THE POULTRY INDUS* Hain in the west portion, unset tied with snow in ¿ast. fi - \ is a potential pdy roll for “■ Ashland'9 Leading N< (UBltoS News Wire 8ervlcs) larid. .per for Over Fifty Years d * (United Press Wire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, POPULATION INCREASES Oonnty Seat to is Mow up to SALEM , Jan. 21.— A house bill by Briggs of Ashland author­ ising the removal of the county seat from Jacksonville to Med­ ford, Is now in the senate for eon- Le&der» A re Busy T rying to sldertaion. Two bills by Briggs passed the house today, one au­ S ell Themselves to thorising the regents of the State Possible Soldiers Normal school to sell certain lands in Jackson county, and the FIE L D IS COMPETITIVE other relating to provisions of Competition is so Keen That initiative and referendum rights of people In various counties. Many Blighting Remarks Are Made About Men Request Resignation SALEM , Ore., Jan. 81.— Sena­ tor Joseph introduced a resolution W ASHING TO N, Jan. 31.— A In the senate today asking Sena-1 I crisis has been reached in prohlbi- tor Norblad to resign as chair-1 Itlo n enforcement Secretary of the mah of the fish investigating com­ Treasury Andrews said today. The mittee because of alleged disqual­ entire situation has been put up ifications. to congress and It Is up to that He said that Norblad had body to go ahead. served as an attorney and