•i'í» , A L B A N Y C O LL E G E VS. A S H L A N D. A R M O R Y T O N IG H T 8 P. M. THE POULTRY INDUSTRY Pair and continued cold tonight. Saturday fair with slowly rising temperature. . is a potential pay roll for Ash-, (Unjted N««a Wir* Service) VOL. L WP • HRS. CHAPLIN FROM GETTING HER ALIMONY Over Million Dollars is De­ manded by Government For income ATTACH ALLAOOOUHT8 tT.’ 8. Attorney Refuses to Allow Any Money to be Paid Proa* te the gesU-Waekty Tidings y o n — 4> BROWNING’S BRIDE TO Spotlight of Publicity to bo Turned on Farming Community C A RM EL, N. Y.. Jan. 21.— (U N )— Sprawled pictureequely in the center of a farming commun­ ity. Carmel is preparing tp get on the map In big red letters Mon­ day, thanks to Frances "Peaches” Heenan Browning and Edward Wz Browning, her husband. The pretty 1$ year old girl is expected to tell what happened to her when she married into the front pages and riches. The plump New York real estate man is elated to reveal the amasing predicament of a 62 year old swain gunning for his 'vanished Youth. Both seek legal separation. Neither had been reticent about adm itting a bad bargain. I t Is no ordinary domestic squabble informed of a ll Its erotic flounces, and a waiting world w ill be kept LO8 ANGELES, Jan. 21.— (U N )— L ite Grey Chaplin, es­ tranged wife of Charlie Chaplin, movie comedian, was engaged to­ night in an endeavor to wrest ali­ mony tees from the United States government, which tied up personal accounts and other pro­ perty of her husband because of his alleged failu re to make cor­ rect income tax returns. "Almost at the same time Mrs. Chaplin, through her attorneys, telegraphed the commissioner of Interns revenue, seeking to have him releaee Chaplin’s personal accounts in Hollywood and Los Make Two Motions That Angeles banks, a new government Would Prevent Damag­ suit was filed here against the ing Testimony Chaplin film corporation. Through the latest action a lien A U STIN . Texas, Jan. 21.— Dra­ w ai placed against the corpora matically. describing the threats tion to collect ISO, «00 In income that had been made against him, tax money, alleged to bo due tor Rev. J. Frank Norris, F o rt W orth the year 1226. , The amount is in Baptist preacher, broke down and addition to the 919.072.900 in wept on the wUneae stand today, ae he told how he shot and killed liens previously filed. In his plea to Commissioner of D. B. Chlppe, wealthy lumberman In ternal Revenue B lair at Wash­ In the pastor’s s tn fy last Jute, ington to release the Chaplin Through questioning by hla at- the pastor lad' up to a bank deposits, Lyndol Young, at­ torney for Mrs. Chaplin,. , pointed description of the tragedy by re- Ottt that liens against Chaglla’q tettng ^haji he h ty bspn toW by property, estimated to total ap- Chlpps that he intended to k ill proximately $2,POO, POO already, him because of Norris’ editorial have been filed. ! attacks on Fo rt W orth o$ty attic? The attorney asked Internal tale. He further testified that revenue department to release ch lp p s called him on the phone 914,400 of 9917,000 at Chaplin’s and told bim that he was coming over to k ill him. credit locally. This sum, he said, is alimony owing 'to the film comedian’s COURTROOM, Austin, Texas, wife, with $250 for legal expens­ Jan. 21.— ( U N ) — A defense move es and a $1,150 premium on to forestali possible attempts of bonds put up by Mrs. Chaplin, the state to introduce alleged in­ and the receivers for the Chaplin admissible evidence in the tria l of property. Paster J. F rank Norris on chargee A court order directing the re­ of murdering D. E. Chlpps was ceivers to pay the $14,400 from thwarted temporarily Thursday Chaplin’s personal deposits was evening. issued this aftenoon by Superior Judge J. R. Hamilton reserved Court Judge W alter Guerin. ruling on two defense motions The mandatory order was made which forecast that the state by the court after counsel for the would attempt to introduce as girl wife Informed the Judge evidence previous Indictments of that she had not received any Norris which Include one for per­ payment on the $4,000 temporary ju ry and two for arson. The Jury alimony granted her last Monday. was taken from the room while Mrs. Chaplin did not appear in the motions .were read and at­ court, being represented by A t­ torneys argued. torney Young. The defense qrgued the re­ A fte r Judge Guerin had issued moteness ot the indictments pre­ his order for payment of alimony cluded their admissibility as evi­ and attorneys* fees, counsel in dence and placed the pastor on t > Chaplin receivership and di­ the stand for a faw minutes to vorce cases held a conference strengthen the point. Norris ad­ with the internal department rev­ mitted he had been indicted pre­ enue and the United States dis­ viously, hut that he had been ac­ trict attorney’s office. Following quitted. the meeting 8. W . McNabb, U. 8. Judge Hamilton ruled that he district attorney, declared the would pasa on admissibility of government would hot lif t its in­ evidence as it was presented and come tax liens which embraced affected an agreement between Chaplin’s personal account. t counsel bn both sides that any questiona concerning the Baptist minister’s past life would not be askyd in the jury's presence be­ fore he hud passed on thorn. A long lino tef; Norris* church members, employes and friends wars presented as defense witnes­ People- Who H elp ed H im ses today to substantiate previous Reach Los Angeles w ire testimony that Chlppe'was shot as he returned to the pastor’s study Money Request after having once started to leave LOS ANGELES, Jah. 21- — and to discredit state witness tost« (U N ) — The man and woman lmony that a woman was an eye­ who helped! make It poesible for witness. — I « >. I George Young. Toronto youth, — - "I T W E N T Y -O N E ABOVE to reach California, wi^ere he won the 925,040 prise given by W h ite tbs official thermome­ W illiam W riffley, Jr„ chawing ter registered 21 degrees above gum magnate for swimming sera, sooordlng to the record of Catalina channel, went to collect Louis Dodge, official weather the $1,000 they say Young prom­ man, s south wind blowing off ised them If he won the ooonn the snow capped peakes of the marathon. Siskiyous, chiliad Ashlanders They are Mr. and Mrs. James last night and today. The lake Foster, a young couple from was partly frosen over la the Quincy,. Maee. The couple. 11 I f the senate committee daughters ot the ports unfavorably Smith n ” paid trib ute to doubtless be permanently ba , 59'’.e f the rohth’s 1m- from the senate, although he was d on this one httadted chosen by . the Illinois voters kt tlpth anniversary of his the last elsctiop. ,Ths real question at atakO uniforms and tress was the right to refuse to ad? were recovered from minister thé oath of office to a cedar boxes and those Yew confed- senator - designate, presenting ( Please Turi» to Page 2) valid credentials. Regular republican senate lead­ ers ’who fought bitterly to seat Smith, and four democrats con­ tended that the barring of Smith Is a violation of state rights. Opposing senators claimed that refusal was justified hy preced­ ent. How far the senate can go in judging the qualification of its membership now remains a vague uncertainty, Smith’s supporters declare. During the two day discussions crowded galleries watched the proceedings as t ie debates shift­ ed from constitutional arguments to personal and vehement at­ tacks. UND M OF I B O WILL CREATE IRÛUBLE Law Would Held by ' can Land Bat Mexi- NORMA! M S R E IS B WIN MBANV M GOVERNMENT TAKES STEFS TO PROTECT A M E R IC A N S I craved new fields Carlotta, the mad empress, awofegl 80 the soldier of fortune gath- ln the .memory of an old soldierjered a ben d of youngsters and led of fortune the thrills of h a lt a | them towards Mexico to help the century ago, when he assisted at^republjc overthrow Maximilian, the execution of her husband, Em-1 *'ho had been sent to rule that peror M axim ilian of Mexico. | troublesome land by Napoleon Colonel John Sobieski, now 94 and Frans Joseph. Oaly one of Sobieski’s original years« old, recalled the companions landed in Mexico conquest of Mexico and the ceeaful rebellion la which he took with him. the rest dropping out because of bloodcurdling reports part sad the day when that reached the adventurers. ia oommaad o f.* firin g squrth “W ith my remaining compan­ had orders to tiro upon the broth­ er of the Emperor F ra n * Joseph ion I joined the rebel forces. He «as killed shortly afterward in a and the westernmost tryant. "I.w o u ld n ’t do It now if I had battle,” Sobieski said. it to do over again.” «aid tin Maximilian was s brave man. mer Polish immigrant; who When he stood him up before the fesses to being a deeceadant af-1 firing squad he never flinched. I K ing John 111. " I don’t had charge of the execution, in capital punishment now.' which Included Maximilian and d Colonel Sobieski's number of h b generals. hot in those days and “The first volley did not k ill viving a wound in the civil « n r. the emporer, but he fell. 1 or- he says. "I was filled with a de­ sire to r adventure. The (Please Turn to Page 2) Age Limit For Children Fixed NO. Invaders Defeated 38 to 20; to Play Again Tonight Preparations Are Made to Remove Twelve Hundred Families ORDER MINISTER BACK , *1 9 1 .• . . . American Representative on His Way Home is Requested to Return Ashland Normal scored s com­ paratively easy victory over A l­ bany College .last night at the lo­ cal armory, winning their basket- hall clash, 38 to ,20, against the dame team which defeated them at Albany last week. The two teams will play an­ other game at the armory this evening, with a preliminary game starting at 7:30. The normal basket shooters got o ff to the lead and were never headed by the Albany collegians. The locals not only bhowed mnr*> speed and basket shooting wai Or* * * A1 Marske was ht E „ « in ­ ner for the locals, 1 with seven field goals to his credit. Except during the closing minutes of the game, the locals showed splendid team work. The teams lined up as follows: Albany Normal Cox F Marske Perry P Butterfield Tate Caldwell W lU ert C Moore Bryant Christy G Kinney Houston G Ramsey Johnson In a preliminary game Battery B defeated the normal second team, 40 to 26, in 40 minutes of hard playing.” » livelv m Junior Colleges Could Be Established in Each District PEOPLE UNITED STATES HAS NO UNFAIR DESIGNS m s LOSE M M IN K O BATHE W ASHINGTON, Jen. 91— Ad­ ditional differences w ith Mexico appear inevitable w ith the Mexi­ can alien land law. companion statute to the oil law which has provoked the .present controversy, going Into effect at midnight lest night. This law has the same retroac­ tive features as the oil law, which President .Coolidge has said amounts to confiscation of private American property. ' The land la p prohibits aliena from acquiring lands, o f being shareholders in Mexican compan­ ies owning land within sixty miles ot the boundaries apd $0 miles of the coasts. It alto re- JUA R E8, Mexico, Jan. 21.— (U N )— Charaeterlsing rebel loe- hos as "terrific” ia fighting In the Interior 4>f Mexico, newspaper« here today said that at least 120 rebels had beta kUled. Accounts said many others were wounded or taken captive in the battle which waa said to* have taken place .at Tepatltlaa, Jalisco. This section ia Ute scene of the most serious religious up­ rising In Mexico. The newspaper account «aid (Please Turn to Page 2) (Coatlnued From Pag« Ona) At Leaat One Hundred and T w « ty Are Killed, Many Wounded TO DECIDE Each District Conld ¡Whether They School ÎSSS5- W A SHING TO N, Jan. 21.— The United States government mov­ ed speedily today to meet a most serious threat to foreign live* in China since the Boxer uprising rebellion. Preparations were made for a complete evacuation of 1200 A m ericans there, if the Minister John Van A. Macmur- snti-forelgn riots continue, ray, who is in Korea enroute to Washington, has been ordered back to Peking to take charge of the situation. I f the America!) naval forces on the Chinese coast Committee Mamed to Dis­ and in the Philippines prove in­ cover Some Service adequate, .commercial vessels w ill Tank — ■ z . be commandeered to carry the Americans to the Philippines or The V. M. C. A. Employed Hawaii. Boy’s club met for their regular mid-week dinner and business Hail for (Yitna meeting in Pioneer hall last eve­ W ar craft from many countries ning. Ten members were pres­ of the world were steaming to­ ent at last night’s meeting and a ward Shanghai today. Others lively business session and discus­ were fueled, ready to augment the sion last night was the fixing up fleets. of s smalt room tn Pioneer hail as The governmental board of President Coolidge Makee a elnb room for the club. Mem- trade in London chartered the Formal Renlv to Nicar­ berg I of the club w ill 'do this W hite Star liner Megantic for agua Minister and hgpg to have the room use Ms a troopship |o Chl/ia. Jen. 21.— up shortly*. Roland Parks, The British adm iralty stated • WASHINGTON, Campbell and Hugh O1I1- that the gunboats Aphis and (O N )— The United States has were appointed as commu­ Ladybird and the destroyers W an­ imperiallsflc designs In Nicaragua te $