THE FOüLTBY INDUSTRY Bain tonight and Thursday. Mild temperature. is a potential'paj AsMand’« Leading Ni (United Neva Wire Service) ASHLAND, a for Over Fifty Years . land. - ^m. (United Presa Wirt Service) ESDAY, FEB. 2, 1927 Normal Quintet Will Play Rook* Friday Evening I Ashland Normal's s p e e d y basketball quintet wfll make a determined eSort to even up wjth I the O. A. C. Rooks Ip a return basketball same at the loeal Faculty and High Funds Are Voted for Im­ mediate Construction ' of Three Cruisers .• School th e attention o t the Ashland Seconds Will ] P City Council was called to the WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.— (UN) F ln t Game — Overriding .President Coolidge J condition of the road Commonly armory here Friday evening. Great Britain Believe« Ne­ and in the face of a veto threat, 7 known ns the Ashland Mine road, I The normal basketeers get" e * gotiations Will be a the senate today voted funds to north of the city, at their resu­ to a great start last December Sncceas begih construction of three new l t lar meeting last evening. when they defeated the *O. A. C cruisers. Postmaster F. D. Wagner ap­ Mystery Surrounds leaving Varsity five on the local' ffeoi. Opposing Sides Coll Truce O PTIM ISM ^ PREVAILS Work on the new war vessels peared beforg the Council and of Largest Group Marine« I Then, when* the future profb too t to Enact Farm Legis­ Since War made an appeal that this mat-' Rumors of Failure of Proposals Is to start before July l , and 11,- their trip north they played, I h » lation 250,000 was included for this pur­ Q ter be fully investigated as it Is Are Dental by The Aggie Rooks at Corvallis and GIVE SEALED ORDERS pose in the naval appropriation a rural mall route. The matter Authorities took a trimming by the Ihwly PLANS ABE APPROVED a was discussed and turned over No One in the Navy Department I freshmen. bill. The final vote wa* 49 to I to the street committee. Reach Gentlemen’s Agreement to Will Admit They Know j The return game is scheduled LONDON, Feb. 2. — Peaceful A resolution, recommended by Senate bolting from the admin­ Help Each Other Next Final Destination settlement of the controversy over here for Friday evening, and' the M. J. Olson, sexton of the Ash- istration ranks by republican lead- W*ek the British concessions In Chinn n ym al basketeers would rather r. land cemeteries, was brought up is believed Imminent on the basis ’ ers the three cruiser amendment win thia game than any (hey d suggesting that a drain tile WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.— Far» of messages received from Han­ was stricken from the bill In the have playe^ thus far this set- . I should be laid In the Mountain house. It was immediately re­ Inters and bankers,-ancient econ- son. kow and Pekin. r i_ I View cemetery. This was turned Despite reports of another press inserted by the senate committee I omlc and political enemies, have Those who witnessed the hit­ r over to the cemetery committee ter struggle last night ¿now tht: with Marske, agreement which Was temporarily mately 22,700,000 of outstanding Kinney and Caldwell being taken Famed Cartoonist Said to thwarted by Senator King. highway bonds and paid accrued out of the game on the personal Have Had Habit of Interest. i t , can readily he foul rule. In fact, toward the seen from this relation that the) Wife Beating close of the game time had to be bond financing of the Wilson riv-l" NEW YORK, Feb. 2.— (UN)— taken out until a member, ot the er project will practically wipe I The Idea of a man amusing ths Normal Second team could change out all advance made by the com­ public with his cartoons and then to his gym suit and take Up the mission in the retirement of its going home and heating his wife bottle after so mahy of the first capital debt. * ’ was too much for Justice Tierney team members had been removed of the supreme court, who grant­ 'housondi of Do] from the game. Postpone Hill be Refunded ed a divorce Tneeday to Mrs. H. It waa a game that everybody SALEM — Feb. 2. — (UN )— Shipper« C. Fisher, wife of "Bud” Fisher, enjoyed because for the most part Already having voted to raise the the cartoonist. the players on both teams ware SALEM, Feb. I. — (UN) — salaries of connty officiate the "It Is unthinkable that a man Freight rate reductions on term I former members of the Medford hduse of representatives postpon­ like Mr. Fisher would do such a products in Interstate shipment and Ashland high schools and ri­ ed Indefinitely any further con­ things* said the Justice, “but the in Oregon ordered by the public vals in many hard fought games sideration of Representative Lew­ evidence shows that ha did and service commission in January, of former years. . is* house resolution No. It," pro­ I shall grant Mrs. Fisher a di­ 1924, are upheld by the supreme The Normal basketeers will viding that on any bill raising the vorce.” meet the 0 . A. C. rooks at the lo­ court decision handed down by salaries of district or county of­ The cartoonist's wife accused Justice Rand. cal armory Friday evening, and ficials there must he included a her husband of heating her, in - The action of the sapremo court they promise the same sort of a clause referring the matter to- a barraseing her by walking around game because of thetr determina­ vote of the’ people. their apartment clad only la his tion to avenge the defeat they underwear, and failure to support — ...... ” ""...... 1 Mm pnmmmms ■ suffered at Corvallis last month. her, t (Please Turn to Page 4) • Medford Basketball Crack Team Loses To Normal Quintet Kansas Farmers May Locate Here