Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 18, 1927, Image 1

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    Cloudy, pMbuWy rafe in North­
west^ rain or snow in Northeast.
The Tidings’ new* serial
Under the deciston of fee court
today, the senate la held to be e
continuing bofy and the court
gives the special committee which
funettoaed throe years ago the
power to resume its Inquiry where
it left off when M ai Daugherty
took refuge In the courts.
In making this decision the t y
preme court overruled the lewer
court which hacked up Daugherty
and denied the senate the right to
compel him to testify.
... Senators and congressmen said
the case wae of greet importance.
democrat, who
Daugherty investigation, m id that
he Intended to study the decision
and proceed as fa r as he could un­
der It.
’ »
FO R T K L A M A T H , Jah. 18.—
Hardy timbermen, loggers, trap­
pers, and those. Who in the wtnter
months find their only mode of
transportation in the Snow ceverx
od mills of -this vicinity on skits
w ill via with each other, next
Washington’s birthday for su­
premacy of thot , snows, -.when
prises totaling several hpadred
dollars will be-distributed to the
-N E W YO RK, Jan. 18.— The
I Forbes are at It again!
I The Forbes were at It again!
I The R a n d o l p h Todhnater
Forbes; you know, of Park Ave.
| nue and Newport and Southhamp­
Another development in the ton and the Berkshlrea and the
case followed the appearance in J North Shore. Oh, T H E F o r has; j
superior court of Mrs. Chap/tn. I the R. T. Forbes— Raany and]
She was granted 84.080 a month, I Joan (nee Smedthyw, of T H H I
temporary alimony sad 84.000 at­ I Brookline Smedthyes of course)«
torney's fees pending tria l ot her I whose dashing elopement of two
sensational salt for diveree. The I i years before bed been the sense-I
18 year old wife had asked from Jtion of the high social world, and]
the witness stand that her hus­ whose crashing scraps ever since I
band be compelled to pay her 88,- I Were no less the sensation'of the I
000 a month to support herself Idle rich.
and the two Chaplin babies, cen-
Yee. the Forbes were at It I
te r of the court battle which again. Nor the haunting m ellow]
promises more Isterest than the loveliness of the early autum n]
famous " F a tty " Arbuekle case.
day. nor the satiny greep beauty ]
ot the Old Westbury polo field I
i there -beside the Jericho T u rn -]
pike, could sweeten the vails o f]
Ill-m arried
wrath. - Or
soften ]
those d irty looks, those d irtie r]
words, those dirtiest smiles, V er- ]
the Forbes were et i t again!
"The trouble w ith marriage,”
said Joan Forbes in the id ly re­
mote tones that married w om en!
|» e in addreedag their husbands]
Leroy Deep, form erly a wiag
■ a lk e r4and a a r M
WHh the Chubby Wataon efreafife
Southern California, la bow* Id-
rated In Ashland, and 1s beginhlfit qh unsignaled ¡ suddenness
to reel a yearning lor some of the almost scared the spavined t y f e
old th rills ef the serial game. As of bn Ita lia n farm er into bolting,
a consequence, tentative plans are add ah startled fee drivers df fit
now being made for a public ap-1 least six other cqfe that they Sim­
pearance by him in Ashland, prob-I ultaneously rained th e ir brukfe
ably in a straight jacket stunt, e rj
and their chances' of getting ' tb
some other death-defying per­ I heaven by tbfe Impious fervor wife
which they consigned Ranny tb
Dean’s last performance Was at Hades. "The tfo u U e With mar­
Grants Pass on last Armistice day riage.” he jerred, "to feat aftfe
when he did wing walking in the the ceremony A L L women become
aerial circus put on by aviators of wives. And if there’s anythin*
the Pacific A ir Transport com­ under the sun harder oa a gup j
pany. He was a .personal friend ]
good nature than a wlfq, may 1
of "P a t” Patterson, a ir mall flyer |
who was killed near here recently. ] be struck lato a pink-eared ha-
boon— ”
and had performed wing walking
"You merely lack the pink
stunta with Patterson as aviator. ]
He has a straight jacket stunt i "Any wife to enough to drive
in which he makes his escape]
while suspended by his heels from ] -any man to d rin k !”
"H a ! Ha! Now It’s my tu rn .to
a tall building, which he may Ha! Ha!- You never knew a sobfiV
show here within a short time.
day until you married met**'
“Nor a sorry one!” he mourned,
savagely plunging their Lincoln
into a parking space of Ford di­
mension, and lam m ing hto brakes
on in time to stop only a scant
foot from a chiffony group of af­
frighted Junior Leaguers.
ROME, Jan. 18.— An army of
Jtbe toriubusi trail between here
and C rfitfi/ iJaie "Lodg4,' a dis­ reformers, appearing almost ev­
tance of 21 miles, in the shortest ery night, has come to the sup­
port of Premier Mussolini’s cam­
length d f time.
W h ite onmplete plans have not' paign against night life In Italy.
Ferreting out the men and
been formhlatod. I t lsi known that
the ski race w ill be the major e ft women responsible for notorious
ent ot an entire d iy derated to haunts, tbe reformers have found
winter sports, and eight men and that white slavers, drug addicts
one girl have already signified and stronge contortionist dancers Millionaire Lnmbennan is
their intention of competing for executing such odd things as the
Oharaeterised as
the prises.
' . - shimmy, the Charleston and the
Heading the list or entries to tango a re.'tie oneX to blame.
'Neighborhood meetings approve;
Andy VSrsto, giant 8Vrsd6, Srho"
COURT ROOM, AuStlfi, T t y ,
stands s li feet fine Inch in his the Mussolini moralist campaign. Jan. 18.— (U N )— Friends “ahS*t
The press iWrates columns to It town” of D. E. Chlpps, mUllonairo
stocking feet, and weighs 18^ ia
ch w e S .
' •
' .
pounds. VsrstNhns been roamiiig
lumberman, for whose death, Dr.
Of Frank Norrto, Baptist preacher to
the Cascades for mots than /a n
years coming from-' Wisconsin ihe Sauce situation haa bean of- on tria l, characterised him to **y
where hto . proweSs on- shite toted by some ot the mors extreme as an hsbiteai drunkard, oidV-
brought him many medals a n d , a vice eradlcstora. Under the head­ bearing, quarrelsome aad dfingsi*-
jumping record of 167 feet, 10 ing, “The Delirium Tremens of ous while Intoxicated, but "kind,
inches. Skiing comes kfi second Sax,” they have pitollshed what polite and gentlemanly” whsa so-
nature to thia Scandanavtfin for might be used In the future as a
in hto native land when 8ut a boy, protectiv» guide book against Im­
Chlpps* bajtosr, why shaved him
necessity forced him to had thl* moral- dancing. As warnings to the day he was stain Ih Dr.' H o f-
mode of travel. Since that time youth, they say:
Iris’ study, testified he eras under
he has made hto heme in mosn- /" T h e shimmy is purely an ani­ I the influence of Uquor that day.
mal creation.
tainous countries where'his early
Fellow duh members, a chuqph.
training stood him in good stand.
deacon in Norrto* Baptist church,
Now, running, a tyap line in the oil ths negro sax appeal. >-
‘*Th*t the tango 1s a develop­ a high official la the state repub­
winter time, provides his living,
lican organisation and ifo ri Wurth
and trips that take w eeks. at a ment e f suggestive motives exhib­
officers, told of Cbipps’-—
time are necessary to reach his
always under the tafteaace
traps. W ith the snow piled high
acterised by Its encouragements Of liquor, neariy always quarrel-
for Washington. D
ith Attorney* to
Start Fight
work to help support hl» mother
»ad seven children. Later ha loot
hi» savings but resolved that some
day ho could help other orphans
and widows.
As he moved away from th #
Seattle. A fatherless yon»« mAfi Salvation Army girl, he said to
was steading idle on the street him self:
when a Salvation Army UfiSie
"Today I go into partpership
C o u r t Upholds
W A SHING TO N, Jan. 18.— The
supreme court has sustained the
right ot congreaeional Investigat­
ing committees to compql wltnees-
es to testify. '■
This question, undecided since
the government was founded, wae
disposed of by the eonrt la the
case Of M ai S. Daugherty, brother
of former attorney general H arry
M . Daugherty. , •
Mel .Daugherty refused to pro­
dupe the books o f the Midland Na­
tional Bank1, Washington Ctourt-
honse, Ohio, of which be ie presi­
dent, at the request pf the special
Senate oommlttep which waa ln-
Veetlgallng the department of
ju stic e la 1884.
’ The senate committee was Seek­
ing Ito trace fund» deposited In
the bafik .by the former attorney
general and his »’ intimate. Jess
iith, but was thwarted by Mai
ugherty’s refusal to open his
started today.
for Over Fifty Years
(United News Wirt
CHICAGO, Jan. 18. —i Co|.
F ran k L. Smith, senator-desig­
nate, was on his way to Washing­
ton tonight to demand the seat
to which he was appointed by
| Failure , to
camo along, rattled her tamtoMHh with God,”
Mail Voters . Governor Lea Small of Illinois, Flood of Big Billa Expected
line and heM tt out to the yoea*
shortly after Senator W illiam B.
He hnnted gold la Colorado
Pamphlet* is Reason
Fails to Mater­
cKinley’s death.
I nten, smiling. 1 - ' '
and found it. He dug a hole in
for Decision
Upon his arrival In Washington.
i “I’m broke." he said. “Does* the ground In Oklahoma and oil
to my last d o lla r.”
gushed forth. He built an Ititer- 1
T W O COURSES OPEN torney, former State Secretary LITTLE ACCOMPLISHED
"Well, why don’t yon tithe?” urban line from Tulsa to a place
Cornelius J. Doyle, will go >nto
she queried.
J in the sand hills where he plan- <
Wednesday Exalted Holer o f Kike Givee
"Tithe?" he asked. "What do
Speech oa Benefits of Boy
his of­
"He's eraay," people said. But
the line paid. He- built the town
ate and display her certificate of
and it prospered. Me undertook
SALEM, Jan. ’ 18.— (U N )— A
right under which he should be
other great projects and all were .
given his seat.
bill Introduced Monday by Repre­
As soon as his credentials are sentative Briggs provides that
presented. Senator Robinson. A r­ cities may issue bonds to cover
kansas, democratic floor leader, the deficiencies caused by failure
And then in his own town he
will offer a resolution backed by of property owners to pay assess­
built a great orphanage, a hos­
most of his democratic colleagues, ments under the Baacrort , act,
pital and 78 homes for widows.
and many republicans, referring when such property owners have
And the other day. In this mqn’s
the credentials t“
elections failed to take advantage of the
Smith bonding provisions of
(Pleese Turn to Page 6)
The bill provides that these
Prncedur® will be bonds are to be Issued for a per­
Toecause of the 1926 sena­ iod of three years, and la case of
foreclosure of property by the city
torial campaign in Illinois.
Through the Reed investigation for tax liens and assessment liana,
tt was learned that Smith, who the moneys sq derived shell he
was elected over George Brennan, placed la a special fund for re­
received 8160^00 In contribu­ tirement ot these bonds.
James Banister, well known In­
tions from Samuel Insult, public
surance man, who for several
utilities magnate. Smith had been
years has been connected with
Roquent Addrees
chairman of the Illinois commerce
SALEM, J an. 11.— (U N )— Af»
th48 Metropolitan Life Insurance
I ter llstening to an éloquent ad-
company In this district, this week
dress by Charles H. Grakelow,
became associated with George H.
grand sxaltsd raiera ot Mis Blks.
Yeo |n the general insurance busi­
oa boy culture, in the morniug.
ness, In the Cltlsens Bank build­
to en Impeasionec homiry on eth-
ics of the newspaper reporter by
Mr. Banister is' well known Facta Are Presented by Pro
feasor Vining as to
Representative M ott la the after­
throughout Jackson county, and
noon, the house went ou record in
his many friends w ill be pleased
favor ot raising the salaries of the
to learn of his advancement in
Signs Contract ] Appear state secretary, treasurer and at­
his chosen field.
in Movie in
torney general, and adjourned.
It was a dull day after all the
advertisement given out of what
LOS ANOBLE8, JSn. 18— (U N ) was going to happen to speed up
f George Young, 17 year old Toroa- the session and pep up the raU-
¿fe ste r t,
r j line channel fa the W lllm a W Hg- I The flood o f big Mils, predicted
T M dedication of the new
J le y , Jr., sea marathon, will bo a ] for the opening dfiy of the second
northern transcontinental
I movie star in the very near te­
] week failed to aratertaltoe.
phone t&rcu It betweeA New York
n ure.
] I The passage of the salary rate-
and Portland and Seattle yester-
He signed a contract Monday | ing bill vetoed by .Governor
dny afternoon was a complete suc-
| to take the leading role in a mo-
Pierce, gave the first indication
I tlon picture story of the Red
eeas. according to word received
the temper of the house la re­
] Grange variety.
here last n ig h t by Mtos M yrta Ot-
The "One Minutes to Play" | gard to, salary raising legislation.
tordale, local manager of the tal-
I title may be changed, "One Mile | The bill raised the salary of the
ophone company.
to Swim”, and the photoplay w ill | secretary of state from 84,600 to
The dedication started when
81,400 and gave the state treas­
I give, the Toronto marvel a chance]
W. 8. Gifford, president of the
| to display his prowess In the I urer ths same boost. It raised the
American Telephone and Tele­
salary of the attorney general
] water.
graph company voiced greetings
|from 84,600 to 88.#00. ,
Just what the title of the p ic-]
t l 0 . H. Hickman, general manag­
The b ill w ill have to get a
er ^»V-the northwest, at Seattle,
p u re will be was not decided to -}
Lhlrds Fqite la the senate be-
0. Ainsworth, directors, a tI
night. Who w ill write the play le f o becoming a A w . The meas­
| for him also was undetermined.
(Please Turn to Page 8 )
ure was passed by the last legis­
The film company which sign- lature but was vetoed by Govern­
] ^d the young man did not dto-
or Pierce. This afternoon the
] close how m u\h he w ill receive
| under tlje contract, but it
to I house passed it over the govern­
or’» veto after various members
known that his salary w ill he bad supported the measure and
-omparable to that paid famous J
had declared that men rilling
| -tars of Hollywood.
these respousibto positions were
Young capitalised his swim­ entitled to salaries more nearly
ming fame whan hs signed his commensurate w ith the responsi­
first contract early In the day. It |
bilities tbfiy bear.
nrovided that he should receive
11,000 a. night fo r appearing five ] There were 10 dissenting votes.
James Banister
With Geo. H. Yeo
Dedicate New
4 ; Phone Circuit
S o m eB ayffo May; Bring Home Thè Bacon
nights of the present week at a
T xm Angelas motion picture the­
Coincident with the announce-1
ment that 810,000 of the 888.000
won by Young would go to Hen­
ry O’Byrne, his manager, it was
disclosed that a contract was
signed by Young’s mother. The
agreement was made
O’Byrne paid, . Young’s expenses
and that he would have lost
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Jan. 18.—
money If hto protege failed
(U N )— A famous gold m I a e
] which, durlag California’s early
• Z-
m A
' /TV
boom days, yielded a million dol­
lars to Its various owners haa
changed hands tor 888.
The Bunker H U I mine of Shas­
ta county, Idle for forty yean .
» S ' sold Monday to E ffie Osborn
land Jells Ioag e f 8t. Pael M M a..
by the heirs, Jamas L. Leary aad
of Private Oar J. Seott Leary of Saa Fraacieeo.
inoQln to bo.
"W e jest wanted a mine." the
women explained. "May be me
lean got s fow dollars ia gold
• TO PEK A . K aa., Jan. IS— (U N ) out of it siraa bo w ."
When the new Union Pacific pas­
The Beaker HUI worklags w e n
senger station opens here January noted for their rtoh quarts velafi
128, one e f the features will be a
and the number of pare *oM aaar-
train like the first one which en­ gets found there, aeasfi p f the
tered Topeka more then 61 yeafo most favsriah activity of the g rid
rush days waa la that ssetiaa.
Car No. 1, ths first passenger
car oa ths Union Pacific, will be
In the train. There wUI be one
ef the Imlgrant care made famous
by Stevenson’s
ths J
Plains,'” s car of the type of A h - '
rahata Liaeoln’s private ear aad