Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 26, 1927, Image 1

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    I (•
»■ N H
MJ L i v i
* T *
tf J
Mohawk Team Will
Play ^Normal Five
Tomorrow Evening
tapw/h -
( I I N ) ——Two- employee . g | ■ -
Quaker G a ts fa c to ry w |re T g|
' * * last night to a r a s t a t ^
terrific; “grain to s t" explcji
which did damage estimated
Prelim inary S u r v e y » on .(750,000,
Crowson H ill About
Only two men were'¡hwnrfi
Completed ' *
have been Injured, aceoMhag
A. J. Snyder, night sgpi^iwt
W ILL BU Y PIP E BOOK eat of <he plant. *
A t first soon after the gg|
sion 45 men were reported‘ m:
lag, Subsequent check hrou
kadLSB o t Cheee, jm e y h g B
ported, first to their homes <
A t the Chamber of Commerce
then H h k to the Quaker' O
»»on day meeting at the Lithia
Pierce gave gome o( the problems
administration ag well as a sng
gesteut solatio» to r many of them.
The text of the mayor’s speech
is as follows: *'
We anticipato herewith what
seems to be too common thought
that the new city administration
w ill have considerable fresh In­
formation« to give out at this
noon luncheon, which opinion we
feel it necessary to promptly dis­
pel by the general statement that
there ia not mnch of, an author­
itative natura concerning the
The fa x o ry hare ia the eee-
ond largest of Its hind in the
world. A new addition was re­
cently constructed at a eoat of
15,000,000.' The explosion oc­
curred in the grain bins in the
addition, but despite a stiff wind
which fanned the flames firemen
had the blase ‘under control.
Officials believed that the two
mieaiag employee would ba ac­
counted for before morning.
( U K ) — Mary Pick ford’s pals
Beverly Hills residence, oils
to President Coolidge ae a Si
mer W hits Hoese, la b e ln ^ a
pletely renovated In prepdral
to r a hoped tor v is it'o f t | s
tion’s chief executive.
Followlfig receipt of
from Washington today that
president had form ally aekne
edged receipt of any offer
la k e up his summer abode' in
Plcktord mansion, chamber '
commerce oftlclais said ton!
that the home was offered ■
president more than a week-'i
by Mias Plcktord.
"The chamber • of comae
has long sought to have j
Coolidge spend next smaa
here." aajfl A rth u r Q, 'Ait»
secretary and general man^
of the' chamber. "The organ
Warns America
Feeling that the United States
should guard
drawn into m ilita ry cooperation
w ith Britain against Chinn de­
veloped as dispatches IncUcatad
extensive mobilisation of d CkL
neae expeditionary force.
This sentiment followed the
W h ite House intimation that thd
United States stand Indépendant-
ly of Orest Britain in the'peto-
W . D. Dodson, manager of the
, Portland Chamber of Commerce
. was aa Ashland visitor last night,
spending some time w ith R. W .
Price of the Llthla Springs Ho­
tel. Mr. Dodson was on his way
to Klam ath Falla and F o rt K lam -
kth where he aspects to secure
, seme t i n t hand tafnrnm tjs»' na
the ski rgees that are ta bs «»»-
dpeted e fF o e t m a a u rtt xm Wash­
ington's birthday.
. This event according to
the • The W hite House declaration
Is of independence in China was
I t Is expected that the coatract
made orally today, while the
for the Crowson H ill Reservoir
including necessary excavation and the Portland Chamber has house foreign affairs comm
and preparation of the site can already completed plans tor a. was voting unanimously In favor
be let by March or A p ril nad the special train to come from the o f the Porter reaoiutloa, calling
Rose City. Bugipe and other up­ for an independent American poI-
B8me bo in operation by July or
cities are Interested la the icy in China and abrogation at
The capacity of this
and according to the vis­ unequal treaties, which are the
reservoir w ill be 2,300,000 gal­
itor, thousands of people will be chief causes of the anti-foreign
I t w ill be elliptical in
shape, approximately 135 feet' . In F o rt Klamath on Washing- resentment
. ton’s Birthday.
wide by 150 feet at Its longest
point -and 20 feet In height, ,»ll
nounced that a detachment of
concrete construction, surround­
200 marines w ill leave Guam to­
ed by a walk-way and outside
morrow for the Philippines, pre­
of that a high ornamental fire
sum ably to stand by for possible
Crowson H ill Reservoir
In China. This movement
Is not Intended as a storage res­
Is In compliance with orders an­
ervoir bat more as s unit of onr
new distribution system and to , LOB AMGELE8, >ag. » d ^ - nounced several days ago.
help stabilise the entire city (U N )— Request of Mrs. Lorraine
water pressure, and in particular Wispman-Sellaff, wltQese in the
it ia expected to make passible Ahdee Semple McPherson
the successful installation of spiracy ‘ ease, tor .certain tele­
meters whenever desirable in »fu ­ grams, alleged to have
ture which has not been a real written by Mrs. McPherson and
success In the past, from lack her mother, Mrs, Minnie Ken­
of such reservoir aad settling nedy. was refused today by Dis­
trict Attorney Asa Keyes.
Estimates have been furnished
Though .(b e McPherson case
to several of the largest pipe h&s been dropped It wUl hot be
manufacturers throughout • the outlawed tor three years,' the
M EM PH IS, Tean., Jan,4
United States tor pipe and fittings district attorney (pointed out in ( lip . - A f t e r Hour yeart of
for the Ashland •distribution sys­ Refusing‘ to surrender the^ mes­
serration and treatment, Meur-
tem, bids Will be opehsd ow the sages.
pWs " physicians have' come to
28th and order to furnish same . Mrs. Selalf. who Is appearing
thP cohcluslom that Mary Ataxia,
1st probably January X0th, de­ in Long Beach's amusement sone
the 2 0 ’ yeàdold "cellar baby’*,
liveries not later than March be­ as ‘‘the heax womau.”
w ill kjways be a x0 5-pound baby,
ing counted on,
the telegrams for use in connec­
helpless and her mind • blank
This new system * w ill cover d tion with her contemplated lec­ hacanae of her first 10 yean
large part of. the city and be 8o ture tour. It was agM.
spent alene |n a dark Mississippi
soned that separate regulating
c e lla r ,
7 \
valves wU, >
MMtaBad lA74hAh
Had «he received treatment
sone and feel) la pi W^M JattepePd-
yhprs ago, physicians at St.
ont of the other u n lt s .T n e mafK
s hospital said.
nlture oT‘ th is wprkf 'ta p ’ be folly
y would have developed
Judged ■WMn i It..fetaiftled, knows
1 after
mein ber
,ihat foup} hqadred to five hun-
en tone pi; pjpe materials wiu ( 8AM FRANCISCO. Jan. 8». - 4
, placed h e r
M ore-trouble descended tot la beneath their home, fear­
Finish Angnst le t
, hptfn the. Raw.. Robert. I . M iller, ing, they later admitted. Qie.
W to ey -''8 d P « A *e a d d M M to to ir. dopoeed pastor of Abe H en to r ridicule ef their neighbors over
uetf itikt heitii ta W /a b itf1 cond(- Jttrx't Bantlst • ehareh of Los (be deformed InranL;
ms the hAef fiLtkihutlon system Anaefositodny.
>•< ..t,
1 The' parents, who erh fa rm e d
n be completed by August lk t, i j M W or won Jailed here on * /N o rthern
MIsstaHppl,. kgpt
becdtol» eftic'tlve ¿«ring thp charge of ,het ox drunk and at Mary in the cellar for 18 yak.*.
jr o t restricted period next enm- *.h-. rrovr.xt of M e (wife/ Mrs, Ber* ■ During the entire period
er a n d 'fa B .
; {nicoJEWar. Altogail draukedness child nev^r saw the light of day.
M t. D lflard’s offlce W 'n o * ’ de-
MUfor’s dismissal from
Four ream ago. ptnmkers 'djg-
(nlng the hew contopto ‘h’y-pass W*» Lo« Anxstos.ipastorate end In glng near the c e lla r/ foutfd^Mary
the lo ito r In ta k e ' lb ’ Aktitatal other, episode
Ple»sa»ten, —sixteen year old. three fsalt'tall
nydk Which trill be aMffntf V b e p b ’ r-B MPJev,,,W0» arrested on ■ and weighing approximately >8
t'cntirttrieltroh tliM Spring and * h * r * * " ot dl«t«rblng the , peace. pounds. She babbed and blinked
I be com pleted by mkb»ummerJt
'i: i’to,Prv'4»ed
last toppon." In the light.
H er eyes were
S li ttihneM tato to e 'd ig s 'W alto lM iU ef,to W t«»taht. "i*»»,,«»™ « klaesy.
Neighbors sent her to
* ■
I ’m . a m to fit.ia the ministry and
(Please Turn, to Pogo* 5>
doa’t latohd to go bn wfth K.’*
(Please Turn to Page >)
Minister is in
tot» of Trouble
Aehlaad high school's basket­
ball aqaad is expecting a hard
game tonight when It lines up
Scbobl at the local junior high
sr«?- Coach Crlpe has his boys
la top forth thia week, bnt he
anticipates a hard battle.
The girls' team of Ashland
high w ill play the Central Point
team In
a preliminary
The first game . will
start at 7:30 and the last game
eroMtth of Eugene
lobt un at Mratii
School Board
W ith the reputation of hetngf,
one of the fastest basketball
teams' in Portland, the Mohawk !
Club «rill lprade Ashland Thurs- '
day evening for a game w ith ;
Ashland Normal at the armory, i
The Mohawks are nibw on a tour
of the state and are drawing big
crowds where they'appear.
Coaeh W alter Hughes of the '
Normal quintet predicts this will
be one of the hardest games of
the season for his collegiate has- ,
ket shooters, and has been mak­
ing them do some extra hard ,
training in . anticipation of the
The Normal school will present
its usual lineup (be coach said to-
o f Lumber
Comparv Makes Charges
on Hotel Building
. KANSAS C IT Y , Mo., Jan. 24.
— (U N )— Testimony designed to
show that the bnINing of a
2700,000 hotel at Longview was
not a legitimate venture of the
1 Long-Bell Lumber company was
■introduced today in the suit to
bet aside the company's charter.
The Monticello hotel in Long­
view Is a 200 rodm structure,
with hath In every room, radio
connections in 40 rooms,
lobby finished In mahogany and
a nine hole golf course.
M. B. Nelson, president of the
company, was questioned
great length concerning activi­
ties at Longview. When asked
why the fine hotel was.built, NeL
sot said:
**We desired to make the town
attractive fo r, onr officers
employee so they
their families and; Ifve there.
The townslte
was virtually
swamp when we went In there
F. J. Bannister, former pres­
ident of the company Is sponsor
of the quo warranto, proceed­
Practically all of the
tions and exhibits by the com­
plainants were designed to show
that the Long-Bell com pan/ had
exceeded the scope of Its fran­
contends that Its operations at
Longview are permissible under
an amendment to Its charter In
Well Named
Decision ia Beached After
Being Out a Little
Over an Hour
Threat of Fine and Severe Pun­
ishment Keeps Crowds From
SALEM, Jan. 24.— Control of
the Oregon prison passed . Into
the hands of the state board of
control today as the result of leg­
islation passed during this ses-
slon. Governor Patterson signed
five hills making the change. The
bills carried an emergency clause
making them effective Immediate­
ly upon the governor’s signature.
The change In the prison from
Governor to the boxrd of control
was one of the governor's pre­
election promises.
COURTROOM, Austin Texas,
Jsn. 24.— '(U N )— Dr. J. Frank
Norris was found not guilty of
murdering D. E. Chtpps by the
ju ry here last night.
The jury reached its decision
after an hoar and ten minutes
Nearly an hour’s delay was
* caused because Norris could not
be found after the jury
reached Its verdict.
There was
only one
I ,* • * • “ •
Norris took the verdict wtth-
8ALBM, Jan.
24.— ( U N ) — A
’ ont showing any amotion, and It
resolution for the repeal of the
was only with a threat of sovare
per cent
lim itation
) punishment and fine that Judge
amendment of the constitution
J. R. Hamilton was able to keep
will be Introduced Wednesday In
the erowid in the courtroom from
thè senate by Charles H a ll of
making a demonstration.
Marshfield. The resolution pro-
SALT LA K E C IT Y , Jan. 25.—
In »0 minutes after the ver­
vldUa- for submission the question
western dict was read by District Clerk
of yepesl to the voters of the (U N )-» 8 to c k m e n ; of
states havew on a temporary vic­ Axel Phllqulst the courtroom was
stats at che next general or spec­
tory In their fight against an In­ closed and dark.
ial election.
In national forest grusing
Norris Was met on the old
Hall believes that thè state’s
proposed high rates w ill flagstone courthouse steps by
inability to raise sufficient money
by tax levy, to balance its books not become effective until 1028. Dayton Moeee, chief defense at­
Secretary of Agriculture Jar­ torney. They stopped to throw
and make up Its deficit is largely
dine, after conferences with rep­ their arms about each other and
due to the tax lim itation amend­
resentatives of 12 western states Norrla crleg. I t was the first
ment. He is also aroused over
announced this afternoon
that show of emotion the pastor had
the proposal to take five per cent
no grating fee increases would made.
o f the income of the state high­
be put into effect in 1127.
Throughout the trial Norrla
way depatm ent for general state
I t was
however, 1 sat reared hack in his chair with
tpurqoeea, statinir that «
that a sculu of graduated tUBlSHU- ‘ his arms folded at bis ''«bowel
state highway department for
ers, recommended by C. E. Rach- table.
general state, purposes,
ford, sapervlaor of graslng for
Dexter Chipps. Jr., eon of Ute
that if the state finances are In
the department of agriculture slain men, who had attended ev­
such bad shape that It is neces­
wonld become
next ery court aeeelon, and heard his
sary to appropriate highway mon­
father branded aa “a dangerous
ey to close the gap between the
Jardine and Rachford met with drunkard,** was found soon after
state’s financial needs and Its
the committeemen and outlined the verdict In the old vanlt, cry­
ability to meet them by taxation
the plan. They listened in turn ing as If his heart would break.
under the tax limitation amend­
to qualified opposition of all
**My daddy was a good fallow,**
ment; then It Is high time to do'
the western statue. The secretary ha blubbered.
away with the limitation.
explained that any
Norris shot Chipps last Jaly
Senator Hall's bill w ill open
would be based on comparative 17, In his study In a building ad­
the way for feglslatlve action
costs of like feed on private jacent
to the
ranging from repeal of the '.six
ranges 'continguons to the for­ chnrch
at Fo rt W orth. Subse­
per cent lim itation to Imposition
ests.'» < » , • *
t .
he was Indicted by a
of a poll tax, a bill tor which,
grand Jury on a charge of mar*
in the
dar and first brought to trial In
Tueffdky. • ,
. , . ,
, J
Fort W orth last November 2. Hb
asked for and obtained a change
of venue at that time. The tria l
Was brought here and sat for
January 10.
* Yesterday was the 12 th day of
the trial.
A fter introducing one eye
witness asd several material w it­
nesses the state rested the first
'/M E W Y O hK . Jan. 21.' — (U P )
b il ou
day after the Jury was chosen.
— The automobile Industry get
B o s s - \( x j't ? e
8lnce then the defense has in­
s new record during 1820 for
some forty witnemest
O U E R V t ìe K W '.p j
the twenty-ninth time In its his­
iaciudiug the pastor htmaalf and
tory, hcconding to figures Issued
aaether eye witness, to H. N u tt,
ioday by the N atio n al, Automo­
a friend of Norrie’ and a b
bile Chamber of Commerce slm-
ultaneouHiy with the opening‘of
the New York Automobile Shod. » A majority of the wltneoeed
introduced by the defense were
An output of 4,480,000 motor
vehicles, having a ( Wholesale Val­ member« of Norris' chnroh or his
empioree. In
addition to his
ue of IS ,(fa l,050,000 was reveal­
church Norris has a reldio broad
ed'. ' This was a slight Increase
casting station aad a ehareh pa­
over 1036 when the production
per. The Searchlight.
totaled 4,224,754 vehicles with
a value of 21,877,104,121.
Sixty-four par cent of the auto­
mobiles bought In the United
States are >ucchaeed d n the/ in ­
stallment plan, the statistics de-
uS *7 »e rircTijfti
< S '.V )
J e *»
e l >*l
***** *******
outsthnding Is estimated to be
01,271,000,000 by the
C h a » b e r.. The average first pay­
m en t'»a a new machine Is 0026
while that on ai used car ls <077.
Tke'iaverkge' retail priae a f k
•new e a r ls 0844. )
■ •
The popularity a t eloedd earsi
conMmtos. This type rspiesguted
2,l«0,OOOk*s» 74 per cent of the
tdtaJ: <0S8 ontpwtj • ...........•>, '«i : *
N >A 4BM0 Per «eat iaoveUee wajs
shdwn-hB’ ths-' satporta o | motor
vaitMlee over the pretodtng ytot-s
The total exported eae 110,2100/
p re to d tM f 28 ‘ per1 ’tttKt 00'<fke>
• If'l
In ••■■•.«» „
The Ahtotooblto Cfeanikbr of
(MtamOtoe to tiiiig tto -'lh a t" tlito a