T H E W lA T H lB Bain tonight and Saturday. Mild temperature. A shland daily T idings THE POULTRY INDUSTRY is a potential pay roll, for Ash- Ashland s Leading Nevi^naper for Over Fifty Years (United News W ire Service) VOI* L (United Preña W ire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON READY ms repeals her MARINES TO CONSIDER ANTIBGARf HE IAW SET SAIL FOR PROPOSALS OF CHINESE COAST THE GOVERNOR BRITAIN AND (M IA READY TO NEGOTIATE AT ANY TIME In telling of men who are suc­ The average yearly production ceeding with poultry on Ashland for his flock for 1#26 was 229 Renato Rolls up Large Ma­ Acres. wfl wish to (ell first of meh eggs and he has many birds that jority Against Banning who are working with poultry are producing 250 eggs yearly. of Cigarettes alone, second with those who One hen laid 287 eggs and TO PEK A , Kan., Feb. 4.— By a are combining poultry with other twelve laid 270. A hen that lays vote of 32 to 5 Kansas senators lines of endeavor. • »mail eggs or lays light white passed a measure repealing the L eu Than One Hundred In this article we wish to toll eggs are high if culled out. The Men Are Left at of a man who la operating oh pullets aso receive a . heavy cull­ state anti-cigarette law. Governor Marine Base three acres within the city lim its ing before they are placed In the Ben 8. Paulen. after objecting to of Ashland. » AU But Two Bills to Solve some of the more stringent pro­ laying houses In the fail. SUPPLIES ABE LOADED Finance Problem Are Elm er Morrison Is running. Just - It is evident that Mr. Morrison Crisis in Chinese Internal visions of the bill, announced that Troubles Expected Withdrawn now, nine hundred and fifty birds is on the Job day and night, if he would sign It. Embarkation Brings Bark The Shortly and A few minutes U lk w ith him nocess|ry, giving his flock the The new law will beeome effec­ Memories o f the World BILLS TO BE BUSHED tive late in June. is enough to convince anyone the» best of care, feeding and attend­ War he le succeeding and that he M ing them In a very methodical FOREIGNERS IN FEAR Several amendments were ad­ Plant to Get Them Through The getting a lot of fun ont of carinff mariner. His efforts are apprec­ opted by the senate, but fearing -SAN DIEGO, Feb. 4.— ( U N ) — Cantonese Army Expected to Take House, Ho Can Be Printed that the bill would be killed If W ith 1300 marines on board, the for hie flock of high produce iated; for he has figures to show Hlianghni in Next Few By Monday that each bird Is paying him a returned to the bouse they struck naval transport sailed for China W hite Leghorns. Days Mr. Morrison says that he II profit of „12.25 annually. out the amendments and passed It at one p. m. yesterday. Supplies Income tax bllj provides fortunaate In having a deep gull) as.lt came to them. x Staines Own Feed * . .SHANGHAI, Feb. 4.— Future poured into the hold of the vessel running throqgl} hie place as tfch one per cent on first thousand; The bill provides, among other Mr. Morrison raises most of relations between foreigners and two per cent from then up to ¡things, that dealers must obtain all morning and truck-load after gives him good drainage and leai his own green feed which consists the Chinese today seemed to de­ truck-load of marines boarded worry about soil contamination five thousand; three per cent j license costing |1 0 0 in first and largely of kale. A few tons of pend upon what happens within the transport. I t was expected He trapnests hie whole flock, carrots or beets during the win­ thereafter. I second class cities and |5 0 In the next 48 hours. that the Chaumont would pick visiting the nests from five to six Kxemptions ter season takes care of the green i third class cities. A tax of two Great Brittan Is reported to be Single persons, one thousand 'cents must be paid on each 20 up additional supplies at Honolu­ times a day, but he Insists the! feed, problem nicely. ready Wfth a conciliatory ¡pro­ lu. this pays as It enables him dollars; married persons, two. cigarettes, or fraction thereof, He hatches his baby chicks posal which might divert army Less, than 100 men were believ­ kqow Just what each bird 1» thousand dollars; dependent sold. from eggs of his own production and fleet from Shanghai. The ed to have remained at the marine ing and to use bis best produ exemption of four hundred. Penalty ranges from a fine of using in his breeding hens those United States proceeded with the base here. in building for the future. Me 1200 to |5 0 0 and a ja il sentence of his flock that have proven the reinforcements of naval and land Embarkation of the troops was learns, too, to know the loafers HALKMT, Feb. 4. — Governor of one to six months. most profitable. For the coming forces at Shanghai and Cantonese and he sees to ft speedily, that reminiscent of world war days. Patterson's income tax b i l l ___ Is reported haring forced Marsh­ The m artial atmosphere that theae birds have no future. (Pleas* Turn to Page 2) introduced In the house today as al Sun Chaun Fang, Shanghai ~ --------- — - - ---------- —r has hung over the city for the last • taxation and revenue commit defender, to fall back 75 miles. few days, while the marines were FARE NOW IN c m Claim to Have Started Over Possibility of “ Squealing” Q l/IN CY, IU„ Feb. 4.— (U N )— Gang warfare in the southern Illi­ nois bad lands started when the Sheltons learned that their friend Charles Birger planned to-squeal on them dor the $15.000 Collins Farm Bloc Threat to Stop vllle mall robbery, Leslie Vogel, Legislation, Brings assistant .United States district Action attorney charged today, as he ask­ ed a Jury in federal court to con­ WILL PASS IN SENATE vict Carl, Earl and Bernard Shel­ ton of the crime. BUI is Expected to Have Little D ifficulty in Both Congres­ The testmony of Birger and sional Houses A rt Newman, his lieutenant, who testified against the three, Shel WASHINGTON, Feb., 4.— By tons, was motivated by revenge asserted Harold Bandy, defense a bold legislative coup farm blocs counsel, in openln^zhis argument are planning to put the McNary- After both sides closed their Haugen bill through congress In arguments court was adjourned. six days and 'la y It on the desk The Judge will Instruct the Jury of President Coolidge. Although at 10 o'clock Friday morning and there are many ifs in the program has a reasonable chance of the Jurors will get the caBe a adoption. half hour later. Bloc members plan to refrain from an extensive debate In the senate hoping to get the vote though peaceful methods but if It doesn’t come up they will in­ voke the cloture rule. In the tee measure. It provided a grad' house they plan to drop the b ill being gathered here for duty, uated rate o f from one to three R eedy to Asrede in a slightly different form and came to a climax as loading of percent, one per cent on the LONDON, Feb. 4.— Great B rit­ Defeat of Prohibition Offic to rush a vote on the hill if the provlsiens was completed and the first thousand dollars, income, ain Is ready to accede to the de­ ials Measure Leaves senate passes it. last of the men was taken aboard. two per cent from then on up to mand of the southern 'Chinese One Course Open Loaffrng of supplies was begun five thousand,' and three per cent Noted Humorist Receives government that 2000 British SAN PEDRO, Feb. 4.— (U N )— W ASHINGTON, Feb. 4 — TUN)“ thereafter. It provides for a as soon aa the Chaumont docked W ASHINGTON, Feb. 4 — (U N ) Breakfast Invitation troops now on the seas enroute to — By threatening to block ail here last night from San Francis­ Refuses to Say Whether She A caostguard cutter was dispatch­ China or preparing to sail referendum to the people, at a — Prohibition enforcement offic­ From Oil Man be ed from here today to aid in the special election, and that the In­ Will Name Evangelist co. Trucks rumbled to the mu­ ials expect to allow one or two legislation for the renfainder of kept off Chinese soil. rescue of Mrs. Ray Beecher, a the session the farm bloc today ORMOND BEACH, F la., Feb. 4. nicipal dock during the entire com« revenue for thia year be in Action Agreement is conditional, how private dlstllleres to open for shipwrecked woman who has been D. Rockefeller night. The sharp call of m ilitary taken outside o f the six per cent — (U N )— John manufacture of medicinal whis­ forced the senate to its knees and marooned on the rockbound coast over, on certain guarantees by got the famous McNary-Haugen lim it, and that thereafter it played a round of golf today orders broke the usual stillness the southern nationalists. A cab­ key, It was learned today. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 4. — of Point Duma. bill up for consideration. shall be within the lim it thereby while W ill Rogers, the only Inten­ as the soldiers of the sea were This course is regarded ae the (U N ) —. A fter arriving from For 15 hours she has been ex­ inet committee headed by Premier The house previously had ar­ serving to reduce the burden of tionally humorous mayor In the Australia e a rlie r in the day, Mrs. posed to high winds and waves. Baldwin and Foreign Minister only alternative now that the ranged to take up the same b ill (Please Turn to Page 2) • real property tax. The ex­ country, went around the course Kenneth O. Ormiston, wife of She was the third member of a Chamberlain, is drafting new in­ house ways and means committee Monday. Thus, at the fag end em ptions are a thousand dollars, with him, holding a big black um­ has rejected the proposal of Aa- Almee Semple McPherson’s form* of the sixty ninth congress the party which met disaster Tuesday structions to charge d'Affalres for single persons, two thousand brella over the Rockefeller head. slstant Secretary of the Treas­ er radio operator, left for Log farm relief question, which has night when the 65 foot yacht En- O’Malley at Hankow. In effect for married people and a de­ The two met after the mayor of ury Andrews for a government Angeles to lay plans for divorce , __ , . they are expected to assure Eu- been buffeted all over the capl- __ x —5 _ , i (¡er prise floundered ana w a a s s i — ' — “■ pendent exemption for » hun­ Bavarly HUla had spotted Rocke­ __ soutjj ^ h tn q a ^ fo r- sponsored distilling corporation. ,ol tor „ seven years, comes to a dred dollars. fe lle r audience Wednesday night Stocks of medicinal liquor are fshowdown with the practical cer- matron was reported by fellow eigh minister that it wtord’ from rocks. The other reached the passengers on the Sierra to ))ave SALEM, Feb. 4.— Bills and and remarked him guaranteeing the lives o f for­ running down and manufacture tainty of a final vote In both ’I f you haven’t a car John, I II i a vicarious companion on summit in safety. recommended appropriations ag­ eigners in Shanghai and other must begin this year to give time I houses before congress expires A party from Santa Monica had see that yon get home ell right. Wife of Missing President the voyage«from the antipodes. for ageing, Andrews says. Fifteen I March 4 gregating a million and a half south Chinese ports will cause the Turns Over More Than The capitalist responded with She danced the Charleston while attempted to bring her to safety distilleries have appliOd to prohl- Probabllule. that both dollars have been favorably re­ Rrltish troops to be ordered to Eight Thousand an Invitation to breakfast. the ship wag coming through the pver the high cliffs, but consider­ bitlon officials for permits to en- hougeg wllI ported today by the ways and pass the bill and put A fter the round of the links Gblden Gate, they said, and was able delay was experienced when Hangkong, British territory, 853 gage in medicinal distilling. But L Up to p re,|dent Coolidge — a means committee Af the Oregon FLORENCE, Ore., Feb. 4.— miles south of Shanghai. it was found necessary to send for Joylal attentand at all social during which Rockefeller was ob­ legislature. Another baffling element entered functions aboard the ship. The new proposals, which are officials believe that by holding decision that will not be easy stouter cables. served to do more giggling than down the number of authorised for the man in the W hite House. The approvals were: University into the affairs of the State Bank expected to be embodied % in putting. Roger’s adieu was: Mrs. Or miston smiled when manufacturers to one or two leak­ The whole situation is pervaded of Oregon 1505,000 for new of Florence here with the return asked If she would name Mrs. O’M alley’s Instructions, are be­ 'Well, John, I ’m glad I didn’t age into the bootlegg trade would with presidential politics. The buildings, new State office build­ of $8576, in cash and travelers ing rushed to conclusion so that beat you at golf; the last time McPherson In her divorce action. Hang Over R a d i o - be more easily prevented. ing bill for $600,000 approval, farm bloc believes that President checks by the wife of the missing Carl Loveland of this city sang they may he In his hands if pos­ " I ’m not saying anything until you were beaten gas went up two Supervision would be far more Coolidge desires another term Oregon Tubercular Hospital lo­ president, Henry L. Bergman after I ’ve talked with my attor­ two numbers “Sliver Threads sible by Friday morning. cents.” economical also. and w ill not offend the farmers cated at The Dalles in addition Miss H arriet Woatherson, cashier neys In Los Angeles,” she said. Among the Gold,” by request, and Before these permits are grant­ with a veto, even though Secre­ and $224,650 for the new Eastern and Bergman were missing fol­ The Ormiston’s have been sep­ “ W hat Can I Say, Dear, A fter I ed the treasury will make another tary of the Treasury Mellon has to $100,000 provided In the bill lowing the state banking depart­ arated since January 1925. They Say I ’m •Sorry," over radio sta­ Culp Creek — New Anderson effort to persuade congress to denounced the measure as un­ which created the Institution. ment taking over the bank after have two children. sawmill, almost completed, will tion K M E D , Medford, last night. sanction a government distillery sound. The farm bloc is hold­ Recommendations favoring Miss Weathereon had reported a cut 40.000 feet a day. corporation. ing in reserve the threat ot Frank bills totaling $132,305 for arm or robbery of about sixteen thousand O. Lowden's candidacy. Lowden But little hope is entertained les located at Cottage Orove, As­ dollars. W arrants have been is­ has been built up by the farmers for this scheme. Private distill, toria, LeOrande and F o r e s t sued for the arrest of the pair. ing by permit probably Is the on­ and a W hite House veto of the Orove, were adopted. Yesterday Bergman’s wife sur­ Hard Basketball Battle is McNary bill would be sufficient ly recourse left. rendered $3,826 in cash, and Predicted at Local to start his boom, a situation SALEM, Ore., Feb. 4.— (U N ) — $5,250 in travelers checks, say-, Armory Tonight that would provoke a difficult W ith Governor Patterson’s pro ing that worcl from her husband light tor Coolidge at the next gram measures covering his in­ It ought to be a regular, rlp- told where it was hidden, but re­ national convention. come tax and tithing hill recom­ snorting basketball battle at the fused to qomment further. H. O. It Is a light between the Coo­ mendations due to appear in the armory tonight when the O. A. C. Vogett, state bank examiner said lidge and Lowdei^ principles of- house today, and that body swept Rooks take the flooy against Ash­ that about ten thousand in cash farm relief. Lowiden Is behind clean of all but two tax bills, the land Normal. The Rooks defeat­ and $1750 in. travelers checks I this bill. These presidential an- finance queston has now simmer­ ed the Normal quintet at Corval­ were etill missing. The money Entire Inside Story Being Lies. while subdued in foamal ed down to the sole consideration lis last month in one of the clos­ roturned had the appearance ot Told in Famous Tax debate, are prominent In cloak­ of those two measures. Suit est games the collegians played on having been burled in the sand room discussion and they are At the suggestion of Speaker their northern trip. highly Important, if hidden fac­ W A SHING TO N, Feb. 4.— Alad­ tors in shaping the result on the Carkln only two bills out of the That defeat was a bitter one din’s lamp and King Midas today floor. long list of financial suggestions for Coach Walter* Hughes and his were forced into back s e a ts went by the boards. The speaker proteges because C they had defeat­ The big agrarian fight Just among the ranks of budding ama told the house that ’ ed the Aggie Varsity earlier In the opening cannot be fully under­ teurs by the modern story of stood without keeping theae fac­ governor’s i : : _ season and they didn’t like the Henry Ford as revealed in the tors in mind. Senate debate on thought it would be well to give Idea of haring the lowly Rooks $30,000,000 stock sale tax suit the bill opens tomorrow. the leglslatve program the right take them into camp. Superior Ot)irt Issues Order being heard by the board of tax of way through the withdrawal of How long It will be before The Normal shooting stars are Directinif Attorneys to appeals. all other financial bills. there w ill be a vote it ia Im- going in with determination to Appear Compared to the flivver manu­ possible to toll as there 1a no These two bills are by King of give the young Aggies a real trim ­ facturer who made every dollar limitation on debate under the Coos and Representative Allen ming If possible, so it ought to be LOS ANGELES, Feb. 4. inveated In his company In 1903 present arrangement. The p and differ slightly from the gen­ a real fight all the way through. (U N ) — Attempts of return him $64,000, the famous ent McNary-Haugen bill is the eral trend of the governor’s rec­ The Normal second team will for Lets Grey Chaplin In I wishing lamp grew sterile and same equalisation bill for financ­ ommendations. play the Phoenix All-Stars In a divorce action against her actor King Mldaa bowed his head In ing export of surplus crops that During Thursday there w a s preliminary game, , starting at husband, Charles Chaplin, to un­ has been battered aroaad con­ shame. quite a bit of discussion as to 7:30. cover alleged hidden assets of the gress since the poet w ar defla­ The entire inside story of the Just what Governor Patterson comedian were renewed here to­ tion In 1010-30. It has oa a meant by the statement that his golden growth of the Ford indus­ day. Income bill "contains a provision try Is being divulged in an effort little more make-up this year Mrs. Chaplin's counsel obtain­ lifts it proceeds out of the scope to establish one fact— the value and Its haircut la a little more ed an order from the superior cltliled, but essentially it is the of the six per cent lim itation of court, dlrectlrfg Lloyd W right, of Ford stock In 1913 when min­ same measure that has made Chaplin’s personal attorney, to the constitution in such measure ority stockholders disposed pf city politicians see rad. appear a t 10 a. m. next Tues­ aa will place thé state on a cash their holdings to give the flivver The hill providi LOS ANOBLBS, Feb. 4.— (U N ) day and show cause why he basis until such time as an agreed - sole control of his company, Ing "stablliaatloa Finding of a pawn ticket In a should not be compelled to an­ base of tax revenues shall have shareholder 000,000 to Ford naid paid each shat IIS.COO a share. The i govern- crops of cotton, wheat, been reachéd; that hereafter the pocketbook picked up on the swer a list of two hundred ques­ proceeds of the income tax shall street here tonight led to the ar­ tions pertaining to Chaplin’s fln- ment at first valued them at 30.- and swine— designated be used as means of reducing the rest of Jose Ladesmla, alia John aneial affairs. W right was sup­ BOO. but later the bureau c of later- agrlcultaral Ponoe, 28, a m ill hand, as a sus- posed to appear before Mrs. Chap. general,.property tax.” nal revenas decided they I had ov- fund wonld pecC ih the murder of J 6 h n Un’s attorneys several days ago This la taken to mean that un­ er estimated the value < of the federal farm Glaubltx, of Weed, whose- body to answer the question. He ap-< der the currently accepted con- shares by CC.000 each and aa< tack- appointed for was found near San Diego, Janu­ peered but refused to give the ed on aa additional I ass« aaaeasmeat the ary 7. (Please Turn to Paffe 2) information requested. for a grand total of $30,0 $81,000,003. ex-offlcto mil sheers holds Cutter Rescues Marooned Woman UMBRELLA FOR IOHN D. OFFICIALS KILL AllOW ■RilR ran of banks Mwsn AGGIE (MKS M L RAY W M H L TEAM When He Is Able to Digest It HENRY FORD'S RISE LIKE ALADDIN'S LAMP ATTilBNPYC F Pawn Tickets Lead To Suspect’s Arrest CONSIDERATION