Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 25, 1927, Image 1

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west portion.
J *
is a potential pay roll for Ash­
Fifty Years
(United Press W ire Service)
Many Apply For
Lindsey’» Job
DENVRR, J a a .' 15.— (U N )—
Application« for appointment to
tha office* of Juvenile Jade« of
Denver were pouring In to tha
eoutty comnffssloners here to­
night, only a few hours after the
Cnjoiy^o supreme court had de­
clared Juvenile Judge Ben B.
Lindsey had not been legally elect-
• , Central Point boys and girl«
' team« w ill meet the Ashland high
' <
I school basketball teams at the | Plans of I
Junior H i gym tomorrow night,
t r o tU m
according to arrangements oom- „
, plated today^ This arrangement '
m ake, it necessary to postpone WAT1B ]
the inter-city series of gamao
schednlod for the same evening, Proposal to
and it la thought that these
*■ 1
games may ba played later in the
The girls games will
start promptly at seveat thirty,
and tha boys w ill play Immediate- projected
ly after.
and tbs po
Coach Cripe’a players have dis- discussed b]
played an. excellent brand of has- members of
ketball so for this season, and it the forum I
is predicted that one of the fast- at the Lithl
set 'games of the season w ill ba
Mayor P
staged when they meet the fast w ill appear <
Central Point quintette.
ings tomorr.
On Saturday night the M t tha water li
Shasta teana. w ill Journey to Ash- er with the
land where they w ill meet the Io- mundatlons i
cal high school five. M t. 8hasta emphasised
bee been winning regularly thia the eity of i
season and expects to givs the l o L ith la water
cpls a tough gqma.
SALEM , Jan. SS. — (U N ) —
Commissioper H. B. Van Deber,
speaking for, tha highway, eom-
mhmion a t a conference held
w ith the roads committee, de­
clared ha was firm ly opposed to
the proposed tithing >111, which
would take Sve per cent or ap­
proximately *284,000 each year
from the highway fund and nrged
that should certlfleates of con­
venience and necessity be greet­
ed by the state to has and truck
companies, the state should badge
them about in such a manner
that they would acquire no pro-
St from the g ru n t
la outlining the position of
the highway commission on these
two issues Van Duser said tha
commission was anxious that no
inroads shall ha made on the
Chaplins Personal Attorneys
highway finances.
Say That no Settlement
Under present conditions, he
said, gasoline revenue is applied
to maintenance and reconstruc­
N E W YO RK , Jan. 21.— (U N )
tion and that tha money derived — Reports that negotiations to
from the motor vehicle licenses tattle the Chaplin divorce case
goes to discharge the retirement ont of court are nndar way were
of bond iqdfihtodneee payments denied by Nathan Bnrkan, per­
and new conatrnctioa.
sonal attorney to Charlie Chaplin,
A fte r the payment on the ♦ h o said that no settlement will
•»onds is Stage there remains ba considered that does not 'r e ­
near 5 J .5 0 Q J 9 Î. for
move the stigma from Chaplin’s
I That the MV flat rate on at»
1 mail to go into effect Tueedag,
February 1, to going to popu­
larise the a ir mall service with!
the Ashland public is indicated
by the local tntareat shown is
| the change, Postmaster F . B t i '
| Wegner of this city, asserts: T M f *
I sone rate« have always been 1
j more o r loss confusing to J h a *
I ordinary patron, in their sppiten-
I tion.
I Under tha saw regulations a tr 1
mall postage w ill be ten cents fawa»
each one-half .ounce or fractionwi
thereof, regardless of distance or L
character of ate mail route o r]
routes oyer which t h e . m ail te l.
thia rate also includes!
postage to and from a ir m ag
rhutes, regardless of distance. t? I
T o G re a t B r ita in and o th e r f
foreign ceuqtrten to which tha
domestic rate o f latter postage
applies the flat rate of 1# cento
for one-half oaace or fraction
thereof Will fcpply when lettora I
are iaten<ty|.f»r transmission by'
tha U. 8. a ir mail service to those
! countries to France and other
foreign countries where tb s ' U.
8. pottage rates do net apply,
one-half ounce letters w ill he
accepted M r transmission by U?
8, a ir maB service when U centa
postage M affixed, 21 coots when
i the letter weights mere than one-
h alf and aot to exceed one ounce,
and 14 cento fty more t h a b > i
ounce tetters net exceeding one
and ooe half onsets; 44 «mate
fo r letters of one and one-halt
to two onaoee, etc.
Special a ir m all stamps a r t to
ha had a t the Ashland postofflce
het any U. 8, postage stamp®
may be need in payment of a lfl
Government is Upheld in
Series of Six Test
Troops Are Concentrated in
Chinese Waters to, Wo-,
tect People
England Announces W a r Strength
Available fo r Service la *
LONDON, Jan. 25. -e- (U N ) —
W ith south China's armies cod-
verging on Shanghai the British
w a r' office speeded up concen­
tration of troops in Chinese
waters to protect the lives of
40,000 foreign residents.
Three brigades, an armored
car company and auxiliary m il­
itary * units w ill constitute B rit­
ain’s m ajor defense of its Chin­
ese possessions.
General W illiam Duncan who
has been placed in charge of the
thousands of men will sail Tues­
day In t a k e command.
Announcement of Great B rit­
ain’s fu ll war strength available
for Chinese service came simul­
taneously with schedule of a
special cabinet meeting for W ed­
nesday. a suggestion that parlia­
ment’s opening by advanced due
to the critical situation overseas
and a centering of all govern­
ment Interests in the conversa­
tions in Hankow between F or­
eign Minister Chen of south
China and British counsellor
mall postage. “ Via A ir M a il*
should be w ritten plainly en the
eavetognw hen oagnary atampa
eral aid aat. I t can hg readily
seen, Van baser pointed out,
that a tithing of five per cent
wonld reduce the amount to bn
put into new construction about
1184,00® annually.
In commenting on the measure
that provides for certificates of
convenience and necessity shall
be issued to tha operators of
has and track lines, Van Duter
told the two committees that It
was the position of the high­
way commission that if the cer­
tificates are granted they should
,be hedged a b o u t. by conldlUana.
that weald prevent the making
of private profit by them.
He suggested that the value
of the franchise should he ap­
praised at tha time of Issuance
stated periods daring its
Van Duser also suggested that
in case of transfer a m ajor por­
tion of tha amount received
should revert to the state.
Barrel of Beer
Saves Aviator
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Jan. 25.—
(U N )— SuUsMttng for three days
on barreled béer, while snow­
bound w ith his airplane on a
mountain 12 milea southeast of
Mexicali, wak the experience re­
lated here by W . J. Barrows,
pilot of the Ryan a ir lints.
Barrows, one o f three men
engaged la the transportation of
hear from Mexicali to Tijuana by
airplane, alighted on a plateau
400 feet above sea level, where
tracks were to deyver hie efirgo
Three feet of snow covered
the platean when he landed and
hla plana was upsble to taka n t:
Three days Ware reqttirad ,|ty
the snow to tkaw s\ifficteatly to
»Bow as ascent.
During that
period beer was his ohly (pod,
Barrows declared-
Visiting w ith Dusmhter
, Mr. and Mta. Everett Q. Sol-
man of Orante Paas spent the
week-end In Aehlatyl vlsjitag
with their daughter, whe fik ,n
stenographer tor Briggs, 4k Briggs.
Arrived hi
j Reverend A . . U Whitcomb of
Long Beech, Oal., has arrived in
Ashland and is. conducting (pnr-
vtees nt the Fron Mqtlmtyot
•„ u'.l
e d t e a ’s
’The paramount issue la this
f f » S " Barkan said, “ la the stein
upon the children and we w ill
ipvar agree to spy settlement
t o t doe. aot completely clear
r o th d r o o a n tf meiehqet wtf
spofce briefly w ire O. T. Bergneh>,
Dak Kay, -J;v B. Thornton Site
Christian C .W eisesb u rg
Charles A. W hite.
Flee c jifej
an member of the fraternity
C lint Baoghmfcn told ofth e afiff
Ala city, attended the notable
equipment * h & h bad Haen
H f ia f f e f ’ r members of the
<i«l to the fire departotoat
tSnite order held at Marshfield
costly and predicted thkt wjtid
seme of the water improvamPab
USJoada e f Masons from Port-
a h completed thia tall, the''¿tty
> 4 4 * 1 W illam ette valley points
ehn expect a .lower lnsutatyc
itq&Uised WUh their Coos Bay
whfeh ahd-Joined in an elab-
. Irvltjg E. Vining, predident' Q
we- hrogranj;
the state chamber, told: o f t t y
annual meeting a t that organiha-
tlon to he held in Portland tygf
Wpodbnh— F fu lt Grower’s <
Monday and urged representa­
Ateòclatlon paid <
tion from Ashland. * On molten
,9I91»889 to members last year.
of V. D. M iller the members vot­
ed to urge the directors to auth­
orise tha expenaea of President
O. F . Carson and urge him- w
attend the meeting. *
President Carson told o f' the
big development meeting to be
held at Grants Pass next Friday
avening, at which time tha de­
velopment work of Southern Ofa-
gon wi,l be taken up. This meet­
ing is called because of the Cres­
cent City harbor appropriation
and all communities of this Sec­
tion of the state hava haan urged
to send delegates.
President Carson said Ashlajjd
should send at least 20 delegates
and ha askqd that all peraoty
who can go to leave their natyty
with him or a t the chambec,-e(
R IO DE JAN EIRO , Jan. 25.—
(U P ) — Senhora -Marleta Mur-
tino, wife of a chief of the Mln-
istry of Agriculture, mother of
seven children, and prominent in
; Rin, De Janeiro society, lost her
'lUp. when she saved her daugh-
'ter,* Rosita, 9 years of age, from
tyin g run down by an automo­
. Senhora Murtinho succeeded in
warning her daughter of the im­
pending danger, and Rosita leap-
ett to safety.
The mother was
struck by the car, and died from
her injuries.
About Three Hundred Dol
lars Worth of Mer­
chandise Taken
Perrine’s store * on the Plaxa
was broken into sometime last
night and men’s, women’s and
children’s clothing amounting to
probably 9300 was stolen, ac­
cording to reports made to the lo­
cal police this morning.
Access to the store was made
through a back window, by the
use of a step-ladder which was
found in the back of Simpson’s
Hardware store.
Twas Once a Thing of Beauty
M A N IL A , Jan.. 25.— (U N )—
Two Turks from Constantinople,
hearing that there were economic
possibilities In the Philippine«,
arrived in the Snln Archipelago
recently .and succeeded la reaping
a rich harvest of pne gold before
they were th rr/zn in Jail. They
spurned rubber, hemp, pineapple»
and other tedious methods o f
gaining a livelihood.
’ W ith a few cans of flashlight
powder they were able to convince
several hundred wealthy Moham­
medan Mosos that two gold pieces
could be n»ade to grow la place of
o n . T heir method was simple.
An earthen howl, a ton dollar gold
place, a pinch of powder and a
Tha p»wder was
spread qvar the coin and a match
applied with tha proper prayer to
Allah. In place of the one gold
pteoe, preatot there would be
tw». ▲. little of the mysterious
powder ever the pair of coins and
puff: there v /u ld be foar.
F inally their fame spread for
miles arenud and several thou­
sand dollars in gold pieces ward
oollected fur A llah’s great teat. He
would he called on to double the
whole amount. By ctevar sleight
of hand tha Turks attempted to
mersalamtamM dls^ wa^d
Western Pacific
Head to Retire
PORTLAND. Ore., Jan,. 25
<UN) — Klamath Indiana, reput­
ed to be the secopd wealthiest
tribe in America, must content
themselves with governm ent^llo-
cations of funds, rather than own,
control and manage to their lik ­
ing valuable w h ite' pine timber
claims on the reservation.
The United States government
was upheld today in Ita refusal
to turn over these claims to the
Indians by a decision handed
down by Federal Judge Bean In
■lx test cases tried last month at
the Medford court term.
The decision has a far reaching
effect on the government policy
on Indian reservations and will
spve the government vast sums
of money and conserve these valu­
able timber claims, in the opinion
of United States Attorney George
A. Neuner.
Poem of Dispair
to Proas by
Many Appropriations
. Still Pending
W ASHINGTON. Jan. 25. —
(U N ) — Congressmen w ill have
te move faster if members wish
to close the last session of the
89th congress with their set pro­
gram completed.
W ith only., six weeks to go
seven appropriation hills are still
Four have been dis­
posed of.
But two items of
major importance have been pas­
sed by senate and house and five
items remain either in commit­
tee or awaiting places on legisla­
tive calendars.
Accomplishments of this ses­
is Given sion of congress so fa r are as
1— Passage of interior, agri­
culture, treasury and poaMftee
and indépendant offices appro­
priation bill.
2— Passage of rivers and har-
Hors hill.
2— Extension of maternity bill
for two years.
4— Defeat of Lausanne treaty.
5— Shelving of Oenava poison
gas protocol.
5— Defeat of tax reduction In
the honse.
Parts of the session program
still waiting attention inelude:
1— First deficiency, aavy, war,
•tate, jaatlce, commerce and la­
bor, District of Columbia, legis­
lative and second deficiency ap­
propriation bills. -
2- — Boulder Dam.
2— jfnscta Shoals.
4— Farm relief.
1— Railway consolidations.
— Radio control.
Aside from the appropriation
bills but one m ajor item seems
assured of passage and that is a
radio breadcasting control hill.
Vote Dry and Drink Wet
Men Are Severely Scor­
ed in Senate
W A SHING TO N, Jan. 25. —
(U N ) — United States senators
who “vote dry and drink Wat”
war# under fire today in an im ­
promptu senate prohibition de­
Heretofore prohibition speeches
have been taken as a mfctter of
Senators have made
long and numerous speeches both
for and against tha 18th amend­
ment, but always they have been
considered to have been “talking
for tha record,” andi the benefit
of "the folks hack home.”
Today wet senators dropped
generalities and jumped into per­
a '
. , .
“ Senators oonntensnee viola­
tion of tha prohibition law under
their very noses,” Senator Wads­
worth, Now York republican,
Senator Bruca, Maryland dem­
ocrat, want Wadsworth one bet­
ter and declared:
“Sines I have bean here you
conkd pnt a ll senators who have
refused a drink into one taxicab.’*
Then, w ith a flourish of his
hand, Bruca pointed to three
senators and exempted them.
“Three of my friends hare- are
sincere in their dry beliefs,“
Bruce said. “ My friend from
Ohio, Mr. W illie; my friend from
Texas, M r. Sheppard, and1 my
other* friend from Ohio, Mr,
• '
Oh the*: other “dry” senators
Bruca refheed to comment.