IT STARTS TODAY , * The Tidings’ news serial story Rain on the coast, snow or rain in the interior tonight. Ashland’s Leading Ni (United Newa Wire Service) r~ t — w ’ per for Over Fifty Years Wire Service) started today. . and OREGON, WEDGES FAMED VIOLINIST OF EARLY DAY DIES ALONE AND ^RIEND- - LESS IN DIRELECTS HOME DBNVBR, J«». 1».— (UN) — acquired a habit for strong drink. Sorrow baa descended upon tb* As rapidly as he had risen to the Ions line of shambled shaqka that musical heights, he descended to I dot the vlodnet eectlon here—the the depths. homes of derelicts. He came west and obtained a Position as an orchestra leader. No longer vrllVthe strains freda Boyhood Held Greatest As­ Here again be thrilled thousands the “Lost Chord” and other opet- set by Dr. David O. latlc melodies come from one of by his quivering bow. L&tshaw «. _____. Latqr he succumbed to intoxi­ J the most dilapidated and crude cants and never regained a place structures. ' EXPERIENCES G I V E N ] John Olson, 10; once the toast in the musical world. In direct contract with his early Local P eople Told o f “Y” Work of dignified New York music lew balmy days, death came to Olson ere, la dead. . In Europe... Other In the rear of the tiny shack In p 4 Hpeakers Twenty years ago with his coal* which he lived as a result of im­ I ly violin under his arid, he bibing too freely of canned heat. sought recognition . in the east. Friends found him moaning and He was given a trial with thg sobbing pleadingly for his violin. New Yofk symphony orcheefcrs Before It oould be obtained Ol- and almost overnight leaped to son was dead. sucoeea. Later his rise was com­ Unless a brother, Joseph Olson plete when he wah engaged by the living somewhere\ln California, Metropolitan Opera company. j is located, the once famous violin­ Then came temptation,, wealth ist will be burled in potter’s field, and luxury. Feted -and dined, M authorities said today. Three Games in Inter-City League Will be Played on Junior Hi Floor The second semester of the Ashland public schools begins iMondhy, January SI, 1- 827, and lathis j)ate is of special interest to two classes of children; those who nlng. The following schedule will enter school for the first will be played: Llthlans vs. bat­ Announces That He Has time and those who wish io again Agricultural Committee Dis­ tery B, at 7 p. m.; Factulty vs. Sails Carried Away After Been Considering Feas­ >take up their school work, either cusses Senate's Surplus, Nomal Seconds at 8 p. m. and Being Out for Twelve ibility of Action In the grades or in the high BUI _ Hi-Y Employed • boys vs. ' High ■I . ____ Day» school, according to Superintend­ School Seconds at 9 p. m. All APPROVED BY BORAH ent of Public Schools, G. A. Bris­ COMPLETE HEARINGS games will start on time and STORMS SEEM ENDLESS coe. / « ‘ there promises to be some fast D eclares Arbitration Principle Expert to Push Farm R elief Children who have never been Buffeting No 9V basketball, according to the of. a Leading One in The in school may enter at this time, Much as P ossible on the Crew Was Lost or flclals In Orsgwa--I|hSMv*sal 9* U nited States providing they are six years of Renate Floor ment is pre dkglinflklB Seriously Hurt age. They must not enter later most of the ««« mail­ WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.— than the second Monday of the WASHINGTON, Jan. 1SL— ed Mr. Walter, ’’many of them ASTORIA. Jan. 1».— (UN) — (UN)— Secretary of State Kel­ semèster, which Is February 7, Farm relief seems ready 'at last have been practicing during the Almost Bailless, battered and logg announced tonight that for 1927. to omerge from the nebula of past week and we look for some leaking, the great six masted aome time he has been consider­ Pupils who have Just finished Words Into concrete form. real surprises. Some comments schooner Oregon Fir came to an­ ing the probability of arbitrating the eighth grade will find accom­ Unexpectedly the senate agri­ have been made about several of chor late this afternoon In tho the controversy with Mexico. modations at the Junior high culture committee took up discus­ the players not being members of safety of the Columbia river af­ This statement was made for­ school, only. Those who have at sion of the controlled surplus bill the organizations which they rep­ ter 70 days of heartbreaking mally after Senator Robinson, least one semester’s credits will while the house committee reports resent, but this was necessitated struggle with gales and hurri­ Arkansas, democratic leader of be cared for this term at the Sen­ the measure favorably. by the fact that some of the mem­ canes. the senate, offered a resolution ior high school. Basic commodities are includ­ bers of those organizations were The first 12 day»i«< her 83 calling for arbltratldn. The diylslon between Lincoln ed In the proposed legislation. playing with other teams and day voyage from Shanghai were Kellogg said he welcomed an and Washington grade schools is The bill also contains Ioan pro­ permission was given to captains fair and she made her way out expression of the senate’s posi­ Gresham and Third streets. AU LONDON, Jan. 1».— Britain visions applying to all farm pro­ to fill their ranks from outsiders of the China sea easily, only to tion on this. Arbitration, be beginners east of this line will I awoke today to find her war ma­ ducts. Basic commodities in the in order that the six teams might encounter a severe gale off the Discussi said, has been one of the leading go to Lincoln school and those I chine humming as the govern­ measure are listed so as to In­ be entered Mr. Walter explain Japanese coast. policies of this country and had west of this line will go to Wash- j ment prepared to support protests clude those from all sections of This carried away some of her been recognised in principle In ington school. In China with man power and the country. » sales and inaugurated an endless the treaties with Mexico. There Is cotton from the south­ The Ashland High School HLY forces. succession Of storms. For a time Borah Approve« land, corn from the rolling farm Developments of the past 24 Club held their regular mid-week they drove across the Pacific rap­ Chairman Borah of the senate meeting and dinner In Y. M. C. A, hours In the far east Indicate land of the central states, wheat idly, despite the fact that her foreign relations committee, also headquarters la Pioneer hall lent that the Canton Nationalists are and. swine from the great fields canvas was burst constantly, but approves the Robinson resola-* evening. Following the dinner determined for,a show down with of the west and northwest and It was not until she neared the tion. it was aatd. the following members were giv­ England after routing the Brit­ rice from the. lowlands of the North American coast that she “I have seen the resolution of en their final Initiations Into the ish as their greatest obstacle for eastern, shore and southern Mis­ underwent her real trial. Chinese Independence and they sissippi valley. Dr. Mayo Says it is Possible Then the storms grew Into hur­ Senator Robinson. I see nothing fellowship of the club: - Seldon inappropriate nor untimely In an Klamath Indian Being Farm relief which at first to Live One Hundred Barton. James Hartley and Wil­ Intend to tackle their strongest ricanes, blowing from the south­ For Morder on adversary first. , Dispatches from expression of opinion on the sub­ seemed a vague possibility for Years fred Wagner. While the laftls- east and driving her far to sea Reservation Malta reported the departure of this session of congress Is to be ject by the senate and I wel­ churches. and to the north. For three days WASHINGTON? Jan. 19.—It four vessels for the far east. pushed on tho floor of the sen­ come It. He spoke, too, of tho gangs her company of 15, was ready at PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. I t .— ate, while the house awaits the is possible for anyone to live to be any moment to abandon ship. In “The general principle of arbi­ I which infest Chicago, and eg- (UN)— The mysterious disap­ 100 If ho sidesteps the blaring action of the upper body. tration has constituted one of the I pressed belief that gangland In those three days the gale drove Senator McNary, Oregon repub­ rythm of the jazz age, Dr. Chas. th^vessel 240 miles to the north, leading policies of this govern­ pearance of a shotgun belonging I congested cltlee could be entirely to McLelland Williams, Klamath lican, chairman of the agricul­ II. Mayo, world famous surgeon, although she could not carry a ment from the beginning. Our Indian, shortly after be waa I wiped out within a generation If ture committee, announced that told the United News today. record on the subject speaks for I the right people could get hold killed, Oct. 31, on the Klamath Dr. Mayo attending a two day sail and was ridlpg under bare he expected to complete hearings itself. pole». Every piece of canvas reservation, was raised as an Im­ I of the boys during their pnbHe conference of the American col­ tomorrow and place the bill bo- “The principle has been recog­ aboard the Schooner was brought portant point Tuesday when the. I school years and help to asouM of surgeons took « serious nized In treaties with Mexico. For *“ j, rttafitoa Introduced „ JU. tom tho senate tor early consider­ lege Into service and aa rapidly waa tourder trial of Guy SconeMn, I their characters. attitude toward the “pfcee” of ation. some time I have been given con­ R. J. Kirkwood, publisher it burst and tattered. rs agreeing faring Oradgntialg to Modoc Indian, began in federal modern civilization. Bodies of sideration to the question of def­ court. Oregon Sportsman and fanclEl le x i c a l re­ Captain F. O. Nelson even need Oom mitiga • American boys and girls are not PLENTY OF TRAPPERR inite application of the principle ali felt that the tarpaulin hatch covert to rig Oovelnment attorneys, George spoke briefly. He said ha if is ¿WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 — In PORTI^AND. Jan. id?—- (UP) — physically constructed to with­ square sails. In a single day two of arbitration of the controversy 8 be disas Neuner and Joseph Stearns told I issuing a special number likli stand the rack and tear of present with Mexico.” ’ Vs jalso felt urging the United State’s Senate Although the inroads of civiliza­ of thq great gaffs carried away the Jury that testimony would month on the Rogue River c a ffi ora of fast living, be declared. rilprd against the corruption of tion may tend to thin out fur- R eligious Aspects r 17- ■ ’ E S 1 bit In error at the j«$ge prove the gun waa hanging In ‘‘We have national defense day, aloft and came crashing down up­ Religious aspects of the Mexi­ Williams’ bouse when the alleged I T. H. Simpson introduced|sj| his iudkÿe on the deck. th e thoughts Vaalth, Senator James Reed of bearing animals, there seems to fire prevention week, and why can question were vigorously de­ èf modèrn ^ i The racked vessel was leaking tccerdlng to Missouri, today opened the fight he no dearth of trappers In Ore­ not have a uatlonal personal In­ murder occurred pnd that It] resolution urging the i/hekkon bated In the senate, when Senator dropped from sight immediately | county delegation at the state (efp tjioáe Vh¿ ' last night’s against seating Frank L. Smith, gon. More trappers are In the badly, some times taking four ventory week, when every man, republican senator, elected from field this season, in Oregon, than Heflin, Alabama democrat, re­ feet o f water In 24 hours, but the after relatives, upon finding the telature to support unanimously tneetinji. j U Illinois, who spent almost |300,- in any other In the state’s his­ wbman and child in the United power pumps were able to keep newed his criticism of the atti­ the proposed bill to. ’ cjtoAgOf body of the dead Indian, had left States can submit to a physical tory. 000 itt a primary campaign. tude of the Knights of Columbus, from Jacksonville her clear. the place to summon authorities. county seat Rend Introduced a resolution to There are 2268 general trap­ examination, so that the weak regarding the Mexican church to Medford. The resolutnon was Twisted and wrenched by the Defense attorneys J. Hawkins refer Smith s credentials to the pers and 240 special beaver trap­ spots can be noted and guarded storm, and towering seas, her hull controversy. Napier and W. P. Meyers, while adopted without a dissenting Senate Election’s Committee and pers operating in Oregon this against,” he suggested. “It Is is leaking and her deck as well. Several senators, both Protest­ admitting without argument that vote. to prevent an oath being admin­ year, representing an Increase only by this means that we can ant and Catholic, replied to Hef­ O. F. Carson, president of the Sconchin did thé shooting, seemed Thomas Williams, first mate, prevent the breakdowns that are from about 1700 last season istered him lin, deploring that religious to contend that Williams was chamber, presided. Fred Homes, has sailed the Pacific 40 years certain to come. questions should be brought into carrying the shotgun a f the time chairman of the forum committees p and never before witnessed such “The American doctor of today senate debate. the killing took place, indicating said that the city officials would weather as that which scouraged has left the “pill peddling” class In the house the administra­ be guests at the lunch next week thly would plead self defense. the Oregon Fir. and our duty is not so much to tion policy toward Nicaragua and According to the testimony of at which time Mayor Pierce Vili j cure ailments , as it Is to prevent Despltq the buffeting which the Mexico was criticised by Repre­ William’s sister. Etta, the shoot­ outline some of the policies of thè ~ them.” Dr. Mayo stated. , craft received no member of her sentative Conally, Texas, demo­ ing took place outside the Wil­ new administration. “If we can’t have a personal In­ crew was lost or hurt, although crat, and Berger, Wisconsin so­ liam’s home and followed a shout I ventory week every person more Harry Blnham, a seaman, fell sick cialist. from Sconchin that “you fellows than 20 years of age, should set and was taken to a hospital here. The White House spokesman lay off of me.” aside an hour on his or her birth­ defended the president’s course, There was a shot from Scon- day to call on the family physi­ reiterating that regarding Mexico chin's pistol, she said; Williams | cian for physical examination. all that this government is inter­ AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 19.— (U walked to the house and back Then if the person will note and ested In is protecting American there was another shot and he N)— Trial of Dr. J. Frank Norris, follow 'the physician's advice on property against confiscation and dropped, his head pierced by a Baptist pastor of Fort Worth, for any defects which may be found, I d Nicaragua In protecting the bullet. the slaying of D. E. Cbipps last we can all live to be 100 years lives and property of Americans July will be resumed here this of age and grow old gracefully.” and other foreigners whose gov­ I morning. ernments have appealed to the Two subsequent recesses Tues­ J. J. McNair Successful Bid United States for protection, and day, due to illnees of the pastor, der for Bonds to Finance protect the rights of the United who was reported suffering with 0 Street Paving States to the canal concession Jan attack of tonstlitlee, allow the and sites for naval bases off the hearing which has been under Nicaragua coast. way for the last nine days to The Bancroft bonds, to finance lapse. the paving on C street brought a Law Professor Completes a premium of 8135.00 and accrued BAKERSFIELD, Cal.. Jan. Norris was too Indisposed to Survey on Grime in 19.— (UN)— An army of millions appear In court at 9 o'clock this interest with J. J, McNair, former City of mice, which Invaded Kern morning, resulting In a receee un­ Ashland resident, at the snceess county, gradually was being kill­ til two in the afternoon. At that CHICAGO. Jan. 19.— (UN) — ful bidder, according to a deci­ ed off tonight, but It will be at time the pastor’s counsel advised Chicago Is more sinned against sión of the city council at last least 10 days before the war of the court that the patient wad hot than, sinning, In the opinion of night's meeting. The total price extermination has wiped out the responding favorably to tonedltls Dr. Andrew A. Bruce, professor •o be paid for the bonds will ho rodents, those In charge of the treatment, but It was felt that of law at Northwestern Universi­ 84849.38.' A new track was an- Two-Game Series on B asket campaign said. the attack would pass by Wednes­ ty. who has just completed a sur­ ’horlaed for the city water depart­ ball Floor Starts To­ Poison gas Is being used to day vey of crime in what has hitherto ment and permission was also morrow N ight kill off the swarming hordes. The cas« will be resumed to­ been regarded as America’s crime granted this department to re­ Trenches in which to trap the In­ morrow, granting that Norris is capital. build the ambulance Into a vaders have been dug and im­ able to appear and defense Fit­ “In Chicago,” Dr. Bruce said, truck. Preparatory to tho build- Albany College, which defeated mense quantities of poison grain nesses will be placed on the stand. “We generally class as a murder 'ng of a service station. Charlan Ashland Normal on the junketing have been distributed. Hawks The final day’s session Monday every case which is found to be Porter asked and received permle- trip of the local collegians last and owls are preying on the mice. brought a precession of witnesses such by a coroner’s Jury, while 4on to build some approaches te week, will come here x tomorrow So numerous are the mice that on the stand to testify as to (hi In England only convictions are ’he side walk at the corner of for a series of two games with they killed and devoured a sheep character of the slain man, who so recorded.” North Main and SKldemoro. The Coach Walter Hughes’ charges. which was in a pen on a San was described as “violent and Dr. Bruce also discovered that Chamber of Commerce was also The first game will be tomor­ Amldio ranch and could not es­ quarrelsome,” while under the ”we are crime too crime con­ granted permission to erect a row night and the 'second game cape the gnawing animals, ac­ Influence of liquor, and that he scious, along other lines. Mere tlga In the business district for Friday night. Both games will cording to reports reaching here. was a heavy drinker. ' peccadilloes we self consciously tho purpose of directing tourists be played at the armory and will Golfers on the Petroleum Golf Chlpps was abet to death la, call crimes, while In Europe they to the Chamber offices. Tho start at 8 Q’clock. club course In the Buena Vista re­ Norris’ office at Fort Worth by nre much more lenient In such temporary appointment of J. Bd- The Normal school basketeers gion, where the pests are most the pastor, who declared that he matters.” ward Thornton as president qf are anxious to avenge the defeat numerous, were forced to sus­ fired In self defease after Chlppg What is true In Chicago, the ’he council was made permanent, at Albany last week and have pend play today when the course made a threatening move as it to Investigator found Is trne In a tnd the coanetl adjoaraed after been doing some hard training in was covered with the scampering pull a gna following a heated ar­ measure in other American dt Reposing of tho usual details that hordes. antielpatldn of the games. gument les. are before the regular meet* Britain Ready to Start Chinese War K Resume Trial of Texas Minister