<1 THEWEÄTHER Rain tonight and Friday. THE FOULTET INDUSTRY Mild temperature. is a potential pay roll for Ash­ Ashland's Leading N< (United Neva Wire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, per for Over Fifty Years land. * (United Press W ire 8ervlce) RSDAY, FEB. 3, 1927 SCHOOL Linn County Clerk Accepte .Merchandise in Lien of Cash Senator Johnson Thinks He Will Have Easy Time in the Senate A LB A N Y , Feb. 3.— ( U N ) — Linn county la accepting merch­ andise in payment of personal Evacuation From War Zone taxes, collection of which is being Progresses Rapidly, enforced by B ari M iller, deputy Says Report New Governor Tells Law sheriff and tax collector. — h— ■ Today thecou n ty took in from Makers This is Only. Manager of Toronto Swim­ TREATIES ARE URGED tire dealers a number of automo­ Solution Now • ming Marvel “ Fired” ___________ SALEM, Ore., Feb. 3,— (UN)—Practical assurance Congress Takes Steps to Protect bile tires in sixes it can use on its ' Last Night that the Southern Oregon state normal school at Ashland /tm cricans During Civil BIG BATTLE LOOMING county owned, motor vehicles. The court issued the sheriff a warrant War will be allowed a dormitory this year was given today BOY REPORTED ANGRY for the amount involved. when the house w'ays and means committee approved an gram of the senate steering com­ Conqueror of Catilina Channel As the practice grows court­ EU G EN E. Ore., Feb. 4,— The W ASHING TO N, Feb. 3 mittee. which will probably be house workers are predicting the state banking department today appropriation of $150,000 for this new building. Refuses to Obey Wishes of Under legislative precedent of many years, the final British from the Chinese war reached next week, and Johnson time when milch cows w ill be closed the bank at Florence. The Parent 8A LE M , Feb. 3.— ( U N ) — Be­ tethered to trees court condition of the bank ia un­ recommendation of the ways and means committee, such I sone is continuing, according to u ld today that he will call the fore a capacity crowd that stood house lawn. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 3.— known but they think It Is sol­ as announced today, means that the bill will pass both la navy department dispatch re­ bill up for action at that time, be­ cause the measure calls for an (U N (— Notice that she had "dis- In all available spaces in the Arrangements are reported vent although the withdrawal was ceived today from Adm iral C. legislative braneheg without formidable opposition. house chamber, Governor Patter­ made to accept some pigs in pay­ •o large that an adjustment of 3. W illiams, in command of the appropriation oj >125.060,000 the I missed” Henry O’Byrne as man- In addition, the committee appropriated $32,210 for Asiatic fleet. argument will be made that the | ager of her son, George Young, son Wednesday delivered his mes­ ment of taxes and now Miss Amy the bank's affairs is necessary. the maintenance of the normal school at Ashland in addi-1 ! In addition to 25 Americans bill should originate In the house was served on O’Bryne late yes- sage on state finances to a Joint Ross deputy in the sheriff's of- tiofi to the millage tax allowed each year. This will |and 24 British who have left but Johnson said today that he l terday by Mrs. Jean Young, moth­ sesslon of the senate and house flee la wondering what she will EUGENE, Ore., Feb. 3.— W a r­ representatives. do w ith them when they a rr’ve. provide for improvements $nd a larger teaching staff (Chunkiang for the lower river, a thinks he can overcome that ob­ er of the Toronto youth who won rants for the arrest of Henry A fte r the applause which greet­ total of 56 additional Americana jection and bring the measure to fame and >35,000 by swimming Bergman, president of the F lo r­ for next year. are expected to arrive In that a vote In the senate without prior Catalina channel. ed Governor Patterson when he The sum o f $175,000 was appropriated for the new- city from the Interior, Adm iral house action. ence State bank, and Miss H arriet was presented to the Joint as­ Mrs. Young’s telegram was sent Weatherson, cashier, were issued main building of the Eastern Oregon normal school to be Williams reported. Action by the house Is contin­ from Los Angeles to O’Byrne in sembly had died down, there was here last night in connection with started at La Grande, and $175,000 for another building A group of British women and gent upon a favorable report of San Francisco, where Young Is no demonstration as he outlined I the alleged hold up of the bank at the normal school in Monmouth. children accompanied by 12 the rules committee, which has scheduled to appear In a theatrlc- the state’s financial difficulties last Thursday. postponed decision on a resolu­ al engagement beginning Satur­ Americana have left Changsha and analyted the various propos­ Bergman and Miss Weathers-n for Hankow. Japanese at Chang­ tion to give the measure a pre­ day. The message read: ed remedies until the government Joseph P. Chisholm Passes disappeared from Florence Mon­ sha also are preparing to evacu­ ferred place on the house program made the direct statement that he “ You are hereby notified that Away at Home on Oak day evening, and have not been ate, the message stated. for this session. recommended a graduated income the paper held by you purporting Street seen nor heard from since. Berg- tax with a- maximum rate not -to tg be contract ^ Ith .m y soç and M . 9 < **r*in ..Agitator« Punjab forces are restraining exceed three per cent. Joseph Peter Chlsholme, well agitators In Shanghai while Gen­ Need More Revenue ■ .known veterinary of thia city, eral Sun Chuan-fang has been Imm ediately there was an out­ passed away at hie home on Oak ^successful In battle near Chok- burst of applause from the mem­ street yesterday morning, sifter a I iang, the fleet commander re- bers of the legislature and the lingering Illness. * ported. ______ I *>n, George Young, who Is a min- throngs of cltixens present. The deceased Is survived by six I Two movements were started Government Patterson’s state­ children, three boys and three LOS ANGELES, Feb. T :. Jin congress today to force PresI* First Decisive Victory of ment that the deficit In the next I girls, (U N )— A plea of not guilty waa Dias r o r a t in M lca n cn I dent Coolidge to negotiate treat- biennium is estimated to reach j | Funeral services w ill be held entered today by John M. Ken­ approximately H.OIO.OdO' unless I •Hles with China. from the Catholic church Friday nedy, 64, when he was arraigned I Senator Borah, Republican Idaho some new method of producing I morning nt • o’clock, w ith Dodge W ASHINGTON, Feb. >.— (U N ) , A similar telegram waa cent al- In municipal court on a charge pf ; Application of more diplomacy — The revolution in the western I w to the San rra,,c,ac° theatre inoome can be devised and put in-1 ft Sons in charge of the services. assaulting A rthu r C. Bure$; tried to effect, censed a alight commo-l and less force was sought by gen- section of Nicaragua haa bean I *h e re Young ia scheduled to ap- Interm ent will be in the Moun­ Jointly w ith . Madelynne Ohen lator Borah, republican, Idaho, tion among the auditors. The I tain View cemetery. broken after an 18 hour battle ',ear- In this message the theatre chain for the alleged murder of declaration waa one of the most I I chairman of the foreign affairs In which the liberal forces were management waa lnatructed to Kennedy’s son, J. Belton Ken­ I committee, and Representative completely routed, according to a I Dajr to his mother any money due striking made in his address and I Irving E. Vining of Ashland, nedy. I n . 1 *31 . I Summers, New York democrat, cablegram received at the Nlcar-1 Young. Its effect was intensified by the I president of the state chamber of Kennedy’s ¿rials was set for I offered a resolution in ,the house i( commerce, w ill speak to the stu­ next Monday. explanation that even at this fig­ aguan legation today from Guadra Under the asserted agreement Evelyn Frisby Kerr, aged one I to have the president appoint ure the state’s building program I dents of the University of Oregon Pases, minister of foreign affairs which Mrs. Young repudiated year, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. In the Diaz cabinet. I O’Byrne was to receive 40 per would be eliminated with the ex-1 at a special assembly today, ac­ D. K err of 608 Palm Avenue, I Chinese treaty delegates. I, Should Take Lend ceptlon of the tuberculosis hosplt-l cording to word received here. Many dead and wounded were "°nt of the earnings of the Cata- passed away Tuesday February 1. PRINEVILLE WINS " I f America should once more left j Mr. Vining w ill speak on "Calls on the battlefield and scores U*na channel swimmer. Young Is al In eastern Oregon and the Funeral services will be held Emil F. Pernot, Who Was of Service.” The state chamber BEND, Feb. 8.— ( U N ) — Prlne- from Dodge ft Sons Undertaking take the lead in the movement , of prisoners taken, the message ’ aid to take the position that the new state normal school build-1 Ings. I Working on Tuberculosis president Is enroute back to Ash­ vlho won the first round of the parlors tomorrow afternoon at 2 to help China,’’ Somers declared, , itated. contract should be compiled with Cure, Dead “we will gain the everlasting land after attending the annual Central Oregon debate tourna­ o’clock. This marks the first decisive and his stand was said tonight to friendship of the young republic.” , victory of the Diaz forces on the have brought he and his mother meeting of the state organisation ment yesterday by defeating both Arrangements for interment PO RTLAND, Feb. 3.— ( U N ) - Senator Borah also pressed , ivest coast. I at odds In a telephone conver- In Portland the first of the week. Bond and Redmond high schools. have not been completed. Kmll Francis Pernot. professor of upon the president the necessity The text of the cablegram read 1 sation with her eon this afternoon bacteriology at North Pacific for appointing delegates to con- { is follows: Mra. Young pleaded for him to Dental College, who recently took fer with China as soon as the “ Liberal rebels attacked the come to Loe Angeles and discuss charge of experiments with a warring factions are able to t own of Rivas. A fter 18 hours hie business affairs with her, but herd ef cows to test the tuberculo­ agree. £ >f continuous fighting the liber- he was reported to have refused, sis cure devised by George K irk ­ The president was told, accord- a Us were repulsed by the govern* saying that his presence waa de- ing to reports that naming of a „ nent forces leaving In their land manded In San Francisco, Observer for Eight Years, patrick, died of pneumonia at his residence here yeseterday. delegation now would demon- in Official Position to lead, wounded and many prle- Mrs. Young claims she la too Professor Pernot was a man of strate this government's good 0 Retire mors, as well as a great quan- ,11 to journey to the bay city as frail constitution and had suffer­ faith and might facilitate a Chin- t lty of arms and ammunition, requested by Young....... W A SHING TO N, Feb. 3.— Scar* ed from attacks of pneumonia ese agreement. y cely a dozen of the 436 members frequently during th-j past 20 However, neither Coolldgq nor t of the house of representatives years. the state department appeared v are qualified as leaders in the na­ onthused over the proposal. 8 tional legislative body. Lehr Fess, parliamentarian of the house, said today in an Interview w ith the United Newe. Fess is qualified to know. For Good Program Planned for eight years he has been an ob­ Funeral services for the late High School Gym Sat­ server and adviser to the speak­ Mrs. W illia m Glelm, who passed LOS ANGELES, Feb. 3.— urday Evening er. He ,s resigning at the term in­ away yesterday morning at the (U N )— Decision was reserved to­ ation of the 69th congress to prac­ Community hospital In Medford, day on the petition of attorneys tice law In Toledo. He is a son w ill be held from her residence in for Charlie Chaplin, who sought of Senator Simeon D Fees of Talent tomorrow, February 4 at to have the district court of ap­ Ohio. peals make a permanent order 2 o’clock, Rev. P. K. Hammond, The young, dapper parliamen­ officiating. The burial w ill be in tying up >8,000 in alimony grant­ tarian knows more of the whims, Stearns Cemetery. ed Lite Grey Chaplin, the com­ the pefty bickerings and the char­ edian’s estranged wife, by the acters of the individual congress­ lower court. A temporary re­ FAMILY POISQNED man than any other person. straining order Is already effec­ LOS ANGELES, Feb. 3.— (U N ) tive and prevents receivers for — Mrs. M arie Arbllllgera, report­ Chaplin’s property paying Llta the ed to be a wealthy Guatemalan, money which her counsel contends ARREST SUSPECT and her three children, A rthur, Is necessary for support of her­ Stan Pillette, star third sack- .LO S ANGELES, Feb. 3.— (U N ) 18, Carmen, 16 and Edward, 13, self and the two Chaplin babies. ’ f for the Ashland baseball club — A man hearing a resemblance were suffering at their home to­ Neither Chaplin nor hie wife last season, will be given a try­ to the "dark strangler," wanted night from eating poisoned food. appeared when the petition was out with the Loe Angeles coast for the murder of a dozen wo­ Members of the fam ily were argued before the appellate court league team this spring. * He men In coast cities and for other .taken to the receiving hospital for sitting en banc. was signed up last week by Marty slayings in the east, was arrested treatment after they became dis­ Krug, manager of the Angel club. In the bnslneee district tonight tressingly ill this morning, and News of Plllette’s rise in the TO BE APPOINTED by city detectives. were attended by police surgeons. baseball world waa contained in The prisoner was overpowered , They were unable to give any W ASHING TO N, D. C„ Feb. 8. a letter received by John Enders after a etrnggle. He said he was definite Information that would — (U P )— W illiam Phillips, am­ today from Johnnie Morgan, who Steve Kelmas, Ft, a marine fish­ assist In determining the nature bassador to Belgium, probably played with the locale for a erman and that he came to Loe of their sickness but Dr. Dorn of will be appointed minister to Can­ part of the season. Morgan has Angeles recently , from Santa the hospital said that the symp­ ada. His name has ben subihlt- been playing winter ball In Cali­ Barbara to attend an automotive toms somewhat resembled pto­ ted to the Brltlsn government for fornia but wants to return to maine poisoning. Ashland this spring. Mother of Local Woman Succumbs ■ AtTJniversity HOUR FIGHT dcai / o dd / hi iiT in ki,nvaiid an<* °r y°u ,n wni beha,f p,eag®«««• Ktflfto litVlILullUN *ct,n* f°r B Infant Daughter - Called By Death Another Slow Moving Game Talent Resident Will Be Buried Reserve Decision 4 On Chaplin Case Stan Pillette To Get Tryout