TB* PQVSMI WDW. « Leading M is a potential pay for land. \ X ASHLAND, ÓBEPÒN, WftNDAY, JAN. 24, 1927 'Girls Seek Work , To Attend School Two girla of high school »go waat to »ttea4 Ashland high Two Ashland Hi Teams Will achool next term but will he on*- Meet Orators From able to do so unleaa they can Medford Hi find aome place where they can . Mayor Charles H. Pierce and I work fbr theil* room and board. The lesson of fellowship, and city counctlmen will be spdaftp I Bupeintendent Briscoe has inqulr- the many benefits to be gained from pleasant associations, were gBtMit at the chamber of com­ . ed Into the matter and found that Oantonese Troops Marching this outstanding accomplishments merce forum luncheon tomorrow ' the girls are good, conscientious on City After Their of Kiwanls, Professor Strange of «ohn at the Llthla Springs hotel, , young women who are willing to V ic to r y . » the Normal school, told the mem­ p i e new city otftctals will speak J work and who are anxious to fln- The Dalles Legislator Pre­ bers fit the Klwaate elub at their John H. Oaridn Speaks to on the pleas of the »dmlatatrA- , l»h their high school training. „ FEELING RUNS HIGH Senator Reed Asks Who • White House Spokes­ Salem Chamber Lunch senta Bill to Increase Persons who might be able to weekly meeting Friday. The tlon Jh various lines of activity. ' - Revenue Today Noon man is mooting was In charge of the Mayor Pierce will apeak mfcttt* j furnish the girls room and board Antl-Forelgn Démonstrations Are Made; Marinee Standing ly on the w ets) development and In return for their wojrk are program committee, with Dr. IS POWERFUL FORGE SCHEME IS OUTLINED Woods presiding during the pro­ T. M 0. A. IS PRAI8KD go Into vartous pro jests which asked to communicate with Mr. Guard gram hour, and Vice-President were authorised by ths voters. : Brlacoe at his office In the high Candy, Tobacco, Show* and Many Burdick presiding as ehslman of Capital Ctty Bney W h lle Law Dr. E. A. Woods will speak on school building. SHANGHAI, Jan. 84.— (U P )— . Other Thin*» Cease Under ■ the meeting In the absence of Makers A re nt W ork, Bays Americans, British and other for­ the development of the poultry In­ Ixwal Man eigners In this city waited behind dustry; 8. A. Peters, Jr., on street President Wirt W right barbed wire entanglements today improvements, and Dan Kay 'aim Rev. p. K. Hammond, w m the WASHINGTON, Jan. 24— Fire Chief Baughman will tail off as the victorious Cantonese troops second Speaker on the program, SA yM f, Ora., Jan. 84— (U P .) Finally the mystery of the White converged on the city. A thin recent improvements la the fhro —-Convinced that a tax on luxur­ end he declared that Klwanlans House Spokesman has aroused line of marines, troops and civil­ department. ies will help solve the states rev­ should “embrace their opportuni­ the curiosity of the senate. After ian guards comprised their only enue problem, , Representative ties, end that service clubs of tbs reading various reports of a protection. Roberts of The Dalles presented type of Klwealf had many and White House press conference on After the defeat of the 'army varied opportunities to do good.” Local Man Returns From to the house legislative committee the Nicaraguan situation, Sena- of Sun Cbuan Fang at Lanchi T his, being the anniversary Highway Association a bill providing-for such a tax. . tor James A. Reed of Missouri, near Ningo, the Nationalist or ( Meeting The bill would license dealers meeting of Kiwanls clubs all ov­ who doubtless haa suspicions of Cantone»« army has been moving t i — of all luxuries »2 per year and di­ er the Unted States, Henry "Bind­ his own. rose in the senate and The Pacific Highway Associa­ toward Shanghai. Throughout SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 84. r - vide the revenue with the coun- ers, Jr;., called attention to the asked who the White House tion at their annual mooting held the city anti-foreign demonstra­ rapid growth at Kiwanls during (UN) — Vessels propelled by Spokesman is. Stranger Asks Lai motors are becoming increasing* on the 80th of this mqnth, at the tions are being enacted. Candy, entertainment, a 1 1 the twelve years It has boon la It Is surprising that the senate's Official to Find Palace hotel in San Francisco The British have ordered the ly common ¿long th e PsdH c forms of tobacco and heautlfiera existence, and specifically men­ rhetorical curiosity has not been Widow passed a resolution endorsing the evacuation of all missionaries who tioned the fact that national of­ coast and although steam as a are among the things which would piqued sooner. For the senate has driving force still predominates, plan to make an additional charge were gathered at Swatow. More bo classed as luxuries under the ficiala of the* Camp Fire Girls EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 84— (UN) more to fodr from the White of one cent per gallon on gasoline than 4000 American men, women ssotorsMps gradually are comtag terms of his bllL There would Association had told him that the Sheriff Frank Taylor of Lane House Spokesman than from the la the state of California, the and children are assembled here .to the (Tout., be some exemptions, hut there Kiwanls club had dono more to county has been asked to locate President of the United 8tates. This development was notice­ money from such a step being us­ with less than a thousand Ameri­ a lonesome widow with property, would bo a tax of one cent on ar­ assist in the work of the Camp The President sends a formal Firs organisation than any other able from the report of thg ed to repair the primary high­ can troops to guard them. ticles ap to 10 cents, and a tax of and for a stranger, too. message to Congress once a year. marine exchange of the chamber ways in California, accordng to 10 cents on articles selling for a similar organisation. The sheriff says he cannot Occasionally he makes a speech, Prof. I. E. Vining, who returned of commerce here for shipping, dollar. meet the request at present and more or less Innocuous. B ut. the activity at thia port during thO from that meeting Saturday. Pro­ Belief prevails that this pro­ that even if he conld, he would White House Spokesman talks to fessor Vining was highly elated 8rat half of January, it showed posal will meet with strong oppo-, tall his friends about It first, any­ the country twice 'a week, 104 The Salem Chamber has always that the arrivals and departures over this feeling, that It Was the sltion, hut with the state faced way. times a year. »eem ed to u s a ra th er c o n se r v a ­ of Diesel vessels during .the pmM first step in the Introduction of a with a deficit of approximately A man In Corvallis wrote Sher­ Ha strikes while the facts are bill in the California legislature to tiv e . solid institution, with pos­ lod w e r e twice those of a co)r- $1,800,000 and no other solution iff Taylor, saying that he was ex­ hot, presents hla view while the sibility a little lack of the “pop" Tespoadfng fortnight a year ago.' provide funds to fix the highways MEXICO CITY, Jan. 84— tremely interested In widows In yet offered, there la a chance that running Into Oregon. This would and Initiative manifested in some (U P )— Fifteen rebels have' been general and that he could find mind of the country Is receptive the luxuries tax In aa amended Hard Basketball Tweaty-five motorahips arrived and fires from behind a screen of apply not only > to the Pacific killed. during the past 84 hours other of oar local Chambers. It or modified form may bo enacted timo to fall deeply In love with and 88 departed during the Hist anonymity that leaves senators a Sehednlad for Highways» . but the Redwood in two fights with federal troops mast be remembered, however, half of this month. Into law at this session. one who is lonesome and who has vague target to shoot at la ’ re­ Thia was Tknraday and cltisens. Ten rebels died some property. that the Cherrtans era an auxil­ equivalent to the motorshlp rdgm ■re». sponse. A budget was adopted at this during an attack on the town of iary clnb which IS supposed to tsr. for th e' whole of January; The sheriff was quite over­ Ashland normal will have one Public Opinion meeting, of $180,000 all of which Santa Marla whleh 28 federals fam ish the nacaasary Jess when­ whelmed at- the request, and an­ 188$. df, the hardest basketball 'games Considering his recent appear­ Is to be spent in advertising thd defended. Five rebels ware killed nounced that it was the flrt In­ ever fequlred, and the eEecttve la addition to Pacifle-EnropeaM Pacific Highway. Professor Vln;' of the present season next Thurq- * while attacking the village of tim a tio n he had had that he ance on the scene, the White work of Secretary Wilson in pro­ House Spokesman has btoome a ing Wan the chief speaker at this . A ba -M iguel. Del Monte« , the Mohawl dub of Portland, pno motion c i ' » 'program fo r SOtasg would be called upon to ran a most powerful qgpaqr lor advte- Nippon Yusen K ajshafavors (heir Meeting. M very musk M evidence at thp use and has ordered three quad matrimonial bureau. But, being Mg sad influencing public opin­ present time. That the necessary rnple scrawled motorthipa for a considerate son], he answered ion. Ha hits page one regularly ball squads In therltato. the letter, politely Informing the and crowds the senators inside. Coach Walter Hughes has his nerv* Is not lacking to Salem U the San Francisco-Orient rnr. writer that he could not supply He has become the fourth co­ Citation Just Sent Out by charges working in a group of evMsncdd by (he proposal mads They are now under in stru ctio n the wanted Information. French Shows Record Uaw formations ami he expects to to Salem, Mass., the old city of In Th>ko. ordinate branch of the govern-* of Bpy give the Mohawks a lot of grief literary fame, that the change The trend toward increased ment— probably the most power­ when the two quintets get under her name for the benefit of Ore­ nse o f motorahips in the passen­ ful of all when the effect of con­ A school book exchange will be OAKLAND, Jan. 24— (U P )— way on the armory floor. gon’s capital. trolling public opinion, the ulti­ ger trade has been noticeable on held at the Lincoln public school Two carloads of pipe which The Pacific coast had a “Sergeant The Mohawks have one of the mate source of power In Ameri­ the Atlantic coast and shipping will be used in replacing the pres­ next Friday afternoon, starting at Alvin Yprk,’ In the army daring moat popular basketball teams In Salem haa.a real T, M. C. A. men believe the Paclflo coast will ca. is considered^ 3:80 and all day Saturday. The ent Llthls Springs pipe Ifne has the war and didn't know If duo Portland and Invariably draw As a community center I know of The White House Spokesman to the modesty of one Johnny large crowds of fans, and “ It Is nothing here that equals It, It reflect this , development In in­ arrived In the city, sad actual exchange will be conducted under functions with unfailing regular­ creasing medsure. the direction of the Parent-Teach­ construction of this work will get Helnold. The story of his valor hoped that Interest In the Normal has about fifty rooms for meg, ity. On Tuesdays at noon and on er organixatlon of that school. under way shortly. The first car was kdown only to his personal quintet will reach a point whore students and transients. It has Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Gall of the load arrived last week end the The exchange la being conducted Test Shows Below Freesing Fridays at four, the Hon. Pat. Mc­ friends until the other day a cer­ the armory will bo crowded for a modern gymnasium, swimming Kenna, keeper of the outer guard Bellview district spent the day gecond load reached here today. In order that pupils may ex­ tificate of valor, sealed with an Thursday night's tilt. is Necessary Before pool, recreation room, reading yesterday in this city at the at the White House offices, change discarded books for others This is one of the projects au­ official French government stamp Damaged room, etc., etc. It 4s a constant hem e of Mr. a»d Mrs. M. E. thorised by the voters at the gen­ they will need at the atari of the throws open the door to the office and hearing the signature of the beehive of activity. The churches Randles oa Liberty street. of the President of the United next semester; eral election last November. LO8 ANOELE8, Jan. 84— president, was received by Heln­ and business Interests of the States. One hundred Washing­ (U P )— Oranges can remain In a old. city are united in supporting It: temperature nine points below ton newspaper correspondents ad­ While Helnold hasn't the rec­ a kitchen and dining room tar­ froesing for several hours with­ vance into the circular presiden­ od for capturing prisoners that nish opportunity for various out getting frost-bitten, according tial chamber, usually overheated the Kentucky mountaineer earn­ group gatherings which no other to a series of experiments Just In cold weather, and jostle them­ ed, his feat, accomplished with a selves Into a fan-like group completed hers. buddy, in .capturing a “wicked" English Member of Royalty place seems to afford. If Ash­ around a flat mahogany desk. land conld on a more moderate A number of oranges were machine gun nest before Vaux Says no Lady Would Seated behind this desk Is-the plan, perhaps, provide such equip­ placed In a cold storage tempera­ waa taken was considered of vast do it ment It would meet the coming ture of 88 degrees. An orange celebrated White House Spokes­ strategic value by the French. needs of a living place or dormi­ was removed every hour and it man. a thin, sandy-haired, solemn It happened July 1, 181$, ac­ LOS ANOB^B8, Jon. 24— little Vermonter, whose eyes nev­ tory center for many of the any tace of ice waa discernible, cording to details of the French (U P )— No lady, would consider er quite Indicate whether he la young men Who will attend the was not nntll the sixth hour that citation allied regiments of' powdering her noee or applying serious or only fooling. Ha ap­ Normal School la the future. The experiments were conduct­ French and Americans were ad­ lipstick in public," according to ed by Walter Hsntschke, field pears to completely relax, staring vancing all along the Hue. Lady Phoebe Odin, of London, man for a local packing company. at the floor In melancholy rever­ The town of Vaux was of Im­ here on a tour of America. Among the visitors from ie, quite Indifferent to his visitors mense strategic valae. One ma­ The distinguished Londoner Southern Oregon noted about the who, on the contrary, are Intently chine gun was sending a wither­ stated that the thing about strainng forward, with their eyes capital are C. B. Gates and ing" fire Into columns which at­ America which astonishes her was fixed sharply on him. Ralph Cowgill of Medfbrd. Floyd SK tempted to advance. » the way women calmly applied Cook, well known Ip Medford He holds horn-rlmmed apse L Helnold and hla baddy sprawl­ powder, rouge and lipstick. tacles In one hand and sev era l Is also In active attendance. It ed toward the Prussian machine "No well brad Englishwoman is expected that O. A. Briscoe of slips of paper la the other. When gun nest. Helnold was shot la would consider doing such a the room haa become quiet, ho Ashland may bn present this the foot buUJust as the Garmans 'thing," she sold. 1 rises and straightens himself week aa Chalrmnh df the State were getting his range sad ready U B B Lady Olin also feels that Amer­ with a quick little Jerk of the Educational Ass’n. Committee on to direct a fusillade Into the twe ican girls wear too little clothing H. D. McNair of ths Park Ga­ shoulders. He Indulges lu no Idle Legislation. Many Important Yankees their gun jammed. rage today unloaded a carload of words of greeting hut adjusts his to protect themselves against the Armed with army Colts Hain- eold. She says Englishwomen measures are coming before the new Qldsmobile cars, all of them spectacles sad cautiously eyes the old sad hla buddy took a Prussian dress for weather conditions BkSucatlonal Commltte of which closed models, which will he top slip of paper. Finally ho Representative Briggs Is a mem­ captain and IS enlisted men Into rather than styles. ready for his display space by to­ clean hla throat sad speaks. ber. Among these the Free Text custody. morrow. The consignment In­ Book Bill Is important. It was significant, the citation cludes coupes, coach», sedans and The small places of paper which said that Vaax was carrlqid by the landSU Mdans. Inspire the Spokesman's words allied troops lflttla n to a later. Prospects, he says, are bright bear questions which have bean If the Llthla Springs Hotel for a big year In the auto busi­ werq located ih Salem an a corner written by the correspondents and ness In this section, and the same handed in previously through a that I coaid pick ont It would SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 84— optimism is shared by other deal­ secretary. Thuds Inquiries toaeh (U P )— No longer does the Eski­ be a pretty popular place, I am ers. m o trade his wife away for a sere, drfrtag the Legislative sea* sloa. There are some rather deli­ what the president thinks a whaling spear, sled dog, ean of Msxlso, Nicaragua. Chlaa, tohacoo, sUmon or a bottle of cate questions affecting Jackson County now pending, hrft the rum. ala, additional cralsar«, ; Join'd ooadast at collega, an Their'paghn morals are puri­ delegation deems to be a unit la ' DENVER, Colo., fat;- 8$— fied: they have turned Christian Its wish to interpret tha desires tortai ln tha morning, nawspi (UPV—The Mdto anpretta oourt these sturdy man of tha aaow- of the people. a college grofaador'p atatomm today ordered Jtvcatle Jadge Bon lands, accdtdlng to Rev. Pater Lindsey, nationally kntorn Jurist, Rowe, Bptscopal bishop of Alas- Salem people do got Ilka snow, outted from office1 ponding tha "ka, founder df tha Episcopalian hearing of the agit contenting his Mission, here for a brief vaoatloa. but wa like It for d change and election two years ago. ? Thd or* “The BbkMra« doesn't swap today It scootad a day hack la der came from the court'« decision squaws with his friend gay more” Naw England, ffotaa df tha hoys wave oat on t i e hilly streets Which r fto r M tta'tow ar coart. the htohop said. ««They have The ouster Is effective lmmcd- abandoned witchcraft and loot with real old hob sldds. hat to­ AtÀti, » - ' * r morrow will probably rain. faith In ths medicineman, too. Increase is Seen In Motor Vessels 1 Rebel Mexicans Killed in Fight Book Exchange To Be Conducted Entice Carload Of Cars Arrive For Park Garage Eskimo is Said To Have Reformed Attorneys Seize J Part of Fortune