>'v ‘ s THE WEATHER Unsettled THE POULTRY INDUSTRY occasional is a potential pay roll for Ash­ tonight and Saturday. Ashland's Leading Newspaper for Over Fifty Years (United Neva W ire Service) **'and land. . ; . (U nited Preae W ire Service) ASHLAND. OREGON; FRIDAY, JAN. 28. 1927 Oregon Mohawks Easily Defeated By Normal Quint lousand sperity in' Labor and In dustries far Exceed Agricoltura ' -» CHAPLINS MONBY IS— SO .. ..j. A teem of Individual stars but with woeful- lack of teamwork couli^ not cope with the Normal school basketball team a t the arm ­ ory last night amf os a result the Portland Mohawks, who came here heralded as one of the fast« eat Independent teams in Port­ land, was overwhelmed by the col­ legians, SS to 29, in a one-sided basketball contest. Tbs iocal quint showed good tesm work throughout, but the visitors were poor at passing and Just as erratic at basket shoot­ ing, and as a result, the game lacked the usual interest. The normal basketeers are now pointing themselves for a hard game next week when they meet the O. A. C. Rooks on the local floor. Ashland Lads Are Among Those to Whom Badges Are Given PEO R IA , III., Jan. 28. — (U N ) The Crater Lake Counell of the 1 — In the race for prosperity, ag­ Boy Scouts of America met last riculture. has fallen fa r behind Legislation Against Liquor night at-Medford and conferred bonds have brought liberty to labor and industry, -Sam H. Not Heeded by numerous badges showing ad­ Charlie Chaplin from the legal Thompson, president o f the Amer­ x •» Congress vancement in Scout work. , and financial entanglements re­ ican Farm bureau federation, Three boys of Troop Two, Ash­ Efforts to Bring About Ten sulting indirectly from tys wife’s said in an address here today be­ ANDREWS MAT RE8IGN land, were up for merit badges tpr Proposed Increase for Cir­ Percent Rebate Are . dlvofce shit. A ll the outstand­ fore the annual meeting o f the cuit Judges is Laid « various subjects Including first Halted ing government Income tax liens Illinois agricultural association. Upon Table aid, path-finding and firemanshlp, ) against the film comedian and ■ ■■ W ml II ' P ’ , "Just now we are flooded w » r but these badges completed the his properties are said to have ADMINISTRATION WINS press reports of prosperity In the OBJECTING rqulred work for advancement to SENATORS j been said to have been satisfied Charges of Opposition Leaders Asserts This Country Industrial world and there la no what is known as Star Scout and by the 1700,000 bonds which Adopt Hound Policy ln the First Test o f Halary In- Fall to Change question but what the dividends Life Scout respectively, the Star Chaplain succeeded in raising Stick to It Crease B ills Oppositlon that have been declared by many Scout qualifying with five merit Thursday. Wins Out of the corporations are evidence badges of his own choosing, the Although almost slmultan- W ASHING TO N, Jan. 2 8 .— of the sUble prosperity enjoyed Life with Ten, five of which are r eously w ith the posting of the SALEM, «Ore., Jan. 28.— Gov­ Democratic maneuvers to bring by the leading industries during required subjects and Indicating , bond here another Hen for |6S6,- ernor Patterson today sent word about an Immediate ten per cent the past year,” be pointd out. a considerably harder test for the i 800.09 was filed against Chaplin to the senate and the house that tax rebate were killed o ff in the Thompson referred to the ris­ average Bcout. , in Los Angeles, his attorneys he has a plan outlined regarding senate yesterday by Vice Presi­ ing standard of living enjoyed hy James Hartley got the Life i said that this would be covered dent Dawes. the finance problem to present organised labor and compared Scout award, the second ever by the surety posted In N e w not later than next Wednesday. Senator James A. R ea i, Mis­ with well being of labor and In­ swarded to Ashland Scouts, while York. He told the press that he hoped souri Democrat, had made the dustry w ith the recent report of Duane Malone drew the Star Scout Chaplin la now free to go proposal as an amendment to the to take in both redistribution and 1 the department o f agriculture te emblem, making the seventh one ahead with making his latest increase of funds. The Ways and deficiency appropriation bill. the effect that a national income of that rank in Troop Two. Harry picture, the film ing of which Means committee reported that Dawes threw it out on the to agriculture in 1986 would to ll Doran took the .Firemanshlp mer­ was held up by the tax liens to­ ground that it was new legisla­ the bill it passed will make the short of 8186,000,000 of w hat It it badge and is,now in fine run­ taling more than a m illion dol­ tion, and under the senate rules governor the state’s budget offic­ was in 1986. ning for the eighth Star Scout. lars. Evangelist Receives “ V er. could not be added to the bouse In October it was found that Pair Offer” for Six The liberty bonds which bill. The governor attended this the farm dollar had shrunk from Weeks Tour Chaplin gave as surety in the conference and the members of Read did not attempt to force 86 cents to 86 cents In purchas­ government’s suits to to lle d a vote on overruling Dawes. the committee-and the new gov­ ing value with a ll other com­ NEW YORK. Jan. 88.— (UN) back income tax payments were ernor agreed on all terms of the " I t la very clear we have | modities, he said. -Vaudeville has recognised the owned by the Chaplin studios, been Indulging proposed law. __________________ tremendous drawing power of according to Isaac Siegel, of the gesture , on the Almee Semple McPherson and comedians legal staff. SALEM. Jan. 28.— (U N )— In crats,” declared Chaplin w ill return to Holly- root, , the first test of a state wide ma­ Wisconsin wood in about i month, one of think | Attemnt Being Made to Be jor increase skirmish the salary the one UUI Ul 0IA The evang.ellgt hag received ’’a his attorneys said. Meanwhile ' increase drive struck s snag when smirch the Past of and titlin g his new picture and . M P HTDQV very falr offer" for a six week8 the bill providing for the ln- Pamed Premier i tour of the mining town of by night conferring w ith conn- ( I Pennsylvania from the H arry A. •e l In preparation foV the divorce ( LONDON, Jan. 28.— (U N )— Victorian courtesans w e re action brought by L IU Grey, bis Ten m i— an Hour is the 8hea Vaudev,n® *«*ncy of New young wife. A v e r a g e M n.lnta.inod York. , brought back to a London court- B v W in n a r Tke ev8nSel '8t *8 now touring , room today ln an effort to show I t was Mrs. Chaplin’s estimate , _______ the mid-west as a rest from the . their connections with the life of her husband’s wealth, < !« .- , T H É PAS, Man.. Jan. 28. __ »train of her re c e n tk id n a p in g of W illiam E. Gladstoiie, famous 000,000 that brought the in- t Seven hnakies mushed across a troubles lp southejn California liberal premier under one o( tarnal revenae department Into ( flqlsh Une, fatigued from three courts. England’s most famous queens. the case w ith charges t ft a t t dtys rnhning and y o n for Bm declared that hto duty to open the hour. mlttod to Henry Ford, who ho* Keeton and Hltchock, forwards; robber overlooked another 18.- store was revealed to him hy "di­ Koeferi waa cnrlous to see shown keen Interest in New Eng­ . Rickman, center; Taylor Sad 000 to silver. vine guidance.** whether or not the birds came land’s historic features. This to the second t ip s the WlnkJemnn, guards. *, The mm founded 182 years ago) pronnd on Sundays, and made bank has been robbed, the ether Four big logging camps at two' trigs to the office on the by Ssmual slater. Is located on Portland — Zinc concentrates occurence being la 1988 whngi The birds did not ap­ North Main strdet, overlooking Knapps, Gobld and Verponla trill holiday. shipped from , here tost year to­ three men held It up ahdJhsc«po< pear either time. employ 120Q men. the Pawtucket River. with 18,9981. taled 226,000 tow. k NBW YO R K . Jan. 87.— (U N ) 1 Seven hundred thousand dollar H om of six ™ lijcii R Ilion UUu ULAD From One Czar to Another Roseburg Junior High Team Plays Ashland Tonight