Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 20, 1927, Image 1

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    A R M O R Y T O N IG H T
8 P . M.
AsWcwwf« Leading
is a potential pay roll for Ash­
for Over Fifty Years
(United Press W ire Service)
Tractor School
Will Be Staged
Fast Baaks
dieted at
TRACY.Cai.. Jan. 20.— A moth­
e r and two children are dead here
today and t,wo other children are
la a serious condition from rat
poisoning fed the fam ily hy the
mother. M rs.
arry Hannon,
Most Difficult Task of Sen­ Rose, five years H old,
and W illie, Baa Johnson They Feel is
ate is to Solve Tax
thirteen months died shortly af­
Slated to Leee His
ter eating a poisoned meal. Two I
other children, Mary, four, and
COMMITTEE IN SESSION Josephine, three, were rushed to a
Queetlou of a U x Per Cent 1dm- hospital where It Is not expected
that they w ill live. Manuel Han­ Fans Predict That Johnson Will
non, the father, returned home!
Come Rat Second in Monday
last night and found the dead, I
w ith the other two writhing on I
SALEM, Jan. 20.— The senate the floor. He was unable to a c -|
N E W YORK, Jan. 12.— Up and
approved Governor Patterson's count for his wife's actions.
down the highways of ash and
prison program la the passing of
five bills u^lch changes the con­
I breadth of baseballdom, the fans
trol of that Institution from the
are engaged in naming a succes­
executive* department, where It
sor to Baa B. Johnson, as prest-,
has been for sixteen years, to the
dent of the American League.
board of control. The bills-also
I "The king Is as good as dead,"
changed the name of the warden
1 they ery, not donhtlng that Judge
W hat promisee to he a w h irl­
wind basketball game, wQl W
staged at the armory tonight
when Albany College w ill meet
Ashland Normal in the first BhBta
of a two-game settee. Albany d e ­
feated Ashland Norm al a t Albany
last wepk and w ill come bere bird-
pared to do it a lt over again Mila
evening— If they ean.
In a preliminary gafoe the noi«
mal second team w ill play B attery
B of the local guard. The f r é t e g
Inary w ill stpyt promptly v r f i l i
and the main game w ill be staged*
Immediately after the first gi^ue.
The games w ill be staged srthe>
Ashland armory.
The second series of the city
wide basket ball league was play­
ed on the new Junior High school
gym floor last evening, the date
| having been changed to avoid con-
flictlon with the Normal va. A l­ Senate
Foreign Relations
bany game tonight. The first
Committee Favors
game of the evening was played
Such a Step
between the Fbculty >n d
Normal Seconds, the Faculty tak­
ing the long end of a SS to 1»
I score.* This, however, does .no* ‘
\H e Would Welcome an Kx-
tell the whole storv
tssion From Members of
Was scrapn
. W W B flS n
The line un
' - 'N o r m a l
The decision to prepare for W alter
eventualities was made at a con-
Substitutions: Faculty, Hughes
ference today between Secretary I for W alter; Howell for Hughes-
of State K ollogg'and Secretary Hughes for Crip« and Crlpe for
of the Navy W ilbur.
(Howell. * Normal Seconds: Brelt-
Rear Admiral C. B. McVey satfenbush for Beck and Beck for
In. It was decided to be prepar-J Rale.
The second game of tha
ed, but to defer actual orders for (evening was played between tbs
moving pending official reports I High School Seconds and the H i-
from the trouble sone In China. I Y
Many Americans have fled from I Sc
Chinese cities where rioting Is I sc
Landis w ill oust his erstwhile en­
emy In view of the present provo­
cation. "Long live the king."
As to Johnson's successor, how-
lever, opinion as Is divided as It
‘■JIs unanimous on the subject of
,r Ihls removal.
It| A dozen prominent baseball
** I men have their hats ready to toss
1 Into the ring In quest of that 940.-
* I Odd a year Job. which they bo-
a I Hove soon w ill be vacant.
Although Ban Johnson sppar-
f I eatly has been afflicted w ith hoof
'la n d mouth disease for time— la
8 1 that every time he opened his
SALEM, Jan. i 3 . _ ( U N ) — Fac­
ed w ith a deficit of approximately
11,000,000 the Oregon legislation
today had started earnest con­
sideration of its most perplexing
and Important problems, that of
finance and taxation.
A t the first meeting taxation
and revenue committee held re­
cently the problem of t£«,alx per
occuring including Hankow, K u -jffa
lin g,-K luklang and Foochow.
"Many missionaries and others pm
from, the interior are gradually pei
retreating and the trend In the|ff<>
Interior is toward large retrench­
ing of all missionary and busi­
ness activities by Americans,"
said a cable from American Con­
sul General Lockhart at Hankow.
-Ambassador Macmurray Is on
his way to Washington, but will
not arrive for three weeks. He
was summoned here to give the
administration flrqt hand reports
aa to the situation. . Because of
ISi.dqaUod here to. itoW
1 » "furtW r activities- lit abeyance
■ •’Please do not look any further
as far as possible until a perman­
for pM,” she said. " I am well and
ent policy can be formulated.
happy, but I do not want to come
The girl refused to disclose her
two boys, 6ns aged IS and
whereabouts. '
She has been sought along the other 8, who were brought
the Pacific coast and her parents ,lnto Ashland the first of this week
by Deputy Game Warden Roy
had expressed the belief that she
are "being taken care of by
had met with foul play.
Miss Roberts of the Red Cross in
Announce Birth—
The boys were in a deatltue
, i M r. and Mrs. W alter Yordon condition when Mr. P arr found
of Seattle, Wash., announce the them, and one boy was trying to
birth of a daughter born Weds knit socks to sell. They told the
neoday, January 12.
Mrs. Yor- officers that they had not tasted
dou was formerly Miss Harriet milk or had a piece of pie for ov­
er a year.
Hodges o f this city.
Phones Mother
r I mouth he put his foot In It— -no
8 logical successor ever has been
f I groomed for hie Job,
r I So let -Landis deliver the coup
• d o grace at Chicago Monday and
• I Watch the . skimmers o f eandi-
"Id ata fly lato the stag like (We
U lfcetel'p eeta after A ï è l t e t l t e r
I T h e n w ill be the purpleet fed-1’
Jdfa of big Ed Barrow, busloads I
manager of the Tankmen; the If - 1 1
Ion hat of Colonel Jgcob Ruppert, I*
I the big half of one per cen tm a^ : I f
I thé tau stetson o f B. 6. Barnard. If
lorexy of ths Indiana.; thO browu P
derby of Frank Navia, of D etroit, J.
Ito say nothing of the asported I *
I headgear of such candidate« of ■
I John Conway Toole» president df 11
■ the International leagne; Ton» I *
I Hickey of the American Assdcla- P
Itlon, and the sombrero of H arry p
I W illiams, head of tha Coast I >
I langue.
' - I*
Th» constitution of the Amerl-J '
can league provide# that the vice-1 *
District Attorney Replies to
president, who happens to be Na- -
Charges Made by State I vln.
shall succeed temporarily la II
case the president Is 111, absent, or I f
LOS ANGELES. Jan. 20. — happens to collide with K. M. 11
(U N ) — Prosecution of Almoe I Landis. The last named exi-1 -
Semple McPherson, Los Angeles gency Is considered fetal. I t Is J -
evangelist, on charges of con- not believed, however, that Navin I
splracy to defeat Justice, grow­ would be retained permanently at I
ing ont of her kidnaping jtory, | the head of the Junior m ajor d r - I
• cost between. 94,000 and 91,000, I enit. '
8 District Attorney Asa Keyas said
'* In a formal statement Issued
“ tonight.
Keyes* statement answered an
assertion o f State Senator T. C.
West of Alameda county that the
B ELLIN G H A M . Wash., Jan. 20.
famous ease had cost the taxpay-
- era mors than 9150,000.
The (U N )— The husband of "the Het-
- claim was made by the Alameda Ity Grden .of Chicago's Lasalle
8 county legislator In Introducing a street,** was In eustody of authori-
f M il In the legislature today to Itles here today, following hie ar-
1 curb expenditures of district, at- I rest In Vancouver, B. C., on
f torneys In doubtful' prosecutions. charges made by his wife that ha
"The money mas spent In pay-1 fled with 9150,000 of her money.
Mrs. George F. Scollard seeks
1 lng the railway fare of witnesses
Ito regain the fortune she claims
from both Carmel and Douglas,
1 Arid., and for special Investiga­ her husband Is trying to taka
She claims Scollard
tion that was necessary proper I from har.
Iy to conduct the case," Keyes I deserted her in Argentine. Tha
said. "The amount expended Is I pair raced from South America' to
1 in no way excessive, considering I Bellingham, both using airplanes
' the case and comparing it with I at times, to reach the Scollard
vaults first.
tha amount spent in othkr cases
prosecuted by my predetosscrs | Mrs. Scollard claims that she
found only an old magaslna in
In office or hy district attorneys [the vault. She arrived a few days
either In California or elsewhere
after her husband.
throughout ths couetry."
Scollard denies he Is guilty,
Attacking Senator West, Keyes saying his wife turned oner her
declared that his stat«m«ht that
fortune for him to manage and
9190,00« wgs spent on the case.
gave him power of attorney over
*'to so fa r from being the truth I
her affairs. He waived extradition
that I must assume that Senator when arrested and returned to
West either had a strong motive Belltnghkm with the sheriff.
for such a gross misstatement or
that h« received hie information <
from some on« who did hate
such a motive, and that Senator h
Want preferred misinformation to L
Plenty of War Here at Home
Wife Ends Fight
Over Her Fortune
accurate information from the ]
public records, rtad lly available h
Second String at
School Winner in
Slow Game
Farmer« will become, students
at the Claycomb Motor company
tomorrow when the annual trac­
tor school will be held from • tu
the morning until 6; SO In the af­
ternoon. Tractor experts direct
from *the Vod factory at Detroit
will be here te instruct local far­
mers In the use of tractors. They
will take a tractor down and com­
pletely rebull dlt. M r. Claycomb
has sent out a large number of in­
vitations and welcomes a ll fa r­
mers in this section.
. t
V ± \ -
Game Commissioner
fcifles (n Ministers
AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. >0— (U N )
ih e testimony of Mrs. Roxie
Parker, widow of a Judge, that
*he appeared dramatically on the
*cene of the slaying of Dexter E.
Chlpps In the study of Dr. J.
Frank Norris last July, was con-
‘radleted by R. R. Ridgeley, to­
la y, special Texas game commis­
sioner, who said he sat In bis
Express Opposition
*ar before and attar tha killing
Opposition to arbitration was
and saw no one go np or down
by the
‘he stairs to the place where the expressed Wednesday
Washington Post, which Is ro-
'»hooting occurred.
Dr. Norris, a Fort Worth Bap­
tist preacher, Is on trial charged
with the slaying of Chlpps.
Mrs. J. M. Gillian, wife of the
manager of The Searchlight. Nor­
ris* church publication, also testi­
fied she was near tha foot of the
stairs and followed Ridgeley up
the stairs after the shots were
flrsd. She did not see shy one
else coming up or going down the
stairway, «he said.
Other witnesses In a dramatic
session of court today, featured (
again hy tha fussing between op­
posing attorneys over ths tola- (
phono operator who heard Chlpps
call Norris over ths phone ths day ’
of ths killing, and an employe la ,
the department store of Mayor H. .
C. Moecham, of Fort Worth, who
heard Chlpps threaten to kill *
Norrie or "stop him."
Additional witnesses wars also
Introduced hy the defease who t
testified that Chlpps was su hab- j
Itusl drunkard and that he was
quarrelsome whoa under the in- v
fluonco o f( liquor.
A rthu r Hicks e f Ike University
of Oregon w ill broadcast a piano
solo from the Bngoao radio sta­
tion, Friday evening, Jan. 91.
Mr. Hicks la Iks son-in-law of
Mr. aad Mrs. Wm. Myers.