THE WEATHER ft - Unsettled with occasional rain i ? • • 5 < tonight and Saturday. I -I r A T 11 Ï 1 • Zl 1 K rA 11 ■ X ■' 1 1 I f Ashland’s Leading M (United N eve W ife Service) per for Over Fifty Years d , y p , OBEGON, If GE STUDENTS «feller in on ail Street Tort Collina College (United Prase W ire Service) S aturday , jan . 2», 1927 ’Eugene Junior Hi is Winner The Ashland Junior high to the Roosevelt Junior high Eugene last night In the Junior high gym by a score Many Threats Against the Life of Comedian’s Wife Received N B W YO R K . Jan. St.— (U N ) Desert Classes to FI Two of Coach Ho w ell’s beet LOS ANGELES, Jan. 29. — — Two veterans of American fl- men were unable to play on ac­ ( Ü N ) — Police are guarding the I More Thao 500 Person« • qance, John D. Rockefeller and South China Forces Now count of sickness and this great­ home of Mrs. Llta Grey Chaplin at Grants Paas Victory L. F. Loree, were credited to­ FO R T COLLINS. Colo., JaU Marching Steadily on ly handicapped the local team. because of numerous threats Dinner night w ith the most sensational 2 9 .(U N )— A thousand student* Shanghai . against l , r life, received through W ail s tre e t»maneuver since the of the Colorado A gricultural col­ The game was .a fa it and rough VINING 1 8 SPEAKER ’ celebrated the mall« as a result of her*’d i­ Northern Pacific IS TRIUMPHAL MARCH lege, who left their classes to he^ one from start to finish. Ashland’s lineup was as fol­ vorcé suit • against her famous President Coolidj "corner” of ItOl. come volunteer firemen saved Ashland Man ThrtlU Crowd With Protection V actor hushaiïd. Charles Chaplin, Launching what appeared to- be downfall of Marshal Hna’s Army the school add this city from lows: Forwards. Hitchcock and Mesanffe; Harbor Project Given Howell; guard«, Taylor a n d the girl wife’s attorneys said to- May be Cnnaed by a determined battle for control complete devastation by fire to­ j night. , , Wlnkleman center, Rickman; and Treason day. ’’ . ' of the Wheeling and Lake Brie START They revealed that a guard had NEGOTIATIONS • railroad, presumably for the pur­ The blase which destroyed two Parr substltude. Barriers of imaginary lines di­ The preliminary was played by been thrown about the home by pose of working a merger with college buildings was fanned Jar Protection o f Americans During viding the sister states of C ali­ Beverly Hills police after they other eastern railroad proper­ n 60 mile gale. Residence owners the Ashland high girls and the War la Topic ln U. 8. fornia and Oregon were swept Alumni, the’ high school winning were Informed of the threatening ties. these two aged financiers hastened to their homes and Seaete away* a t Grants Pass last night documents. caught hundreds o f beer traders sprinkled roofs w ith garden hope with a score of 27-2S. when the firm handclasp of fel­ The letters come from all parts DESARC, A rk., Jan. 29.— H u n ­ and left the big fires to the lowship* and cooperative effort in their trap and at the end of dreds of men are working fever­ of the country, Mrs. Chaplin’s a day of wild trading had* squeez­ students. Lose was estimated at was extended across the banquet $200,000. ’ , , ishly hero to save the river levee counsel -said. Several dozen have > , ed most of them out of the mar­ tra rd as more than 600 men and ( as the flood waters threaten 150,- been received. It was said. ket with losses- that may run The fire started in the la b o l*- women of Northern California One, s’.gned "The H. W. Gang," 000 acres of land. into millions of dollar*. tory of the state dairy commis­ and Southern Oregon Joined to­ Refugees are going to the cot­ and with the word “ death” w rit­ sioner in the animal husbandry Those who had been Belling gether in a happy and whole­ ton plant, which Is on high ten across it In red Ink, was dated , building. The Port Collins fire short since the first of the year hearted celebration over the qnc- ground, and an appeal w ill be “ Yonkers, N. Y., Jan. 18.“ department was out on a call to in a fight against the rise of ceea of the start o f the Crescent I t read: “ Drop the divorce suit a sent to the government- for sup­ another part of the city, and t i e common and preferred stocks of City harbor project. Bill is Introduced to Pre against Mr. Chaplin or you will 0 plies a« the levee is expected to building was doomed before the the road were suddenly compell­ The massive, social service hall ed to buy when brokers demand­ vent Political Speeches city apparatus arrived. give way any moment under the never live to see February, 1927. at Grants Paas was ta r too small ed delivery of their shares. Being Broadcast heavy pressure of s w o l l e n W e w ill give you Just 10 days to Besides the animal husbandry to accommodate the throngs of decide. Don’t forget— Just 10 ,. streams. building, the R. O. T. C. bar­ The Immediate reenlt was a happy people who Journeyed for skyrocketing of Wheeling stock , racks and government arsenal many miles to attend the meeting and a panic among the bears. had better give up the were destroyed. River Rising | which marks the awakening o(, a suing. You will die. a HARRISBURG, 111., Jan. 29.— Shares Jumped to a new high | new Pacific Empire. From as far record of $65 and closed that s death If you give Charlie Flood condltior/ at Shawnestown, south aa Los Angeles they came, I IBS, which was five points np for ( 111., are threatening the Ohio ir Earlier In the day it became the senate today to adopt an and from as fa r north aa Salem the day, Forty four thousand j river levee today according to re­ lK known *that the United States , amendment to the naval, appro- and Portland; and they came, too, six ports received here. The river Iq hundred shares changed ) 18 Is preparing to double its force 161 A*T r A |h f> prlatlon 1,111 forbidding govern- and Is expected to w ith a single aim in view; to bands during the flu rry. riving rapidly 1 of marines in Asiatic waters by JNSI ruffl) ^ 7 “ ’ to 8Peak through rejoice with Northern California reach a state of 50 feet. Behind the scenes stood the i sending 1,200 from Sen Diego, and Southerp Oregon over the i shadows of In the disastrous flood of 1919 Rookefeller and e Co., to the island of Guam, to be — . 'n ,e move was provoked by a the river rose to 51 feet. A gov­ auspicious state of a development ; available for service In China. iy R e s t n i f a i d recent navy day program broad- program which promiaea to* bear I ernment boat 1 s patrolling the Against Withdrawal ii# P a i n t cast through Arlington when rich fru it in civic and industrial i river making hourly reports of President Coolidge thinks that D e v ic e Secretary of the Navy W ilb u r progress in the years to come. i conditions, and are ready to give J the withdrawal of Americans — and others epoke about the na- aid. Vining is Inspiration , 1 from Shanghai, where there are CO, Jan. vy. W ilb u r has denied that there In thia setting o f more than g 4,000, would not only ruin them ikins. Sab Fran- was any propaganda in the talks, 600 smiling faces, with a gaily | financially, but also would have L inventor, has but the senate was not convinced, festooned dining hall, and the I disastrous results for China. restraining or- Senator D ill, Washington genial spirit of .comradeship pre- 1 Meantime the house foreign ord Motor so$S- democrat, When he introduced vailing, Irving B. Vining o f Ash­ ) affaire recommended that the :1ns maintained the h ill probably shattered the land, president o f the Oregon o United States go ahead and ne- o f authority; a hopes of many senators and con- state chamber of commerce. nne weeks visit- val committee in charge of the many nations steaming Into a of reasonably reduced hours for tlons as the powers seem to be A lukewarm constabulary, the In Astoria and appropriation bill, denied D ill’s ; Crescent City harbor and other the worker." jinxious to know the compositon ever present tendency of .C hi­ > her home in statement and replied that the ( Pacific porta, bearing food stuffs of the Chinese delegation." In thia connection It may be nese m ilitarist to desert to” an Mrs. Myers programs which were referred and ether commerce to all the noted that more than a dozen apparently vlctorlona arm y and In recommending immediate street. to were patriotic. (Please Turn to Page 2) nations of the world. negotiations with China for wip­ of 226 resolutions given to the the actual appeal that has been ing out the unequal treatise the New Era Downs organisations wage scale commit­ made by agents of south Chin« house foreign affairs committee "W e are closing behinl ns thn tee asked for a SO hour week— has caused the fear that Mar­ appeared to disagree with Secre­ door of covered wagon dxys." he five days of six hours each. shal Sun’s defeat may be accom­ tary of State Kellogg In hie state­ raid. “W e have reached the por- “Organised labor is demand­ plished by the collapse of hie ment this week, which said that tsls of a new era. W e*stand a« ing that another advanced step own forces. before the United States China the door of the greatest era of be taken In the acceptance by Milwaukee Head Indicates must select delegates who are progress that has ever been all industry of a shorter week— That He is Opposed authorised to speak for the whole known, and It is meet and pro­ that of five days for the working to Merger country. The report favored per that we should join tonight, week,” Green said. to offer thanks for this gclden ST. P A U L, Minn., Jan. 29.— adoption by the United States. opportunity which has arrived.” (U N )— The first gesture has Then followed speech after been made In what may develop speech, each man with a new mes­ Into a railroad war for the con­ trol of the northwest. sage, sad each predicting a rapid Hundreds Are Injured. by and substantial development of H. E. Byram, former president Gale Which Sweeps of the Chicago, Milwaukee and this gigantic empire that is Great Britain 8t. Paul railroad, later co-receiv­ Southern Oregon and Northern i er, and since Its reorganisation California. of Japanese Wo­ LONDON, Jan. 2».— Nine per­ the acting president. indicated J. J. Murphy dt Weed, a mem­ rn#« Death to sons were killed and hundreds his opposition to the proposed ber of the California legislature, injured today by a gale which merger of the Great Northern stuck a responsive chord when he swept the coast of Scotland, and N ortkern Pacific railroads. FOLSOM. Cal., Jan. 2$.— (U N ) declared that the highway devel- < northern England, and southern " I can’t say what action the — W ith hla own death march to opment of this section is also of 1 Ireland. 8t. Pan! w ill take If the question the gallows of Folsom penlten- far-reaching importance. He said > Moat of the killed lived In comes before the interstate com­ tlar yonly a week distant, Edward that the people of Oregon have a < Glasgow, where tenements and merce commission," Byram said, K. Bayer, of Denver, convicted right to demand that California 1 warehouses collapsed from the “but I believe the plan will upset murderer, has voiced a hitter de­ meet this state with a paved road t force of the wind. Telegraph the entire transportation of the nunciation of the system of capL for every paved road which Ore- 8 and telephone wires were blown northwest." tai punlahment. which today gon builds to the California state* down and communication between As soon as the merger plans claimed the life of hie pay, Ray line. He pledged the support of ® many cities wits crippled. *> of the two northerns are pre­ Arnold. the people of this district to any I In the U riah sea steamerd were sented to the Interstate commerce Arnold was executed for partic­ development program which arriving late and many had beon, commission the St. Paul Is expect­ ipation in a Penryn hold ap, promised to aid the two states. *' damaged. The obsolete dtetroy- ed to enter Its objection, calling which resulted la the slaying of Sam. A. Koser, secretary o f 1 er Sylph was blown ashore near attention of the eommiaaton 'to Mra. Tamae Nlnomeya, November state, appeared on behalf o f Gov- J Swansea bay, off the coast of Its previous views regarding 5. 1924. ernor Patterson, who was unable p 'Walsg. . northwest, ra il mergers. A few Seyer was convicted of the to attend. For the governor ha 11 Several houseboats tank In years ago the commission sug­ same cr'jne, although A rthu r r. Scotland. 4 brought a message of good cheer; gested It would approved a consol­ M uller fired the shot which W il­ Wind delayed the express from for himself, he declared that Ore­ idation of the Great Northern ed the Japanese wemaa. M ailer Bdlnhnrgh to Newcastle for 40 gon Is yet In its swaddling clotfeas and St. Paul. committed suicide the day a fte r and he felt that it Would be a r minutes. Two street « r e were the holdup. sound Investment for the state h overturned In Glasgow. A t the Ashlamd Hotel— Bayer, visited In his cell, after of Oregon to appropriate a good- 8 In Dublin the root of the or­ M ary Jane Shirley of San Fran- Arnold’s death on the sallows, ly sum of money biennially with h thopedic hospital crashed la in­ cleeo, CM.. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. showed newspaper men n I ju rin g nnreee and pntientg. Tbq which to advertise the resources Norria of Tacoma. Wash,, and J. he. had written to M r. and roof of the famous Dublin cdktlg of the state through the country. ® M. McGregor ef San Francisco, John H. Arnold o f Saeramt was damaged and C hief J u s tly Judge C h iltjs of Crescent City, w Cal., are among those who regle- h l. friend’s paro«te Hugh Kennedy, narrowly escaped t*r»d nt the Ashland hotel yes­ (Please Turn to Page 2) a falling brick, terday. M An Unpopular Addition to The Family