Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1927)
. » wmwi&mA*. For the Same Reasons .That Y o u , \Too, w il l Want O n ly the Genuine After exhaustive tests which they themselves have made, Ethyl Gas has been adopted by the U. S. Navy Air Force, the British Air Ministry, the U . S. Army, and Navy Dirigible Service, racing car drivers, and millions of motorists. Try it today m JJmon-Ethyl, the acknowledged super-fuel. T P H E Ethyl formula was discov- A ered after 10 years’ intensive re search. Over 35,000 different chemi cal combinations were tested, and discarded before the perfected pro duct was achieved. Such an article cannot be created over night. T hat is why, if you want the results that such a fuel produces, you must get ■Mr« that fuel. Ethyl is a new discovery. It is unique. It stands alone. It performs a scientific service based on scien tific facts and unusual phenomena discovered only after patient scientific work. O ur own scientists have blended it with’the superior Union non-detonating gasoline. The advantage is a quicker vaporizing, sure-fire, fuel. The result, U n io n -E th y l, brings to Western motorists the most modern, most effective, lower cost, motor fuel, ever offered on the Coast. N ow Carbon Helps With ordinary gasoline, carb o n causes “knocking” and a loss of power. Union- Ethyl completely eliminates this knock. With such gasoline carbon actually increases instead of lessens power. Highly carbonized motors actually run better with Union-Ethyl Gas than carbon free m otors w ithout it. Cafbon in cylinders is, therefore, now an advantage rather than a fault. Now, with Union-Ethyl, you get also, a quicker pickup and a sm oother, practically vibrationless motor. UWIOJV “Union Non-Deto- nating Gasoline” Test N o. \' 2 *• ' W ith Highly Multiplied Effect • Throttle your car down to five miles per hour with ordinary gasoline. Note the “jumping” and the k n o ck in g caused by c a r to n in your , J motor*. Drain your tank and refill with Union- Ethyl. Feel the instant pickup, the absence of any carbon knock and the smoother, pfcppy way your car responds to the accelerator. U nion Gasoline has always been (as adver tised for years) a “ non-detonating” fuel. “ E th y l” also is a “ uon-deto nating” agent highly concentrated and with a multiplied effect. So the two in combination— “ U n io n ” and “ Ethyl” Gas— make the most remarkable im provement in motor fuel since motor can were first invented. Test N o. 3 In its manufacture U nion-E thyl Gasoline is limited to a low end-point by distillation test, thus producing a fuel that instantly vaporizes completely in the carburetor and yields quicker starting and acceleration. Make a sharp right-hand turn at a very slow speed — say four miles per hour. Cramp the wheels. Push the accelerator to the floor. Watch the result. Then drain your tank and refill with Union-Ethyl. Repeat the test. Note the instant pickup as your motor takes hold without the usual knocks caused by carbon. N o other so-called “ knockless” compound can produce “ Ethyl” results. U nion-Ethyl Gasoline is colored red for iden tification purposes only. T h e color adds noth ing to its quality or performance. Try Union-Ethyl Today T h e fuel you buy, therefore, must be genuine Union-Ethyl i f you want all that we offer here. Get it today and try it. Ethyl does. Learn what U nion- [How to Prove Superiority "r—r Test N o ; 1 - Drive up the steepest hill you know. Mark the^placc^ where. you, shift from high gear. • '-‘-v ■’ -----r _ These "Motors't • •fall« Into one of the following start using Union-Ethyl today. Motors burdened with excessive loads. Motors operating in hilly country and through heavy traffic.. Motors which, t3iroughj^gjiwge,_yejlosing power. * , There is nothing else like Union-Ethyl, It is the last scientific word in motor fuel develop ment. You owe it to yourself to make a test. Union-Ethyl is now sold at first-class Independ ent Dealers as well as Union’s own service sta tions. Drive in where you’see the Union-Ethyl sign. Have the attendant drain your tank. Then refill with Union Ethyl. Don’t let others tell you its advantages. Find out today, for yourself, why governments, racing car drivers, and motorists by the scores of thou sands are using Ethyl exclusively. „ Directions for Trial: H ave your tank drained of the ordinary gasoline now in it. TAuss • sential, for Union-Ethyl Gasoline is scientifically prepared in exactly right , Motors heavily ctfrboned and.m otors which accumulate carbon V , quickly. _ _ Motors that knoclk loudly. ^ ' ' - LICENSED BY THE ETHYL GASOLINE C O R P O R A T IO N Then drain your tank and refill with Union- Ethyl. Note how much farther you go up the same hill, the absence of carbon knock, the elimination of b u c k in g , and the reduced vibration. , proportions. Any dilution with any other fuel lessens its unusual effect You must drive the car a few blocks, after the tank is filled with Ethyl« to rid yo u r carburetor of the old gasoline. Then the "E th yl” it ready to perform. Only when tried in this manner is Union-Ethyl able to shoW you it; best results. T ry Union-Ethyl by doing unusual thiugi'—Yrhati ever von think are the hardest tests. In this way. it wiU j d | <yov.iB oWft •tot^besu ompany X A in» - a » v**