A SntA N n ALPHA TAURI PLAY OASTS AMS CHOSEN Itoeal i Person©! Jiotes D A IL Y .TRHMM Stockholm to Paris A -H orse “The Maker of Dreams'*. John G »ley— Pierrot. Patricia Dale— The. Maker. Louise Scroggins— Picrette. • Six Who Pass W h ile the Lentils Boll.” K O nCB 'M arjorie Kelly—¿Prologue. Phoenix Won Game— Ashland Lodge No. 45, I. O. O. Margaret Turner— Device Bear- In a basketball game between M will entertain at a social card Phoenix and Jacksonville at Jack garty■ Monday evening. Jan. f t . sonville last night Phoenix won ■ Ruth Aitken— Davies L ittle AU O d < F ellow s and Rebekahs, with a score of 83-12. Boy. , fedir Infittile« and viel ting guests Eileen Gambell— M ilk Maid. art invited. Adatfaetea free. Beatrice Abel*-— The Queen. Let the Ü NION w rite Tout full Warren Doremu»— The Dread ceverage" ‘ automobile insurance. Ye», of eoars«. 83-tf ful Headsman. M t. Byers— The Blind Man. »rge Perkins and Mise Lawrence Maxwell— The Bal Georges Rose Bath Salts, Sc lad Singer. " enee ot Wagner Creek at McNair Broa. asee visitor« la fe u city Loy Barker— The Mime. Beatrice Daley—-The You. _ ' jlU This W e e k - “ Enter the H ero.” B ill Vimont of Talent is con- Jennie Grover— Anne. •erVsd, i fined to hie home with illness Joseph Mercer— T h e Hero: i. The ; this week and is unable to attend Jessie Nell Evans— Mrs. Cleary I H - t f I classes at the Southern Oregon Susanne Jenkins— Ruth. Normal, where he te a student. C liff Payne makes «teos. Lila Dement— Assistant Dlrec- ’ Cari Loveland bea re-opened -MnNatr'a Ç o ÿ tableta, 35c, for .hto School of Muaiq et 47« Boul -The Siskiyou J f M poUL . e v a rd . Teachteg Saxophons, jC la rln a t, Voice. Calle and all Al fee Oregon y~»nt - Brasa, Woodwlnd and Striag Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F Aaaar- lustramente. Phoue 154. gaax et Ba«rameato, Cal., war* 151-5 B est in South Dinner ! tiritera tu Ashland yesterday, »topping ut fee Oregon hotel. J. •nab prisse and away. Inquire a. mu«« There’s many a long mile between Stockholm. Sweden, and Parle, but Mile. Linde de Kllnckowstrem, daughter of a baron. Is coura- teoua— she covered them all on* horse back. She stopped lit Brussels !.o report the wedding of Princess Astrid and Prince Leopold for Swedish newspapers. Here she’Is with her mount. 1 tt ~ J. H. Puller, who ha« been at tending the legislature at Salem, motored down to Grants Pass last evening to attend the Jub ilee banquet and came on to Ash land, where be w ill visit over the. week-end with home folks. J EXPERT VULCANIZING We can make your old tires look like new and give you hundreds of miles of additional service. - W eh ere Orchestra, dgtee. Medford tonight W alker •o u g h t Property fa Talent— J. 8. Suitxer of Talent has sold his blacksmith shop property to Tb» Loveland School of Music I. D. Yerlan of this city who will is now treated nt 478 Boulevard. conduct the business in Talent. Teaching all Brass. Woodwind and String Instrumenta. Phone H E L P W A N T E D :— A « ta p e - > Ï5 4 . 125-1 tent housekeeper in a small fam ily. modern conveniences; state Ceuflned to H o m » -. qualifications, give particulars re Chfirlee Petrie, who works nt garding yourself and monthly the Tidings office, is confined to wages expected. Mrs. G. Z. care i Ma home la Talent with Illness. of Ashland Tidings. Ashland. Plenty o f money to Iona on Visited in Medford— goad security. Phone 31. Teo. of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hardy of «»■we. n . tf Fifth street were visitors in Med Retreading — Repairing H -O . I t contains re much ihe right kind o f nourish- fehte Hót Tamales, none better— The PERMANENT W A VE la the popular style of hair dress ing affected by young ladies, and this fashion is woll arranged in our beauty parlors, where raanv of the patrons have their hair so dressed by electric appliances in the hands of our ekilh d ' perators. The results show 1 r.iarming im provement in mnuy 4a -is . Lithia Springs Hotel Beauty Parlor GLADIOLUS Drop me e postcard for prieelist NUF RED. H. Hosier Ashland, 34 Almond St. i- BLOX WOOD Announcement Geòrgie K. Tonng, Beautician „ P » L I U 4 STICYEX} * . .. . . CdM tf CJWk Boys w ife blcyelea and their serete* »toóte tdke notice that riding on sidewalks and rid- teg t e HM to rtrtete after dark vRfcoee lights b> bicycle is a mt sds w n n r and may be pn|«h- « 4 M « « M tf ( M i t guilty by Clearance To Be a Flying is risky—but not as risky as leaving a wife in pleasure mad London. Mezzanine H oor DO YOU WANT THE BEST BULBS THAT PRO DUCE THOSE CHOICE BLOOMS? If so, I have them at the right prices. 158-2 ' The Last Day of Our January Including BULBS .. SPECIAL DRESS SALE Silk Dress Treat ’ •t DAHLIA, All Day Sunday GUY GOOD Phone 82 THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL TODAY ONLY LOVED ^ l,e* of - - ’ ■: 1 '• • * ! N O TIC E TO SPORTSMEN AJ1 pioneer« who have beau i residents of this state since prior .to 1370, and nil veterana <tf fee Civil M d Spanish Am»r- ¡ tena Were whp. are toipates of fee Soldiers Home end cutuled to Ire» hO&tlnc and angling 1|- «btto, must make app'icatlon t o ! Ute tfe te Oame Commissions.1 F fftocl »Irek, Portland, Oregon, {. ff fe o r dartre a. free hunting and naftfeg lteeude for the year Remember Onr 85c Chicken Dinner for Monday Selling Marten V a n u a tu of this alty retaroqd yesterday from a ‘rip of Lloyd L. C re te of Drain, Oregon, tog * lfe Mrs. Ella Patterson and. spent the day yesterday in Ash land visiting With friends. «fWfe*ru California. J, - SUNDAY ONLY V * «gaong. those wkd stopped ia . XL ELECTRIC Station 35«. Cab. Enrolled at N o r m a l- Miss Blossom tyead of the low A«lda«d yesterday. T h ey rsgistet- er Applegate, who graduated from •k at the-Litinä Spring« hotel. tb« Jacksonville high school In the semester ending January 14, $«e the new clothes reel at Jor- has Enrolled at the Southern Ore •hfiA m ill, ready td set in the gon Stats Normal. greuhd. ’ » • - n j . tt i • : • ■ i Refereed Game la Phoenix— Spitienburg afcplea. .75« per Wayne H ill of this city refereed ■fe« bring own box. Ash. F A a basketball game at Phoenix, last Pre. Ansu. night between Talent and Sams Valley. Talknt won by a score of AH - persons hkriag chieki 14-10. f . m an lag at large please see tl t V y do net bother .^ g h b Florence VanDyke Improved— »■Ó by doing so avoid paying Miss Florence VanDyke of Med te *M ty in enne complaints i ford, form erly of Ashland, who ftled at city oonrt. has been confined to her home ÖRO. W . MeNAQB tor some tlm« with illness, is now able , to resume her work as a trained nui-ee. Hotpoint Electric Water Heater We Are Open In The Morning Now Át 6:30 By James Oliver Cnrwood W ent to Prospect— Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tucker and sen W ilbur, and' M r. and Mrs. Frank Jordan of this city went M -tk e U fe la Spring» Hotel u - ' to Prospect last Saturday to play ,.M aL JC ,F qx of O akland.. Cal., a dance. *>*'tehtele of Tacoma, W n.. •W i Breakfast At The THE COUNTRY BEYOND typewriters — E lhsrts. * N < •» t»^— < t- r J * * «-A.4 r- » v À dandy plate lunch latfedlng * * * Maddenrs Tire Shop ment, as any food there is. Its delightful “ to a s te d ” flavor keeps youngsters ‘ looking for more" even afler the most generous helping. Visitor from Weed— , B. L. K a u ff/ia s of Weed. C u t, Prom Medford— wge a business visitor in this city D. R. Atchison of Medford was yesUrday; and returned to his a business tllito r in this city yes this morning. terday. • l* ------- . P$I>ite,..k4d . Remington Port- Enjoy your Sunday dinner amid congenial surroundings and where service and food cannot be better- Heating water by elec tricity is' becoming more and more popular. It has many advantages over other methods. No smoke, no fuer, saves time and labor, cool and clean. Let us show you the H -O Quick Cooking Oats cooks in two to three min- ford Wednesday. Olck Grey of Davidson College. Morth Carolina, little heralded la :he papers, wee one of the out-, «tending players In the aouth.: Durlftg the season he kicked six Held goals and in fonr games bin ability to boot the ball over thd bar kept Davidson from defeat! His punts have averaged 45 yards tor the season and be Is a great ** open-field runner ! PLATE HOT WATER risking alter basisene affairs, re -ausila uay. «ne baie or a car ferred yesterday tn kte home in load. Ashland Pratt A Pre. «san. feto . #1.00 PER COAL SERVICE AND QUALITY in fuel as well as lumber. Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. Our Store New Silk Dresses A. ' MADE OF THE NEW FLAT CREPES, SOFT CANTONS AND IN A MIRAGE OF COLORINGS. All Sizes to Choose From«1 W ill Be Closed Come Early Monday Morning and Get Monday Your Choice of Any of Them at Pending the transfer of the busi ness to Mr. E. R. Isaac, personally. Open Tuesday AS USUAL