Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 27, 1927, Image 1

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Î1 -
ffci m b ”
? . A y’ s
Bain tonight and probably Fri­
day, moderate temperature.
t ■
Ashland’s Leading
for Over Fifty Years
(United Newa Wire Service)
(United Frees Wire Service)
URSDAY, JA N . 27, 1927
Chaplin Raises
Money for Bond
Many Local People Plan to
A ttend Orant« Paas
M eeting
Genuine Interest Is being dis­
A telegram frpm J .H . Vaftar)
secretary of the Cham ber of Cam-
merce, who Is attending the leg­
islative sessions at Salem, carried
the Information thia morning tka(
the house w*yu and means tom -
mittee had taken tarorahlp. aer
tlon on the tail maintenance ego>
visions for the Ashland NeCwiU
This win allow two m o m e n t
struetors at the school neat year,
according to President J.
Churchill an Well as pvovtdiad
sufficient funds to beautify
grounde, and make other badly
needed improvements.
played by local civic lenders In
the big development meeting , and
Corporations, Oranges, Pnb- banquet to bejteld nt 9:90 tomor­
row evening nt Grants Pass. In­
, lie U tilities Meet on
chant Marine WU1 be
dications today are that approxi­
Common Ground
Privately Owned
mately 90 will
attend from
W ILL MA K E A SURVEY. this city.
The projeted development of
General Financial Plan of the the Crescent City harbor, combin­ BUI Being Drafted to Rebates
State Will be In-
Private Ownership of
ed with the possibilities for a rap-
road to thia to-be-developed sea­
port from the part of Oregon, pre­
SALEM, Jan. 97.— An adoption sages widespread development forj
in the house of a Join resolution all of Southern Oregon, and will Congress will be asked during
to repeal the six percent tax limi­ benefit Ashland and vicinity Im­ this session to determine a future
tation amendment made in the mensely, In the belief of those policy for the American merchant
house today, was voted as eyes who have studied the situation.
aurine— whether It be govern­
President O. F. Carson of the ment owned end operated gov­
and 19 noes, with 8 absent.
The resolution now goes to the chamber ef commerce la anxious 1 ernment owned and privately op­
to had a big delegation from Ash­ erated or privately owned end op­
senate for further action.
land, and all persons who can go erated, Senator Johnson, Cali­
the Claim is teiaAa
99.— (U N )— are asked to.submit their name fornia
Meeting at the Marlon hot«!. either to him or to the chambei United News today.
representatives of corporations, of commerce office.
Johnson la chairman of the sen-1
utilities, grangers and legislators tation will be provided all per­ ate commerce
themselves, held a conference to sons who desire to attend the empowered by resolution to In­
■determine if it could not be pos­ meeting. Cars will leave hero a* vestigate the proposed sale or (U N )— Pols Negri reported f i ­
sible for ell conflicting Interests about 4 o’clock tomorrow after­ charter of the North Atlantic ancee of the late Rudolph Valen­
of the state, big business, labor noon, starting from the chamber I fleet. During the recent bear­ tino, wee sued In superior oonrt
and the general public combined, of commerce, and plenty of seats ings the sub-committee decided here today for 918.809' alleged
to meet on common ground in a are available for those who want to enlarge its scope and formulate to he due on 999,000 worth of
united eolation of the finance to attend.
a marine ppllcy.
jewelry purchased by the screen
The policy «Ills are now being star In Berlin lest spring.
drafted by the United States
The action was brought 1» be­
shipping board to be given to half e f Mergraf and com pany'of
Senator Jonas, Washington repub­ Berlin by Luke J. MeMnme«^ lo ­
lican, chairman of the commerce cal attorney It was based ' on
committee to present to congress. font drafts on the film aetreee
| Jones said that hia sub-station last year. Three were tor 90,000
I Is awaiting the. board drafts, ex­ each and a fourth was for. 91^000.
Acte of Bravery Bring Re­
pected within a few day*, before
The complaint alleges .that
ward From Carnegie
1 giving Its ideas to the senate.
when the drafts, drawn on Har-
H ere Fund
Although details of the ship­
PITTSBURGH. Pa., Jan. 97.— ping hoard bills have not been j York were presented for cellee-
(U N )— Twenty-six heroes, ton of made public, It la understood that [tlon the beautiful star no long­
whom loot , their lives while per- one measure calls foF continuance er had an account gt the bonk. -
of government ownership sad ep-
Effort» were m ndhlfetNovem -
eraHan Fifth the, construction «f I her to collect the money In New
here fead Ik its latest distribu­ two Atlantic liners, while the otg- j York, when a Writ ef attachment
tion o f m ed als
m onetary er propor>l le far private owngf- I was obtained by fhe jewelry fcotn-
snip and operation with
fceny, but the action was dismiss­
5 j ed because of fa ilu re to find any
Behind -the announcement of form of subsidy.
the awards It the story of youth­
atthehable property In New York,
ful bravery and the pert it played
aceoiplag to
In attempts to rescue 18 persona
drafts later were forwarded to
from drowning, two from ftree,
Los Angeles tor collection.
two from electric shock and one
Thp Jewelry bought by the*
from suffocation.
octrees Is said to have {ncluded a
Eight of the medals were
diamond ring and a ring with an
awarded to persons still in their
emerald setting.
’teens end the hulk of the re­ Peace Officers W ho Made
mainder were in their twenties.
Raid in 1925 Are
RtadoSK a t tX. o f O.—
The. oldest hero recognised is'
A cquitted
' Robert Redwtbe, who former
Ralph Psnnsyl. 49, of Schells­
ly Attended high nchoel In Ash
burg, Pa., a carpenter, who was!
fatally injured in trying to save j (U N )— Four defendants' In the land, la a student at the Univer­
a 64 y e / old woman from a 940,000 damage suit brought sity of Oregon a t Eugene.
I against men who figured in the
burning house.
Pensions provided for the de­ Weed prohibition raids of Oc­
pendents of the dead heroes by tober, 1926, Were acquitted to­
the Carnegie fund and monetary day. ,
Federal Judge Kerrigan di­
awards in other cases aggregate
997,000, which Is given In addi­ rected the Jury to return a ver­
dict of not guilty in the cases of
tion to the medals.
B. Cantrell and Jasper Da­
Notable among
cases of heroism cited is that of vies, peace officers; George A.
Miss Frances C. Woods, a school Hard and H. W. Taylor, federal
teacher of Portland, Ore., after a prohibition agents.
The salt is being brought by
man had refused to go to hU
rescue, Miss Woods, who is 93, Blsio Rosa and Antonio Sbar-
saved Harry C. Vaughan, 41, a baro» who claim their Savoy ho-1
track driver, from drowning, by tai was wrecked in the raid.
forcing her foot 896 from shore Three peace officers and three!
into the Pacific. In trying to federal agents are left as de­
rescue the drowning men from fendants In the ease. Their de­
the water she was dragged from fense. based on claims that the!
the saddle, but clang to reins raid was legal and that only]
while the horse towed both to nominal damage was done the]
hotel, will be resumed Thursday.
Two twin brothers, aged 1,8,
were drowned in the attempt to
rescue Mias Ards M. Wilson
from death In a lake near Dob-
bine, Cal.
Fully clothed, Keith L. Torry
swam to Miss Wilson, who, in
panic, submerged several times.
Hie brother, Kenneth, came to
the reeque and was also forced aqnad won h hard fonght game
nndar WS- watSr. Finally, the from Central Point In the new
father, Grant L. Torrey quieted Junior high gym last night, with
the girl and reached her hat a score 89-14.
was, unable to savs. hie sons.
The game Was an Interesting
one from start to flniah, mdeh
excltamhnt and entbnaieart being
Visiting Stater
shown by the student body.-
Ray Burnett of Chiloquin, Ore..
Ashland’s Hoe up was da to)-
Is spending a tow days In this lowa: Guards, Wayne Hill and
city at the home-of hie stater, Mrs. Roy Abbott; forwards. William
L. L. Holmes on Rotfk street? > Kanasto Bad A*do Parr center,
Roy Parr and subs, fvarett Mc­
Talent People Were
Gee, Sunny Leedom and Clifton
Mr. and Mrs. W.. W. Robison Garnett.
The preliminary was plgyed by
W Talent, who have receetty re-
tdraed from a visit to -Long the Aehland high girls and (Cen­
Beach. Gal., were visitors la Ash- tral Point girls, Ashland wlhniag
ladd yesterday.
with a score of 99-17.
NEW YORK, Jan. J7— Charles
.Chaplin today had raised 9700.
000 to satisfy a lien under whleh
the gpvprnment has tied up his
assets in New York.
A. personal bond of that sum
has been submitted to a collector
of revenue here, and this will re­
lease the lien against the , film
star’s millions.
Officers Are E l
Plans OompW
Landis in Public Statem ent
F inds Speaker and Cobb
N ot Guilty
Must Have a Responsible
Stable Government to
N egotiate W ith
to Police for A id
t B is Morganatic
W ife
CHICAGO, Jan. 27. — The
PARIS, Jan. 27. — Crown
Prince Carol, philandering exile names of Ty Cobb and T r i s
from Rumania, again has appeal­ Speaker were cleared today of
ed to the Faris police, end this the scandal taint In the official
time hae asked protection from whitewashing by Commissioner
Madame Zixi Lambrlno, his mor­ K. M. Landis.
Landis Issued a
ganatic wife, and 'his small son,
finding that Cobb and Speaker
police, Rumanians who would were not guilty of the chargee
! Enduring a year long siege of of throwing games, end thus re­
haver him return to Bucharest instated them In organised base­
land newspapermen, Carol, be­ ball as well as in the hearts ef
came furious when Mme. Lam- baseball flans. ■
brlno and her non picketed his
villa and the boy, standing out­
side the barred gates, called,
“papa, papa.’’
The former royal heir to King
Ferdinand’s throne went Immed­
iately* to the office of M. Bres-
sot, one of the directors of the
police end asked fort proteotioh
against fnrtber such .Incident«.
He asked that Mme. Lambrlno be
It wee Carol’s second call In
recent .weeks at the police office.
Previously When it was erron­
eously reported that he had left
Paris, he sought the aid of police
in keeping newspaper reporters
away from bis villa*
He was .told by Breseot that
deportation of Mme. Lambrlno
area impossible hut that s h e
Would be asked* not1* io’ visit
villa |n the fnturq. Two detec­
tives would be kept on duty
there day and night, Carol was
To F ix Halariee
Would Arbitrate
Oil Law Disput
MEXICO CITY, Jan.* 97.— A.
financial bulletin said today that
the Laredo, Texas, Chamber of
Commerce bed Initiated a move­
ment designed to bring Presi­
dent Coolidge and President
Calles together in coutorehce At
some point on the Texas border,
for a discussion of the oil law
The bulletin said that the Larw*
do Chamber and other organisa­
tions la Texas had telegraphed
both presidents each saggesttops.
Mr. and Ms. N. W. P o e * of
Klamath Palla spéat the day yae-
terday In Ashland looking after
business affaire.
* ' ’ lA '
China must set up a responsible,
stable government before the
( United States will give up its
, special rights which Insure great;
t er protection for American lives
I and property in that country.
This decision was announced
in a formal statement by Secre­
tary of 8tate Kellogg made pnb-
( lie at midnight In response to
widespread demands, particular*
ly from the Chinese, for definite
word regarding just where the
• United
States stands. These
special rights, enjoyed by the
United States and other world
powers have been a source of Ir­
ritation in China and the rapidly
rising nationalist movement baa
used them to inflame the natives
in hatred, of the foreigner.
Realising the delicacy of the
situation which
threatens the lives of 19,000
Americans In China, Kellogg
phrased his statement In the
most kindly language. He spoke
encouragingly of the efforts of
China to develop herself Into a
modern, awakened nation.
Kellogg made
clear that the United States will
not negotiate until there Is some
responsible Chinese government
to deal with.' At preeeqft mili­
tary chieftains are
among themselves. The Chinese
minister here tries te represent
il of them. But the United
tatee does no) went to try to
deal with one group only to dis­
cover, perhaps, the next week
that another group had usurped
control end repudiated the agree­
ments of its- predecessors.
Two paragraphs summarise the
American position:
“The United States la now
and h u been ever since the ne­
gotiation of the Washington
(arms conference) treaty, pre­
pared to enter into negotiations
with any government of China,
or delegates who can represent
or speak for China not only for
the putting into force of the sur­
taxes of the Washington treaty,
but entirely releasing tariff con-,'
trol and restoring tariff au­
tonomy to China.
“The United States la prepared*
to put into force the recommen­
dations of the extra territoriality'
commission which can be put
into force without a treaty a t
once and to negotiate the release
of extra territoriality rights as
prepared to provide protection
by law and through her courts
to American cttlxens, their rights
and property.”
M oved to A shland—
' * J. M. Bateman, new manager
of the Union Oil company in Ash-
has moved Into the O’Donaughue
residence at 268 Sixth street.
Bateman has been residing in
Portland B asket««« to Play
This is Getting. Serious
SALEM, Jan. 27— (U N )— The
housè passed a bill by Crasser,
the boaAl of county commission­
ers county court to fix annual
salaries of county officials other
than themselves, and compensa­
tion of all other county employee.
The* salariée of the cotfuty
commissioners, if increased must
be approved by a voté of the
people of the county before the
change becomes effective.
Secretary of State Issnee Form al
Statement in Response to
League Head Declares
H e Is Not Through
As Reported
Normal School Quint
A hard battle from start to fin­
ish la predicted tonight when the
Southern Oregon normal school’s
basketball quint tackles the Ore­
gon Mohawks of Portland In a
game at the local armory. The
Mohawks are now on a tour of the
state and thus far have taken the
scalps of all teams they have
played. They are recognised as
one of the fastest independent
teams In Portland.
Coach Walter Hughes of the
normal school la .none too conft-
dent of winning, but his collegians
will be In there every minute of
the game. He has Instilled the
fighting spirit Into thq boys such
ae they displayed when they de­
feated the Aggie varsity here In
December, end It ought to be a
battle well worth watching.
A preliminary game will stare
promptly at 7:90.
‘ Seventeen students out of sn
enrollment of over 900 et the
Junior high school, were exempt
from all examinations this sem-
sster, having an average deport­
ment of 90 per cent end an aver­
age grade of 90 percent.
" These students were: Ellen
Franco, Rath Ragland. Geraldine
WUma Hell,
Hardy, 1 Jean Cadsow, . Esther
Childers, Juae Aiklna, Edna Den-
ford. Mae Powell. Lota Wiley,
Miry Herbert, David Johnson,
Rosa Franco and Donald Kelts.
TURNER. Idaho. Jan. 87.-1
Six are dead and possibly 1« In­
ured as the result of an explo­
sion In an amusement ball dar­
ing a basketball gams last night.
The deed are: James McCann,
Brigham McCann. Jmee McCann’s
two children. Elmer Anderses
and Irel D. Lowe, both o f cen­
tral Idaho and members of the
During the game the I
which were controlled bjr a
system. with a tank tp * e
meat, went o a t Sossnq
od a match sad tmh-a
followed, wrecking the
Most of the dead
a rash tor the stag