n ’t jm pular w ith hig w a y ­
w ard u ep h ew s an d n ices ju st now , but d id you ever
see a rich uncle w ho w as?
W ash in gton h as seven d eb u ta n tes w h o n eith er
»m oke nor d rin k , »ay» » d isp a tch .
S o c ia l ta len ts
c e r ta in ly arc w a n in g in t|m ca p ita l.
C h ica g o d en tista s a y w c sh ou ld eat a lfa lfa
w e h a v e to eat it and sm ok e it, too?
10 Years Ago
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jeter re­
turned from Perfand yesterday
where Mr. Jeter went to inter­
view a doctor In regard to Injur­
ies rnpclvod In a wreck last July.
M m . Lloyd Leuner end her son
Verg. of Grants Paas have been
vIslMng* thslr grandmother, Mrs.
A. Baldwin 1n Ashland.
R. P . -Campbell visited his
ranch nn? Griffin creek for ,a
coupla rt days last week.
30 Years Ago
Wm. Hardy, wko reaantly lo­ •R ise Lena BUtot entertained a
cated In Ashland from Garfield, number e f friends at a party at
Week., pqrehaslag property on her -parent's home Inst evening,
Boat Main St., w y s that there in honor ef her dfifh birthday,
are now seven famMtos ik Ashland
who have recently arrived hero
from Garfield and located-
Cliff Payne and Will Lindsey
will start nexf Tuesday for Bear­
From the Berwick, Navd.Bcotls, er Creek, Gal., to begin, prepara­
Register It le learned that Dr. H- tions for the eeaeon’s worb at the
M. Skew has loft that laanUty tor hydrnrtta mine of Wm.. Patterson
N«w York City, where be will Bros, and Payne.
complete a eonree of hospital
study, after whieh, accompanied
by Mrs. Shew and the' children,
Rev. F. G. Strange, 8. 8. Csld.
they will return to their home In well and Elder L.. A. 8aakett of
this city.
AsHland nvo nt Grants Pass at-
tending « meeting.
F. G. Me Williame has none to
Mise Basale Eddy, daughter of
Imperial valley where he will A. F. Eddy who formerly lived In
Cal Eubanks was doing b»»i
vielt hie non end recuperate hie Ashland, ie vtaltlnn friends nt her ness and greeting triends In Ash.
old home here.
land this week.
Loobtnp proof that Joan to /«UhtoM
ha plan« to trap her and Abner
wMto then are oil on s was* end
orotoe an the peart of flrtveov, •
*--- M ru flnmoUdia.
silver service, the sheen of its
(tong matttpip. /oam jeatoni mMn its
and glass, nod the Immacu-
Banny flirts w<(* Cnwg, a wMem, crystal
of ltn napery to the dinner.
enmmropes Abner's Memmsa « t o ­ Hcy
with the flowers and potted
ner, laptop Glare, resents Jrtnng*« These,
smm« BeMSdMe 4 W
k r r o a w
fl*L plants indigenous to that lounge
V n i^ffe«
W flwwoieaai P
deck, formed a colorful background
nrnoe a hnetaet« deal wUh «toner, tor the glittering evening gown«
f w i s s i b r - e f ithe peobf. Clare’s and the hared shoulder, hack and
Tiismrrin flesh of the woman, end tor
t^e Tuxedo drees of the men.
It termed, too. a fitting social
battleground tor the tournament of
Jealousies, the eye and wit Jousts
Night had tacked s' aahla abroad of the hoot and foot of hie gueata,
ever the uneasy seaway. A blue- gering through the medium of fur­
black zoom. Dinned to the ton of tive nudges and eovert whispers of ■
the universe hr etara, erohod to»b the remainder of that smartest of
ty overhand, its ends loot In the smart society pasties.
Abner Gretmoa waa counting tho
dark voids of the horlaon.
The wind had freshened and dragging hours until these oom-
wieps df clouds eeudded la low munal gatherings would be over tor
from the Bast, telltale forerunners that night and toe meeb-endere
would he asleep la their re aps irt lve
of stormy legions to come,
Long bland Bound, a lb Atlan­ cabins.
Then he could go about the eater
tic extremity, to black of alghte—
business of his tryst wito Jana.
Joan, with her mature beanty and
marble skin, as proud and defi­
antly calm an Clare was rootless
and kronen under the over wattk
fnl eyes that table round, felt her­
self treading on the edge of an un­
certain abyss.
Given as much to gutek tears as
ip swift rages. Jean silently taught
Within herself the question of
whether to melt Into weeping o f to
indulge a, tantrum vicariously by
etraint or reservation to the con­
suming impulse e f the bom—the
surcease to her heart promised In
A bner's king beckoning a r m s
Joan was quite sure of her own
mind. She loved Abner. Body sad
soul she desired him.
But it was provoking to nee her
husband, even though she did not
lpve HIM any more, passing whol­
ly end shamelessly into the wily
toils of an adventuress. It waa one
thing for Joan to fall in leva, «x-
tramaritally, herself, but to have
the humiliation of seeing Runny
race her publicly, neck and n eck —
Arttoina a t timely interest»
are welcomed under this head.
CommoaclaUons must hoar the
signature of the author-
Editor Ashland Daily Tidings:
Dear Editor,
I have Just read roar editorial
in the Jan- 17th lasne of the Tid­
ings in regard to the development
of the poultry business at Ash­
land. read carefully , everything
In relation to the poultry busi­
ness at Ashland since I have been
thinking of making that my fu­
ture home in ease prospects are
St all rosy for the future In that
direction there. Would sure be
glad to have a oommKtae investi­
gate the possibilities of successful
poultry raising at Ashland aa
suggested in this editorial refer­
red to above. No doubt many
others would also who may per­
haps be thinking along the same
lines as myself.
Very Truly,
A n uitp lication by th e v a m is ji m ak ers fo r au
inju nction re str a in in g th e g o v e r n m e n t from se llin g
them poisoned alcoh ol h a s been d en ied . T h e y 'r e be­
com in g m ore u n sa fe a ll th e tim e— w in e s and lacq uers
starring Irene RM h U a tWi
pleturlzation ef thia novel.
w i f e ,"
Mr. H a n sen o f T h e H o t e l
A sh la n d is A p p o in te d
A g e n t fo r T h e
Pickw ick
Stage System
Phone 47
IVeg — Information
F uller Paints
p o in t an d v a r n ish
e v e r y n eed
J. 0 . RIG G
Best Palnb—Bert Wertm
P h o n f ll 7 2
or rather, aecker and nockev—
along the primrose path of dalli­
ance, aroqsed at least a point of
It was not that she cared, Joan
avowed to herself, but it would
ve been so much more decent if
s thing had been done with clean
hands—if Ranny had patten a dk
voroe and given her the freedom
she needed to consummate her new
love without deception.
One thing she had always ad­
mired about Ranny was his consist­
ent disinterestedness in women *
since their marriage, even after
their quarrels had attained the
s ta tu of utter and unbridgeable
Incom patahUity. Much as Joan had
wanted the divorce she secretly ad­
mired the lunate fineness which
hod kept Saaay from illict liutona.
Now auddaaly, in <ms fell swoop,
Ranwr'had apparently c u t aside
all his Inhibitions and reverted to
crude aad unrefined first princi­
But there were compensations la
being disillusioned, Joan felt, tor
over and above her hurt pride she ■
grew oonsetau of a een u of being
Heretofore Banny’s exemplary
loyalty to their marriage vows, add­
ed to her own spirit about such
things, had kepi her from cheating.
Now, divorce or no divorce, she
considered that ltaany^a patent d e ­
sertion of his irt s s ls . hla iapu from
their Joint loyaltiaa, unlettered bar
own actions.
Joan, too, theretorp began to
count t^ie Iftoairs unUU sdtu ^sotild li^B
had descended upon the yadhTand
upon aH lta passengers except
these two whom hearts beat t o '
gke looed Abner—body and sonL
rn beginning to foal the influenae
the boisterous Cape.
Sometime after midnight the big
yaoht woold vser south
to the open sea, beiwe
Montauk Ught OS the s
lonely Block island fa^ to port.
That waa the sailing plan.
Braced on the bridge against the
inereaalag roll. Captain Marty
eoeked a weatherwiee Maine eye
upon the bespangled heavens, sniff­
ed the message of the salty wind
aad lowed to the mate that M
gels' to blow up a bit thick."
“Small difference to that bunch,
blow high, blew low,** grinned the
mate. “Two hoars mare, the wey
they’re steamin' up now, aad they
won’t know whether w ete oomin’
or goto’ or whether we’re to Davy
Penea* looker. Wall, if it Ueks up
toe smart we kin stay offshore an’
ride H o v t Do that crowd good to
get shaken pp a bit!"
Captain Marty giameed aft aad
Rambles aad eleek of dinner rev­
elry came from the brilliantly 1UU-
mlnated lounge deck, which waa
cloned now at the sided by sliding
glam partitions that had been
-noleolassly adjusted by the moon­
faced steward to shield deffeste
bare shoulders from the chilly
his impatience strain St «11 ho
Clare meanwhile wm ronfi
n a e ts had dreaaed formally for her ffmperate play for Ranny.
dinner. 11 m Speedwell waa that
Whan the maftng arrange
Rind of a ywebt.
placed her next, to BUvnerah»
It w«g a resplendent aaena. By arbitrarily vanrpad the pine» <
wlsardry of the «nave steward other n e a t next to Ranny ox
his efficient assistants, coupled
I to surrender ft. ffhere conM
with the Ingenious mechanisms of o denying favors to that oweet
the luxurious fittings, the lou n ge
“ »kylfttnHy Pleading
n*d been converted tor all Intents
s, ootn of which could aaatime
and purposes Into a palatial sec­
dosnant underground of fliratt-
ondary dining room.
Btiqnette to the four wtwta.
in mild nummar tamnemtoro the
Speedwell's kningb oft«« served
the dto
this dual role while unclosed to the
2PM® the graceful
salr, bnt tor Jnrt each occasions so
this, when there was n bit too
mnch nest In the breene, ft could he
vlrtnaHy enclosed Uka * huge con­
ft was merely to humor a very
rtafl mnnh idea at * lark and not
baaanaa of any lack at a dini“"
room proper
Movie D ir e c to r s H ere
Pet Mohan, a movie director
from Hollywood, Gal., accompan­
ied by his assistant L. L. Lasher
•pent yesterday In Ashland.
From Klamath Falls—
Mr. end,Mrs. J,-A. Cameron of
Klamath. Falls were In Ashland
yesterday looking after business