Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1927)
TH URSDAY, February 8 , 1 W Ì, Golden Rule to ; Have Birthday Itoeal ■ Personal flotes I. C. Wtlliajns of Talent was in. Ashland yesterday shopping and looking after business affairs. (Continued from page one) I Apples, Newtowna, crisp and good, 75 and 50 cents, 130 Holly. St e o d I . t (le a r n e d to Ashland— “ rilen ry Hughes, son of Mr. and m S> J. Hughes on Oak street, re turned yesterday from Chico, Cal., Where he has been working for go tae time. From McMinnville — B. M. Bendwell and B. J. Bend .-»Alfalfa Hay, one bale or a car well of McMinnville, Ore., wer« toad. Ashland F ru it A Pro. Assn. business visitors In Ashland yes 122-tf terday. I ’ Good used C meloây Buescher Spltsenburg apples, Çaxaphone, easy payments— The box; bring owp box. Rose. Pro. Assn. Special Agent He r e ■ i R. W . Montandon, special ag- $nt for the National Union Fire Insurance company in Portland, Qre., was a business visitor in ¡Ashland this morning. Thereone Farris, Melvin Shaw « and .Gordon McCracken were J« graduated also. 11 Marian Lusk w ill continue her 11 school work in Stockton this se-} mester. I The new class In free hand | drawing, taught by Miss Laura J* Raguse, has started out with J great enthusiasm, many students} signing up for the course. Miss | From Talent— A. E. Gettellng of Talent was a v’sltor In this city this inorcing shopping, and visiting w ith friends. Plenty of money to loan on « Lot tho UNION write your full good security. Phone 21. Too. of novorngo automobile lnsuranee. course. 82-tf Yno, of course. 83-tf Returned from Han Francisco— J A ll the delightful melody and Mrs. J. P. W olf has returned 4k?mony of the negro Savannah home from San Francisco, where Opicopators Is heard on Record she spent a short vacation visiting XT’ an nnusnal record at E l- with friends and attending “The hart’s. Wod.-Thurs. Miracle.” W1H Arrive Tonight— Scotch W olf Hound Twist, the Mrs. Henry Reid, who baa spent latest In men’s suitings f o r the past few months In Stockton Spring at Paulserud’s. 122-tf and San Francisco. Cal., w ill a r rive home this evening on train Visitors From K lam ath Falls— No. 1«. T. M attier and wife of Klamath Falls were visitors In Ashland Razor blades, shaving cream yesterday. | Mrs. L. O. Penland and Mrs. E. jc . Gardner visited Friday with } Mrs. L. Lindley of the Suncrest | Orchard. W ill Gentfy, who has been working on Carl Glasgow’s or c h a rd the past year, has rented a pf ar orchard west of Phoenix, moving last week. The'S o u th ern Oregon Mutual remodeling 128-tf Rabbit Breeder’s Association w ill I hold their regular meeting at the ! city hall In Talent Friday evening. For oleanin* and Double your yield with Kanota phone Paulserud's. seed oats. Crown Kompletelay In stock at all times. Ashland F. A At the Lithia Springs Hotel— Fro. Assn. % 128-tf Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Foran of Los Angeles, Cal., W. S. Menden hall and wife of Aberdeen, Wash., Front Marshall. I»d — Among the visitors from a long and F. McTaggart of Portland, distance who stopped in Ashland are among those ypio registered yesterday was Lee A. Bowers of at the Lltbla Springs hotel yes terday. . • mi i t w Varahan, Ind. CARD PARTY A dandy plate lunch Including Elks Ladles card party, Friday coffee every uoon and night, S6c. A t the Pinza. 10<-tf •nrenlng, Elks Bldg. Public Invited Bridge and Five Hundred. Re freshments. See the “ Betts” Stradivarius 128-5 violin, Blhart’s. Talent Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Howard of Miss Wanda Hinkle of Spokane, Talent were visitors In this city Wash., is spending a few days In this morning looking after bugl- Ashland visiting and looking after noas affairs. heslaoss affairs. Miss Hinkle la quits a well known organist. See the new clothes reel at Jor dan’s m ill, ready to set In the ground. 112-tf Here for Health— Today and Tomorrow JASPER B A' rich picture story of the Mrs. Emma Hyland, who for merly lived In Ashland. Is here for an extended visit In hopes of bettering her health. She now lives In Washington. A table show and a fu r demon stration w ill be held w ith an en tertainm ent and light refresh- mejDts. John D. Caster returned Satur- -injr from a -two month’s stay at Los Angeles. A group of Ashland Normal students and friends gave an in formal party Saturday evening at Talent In honor of Bentley P rit chard of San Diego, Cal., who Is 'n the navy. Those present were Lois Joy Hansen, Louise Scoggins, Gladys Ries, Margaret Hammer- hacker, Patricia Gale, B e t t y Brown, Ruth Bowman. Mra. Ernest Purvis and children returned Saturday from San Francisco. I Mrs. Leonard Orthrups enter tained at Sunday dinner, those ’’resent being: M r. and Mrs. J. F. Ditsworth. M r. and Mra. D. O. Hurley, Clarence Holdrldge and Frank Denham. W ill Mansfield and fam ily mov ed to Grants Pass Tuesday. Elvis Cochran, W ill Jacobs, Earnest Boone, Robert and Clyde Purvis, Lou and Helen Snook, Charles V. Donald Long and Er- ntstlen* and Ted Flory all at tended the dance Saturday night i t Hornbrook, Cal. M r. and Mrs. Acel Beckwith left Tuesday to spend • few weeks at the McDonell home on Anderson Creek. M r. Beckwith <s cutting wood for M r. McDonell. Attend R ally— Among visitors from other c it ies who were here tor the Chris tian church rally Monday were Mrs. B. R. Cobb and Mrs. 8. J. W ilm ot of Medford and Mrs. H. Canby — Bids w jX he open W. Batman of Grants Pass. ed for building new high school to cost about 120,000. At the Ashland Hotel— J N. W ortman of Marshfleld, P. C. Rippert of Oxaard. Cal., and F. Blum of ßan Francisco, Cal., are among those who stopped ln Ashland yesterday. They regls- tered at the Ashland Hotel. Spanish Mala, teeming wUh Fuller Paints drama, laughs aod lova. and ARE YOU PARTICU LAR A B O U T Y O U R CLOTHES! DO Y O U DISTJKE U N P L E A S A N T O D O R S , THEN TRY TFJE Varnishes Jmint and varnish for every need A- «•* W »' a^*t IN T H E COUNTY COURT, JACK- SON COUNTY, OREGON IN T H E M A T T E R OF T H E ES T A T E O F MARGARET- LLOYD EVANS. DECEASED: N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV EN , that the Honorable W . J. Hartzell, 'Judge of said court, has appoint ed the undersigned as the Ad ministrator of th ^ above estate. Anyone having a claim against Ithe said estate Is required to pre- 'sent the same, duly verified, at Ithe office of Briggs A Briggs, Pioneer Block, Ashland, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. . B E N JA M IN E. EVANS. Administrator. First publication February 3, 1927. Our golden brown waf fles with real maple syrup and hot coffee are delic ious and tempting. Other breakfast combinations i n c l u d i n g guaranteed fresh eggs are ready for you. WE HAVE MANY NOON LUNCH SPECIALS ALSO COMPLETE Standard Cleaners 1926 Chev Coach . . The Automotive Shop Chevrolet Dealer* COME IN AND SEE THE NEW CAPITOL CHEVROLET Novelty Sweaters Slip-Overs and Coat Style BEAUTIFUL H E A T H E R MIX TURES, ALL WOOL OR SILK AND WOOL e e n n to e o c a Our Price* Stand Comparisons Look U# Over Before You Buy SW EATEES A very representative spring color line of heavy Silk C repe___$1.98 Fur Trimmed Spring Coats $29.76 to $69..5O A splendid quality Flat Crepe in the best spring shades, at only $2.60 Printed Crepes are good again and a good quality is being shown at ............................................. $2.26 New Tailored Sport Coats, made of Dregon cloths and tailored by Oregon T a ilo r s.............. $16.96 up Silk Dresses $12.50-$16.75 For Your Breakfast USED CAR SALE SPRING ARRIVALS Raguse w ill teach free h a n d o sketching, painting, design anJ t< hand crafts. Music and art w il l} a be worked together making th is }It semester the “ best ever,” f o r | o these two subjects. A one fourth j credit w ill be given for the d ra w -|l( ing class. W.R. Lamb of Nell Creek mar- ... The„O lfift Cltthg. w ill remain . d a fine dressed hog. in Ash practically the same as l a s t land to the May Butcher Shop. semester except for a few n e w F students especially selected fo r Chicken pox is quite prevalent the clubs. Miss Raguse said that In this district, and several Glee Clubs would be organized In are out of school this week. * the junior h ijh . making It easier Redman Bilderback is feeding tor Freshmen who enter the Sen a fine bunch of cattle for Mr. io r high school next year to join Chapman of Ashland. the Glee Clubs. The leads of the operetta are practising every day, learning their part before the ï-' whole Glee Clubs together meet for hti etlScmble practice. Mrs. Galey taught yesterday In FOUNTAIN SERVICE Wa do odorless cleaning. 16 O ak *. Phone tOS «db C Hnow Melting on Hiekiyons— Because of the prevailing warm winds for several days past, snow is reported to be quickly melting on tho Siskiyou mountains, N E W YO RK, Feb. J. — A where snow last Sunday was re satisfied smile creased the coun ported to be tv® feet deep. tenance of Secretary Jim Tierney as be passed out the roster and training Itinerary of the New Y o rk Olanta for 1927, and an nounced that despite all the fui pre Ip St. Louis' over Rogers Hprnshy4« possession of Cardinal stock, the “R ajah” w ill be at second base for the Giants when the season opens. ‘‘Hornsby became our property 1923 Ohev Coupe, .. some time ago in the trade for 1923 Ohev Coupe .. Frankie Frisch and Jimmy Ring,” 1926 Chev Touring, explained T iernef. 1 “The trade 1920 Tord Touring, was approved by the commls- 1926 hev Coupe . sionqr and that’s all there Is to Giants Still Claim Hornsby A little black puppy wandered The Camp Fire girls h a v e to the assembly furnishing a lit- L IT T L E ROCK, A rk.. Feb. 2.— changed the date of their stunt ¡tie diversion. It didn’t seem to (U N )— Food instead o f tents is show to Feb. 5. The show is an ¡take the hint that it wasn’t quite the greatest need of refugees from annual event, given by the Camp, welcome for it had to be carried flood waters near Dea Arc, A rk., this year in the high school gym. out twice. The boys who per according to word received here A varied program w ill be offered,^ formed these deeds received rous this afternoon from County Judge Including a short play, music and i ing hands from the Btudent body. J. W. Craig of Prairie county. several stunt "acts." Tickets are I Mr. Allison teaches a new class Judge Craig called Brigadier on sale now for the nominal sum added to 'th e high school curricu I General J. JR. Wayne Adjutant of 35 cents for Adults and 15 lum, English History. The jo u r-! l of the national guard, who im cents for students. Don't forget, nalism class is not being taught I mediately got In touch with H el at gym, Saturday night at eight j this semester. en Heddick, executive secretary of o ’clock. I • L IL L IA N OLSON. the Red Cross in Arkansas. Re-, Miss Ruth Harvey a Freshman, ! lief-measures w ill be taken at. moved to Tacoma at the end of I once, it is thought; i last semester where she w ill a t-} Judge Craig said that so far as tend school. he was .able to learn there had Lee Boyd, who has been in i The P. T. A. df Nell Creek met been no loss of life In the flood I Portland for the past three The Giants management scoffs 'which struck Pioneer and other in- the new school house last F ri months, is back In school again. at the suggestion, that “ Hornsby plantations across the W hite riv Voyle "Bum p” Franklin start-} day, Jan. 28, for their regular had better play second base for meeting with Mrs. Lamb, presi en from Des Arc when the levee St. Louis”, as rendered by Sam ed school again at the beginning broke Sunday afternoon flooding dent, in the chair.* of the new semester. | thousands of acres to de'pth of ten Breadon and Branch Rickey, own Claus Klienhammer, having re-J er and secretary of the Cards. to fifteen feet. enperated from a siege of the} measles, has resumed his school ] O. C. Calaran and wife work. ' h From New York City— . Portland, O-e„ J. O. Robison Charles Clary was graduated < M r. and Mrs. J. Powers and wife of San Francisco, -Cal., last semester. As he was the 1 Miss J. I. Brien of New York City J. A. Ash of Yreka, Cal., president of the Senior class, the } i apent the day yesterday In Ash among those who stopped at vice president, Raymond Cotter J i land visiting the park. Oregon hotel yesterday. w ill have to ' fill the vacancy, i a- :h ;o e. > d '« it 11 i- Talent Visitor— Stated session. T rid a y eve fclng Feb. *4. Important bust bass. Refreshments afterwards. Mrs. W . Carleton Janes an - SAM H. B A KER, Potentate nounces that she w ill be in Ash i i . H. DAY, Recorder. land on Tuesdays, and w ill take a limited number of piano pnpils. Frost San Bernsadeao For appointments phone Ashland J. L. Watson of San Bernadeno, H I R, or address Medford Studio, Cal., spent yesterday Ip this city Sparta Building. • • ' 130-2* looking after business affairs. ,'Mr Sheldon's place as he was ill. The students are gradually set- 'tlin g down Into their new sehed- *ak)H and aro working h *rd now, ' it wait until Springs cornea. The most nnusual values in flat crepes, many with georgette com binations, and in all the new spring shades. $12.60 and $16.76 là 1 ' PICTORIAL REVIEW SPRING FASHION BOOKS ARE IN FEBRUARY Everfast Plain Voiles OF WHAT IS LEFT IN Winter Coats . Winter Dresses . Winter Sweaters Wool Dress Goods REMNANTS Coats For Kiddies Cost Less Now This is the time to buy a coat for your little girl. Those cute little coats you have seen here and ad mired so much have all been great ly reduced in price, and mother will serve best her own interest by coming here early. Printed Radium Silk is ita tractive new designs to NEW SHADED FOR SPRING IN DAINTY UNDERWEAR AND DRESS SHADES. EVERFAST VOILE .............. 68c EVERFAST SUPER VOILE, 76c Most Attractive New Spring Sweaters of all kind of goods Odd lots and broken sizes in many lines, all over the store, in this Feb ruary Odds and Ends Sale Slipon Sweaters in such tempting pretty styles and more conaerva-j tive coat styles