! nÀ A M ém The TidUgs* ndiÿ* perfor Over Fifty Years (Patted N p « W i f r S y y t t e ) Junior. High to J Play Medford oil ' - Local Gym Floor ri ÀM 7 -^ ij BBJ TUP UAflCE trlp^Thl^h^tooirhhn * M ^ fa f 1 —— — VLefnaten Ink flVUJL her of Commerce, arrived la Ash- .; _ land Friday night enthusiastic av- m nnW M e •r th e la c t that the Paeifle N orth- n S t r l« Z s t e m went lb regarded as being the most prosperous section o f the en- tire United Staten. W hile in Spokane ''Prof. Vining wan the guest of the Inland em pire Aseo- dlnton, whore Jhe was one o f the • ‘ ( B y J. H. Fuller) In commenting Most cities have certain charac­ main speakers. teristics which are net always ap­ upon this meeting Professor T in - parent on the surface, but which tag called attention to n speech become evident w ith closer eon- made by George C ., Jewett, pres- tact. The Capitol City o f Oregon Went o f the Federal la n d Bank, ban to the w riter, heretofore; embracing the, tw elfth district, seemed characterised by a . ‘self- which consists o f the states form - M r. Jewett satlsfied, not to bo disturbed at­ lag the northwest. titude, with a “W e are i t ” sir. presented figures to show that np W e own the state institutions, we until 122«, the average term col- have the broadest streets, . the ections wsrq 62 2-2 per cent, dur­ most beautiful lawns and roses, ing the year 1922 the average was ate?, this business la ours, its raised frerfa « (o, «7 per cent, w ith Oregon »topping the list, with good enough. W hy worry t « However gradual* the change aft average collection wf «7 per has come about, I cannot say,, hat cent. Farm rentals according to t hfe certainly tha past two years show a m arked difference, and Salem official have established a m lnl-j today begins to assume propor­ mum return of 4 per cent. and tions of something mere than i maximum o f 22 per cent, w ith an average of 2.9 per cent, fh ta , Just the Capitol City. The early fonaders had a vision according to Professor Vining, is I of a city beautiful, and the won­ • much bettor return upon - the derful civic had state cehtor la tha result, and the whole cit> re- 1 inditetton volvee about this neater. I t ,1s ' hopdd that futu re building w ill < A U STIN . Texas. Jan. 1 Grand total <221 nnd'Shrpe « t o < o .’ I " , • " • ^ « * 1 ‘ S a m e MS Public t h a t is the alanwney sngep , u n i< a a ** “Ma” Pergnnm's two yearn l a __ ___ -1 ... governor’s, ehair «ad - n o ; H A V i JOINT MEMORIAL dares hasnrd a gneae as to .« _ . _ ... ' ' ~ • those three days staybrlag. W**1 From CaM,or>u i f M a W IM « N ew Y e a r * « Washington to Morass elution wore more and more ) ' Tsxee dons aha ban serried tt term ' ---------- Daring her f ln t year t e e M SALBM, Jan. 17.— Irrigation 1.227 pardons, t o t E ttato o »■»•ndmenta. f a r reaching la their shadowed by the M M ftoddi • c#po wwr« teo t tato the Hense ns 192« and th e e a r » days ta I t ] th® Oregon legislature reconvened la A pril, 1992, M a and todajr Representative Burdick, Ferguson visited the etate > The «“ «ndments provide fo r the toatiary aad Ma pyexsAed M k t B < ®f directors of Irrigation Ashland Junior high school wig play Medford junior high on the Junior high basketball floor to­ morrow evening, and Coach. How­ ell believes bis local basket shoot­ ers have a good chance to win, The local Junior high lost to Rose­ burg, IS to 14, In an over-time game Saturday n ig h t The teqms were tied-at 12 each at the close of the game, but Roseburg nosed out ahead In thw flve minutes ex­ tra playing. The game tomorrow w ill start at ? : ! • . A small admission will be charged. ’ j Light Fines Are Given to I Men Who Are Held • Responsible PORTLAND, Jan. 17.— (U N )— J Four men, W alter H. Bredmeler, I Charles B. German, Raymond I Caldwell and Charlee E. Henshaw, cltlxsnahlp, parolee, furloughs: extensions. coxmniitAtioiia&ù ’death sentences, respite of A sentences and others attesi county Jail prisoners. ir Viatag ' T h e trfo p e g « ero lh ave ween the b a ilin g of a bomatfful Elks Temple, a modern Y. M . C.‘ ‘ A. Club of Portland. His also wan building; nearly 93.000300 In the chief speaker nt the annual meeting of the Bast Side Business b a lld ln | permits during 1922. WASHINGTON. Jan. 17.— t h a The « « s t r i n i program is an- Men’s Club o f that city. •. .■ administration is determined to donbtedly responsible tor the a ir 5 « h e annual meetta« p f 0 « Pa­ (continue its present Niqnrngnth- of progress and advancement. TWo cific* Highway Association w ill Mexieon policy regardless o f erti- te.___ _________________ BSSOlYlSI/ MW X1MMB MBUBW , d u i be hold d t the Bhteso Hotel. Ona teism. fedtttdtt ¿ 0 ? «proti R i n m u , ms iim - i M r e f i * t » that the state d e « rtm e k t is #r£ and with the probable success of m onth Mud the Ashland sum win •drfng to modify K t c e n t r a , $ o ) | w iii b o li I this industry, Salem bids teh* to deliver th e main addtate to this American policy to conform to dp-. become a city of, 50.002 people. meeting. ’ ' Anode o f foreign critics and con­ Older Industries like the woolen gressional opponenti led by Sen­ mills, paper mills, oto.. ays J M , a to r Borah; Secretory Kellog tb -l crossing thelg pay, .tolls, whll« day m id . ‘"There has Ween no I |hn canning .Industry,, which ¿If- change whatsoever in this govern­ toen years ago.functioned, to the ment’s policy tow ards Ntcersgtg. ] extent o f some 30.000 cases per ee offered la the Preside«*» me»-1 snaam. now packs .1,, 000,00C sage. ' I eases « year. About 3000 peopl« J Oregon gtete .Pagato anA is a are employed daring the cnnnini w ell kndfrp fcpeaker 'R ia pre- AU Arnond B dieted tha9 more than throe hup- ’ r i t p lU h« readily a m a .th a | th< 5 .Tfarkfy Fon, dred roqn b lim ia and* th e ir friends whole program depends upon the W ill '« { O n d « thia meeting.■< l The fa rth e r development ef agrtcul« Ashland high school's basket­ Jacbion.’'. county d a b baa th a dis- ta w , which furntehes the raw mat ball tm m cams out o f Its pre­ tlnttion of being the oldest Lfo* tertal, fru it and. (« x . ¡togeth(9> season stamp Saturday tig h t aad cola Club In the state. .' w ith the grant tinjbar resources. ; walloped Yreka. Cal., high school, H it Is interesting to -find ,th a | 32 to 10, on the local Junior Mgk hops still h avq a front,rank la th e gym floor. product Met: tee annual «ravenad Ashland’s basketball quintet from thja .ltepi atane amounting showed a marked Improvement to four million dollar«. and excelled the Northern Call-; are a continually Increasing fornlans in every department of source o i profit, while peppermint the game. Roy P arr and Ka&nas- i , for W rtelC f’• chewing gam, occu­ tro were high point winners f o r , pies a considerable.acreage ln-tbls thé locals and both Played fine territory,. A ll this shoçrs the basketball. value of specialised cropy adapted The line-ups; . I to the mU and climate., Ashland— Kannnstro, 10 ; A.. I The flr«t weeh of.,the Legisla­ P«rr, 1; Abbott, 2; H ill. 2; Nut­ tors developed little except thb ter. R. Pnrr, 11; and McBee. organlxatlop. , Jackson , Cpupty Yreka— Steele. 4; Scholts, 4; fared well, with-elect ton of qpeak- Clark. 1 ; Parry. Dunphy; Lu ttrell, er and -tea aMmtatmppt fit ^ q p p i 1; Martin. In the Senate A». Mridg« ta . the i From Yreka Team will start tomorrow accused of violating the law in putting out the so called “ yellow .ticket*’ were found guilty late Friday by Circuit Judge Stephen­ son, following the closing of the case. > Attorneys for the defendants agreed to an Immediate sentence waving time rights. B. B. Stackhouse, defendant, was freed e f the charges Thurs­ day. ’Judge Stephenson rendered his verdict shortly, after thO clos- argnCMnts of the defense conn­ Sevanteen Year Old Bay Conquers Oatalin» Ghannal Warrant Hag Been Issued By Deputy Game War­ den Boy Parr Gross I n c o m e s of Five Thousand or Over Must Be Reported ’ OHLY ONE TO FINISH NORMAL LOS ANGELES, Jan. 17.— W ith fame already his, George Touag, seventeen year old con­ queror of Catalina channel today prepared to reap a fortune. From W illiam W rtgley be w ill receive twenty-five thousand dollars, the grand prise for being the only one Ja te e field of one hundred and three to finish tha swim from Cntlllnn to the main land. -Many offers of vaudeville and the mov­ ies are expected. Mrs. M argaret Hauser, of Long Member Beach, and Miss M artha Steger of Portland, who were taken from the water a few miles from the goal, will be given twenty five hundred dollars each for their pluoky showing as they remained In the water longer than any m an.1 Young’s time was fifteen hours and forty-five minutes. z of National v Eagle Market Changes Hands Thg •‘yellow ticket” appeared Just before tlie primaries last Msy and was an alleged instance of a forged tickqt bearing the name o f the Oregon Good Govern­ ment League. presented to prove that the “ysl- JpapTteket” wan Issued hr e b * pspers. to. . ?,! odlet ehnreh held th e ir regntsr , W ith tea adJeurnmepL meeting hi Pioneer hall last evy- Thqrsday, nearly all the a « « * «tag. w ttb eight members* pres- hers dtaeppaand from, t^e clty. eat. The meeting was held in none to te s tr honsro an A n pum kerobaneetion with a food an« np to Portland which iq. really the intoreetfng eMhlon ‘wnk reported political capital , ¿fcpp p 1 1 t i i b y those attending. The club or- probahle t e « a M W « « « bnUd- ganlssd their backet ball toam tag w ill, M op«. Quteoma <4 th e and are shxlous fo r other Corn- deliberating as ia MJtea general rada ctoha to he organised that wneansna e f oplplpa te a t apeh w noma eeto«tM ioa might ha bad bulldlng ls imperative.,, i; ,’ ; ' ta lh ls pbaae o f epert. This etab W ill write regarding tha, Salaam la 0 « ot t M Christian Cltteanshlp Chamber o f Commas» , ip next g v o e « organised by the T . M . C. latter. •.) 3tf i s Jeb*s4» A , V A. tor Ueye XV to 117 years of age. ---------------------------- j J. W. W ile, jy„ }a leader bt tela Antons;Rtngi 'w h o llvss In , a fcronp. •' >. * cabin near the Bnsaard m in i waaj ' ” . ■-*■1 4 i NEW GEOGRAPHY B E R K E L E Y , Cal., Jaa. 17.-— (U N )— Java, Sumatra, add Born­ eo at one time were a « r t of the Asiatic continent, according to Dean E. D^ M errill of the collegS of agriculture, University of Cali­ fornia. • The change to the present for­ mation o f tha Philippine ls l« 4 a j occurred after the pleistocene a « I pliocene ages, f t is stated to 'th e fourth and laet valuma of Mer­ rill’s “Bnnmerpttod- e f Philippine Plants,’' Jnat completed by the! bureau o t science fa «1 Tble A to M is c rtP to f « tlA p o rt-1 ant tropiA tetamr wm began fy the California prfM|te?or while• m J was in M anila ja»« « , The Y | ä ] attempt .tote VÌAda to edeonht far all specles ereditai to thè aretth « la g o . The fonrth volume IU- cludes a compraheaslva gaparal lntroduetion, blbttofcra^hy and W . N^-Broaao, ex-mayar al Talent, < « r g bnelneee visitor la Ashland this morning. PORTLAND. Or.. Jan. Id — For » the information and guidance of Indivldaals In preparing their ra­ turas, Clyde G. Huntley, collector of Internal revenue, today Isaned a statement in which he sum­ marises briefly the essential pro- ' visions of the IM S Revenue Act ns they relate to the liability of Individuals for filing raturas of Income for the calendar * year 1 1292. ’ Briefly, every Individual is re­ quired to file an Income tax re­ turn. who. during the year 122« had ( a ) A gross Income of <1020. or more, regardless o f the net amount; or (h ) A net Income of 11500, or X^vsr. If single, or if married aad hot living With husband or wife; W '* * ’ (e ) A net income of « 5 0 0 , or over, if married and U*lhg w ith husband or w ife; or (d ) Regardless of the nmonnt If the net Income exceeds the per­ sonal exemption. Every Individual claiming to he “head of a fam ily” must file a return It he has a net Income of 21590. or more, regardless of the fact that, as tach, he is entitled to the rnnte personal exemption an a married man. 12500, and 9400, •pirater» to deceive electors. - . Them- millions , of tree seeds are helag seat to-G reat Britain, France, Belgium and Ita ly by Charlee Lathrop Tack, president « the Amerfcan Tree Association. .»Vhey. are to help reforest the.hat- tla*srena in which Am erttan troops went into action. 10 years ago, . A “head h f a fateny” in defined as “an tadivMnal who hetanDy Supports and maintains in one household one or more individu­ als who are closely connected w ith P IE S A T M EDFORD , i him by blood relationship, rela­ , W illiam Alexander Black, aged tionship by A arriags,' e r by adop­ <9 years, passed sway at the 8a- tion. and whose right tb exercise erbd Heart hospital In Medford fam ily control and provide for Sunday morning, January 12. these dependent lndtaldsttls Is The deceased leaves his wife based upon some moral o r. legal and one y>n, Gordon W illard obligation.“ ■ •*' Black,'lo mourn its Visa. ‘Fànerkl | Personal exemptions are the services will be hyld from Perl’* {same as'test year, being as fol­ Undertaking ' parlors In 'Redford lows:’ ' ! ’ tomorrow at 2 p. m. , 31600 for a single person, or a Mr. Black was a former resident ! Homer BUlIngs, president of married person not living with of Ashlgpd. the board o f directors o f the < I husband or«wtfs; M.- C. k n Is In reclept of a, letter [ « 5 0 0 for a m arried ' person from State Senator G eorge: W . I Who lived with'hnsbaad or wife Dunn, commenting on a report re­ I throughout the taxable year; cently sent out by-tee Y. M.-C. Al 13500 for any person who was telling of the- w ork accomplished head o f a family' throughout tha since September ftret. This re­ taxable ym r; port was entitled, “A four month's | ‘ 9400 for each dependeat. declaration of dividends," and told A dependent Is defined da “a in a b rief hat Interesting way ot persen, other th a t hnteead or the w ork of the Association. Is wife, uader is years of age, or commenting on this report. Sena­ Incapable of selLsupport because tor Dunn said ita part, “ while I mentally qr physically defective, have never said much abont It. I who was receiving his ehisf sup­ want to assure you that I. do ap­ port from the taxpayer on the last preciate the interest you and the | day of the taxable year. This other men fas thia work have tak­ credit caa be claimed only by the en da the young men and boys of person who furnishes tha chief Ashland, nod i l fael that you are support, and cannot he divided be­ dotag good w ork.’1 He further tween two Individuals. skated, “pan may apply my divi­ dends on neat year’s assessments, 1 I f husband and wife file aspar­ which I hope w ill be equal to tate returns, the personal exemp­ this year’s business.*’ I tion of « 5 0 0 may be tohea by [cither or divided between teem. In case the states o f a taxpayer changes during tha taxable « n r , i • .' t » K « • ! i the personal exemption shall ho an amount which bears tha name ratio to 91500 ae the anmber of months daring whleh the taxpayer was single bears to tW O I« apatba, plus an nmonnt which b ea n tea same ratio to 99500 aa te a num­ ber of months which ten taxpay­ er was married aad living wttb husband Or wife, nr wan tee « a d of a family, hanrn to* twelvs months. For thin pnrpaCs a frac­ tional pert of a swtath eMail ho ! Bußblei -Bubble, Toil and Trouble House on. m i t r a l .ot,,the most im ­ portant committees, Dunn being placed on the . Ways and Means, considered the most important. In that all Legislation seems to ; re­ volve around the action of this , committee.' , _. There being ^wo D u n « ln the , Senate Gao. id Joe, g ltte Ash-, {nr bwufog : . ,' ) land a little unusual publicity as • ‘_______ ■/. George is referred to as Dana of COM RADE CLUB M EETS Ashland on the tlpor and ip tee R | « Oomrgds club of the Meth- TAX' GIVEN Y. M. G A. Directors Quarterly Meeting 1