THE WEATHER Rain tonight and Satunjay. Mild is a potential pay roll for land. \ temperature. a Leading Neu tpaper for Over Fifty Years (Unite« New* Wire Service) >H> no«. •a i ' (United Pfeae W ire Service) ASHIAND, 0! Prowler Breaks •Into Nininger’s And Steals Cash Famous Are ( . N E W YO UR. Feb. 5 . _ ( U N ) ~ ’ W illiam E. Knox, eommlaaloner • of the ph bile bankers committee ■hot and killed himeetf Friday af ternoon in the offices of the Bow- , ery Savings Bank the »280,000^- 000 Instltntlon of which be waa president. , Associates of the , nationally r known banker and authority on {finance for the masses said he A prowler last night broke into Nlnlager's end stole approximate ly ,1 0 In »liver oat of th4 two ca»h registers. according to . a re port made to the police thle morn ing. The prowler broke a re *r window in order to gain entrance to the store. It. is believed to have been the, w(Wk of some youth, as only money wan taken and no attempt was made to break open tlfo safe Aa fa r as know, no merchandise was stolen. J Is Forced to Retreat One Hundred Sixty Miles ■ to The South FREFARR FOR BATTLE . had been informed by specialist I that be suffered from an inenr- Cantonese able disease. He had been des- I pondent fo r the past two months. Knox’s snlclde caused the mas- QUINCY. HL. Feb. «.— The end | stvo doors o r the Bowery Savings to a gang terrorist was forecast j Bank, opposite the Grand Central frpm Southern Illinois today, ' station, to swing shut at the when Carl E arl qnd Bernard Shel I busiest ppribdinf the day. ton, gang leaders of the dominant I t took plaee between one and faction I mob rule, were sentenc | two p. m. in the office of tbe ed to ,5 years In the federal pris I president’s secretary. on for mall robbery. Knox’s self-inflicted wound I terminated In his «5th year a QU IN C Y, III., Feb. 5.— (U N ) {career that began on the old — The three Shelton brothers, Bowery as Horatio Alger. Jr., leaders of the southern Illinois knew It and reached a peak of Shelton gang, were found guilty I success that was beyond even toUny of holding np a United {that optimistic tale spinner’s States mail messenger nt Co II lns- rosiest dreams. m llle, 111., early in 1 *2 » . Tbe m nltl-m llllonalre banker The brothers— Carl, E a rl and was born in 8trabane. Ireland, Bernard— have been connected and came to New York a nine w ith vicious guerrilla -warfare year old emmlgrant boy. Be had existing between the Birger and already made up his mind, to be Shelton gangs for thsk past y e a r,[ a banker, but he landed bis first in which nt least 12 person», in- j Job as office boy In a publishing 1 eluding two mayors, bnvs been hopse. His duties allowed him ’ killed. | to attend public school. They al The Jury, which was out* about so made good books available. * five hours, found them' guilty A fter eight years with the pub- ’ Are Massing Their. Forces Preparatory to • ' Determined Attack Says She N M e d ti to Complete ] Education V E R M IL L IO N , 8. D.. Feb. 5 .4 A pretty 19 year old co-ed o f tile University of South Dakota win captured today as she attemptskt to rob a bank bare. The girl, Miss Marian Meyers, readily eoa- fessed her plans, saying that stye needed the money to continue bar education. She was apprehended by in night watchman ns she waited in the bank for tls doprs to op«*, to surrender. Ska bad . aa eleg- tric d rill with the cord too shaft to reach the nearest electric lig f t plug. Tbs girl had entered 0 e bank through a roar window. on sll fonr connta of-Aho indict Ushers, Knex quit bis Job ment which charges them w ith: 1 and ( took a lekeer one. Junior clerk 1— Assault on a mail messeng-1 with the Bowery Savings Bank. f That was in *1285. Not until 1 2— Assault and robbery of a 191« waa Knox elected president m ail messenger. of the bark. 3— Concealing stolen mail prop erty. 4— Unlaw ful p o s s e s s i o n of stolen mail property. Immediately a fter the verdict was retarded tbe defense filed a motion for a new tria l, charging that Edward Moore, a recruiting agent, who testified for the gov ernment, perjured on tbe stand. Gorgeous Funeral. Result of Weeks of Work to be Judge Henry safcl be would Held • hear arguments on tbe new hear ing today and. tbe sentencing of TO K IO , Feb. 5.— From the Chl- tbe men wonld come nt that time. | I yoda palace, ancient mont-encir- I t was understood that the Jcled home of hia ancestors, the Sheltons face a maximum of 26 {body of Yoehlblto, 122nd emperor years imprisonment. | of Japan, w ill be taken Monday The conviction was based sole | night to its last resting place. ly upon the testimony of Charlie { W hile the imperial family Birger and A rt Newman, a gun keeps vigil In the room where the man for Birger, who told how the I body rests nt the palace, Toklo Is Sheltons planned tbe robbery, quiet in anticipation of tbe two Kiwanis Club Listens to En tertaining Address by executed it and then divided the day period of mourning, begin money nt Birger’s home. [ Banker ning at midnight Sunday. Newman, claimed the Sheltons A monster pavilion baa been forced him to drive 'them to erected tn *th e ShlnJJuku Imper H errin in order to establish an ial gardens and there tbe cere alibi. , monies of the dead emperor will The tria l of the three tall and be held beginning at aix p. m. rather quiet gangsters whose A ll Is In readiness for the fun name« have become terrt/r words eral which Is to cost «1,500,000. throughout southern Illinois, was Yoshlto Is to be burled at the drab despite the fact that a num new imperial mausoleum at Asa ber of United States marshals kawa, a village SO miles north- and St. Louis 'detectives were In 1 I west of Kwanto. the courtroom as protection I Although the body w ill leave against any outbreak. I Chlyoda palace at aix o’clock, it will not arrive at Asakawa foi*1 I burial until dawn, February 8. The solemn service of the Shin to funeral w ill begin nt 9 p. m. Four oxen, costing »150 each, bave been trained In Toklo for tbe last week to draw the hearse. | Following the ceremonies at Sbingnku, the imperial party, body built by Herwlck Body accompanying tbe late emperor’s .works at Portland. I t 1« adver body w ill entrain nt a temporary tised to be the finest private railway station built nt Sennda- < touring car In America, costing gaya. This station and tbe one built nt A u k a w a corn «170,000. »18,000. Hlrohlto, new emperor of J*p- The Inside Is all hardwood fin ished and quarter oak finished -an win not accompany his fath In natural color. There are many er*« body to Sblnguku gardens., cupboards and compartments, an bat «111 preced it, going a differ Ice chest and refrigerator and a ent route. I t ie understood the Empress kitchenette w ith both gas and electric stoves. An enameled Dowager Sadako w ill make her sink with marine water pump, home at the impérial v illa In Hay- food pantry, clothes press ''w ith nma wher her husband died. large m irror for dressing, a desk and book case, and private sleep ing compartments In the re *r, the McTIGUB VS. SHARKEY RANK COINS same as a pull man berth, are KALU G A , Russia, (U P )> - N EW YO RK, Feb. (U N ) some of the features of this au Workmen demolishing a stone ov Mike McTlgue, who showed Paul tomobile. * en In a peasant h at here came up Berlenbnch the way out the other Dr. Marcell Is enfoute to Cali on a collection of rare colr.s, the night. Is *11 set now to humble fornia where be w ill spend some fourth most precious collection of Jack Sharkey. Boxing experts, hodevsr, do time. old money in the Soviet Union. Several coins which had become not share MCTigue’s confidence Grant and Wheeler counties almost extinct were inclnded. The In bis prowess and he probably may spend «76,000 thia year on collection has been placed In a w ill crawl through the ropes n Mitchell-Dayville road. museum here. short sader in the betting. iKIWH® Blast in Toledo Congrega tional Church Provee to r TOLEDO, O., Feb. 5.-— A b l« t wbleh wrecked the Congregation al church here today, claimed two llvep aMl probably fatally In jured a third. The bodies of Clyde W ilt and wife, who was the Janitresa of the church, were recovered in the ruins, Mrs. M ary Fitzgerald, al so a janltress, was severly burned and I f is feared the may die. Last year W allowa county re ceived «22,500 grazing fees from W allowa nfctional forest. Roseburg — Liberty Theatre Installs new Tellers-Kent pipe organ. . Confessed Slayer of Biga mous Wife to Spend Life !Z>hind Bars Circuit Judge Sherman E. Smalley passed sentence upon the bond salesman and social worker who recently aided auth o ritie s in unearthing the dismem bered parts of his bride's body. Ip his confession Coffey ad mitted that while he and his bigmous wife were camping on the Wisconsin side of the Missis sippi river last October he killed Mrs. Hales with a baseball bat while she slept, dismembered the body with an axe and knife, placed tbe pieces* In his car and drove to a woods near Platteville. Wls„ where he dug several shal low graves. Portland Baptist Minister is Sent to Asylum Local Collegians Defeat the Aggie Five, 44 to 27, in Fast Game Coolidge Republicans And Insurgents Join and De feat — Democrats . ■ . 1» V WAS POLITICAL MOVE Democrats Peel That They Have Gained Home Valuable Campaign Material W A SHING TO N, Feb. 6.— W ith Coolidge republicans and insur gents voting together to defeat the demand» to euforce Imme diate tax reduction, the project was smashed in the senate to day. Democrats believe, . however, that they gathered some valuable political amunltion, for use in 1928. ' Senator Harrison, Mississippi, democrat, had offered a resolu tion as expressing the sentiment of the senate for Immediate lax reduction. Republicans united urtder Nor ris, Nebraska, insurgent who In troduced a resolution favoring use of the surplus In retiring (he public debt. This republican substitute vas In a rough and speedy contest which was bitterly fought every inch of the way, Ashland normal defeated the O. A. C. Rooks, 44 to 27, at the local armory last night, and thus evened up the Over a Million and a Half score of last month when the Has Been Reported young farmers nosed out a one- on by Committee point victory over the locals. Coach Hughes’ basketeers USEING A FREE HAND showed flashes of dazzling speed and kept the visitors on the de Governor’s Statement That His fensive practically the entire Plan Will Fix Finances game. Accepted It was rough going from the very start, and Ted Kinney. Nor SALEM. Feb, 5.— (U N )— Bill« mal Guard, was disqualified on and* recommended appropriations, personal fouls before the first I aggregating «1,500,000 were fav half was over. Johnson substitut- I orably reportad at the last meet ed for him and played a tena ing of the legislative ways and cious game, although he gecame a means committee of the Oregon bit too combative In the final legislature. half. A1 Marske was high point win-1 A t a meeting of the commit I approval of huge sums of money ner for the locals, with 28 scores to his credtt. Butterfield and in a free handed manner Indi Caldwell made six points each, I cated that the members took Kinney, 4 points, Ramsey 2, and I Governor Patterson at his word when he said his financial pro gram, if enacted, would tend to restore the state to x t sound standing. The appropriation recommenda tions Included: 1— Approval of the University of Oregon request for «605,000 for new buildings. 2— Favorable recommendation on a bill providing «800,000 for j I the erection of a new state office I building in Salem. s J S— Approval Of the board o r 11 control program, asking for 224,- .{6 5 0 for the new eastern Oregon 11 hospital at The Dalles in addi c tio n to the «100,000 provided In Miles with 6 .points was high point man for the visitors, with O’Brien second with 5 points. Other point scorers for the Rooks w*re Hart, 4; Cordy. 3: Torson, 4; Drager, 9; Johnson, 2. The Rooks will play Company C of Medford in the Medford sr- • t - 'n v PORTLAND, Feb. 5.— (U N )— ' Rev. W alter G. Jones, Baptist mini st er , charged w ith' violation I of the Mann act, was declared ' Insane here today by Dr. W lliam insurgents and one democrat. Biease, South Carolina, luipprrt- t in g it. Then the R a rr tto -r rSao- lutlon as thus revamped, was adopted 62 to 28, seven demo House, mental expert, and waa or crats going to the administration Rleaae, dered committed to the state hos side— Ashurst, Arizona South Carolina; Bruce, Maryland; pital at Salem. Rev. Jones waa arrested In Los Glass, Virginia; Smith, South Angeles a few weeks ago on a se Carolina; Walsh, M o n t a n * ; cret indictment returned by the Wheeler, Montana. Portland federal grand jury. He . By this action the senate waa charged w ith transporting' thwarted the most serious threat Had the Mrs. Pearl Lee, a pretty «em ber «1 an extra session. Of his PoPrtland congregation, {democrats won out In their de from Portland to Fort W orth, mand for immediate tax reduct ion a filibuster would have been Texas, for Immoral purposes. Appearing in federal court for set up at once to block all of his preliminary hearing. Rev. the remaining appropriation bills, Jones entered the plea of Insanity. so that the president would have Dr. House was appointed by been compelled to call an extra Skirmish Over Managers Judge Bean to examine the min session of congress in the spring Expected to Oome to-a ister and report to the court. Re to get appropriations for routine Head Soon sult Sf the examination was made government expenses after July public this afternoon, “ His insanity is organic,*’ Dr. House said. Brights disease he Astoria — Northwest Pulk & explained, is prim arily at the bottom of the trouble. Mrs. Jones Paper company contracts for w ill' return to her home in Mo preliminary work on »3,000,000 plant. desto, Cal. What is Wrong With This Picture A J?* CHAQUE e® g.-.. ««suaw-aGp 0 the bill which created that ln- r {stltutlon. is IHk m tr • • iW j Agricultural college to cost »619,- ! 000. These two bills are now | lu the hands of a sub-commla- I slon which will probably return LOS ANGELES. Feb. 6.— (U N ) The skirmish between George them to the committee as a whole' Young, youthful conqueror of for action at a meeting celled Catalina Channel, and his moth for Saturday morning, er, over his choice of managers, i The demand for favorable ac-’ I tion on the university program had subsided tonight when Mrs. | was lad by Representative Bron-a Jean Young departed for San augh, who was ably supported^ Francisco to join her son. Mrs. Young was accompanied by Representatives Collier, Fish-' by the swimmer’s aunt, Isabell A. er, McReady and Senator Bell. An appropriation of »375,000 Young, who came with her from With which to construct new li Toronto and by her attorney. The mother left here a f t e r brary at the university was ap Young last night refused her of proved without serious opposi fer to meet him at Santa Marla tion, but when the university and have a heart to heart talk members pressed their demanda about his business affairs. Young for an addition of «130,000 with claimed that a contract to appear which to construct an Inflrmacy that Institution, Senators at a San Francisco theatre pre [at vented him from making the jour Strayer and Staple objected, but [ they were not heeded. ney. A fter a dull day in the senate Mrs. Young’s, capitulation was the result of a last minute deci the members adjourned at 2:55 sion. Yesterday afternoon her until 10:30 Monday morning. attorney said that the was 111 and that she had only «40 be tween herself and want. Railroad Stock Reaches New High æ 1 4— A recommendation In favor t of appropriations for armories In six Oregon cities at a combin ed cost of »132,305. I Following the action of thq I committee In placing the stamp I of approval on these appropria- I tions, Representative -Bnehanan, la member of the money appor- I Honing committee, took the floor {and presented two bilia covering | new buildings for the Oregon Native Head of 1 Columbus Indi List N E W YO RK . Feb. 5.— (U N )— Wheeling a n j Lake Erie railroad M EXICO C ITY. Feb. 5.—-(U N ) stock soared to new heights in I— Twelve persona, Including tbe W all street today, constituting a native heffd of a Knlghta of Col virtual “corner” and squeezing umbus group, have been killed in out scores of bearish traders with the last 24 hours In clashes be losses running Into millions of tween federal troops and Inanr- dollars. | rectlonlsts. John D. Rockefeller and L. F. A religious worker was one Loree, who were credited with of seven executed nt Puebla, ac responsibility for a similar flurry In tbe m arket a week ago. were cording to the newspaper E l Sol. completely out of the picture« as All were accused of plotting bears who had played the market against tbs government Four rebels and one federal short scurrlen to cover on de officer were killed 1» a clash a« mands that they deliver on their tbs oattla town of Papayo, state contracts. » Today’s sudden rise, brokers of Guerrero. A dispatch to tko aewapaper said, indicated that the road waa wanted aa a connecting link with Tnlversal from Chllpaaetaoo. state other lines seeking a consolida of Guerrero, rays that a r m « tion of eastern railroad proper- agrartaae are terrorising the tie« In the con) mining areas of country around Moesltlan, sti West Virginia and Pennsylvania. of Morelos.