Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1927)
guests enjoyed a delightful pre- gram of stunts and games la tbe ballroom of the hotel. F itd ay, Jaa. SR.— There w ill bo a Missionary recaption in th a M. B. Church at 7:30 p. m. Frtday, Jam SR.— I. O. O. F dance in the I. O. O. F. hall. Tnsbday, Feta 1. — Civic Club meets In the Civic clubhonse os W ilb u rn Way. Needle work and a social aftsrnooa. Saturday. Feb. IS . — Collège Women’s Club meets at the home of Mrs. R. W . Stearns at ~ S3 North Orange, Medford, tt 33 » M OUNT HOOD W han the world was new. Ood fashioned a great mouatafn. He shaped Its giant bulk In lines of rhythmic symmetry; Ho pillowed Its Tofty head In a sky sprinkled with stars; He draped its brawny shoulders In a mantle of purest white; F or its feet He spread A carpet of living green; O’gr n il He cast a film y veil O f tangled sun beams, When it was finished, He smiled; The smile still lingers there; Mea call it "Hood.” » 33 33 Entertain Husbands W ith The ladies of Chapter AC, P. E. O. entertained their husbands with a delicious fiye-courae tu r key dinner at the Ldthla Springs hotel, Tuesday January twenty- fifth at seven, p. m. Beautiful yellow end white w l- ter lilliea made e very attractive decoration for the perfectly sp- pointed tables. Following the dinner hoar the HOTPOINT SUPER-IRON with the CALROD ELEMENT You’ll be surprised how easy it is to iron the Hot- point way. Try it and see. The large, ' oomfortable handle is Mwayu C copj and QpJ «nd rigid. In e^ery Ihe every 4deniiu detail the, Hotpoint Super-Iron is made to give greatest ironing ease, to keep its handsome appearance and to give maximum service, economy and depoudabil- • * 33 33 3| M fUea A rt Utah Meets W ith lire , srhetrhs— i .' Th Ladles A r t Club of this city met at the pleasant home of Mrs. Louis acbyein on Church street, Monday evening. January tw asty-fourth«*.,^. 1 The evening was fcpeut playing FITU Hundred and doing fancy work, until a late hour when the hostess assisted by Mrs. George K ing served -vary attractive and .tasty refreshments. Visitors at this meeting were Mrs. W illiam Myer, Mrs. C. J. Brady, Mrs. May and Mrs. Woods. The next meeting of the A rt Club w ill be held at the home of Mrs. Clifford Jenkins at 134 Pioneer street, Monday evening. February fourteenth. If « 33 Hard Time ifaace Given By The Herd Time dance which was given by thé Brotherhood of American Yeomen in the I. O. O. F. bail Monday evening January twenty-foerth, was a decided Those who attended wore hard time clothes, and If they did not, they were fined. Old fashioned music and danc ing was the feature o f the gventng end everyone had a good time. 33 33 M E lk ’s Enjoy Dance Tnesdsy The local E lk ’s end their la dles enjoyed a dance la th-i E lk ’s dubrooms Tuesday evening. January tw enty-fifth. Thers'w as not as large a crowd ps nanel ow ing to the many other activities which were going on that eve ning. Dickey's orchestra furnished the music, which was unusually good. N O TIC E TO C H B D ITO B g N O TIC E IS HBRM BY G IV E N that the nndersigaed has been duly appointed Adm inistrator of the estate of Hannah Mt' MeOee, deceased, and all persons having claims against said Motaba ara re quired to present them, duly veri- flsd, w ith proper vouchers, w ithin six months from this date to the underatgned at his store In Ash land, Oregon. Dated January 37, 1317. J. H. McGEE, Administrator. 115-4 ThUp. The rehearsals te r the |4ay Iq be given early In Februtak ard under way. It< fe‘ g veenralty and- will keep the qudjsnce In IgugM ter from start to finish. A ll tsils w ill he; given ia ts d Wsftih .for the date. A Jess danse w t lV f a gtvga i t the new cofcrta^Uty hf 0 bs |o U - vigw Saturday night the I t t h . Carl Loveland w hl furnish /th e music, and a wonderful time Is anticipated. >1 ' Station GUY GOOD Phone 82 Delicious Virginia Baked Ham, Southern Style, for noon lunch and evening. A tempting dish at 40c. unity the school house eroo<Áí, Jsn„«0. with b e rV a n d t h r y yfs- - t ’ t fio mooting was thè 1 guard ALSO F uller Paints the evening and a pleasant tinie was had. Asttsusl, light refresh* -« and fam ily of 117 G O ITR E RED U CED F IV E IN C H ES And H ealth Lppvoved for Spokane •.^ady Mrs. Bertka,Landberg. Bi W l 7th *- Abelluu* • Spokane, Wash., A • ! * • « 11 7*»* ’ A «■ THOROUGHLY SEASONED WOOD U sed Fords • DIAMOND * GAS CO. BRIQUETS THE VERY BEST UTAH AND WYOMING COAL ' F " W e are prepared to m ake prom pt . deliveries * 44 , - * • THEBE iS 4 DIFFEKENCE IN COAL AS ALSO IN WOOD: IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST. WHITTLE TRANSFER CO. « look like new and of additional service. Sorbol-Quad- ruple, u dolorlfss linim ent a* short time my Goityb Is gone. My eye sight is goqd. I sleep riighta, end feel Ukk I did before. W ill tell or wMta my fu ll experience.’' W rite Soirbol Company, Mechanls- burg, Ohio. Sold at a ll drug storee. Locally a t Bolton’s Drug Store.- Moro — Farmers Rlpystor to bs rebpilt a fter recent fire. - Tillam ook had only «7,817 fire lossee daring 1833. Portland —- Enke Dye Works, recently bunted, w ill build 330,- •k o plant. * . « ra r BASKETBALL! ^Saturday N ight MT. SHASTA HI î* ta* , / í M adden’s Business is Good WE CAN USE MORE CREAM Are Paying T op p ric es fo r F a t • 4 , . ■ • BRING US YOVK CREAM . - Why take 2 to 4c less for your batter fat? U T H IA CREAMERY , / Phoi^e.84 143 North Pioneer Junior H igh Gym. ' Are You Ih Prime! • '♦ NO! NOT FEELING JUST BIGHT N IN IN G E R ’S Ford Batteries 112.00 IS p u t« Rubber « u m buttery, tbe ram» quality battery you pay from 138.83 to I3S.Q3 for iu .o th e f makoa. Noar Chico, Butte County,. California, can do , Wonders lfor You. • W RITRUS ’ LEE RICHARDSON, Manager ‘ C. L. Hallberg averages 33 miles to the gallon with the new and ¡ NE RAL ; Tkla Battary dta ,30 per cent of a lt c a n and la ideal faf- your Radio. V M d in e b tha result o f years o f effort to produce Wy voiotUe gatoline that U perfectly balanced. u U get a noticeable increase in gas-miles - a noticeable J *"* year’rouxxd-no sulphur CLEANLINESS Have your clothes cleaned and press ed regularly at the M èo m ' : |7.Ô0 vllOJOl m Claycomh M otçr at Independent Dealers. m i too o v . rr. LOAI 120 0U. FT. LOAl) 110 OU FT, \ And Put Into T o r Bln'Where Posrihto W e’do odorless olegning. Phone 1<W * • Ashland Creamery BUTTER EXPERT Richardson Springs 20 Oak S t If Y ou Want th e Be>t, Just A sk Y our Grocer for Claycom h Motor ments wars served«^ ' Thdn .thk annah&e and hot mineral hfdju of Standard Cleaners Mfraua remora». ' J. 0 . RIGG " ' FOUNTAIN SERVICE ment, as any food there is. 2 b delightful “ to asted ” in p o r keeps youngstera ’looking for more” even a < 1’ Varnishes First game, 7:30 Main game, 8:30 W IL^H EN he haa ona o f thoaa atufaharn “wont •a l” apalla give him some H O . I l contains ae much the rigta ktad o f noyrtah- » I ASHLAND HIGH Good Prelim . COMPLETE land And f c r i M of Crsecint City, warm g u s ta 4 o í W and Mra. Johp Arasild «ns - dgy gist week. Mt;.. and M r|. Everett Bost- ia » h "Amertear * t i n B ea u tlfh f’, fol w ie t ta p v a d is ta , their new h o fte lowed hy the «UshVetary’s report and the qsaa} routing of Busy ness, a fte i wktab* M rs’ J. R. Mc vs. Other plate 1 noon specials. Arrived This M sratag - Mias Pbarl Shrum of Portland, Ore., arrived hi this city this morning to spend some time with her sister, Mlse B th ri Shram, jrho WoddVtjk-tlSd FWlngs office. rom Portland last wqsk M t visit at the As Ford Although 81 years old. her stood the trip quite Brook m klet and Pydfe Smfth had* - O. Goddard e f charge of the dinner w ftiChfrfel Cracken, y k o was pnogram leader was a business vii for the /ley, took the chair. served, pad thn* gained pt|jrf,' b t this moràlàd. Our (ravel study tour h a s 1 the Fire Markers' requirements/ The committee npnounced , at A number, expect to ta in the brought; pa to France, add Mra. the last dance, that no. morq par rank of *Flr« M aker next Aprjl. McCracken gave ' a very inter Band— D e b u t e s U ? «.’national ties w ill he held un til the floor A fter ’ they dinner the | gt«J« esting diaonssion on Normandy, 1 reet sales were beet pu record. can be declared in first class and guardians gathered aronmj Brittany and Bqrgandy. She wea condition. , The fact that this the fire and sangs the songs assisted by Mrs. Delwia Hurley dance is announced is proof that they learned at camp. who road, a paper ea Joan of Arc, ' this is assured. 80 don't he of Francs,. < Miss Snider was the guest 0« end the« Cathedrals and by'. Mra. Fred Carle »hoi afraid to try. .honor* Rai t4k guardians prrntf Mr. and Mrs t f t . T n c k e f and ent were Miah Helen French^ gave a pkper on Paria' , ? : \ I t ’s a wise provision of son W ilbur, and M r. and Mrs. Miqg M ildred Grain, and Roll «all was answered by M fe nature that marriage changes Frank Jordan, went to Prospect Irepe Berg. The g^is were Lydia members, telling interesting fea the actions of young folks Saturday afternoon, where Mr. Smith, Edith BrookmUler. Nad- tures o f,th e home 111« and cus toward sack o£her. / Tucker and Mr. Jordan played ra B artlett, Lucille ¿arson* Mad-, toms o f the French, M rs./ John Farm er rendered in an orcheatra for au old time eilne stobens. and E lts * data?. dance at that place Saturday two pleasing selections on Seaior high Camp « r e M rts n ig h t A very large crowd and are practicing for their annual the piano— "The Marseillaise," a fine time la reported by the stunt show. The features of the and “Je Pense A F ar.” visitors. Mrs. R. N. Chaney end Stella program ta, a,, paay*»?9«> •■Sing Mr. and Mrs. A. H . Peachy, ing Feathers" I t Jhai bpen given Morsi sbfved Appetising refreah- who have been visiting in Port five or • tfn timed b y . Portland, meuts. \T h a follows: land for some time, arrived In Camp F ire G irls’ kfed each time Rain Raisin; Guerre, Frontage, Ashland the Mat of tbs weak, and was a tremendous success. The Sannurdf Cafe, Sucre, Creme. will spend an indefinite time stunt show Mrs. L. E. Bnflsy and Mrs. with their children here, before early in Febi >y and s v riÿ Îg irl Pearl Wallace, m o th e rla n d sis going on to San Francisoo. rt to make i t a ter -'of > , F . Be V e r t , came by A t the business meeting of the local telephone company in ' Bell-' ' S en io r/H lg b M C siU froiru Olrls view, much of impertgnoe 4 wag w ill Ijg ^ t h e d A f lr A 1337 emia- brought up. The necessary lsvey cll tir« nqjtt Saturday evening at against each member was asses the Camp F ire Cabin. Several Guaranteed Reconditioned sed, and officers and "trouble girls w ill take the Wood Gather Priced for Quick Sale. men" elected for the coming er's Rank. The a ffa ir w ill be an year. The names of the offic indoor- «ceremonial» with candles Buy Now end Save Money. ers cannot be given Ut this tlm^, Instead o f a Camp Fire. 1 f» Tourings, Coupes end Tudor but the w riter w ill have data for A paint and varhish for Sedan« also Dodgs. Buick and 4 later issue. Chevrolet . , . > », ; | every need The meeting of the P. T. A. Portland — New fiO Q jd o re Priced: — >20, >75, >110, was held nt the school house last creational building may bo built Friday night. W hile the princi here. >160, >175, >200, >220. pal speaker, M r.'F o w ler, was ap Beet F klah -^B eri W orkm ea Let ns Give Yon a able to bs present as planned, receipts for 13, . Phone 172 the president managed, to | flit Demonstration f Irooks-Scanlon milla says; ’•Since using ship car of lumber to Cepe Town, South Africa. XL ELECTRIC For M ore motor for a home. jt L aa *JP Oak S t — At Railroad Crossing — Phone 20 4 a a . « * UWBJ ' . n . . h - „ n u 4 e»«»d White S lgah é » a e,e t.a:f4» éé s < > »»’ 3 » é e 4 «h >>¡k<’s- A F