Tn tonight and Wednesday,- îf ‘ ‘ ' 1 ■- ¿ i »■ I H1 • I * •' foültít ” , * J ' i arnomr T ' . * ‘ft ' * ' > ig,a potential pay roll for.Ash­ temperata re. Ashland's Leading Ni (.United Heve Wir» Service) . , . land. per for Over Fifty Years d ■ " \ (United Press Wire Service) ASHLAND, SBíATOR IS REGARDED WITH FAVOR BY POLITICIANS Democrat« Have Their Byes Upon Him as Possible Leader DBYS ARE OBJECTING Campaign Pow ers o f Mieeoarl Senator Overcome Many Objections NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN CHINA'81“ ANGHIGLAND ARE PEACEFBL flSRbflflD ACRES Under the above caption there « ill appear In this paper frem time to tim e , articles telling of men who have acquired a few Ashland acres and have made these acres afford them a comfortably living, men who have been a success oa Ashland seres. . ' ’ ? We believe In the future' of the Ashland district agricul­ tu rally and we believe that the experience of those who have prospered w ill,b e of help to others; and w ill encourage those who might come' among ua to make their homes to know how men before them have succeeded. We believe that from the experience of these men new comers w ill be able to gather a fund of information that may be worked over to lit the tastes and thef pocket bdoks of such as might wish to make a home here in onr midst. W e bare discovered In talking with these men who have succeeded on "Ashland Acres’* that It won’t do to feel that these acres owe any man a living, bnt that these same acres are saying' to these successful onae, "there is a rich Day streak here, come work it out." So any man who w ill work, not hard and long honre, bnt steadily, persistently, consist­ ently and above all with hie head as well as his bands has a mighty good chance to "m ake good" on almost any piece of land (p the Ashland district. Before we start these Ashland Acres talks let us analyse the situation fairly from a ll angles. F irst from the stand-point < of what tlfere Is to be found here that w ill favor the farm er and work w ith him toward success, and second we wish also to discuss just as frankly the draw­ backs that' one is sure to encounter. W ashington ; Feb. 1.— ( u n ) • — Some democratic politicians, searching (or a national figure big enough to stand above the Smith- McAdoo feud, and unite the party, are ogling Senator James A. Reed of Missouri with Increasing per­ sistence. , Feeling Is growing that neither What A dvantage W hat advantages does tho Ashland district offer to the Smith nor McAdoo cen be nomin­ agriculturist? ated and that somebody e l s e should be built up for the nomina­ First an even climate, moderately cool summers, mild tion. I t Is slow work and an winters, a normal amonnt of ra in fa ll, and a long growing season, an Ideal condition for tho poultry man, or the dairy early start Is necessary. There man. Hens and cows alike can run out the year around w ith ­ are objections to Reed, notably out suffering from heat, cold o r excessive moisture. from the drya. • Despite this Seco if J: a wonderfully fertile soil, rich In every ele­ handicap some democratic poll- tfclans feel that his national ment necessary for Ideal plant growth but one, aad that one the easily and cheaply supplied. Oat soils especially the prominence and his campaigning ability are so outstanding in the granite formations, are very deficient In nitrogen, but they arte excessively rich in a ll other necessary elements. The party that he could well be utll- nitrogen content may be sufficient through the use of farm ­ .lzed In the role of party harmon- Iser. yard manures or by the use of legumes, especially alfalfa, the clovers and the vetches which grow rapidly and may ba _ _ P n tlI reecntly Reed has taken used as a cover crop or for plowing nnder. particular delight In plblng the Third; practically the whole district Is nnder irriga­ drye. Volstead waa h it particular joy until the citizens of Minneso­ tion. A careful investigation of the Talent Irrig atio n Dis­ trict from which Ashland Acres secure their water w ill ta called the author of the dry law back to his own. convince any thinking person, that year Ip and year out, cost considered, the water problem baa been solved for this Then Roed turned on Wayne district as nearly any human agency can solve the water B. Wheeler, general coansel of problem. The cost la reasonable, aad the project has been the Anti-Saloon league, reaching planned In such a manner as to assure the water users that the high epet when be pet the water atom— t wttk never be a factor that wHl other Wheeler on the stand during the than favor Success, . prohibition investigation l a a £ (Please Tarp to Page t ) , / spring and with mock ceremony — 4- toasted him with a glass of wa­ ter. Lately Feed has been more cir­ cumspect. He has said little abont prohibition. He did attack government under cover agents, who, he said, were swarming over Starting today oae f A n send the land like the "lice of Egypt.” letters by a ir m all - to any part S. Thomas of Chicago Be­ He Is not a convert to prohibition of -the United States from Med* lieves Beal Future and probably w ill never be one. ford and vicinity for 1« cents Lies Ahead But he Is more discreet. for each half ounce or fraction The most striking exhibition of Nowhere In the United States thejreof, regardless of distance ot the modified Reed came during can there be found such an Ideal character of mail route, o r routes the religions debate In the senate location for a health resort as over which the mall is carried, recently. He seized upon H e flin ’s right here In Ashland. and also Includes .postage to and attack on the Catholic Agitation This Is the confirmed belief of from mall routes. against Mexico to make a classic S. Thomas of Chicago, who was a oration on tolerance, in which he guest at the Ashland hotel today, paid eloquent tribute to Protest­ enronte north to Portland after ants, Catholics and Jews, a spending the winter In California. speech which doubtless w ill be “ I was here in 1911 and at that broadcast In pamphlet form by his time sought to* interest local peo­ political friends shortly. ple in a health resort,” he said. " I ASHLAND « BE New Air, Mail , Rates Effective BIG H E M RESORT SOtUBS ENEBl IN ARMY OF lEADERj H S1 n ™ PIPE LINE IS DEBATE TOPIC P E R IN O , Feb. 1. — (U P ) strength, kccuracy In totals is out Prom a strictly m ilitary point of of the question,” continues this view. Canton was not figured to authority. It may be added that win control of half, of China, or the situation Is now particularly even of any considerable fraetlon complex because as the Canton of half. That Canton has done eae forces approach any given op­ ■City Park Board Opposes Plan to Have Water in so only illustrales onee more that posing “army” Its status becomes Plata Block a little knowledge of convention­ increasingly uncertain, and It may al m ilitary tactics js a dangerous suddenly * switch from the enemy Unanimous Make Preliminary Agree thing In this country. to the friendly camp without the O THERS• PAVOR IDEA to Brims ment to Settle Soutn tiring of a shot. Expediency in On a numerical strength basis Change Chinese Demands L ark o f T im e a t Forum Lunch the Cantonese should have been China rules nowhere with more P revents Discusaion ol TO IMPBOVB HIGHWAY ENGLAND MAY YIELD overwhelmed iponths ago. Elab­ forces than In military affairs Subject 1IKS5 E s tim a te orate studies have made, and are Highway Commission W oald b» Evacuation of Chinese Cities by being made, by the foreign m ili­ Estimates of the armies by pro­ Only lack Ordered to «ell Enoni tary experts to show that Canton vinces are available up to the end spirited discuasion on the plan to Americana Continues H» Great Bande for Highway can’t win. And yet Canton has of 1925, but they are now uselei Numbers ■ > -, pipe Llthla wator to the Plaza won quite handily thus fa r In because of the constant building SALEM, Ore., Feb. 1. — (U N ) up .breaking down and transfer block when members of the mun- LONDON, Feb. 1. — Negotia­ her Northern Campaign. nlcipal park board attended the ‘ By a vote of IS senators the tions Statistics in China are a snare of allegiance. between Eugene Cben chamber of commerce forum senate supported the China has the By estimate of the Year Book China’s foreign minister, and and delusion. resolution referring to the votorii British Charge d* Affaires O’Mal­ greatest army on earth, on paper, the strength of the Manchurian luncheon at the Llthla Spring» hotel today , noon the question of Increasing ley at Hankow have taken a yet she could not wage war on armies under Marshal Chang A resolution adopted recently lators pay from 3 to 10 dbllard sharp turn toward peace. anybody at the present time. Tso-lln Is about 300,000 men. Wu by the park board was read by A. per day. A preliminary agreement for Canton has gone north w ith a Pei-fu, theoretically allied with In the house Speaker Carjcla*^ settlement of South -China's de­ small well-trained group support­ Marshal Chang, is given credit Tor C. Nlninger, a park director. This bill, providing for the use of an mands concerning aboliation of ed by propagandists and has con a total of 250,000, but his control resolution placed the board unani­ appeal from the tax levies, wag extra-territory and return to for­ sistently routed larger force*. over his subordinates is most haz­ mously on record as being oppos­ reported odf favorable by the eign concessions Is now Immin­ Faced with such undeniable facts, ardous and his willingness to co­ ed to the plan to pipe the mineral committee on assessment the temptation is to sweep all fig­ operate with Chang Is rather more water to the Plaza block as well ent. to the hotels. Their reason taxation, bnt the amendment The danger of Injuring the An­ ures off the board and proceed on than doubtful. Yen Hsi-shan ■ was that it would detract from empted Multnomah county, whtalt al stages of the Hankow diacus- basis of psychology, experience "model governor” of .Shansi, has has Its own tax supervision com­ lons alone causes official predic­ and common sense but a glance at an estimated strength of 65,0^0. the popularity of L ltla park. H. L. Claycomb, chamber of mission. tions of success to be withheld. some of the statistics can do no Sun Chuan-fang of Shanghai was commerce director, vigorously op­ This bill grants 10 tax peyera A preliminary agreement by harm, If they are not taken too given an estimated strength of posed the stand of the park board, the right to petition for a help­ Cben and O’Malley will precede seriously. 261,300 a few months ago but this has been cut to an extent which as did Victor Mills. Mr. Clay- ing against levies of any tax' formal discussions during which Many Salaries comb declared that the people o f,i levying and the bodies a n d - the Orest Britain will yield to China According to the China Year can only be guessed at. state board of control then mmjl J»*ny of the demands made by Book, which acknowledges that By the latest Year Book figure! Ashland have never appreciated bold a hearing. the "Kwomlntang group’’ that la, the advertising value of their min­ Chen. It is learned on good "the total numerical strength of the Cantonese under Chiang Knl- eral water; that they have It hid­ all the various m ilitary groups in authority that the agreement will shek, was accorded only YSO.OOO, den up In the park where people SALEM , Fob. 1. -r- (U N ) China ’ is a favortie field for represent,,a compromise between with the Feng Yuhslang ( ’ Chris- had to go to find It. He felt that Unanimous approval was gl the maximum offered by the B rit­ gueaswork,” estimates on this to­ to the senate to the removal J of ish and the minimum terms laid tal rarifee all the way from 1,300,- tlen General” ) controlling n ;t in to place It down in the Plasa block not only would help the city the county eeat df Jackson down by the Chinese when the 000 to 2,500,000, with the Chi­ excess of 200,000. Yet, as an ex ty from Jacksonville to Medford discussions began. nese press favoring the higher ample o f how rapidly a situation as a whole but would wken Representatives* Briggs’ h ill may change lit China and how <>s- park because it would figures. timatee of different* cMc? ' may people to want to remain came before the upper house "Since no generalissimo knows, Citizens Move Monday afternoon, not a single vary, it was announced In early longer. within some thousands, the actual W A SHING TO N. Feb. 1— (U N ) Mr. Mills spoke briefly In a December that the full strength of dissenting voice being heard to — General evacuation of Ameri-, strength of his own command but similar vein, but because of the the Nationalist Armies was a the approval. is at the merry of paymasters who I can citlsens from cities In the pal the lists, on the one hand grand total of 863,000. lack of time, he moved that thq Chinese war sone is under way, resolution of the park board be The Nattonaltsts hive detailed and - of subordinates /rom ■ O. 8. T. A. by Delegataa. , # ‘ •’ 2:30 Conférence Hour: (a ) W hat Árd we accomplishing 1» 81- leht R ie e ta f ? •’ (IT) Ar» we Improving as fohehers of Spelling? ftp County Anq»uhce«ienta J i Corv»llis (ìe lm e ponulàtlon of 8,000 ’with 3607,309 werth of building • A « * during » » * 1936. * . * / > , j I RECOVERS FROM OPERATION Ford Salesman Wins Promotion M A N IL A , P„ I.. Feb. l . r - ( U N ) Governor General Leonard R S. Furry, who Wood has le ft'th e hospital where working for the Claycomb Motor he underwent an operation for Company for the last year as Ford hernia hast Friday. Physicians Salesman la the Talent and Fhoo- declared that Wood showed re­ nlx territory, has been made Ash­ markable recuperative powers. land City salesman, taking The governor general waa the place of Alden Powell who w m recipient of many * cablegrams formerly employed an city while at the hospital. One of M r .' iM w # them wae from President Cool­ idge and rend: "Hopeful for your quick recov­ ery- Glad your general health is go»d and hope nothing interferes wRh the splendid services you are rendering." , \ throughout the hor» a»d He la «»11 througheut « • V-