Av Kain inthp west, locai snow in the east. Na change. Ï h ’•AS1 8M UL STOBT ü The Tidings’ newest serial >- à (Hi«*?««« i r . , , 'J-rs T iper for Over Fifty Years w will start in a few days. (United News Wire Service) ¡DAY, JAN. 15, 1927 M TSM EO NOT WANT ANY ifflANGEi >G OF AN RESULTS IN OF TRAGEDIES >10« • - AGED LOÑG Local B u k etoen WU1 M V<«ka Hl an Junior B floor ■* ■ - e * CHEROKEE. Okia.. Jaa. II jM C filM HELD BACK A N“ L™ NEW OF RAILROAD MERGERS ARE ANNOUNCED ®dr was built. There Is a net Locals Lose. Pinal Game of grave In the town's cemetery and/ Trip, 55 to 44, in his master’s desalted home, . > «till another hoy is fight lag. for his The local high school basket Portland wild, bristly sat shivers ander life In a hospital. “Old M arble” ball team w ill get into action ” X . stove that Is no longer w an h an d was not feeble and harmless as Ashland Normal lost its final again tonight when It meets eosy, and the windows o f M tiny most town “crabs’’ are; he tone Yreka bi on the junior hi floer game of the northern barnstorm­ have beep darkened per­ known round about as a mystery' at l: tO . The Yreka team defeated ing yesterday when Columbia haps forever. hermit who came to town 12 years University was perhaps the the locals to a close game at ago as a’ tramp. During the last And In “Death row" at, Yreka last week, but Ashland ex- strongest team played by the Appeal of M&clo&y for few years tha town employed him White House Refuses to Dis­ Normals on their northern trip pe0s to turn the tables tonight. Banker Claims B e Heard ester penitentiary Is the n . er Fishing Saasoi MuMerad Man Threaten fantastically happy In the Ml as n|ght watchman, but of hto and apparently they felt the ef­ Plans Gall tor Greatest Bail- A1 F arr, ons of the mainstays cuss Senator Borah's TurtaedDown road System In the than on March IB he w ill he el­ past life nothing is known and to Kill fects of their six days of steady o f tks team last yean has decided Peace Plans ectrocuted. < ■ 4? traveling and playing. Marble won’t, tell. He had a col­ World to come out for basketball again WAS LIVELY MEETING this year and has been working BTATB PRESENTS OASI I t to the strange case of lege education. Once be drop­ Scores made by the locals were M O L L E T T E OPENS ÜP field, 11; Caldwell, 3; Moore, 8; IS LEASING COMPANY Marble. IB , who ped the «remark that he had been out with the team this week. His Arguments Develop Into die for killing a hoy who a medical doctor and later a min­ presence Is expected to strengthen In a Flory Speech ho Arrases as follows: Marske, 1«; Butter- Newest Plans Call for a Holding alitlee an Members F ell to him. Klnney, 4; Johnson. 2. ister. He oneduraced ne friends; the squad m aterially. Kellogg of Giving Only Company to Lease Agree Marble, aged and ¿Had. was the lived his secluded lire when folks The team with Coach W alter A prelim inary game between H a lf the Truth town ”orah” of Ingersoll, Okia,, Jkla., g g — especially boys— would 1st him. Hughes w ill arrive back In Ash­ Ashland Junior High and Rose e. five Marked by arguments which burg Junior High w ill start at community o f 100 people AUSTIN. Tax.. Jan. The day after Christmas some W ASHING TO N. Dec. IB — (U N ) land tomorrow. miles from here. The hoys ltked one shot hie dog. Guy Hutchin­ W hile the W hite House refused many tim e* verged Into person­ 7:30. NEW YO RK. Jan. IB.— (U N ) threat to k ill the Rev. J. to pester'the old recluse alities, approximately one" hum- ■W all street today pondered Norrie was mads by D. E. ___ son and his two sons, Gilbert 14, to discuss Senator Borah's peace “ trade him mad.” dred sportsmen representing the In tke Pastor's study just before over the latest development ln and Roy, 1<, were sitting in a program, calling for a special Jackson county sportsmens asso­ They “uwjpod” the fru it from filling station— the town hang­ election in Nicaragua and arbitra­ Norris killed Chipps, for whose the ratlro id world— the propos­ ciation and the Isaac W alton murder he Is on tria l. L. H. his fru it trues, threw rocks on h tt out. al to merge the Northern Paci­ tion of the oil dispute with Mexi­ League of Josephine county at a N utt, hanker and s member of the porch and taunted him for Mg | Marble walked la, drew hto re­ co. Senator La Mollette, Wiscon fic, Great Northern, Chicago, special meeting held*In the Med­ Norris Bai aptist church testified to- agg and tem per;, they played volver and fired four times. Gil­ sin republican, charged _______ _ _____ _ Burlington and Qnlncy and the In _ a ! pranks on hto dog « a d chased Me ford hotel last night, voted to. dap bert fell dead, young Roy was speech that secretary Keiidgg Speaker Opposed to Any Colorado Southern railroads Into < J leave the fishing season Insofar as Are O lv in / Okapiin Oppor­ ... N utt was present when Chipps e a t had omitted naW part n of t Iha the evldeace I r a . . . the greatest railroad system in Atttempt to Modify On such things as these a trag- it pertains to commercial fishing (Please Turn to Page 4) entered the pastor’s study to pro­ In'hie communiât memorandum the world. tunity to Speak t n Amendment w as it la. This action was taken test some political attacks. to the senate foreign relations Additional details of the mer­ in support o f a special committee * State Rests committee. ger plan given oAit today show­ A good slsed audience greeted report made during the. evening. -AUSTIN. Texas. Jan. I I .— A f­ La Follette, dedsred the. omit­ M ajor Ebbert at the Methodist ed that It contemplated the for­ NEW YO RK , Jan. IB.— (U N )— ter plcaing h alf a dosen witneee- Imm ediately following the report, ted evidences would have shown church of this city last night to mation of a holding company to „ „ the stand lno Robert Mansfield, former mem­ Usually quick to denounce p r o m - ... on the , state rested clearly that President Galles listen IO to hie discourse on tha bill Inent members of the Hollywood I yesterday In the trial lease the roads Involved, but ber of a special committee who “ °7 ** “ ioT7 ’ * » * |« i« m ik J ; NerÎto’ o T r o r T w o r t h spurned efforts of the bolshevlsts being In nt/ * ••«*. • ■ <•-» •• •*— yd that details ware not re- some eight years ago made an tP £ t V ? ? th O ,d ,n U * MlCO- ' of the cou - ’o - r ro ' . . i. . m » .Ol h oJ d r 1’ “ WM “ *d that the agreement with Rod Macleay linked with scandal, the Amerl- who |a charged w ith the murder The Kellogg cornmnntot memor- A m en d m L ........ n<_.............AuuHori ° f ° * C’“ w * ’ * W* ,thT 1UŒWr- S upon which the various head of commercial fishing in­ to îd ln x nndum carried excerpts o f a re- the United States. “ A lot o f ln - Ashland Post Me. M . of the on Charlie man. The move wee a distinct roads would enter the merger terests at the mouth of the holdtng Judgment “? Î ♦ f i g e n t people are falling for American Legion held Its regular Nineteen Twenty S e v e n t Chaplin until the comedian has surprise as the taking of Rogue river, presented an amend Tch tcherin .toting that Mexico the w et. propaganda today, and could not be determined antll Mena Includes Many meeting and Installation o f offic­ ment to the report of the commit­ an opportunity to speak for klm - only began this morning, the ju ry rires t o lh e Ke Îm ln n » to S0V,et,,J wondering If we should not have next weeks conference of the Battle Scenes ers this week la the Pioneer hall self. tee. in which he ashed that the having been completed Thursday on Wlnhurn Way. rives to the commuants a very , 01ne modification of the 18th rail cbiefe In New York, al­ When Mabel Normand and Ed­ various requests of the com­ Among the state witnesses who convenient political base In amendment.” Mr. Ebbert said. though other major details have na Purvlaace came aader suspic­ testified were Mrs. R. B. Parker, conducted and thè f o l l o w i n g ^ mercial fisherman be granted. been tentatively agreed upon. I t HOLLYW OOD. Cal. Jan. 14.— r ‘T l» trouble with these people is ion la connection with the shoot­ who said she eaw the shooting in Vses ORATORY------ (U N )— Return of war pictures to _ La F o lle tt, produced Prealdent that they do not r e . l l , . Ju. t what was also said that whether the floars were Installed: Command* Mr. Mansfield employed all of ing of Cortland Dines several Norris’ church study, and C. E Millard Grubb; vlew-enm- popularity Is Indicated by the var­ Callee rep y to this assertfcn. this modification a . being advo- Anal merger would Include the the power of oratory at his oom- years ago. they were banned from Ruse, detective, who told of hav ider, Ralph Bowen; adjutant) ied 1927 movie gnenu prepared by made In a statement May sixth, cated by wets will m s.n. I t will Burlington and the Colorado msnd in support of his motion, the American screen almost uni­ lag searched the dead man’s 1925, and was not Included ln I mean that we will have the old southern remained uncertain. Theodore E. Patterson; chap« Hollywood producers. versally un til their names worn p lo th tag without finding a n d ' mads a powerful plea any Kellogg’s memorandum When the signing of the armis­ These reads, financial men be­ W IlHam Gronheoser; ser­ beer of saloon days sold from cleared. The was true o f I weapons la them. fa ir play and a harmonious Calles said: “At the time we | soda fountains, groceries, pool lieved might not be Included ln geant-at-arms. Charles D c I s A m . tice brought Its afterm ath of films Roscoe “ F a tty " Arbuckle, who ing, to the end that fishing In the Tha meeting adjourned to m eet depicting armed struggle with its decided to renew diplomatic rela­ halls and other placee, to every the merger and still might be Rogue river eould receive the later was acquitted of murder. with the government .— .of .man, woman and child In the leased by the holding company. a ln in the same hall, Tuesday it chaos .and heartache?. tion» - man, woman and child In the But Charlie Chaptln seems to be greatest benefits. theatoa goers tired of wRnesslp^ w>vlet Russia the Mexican govern- country> w|thout re, trlcMon> evening, January 8B. Thera were Indications of ©p- toeing no such censorship. Action “ B ill" Isaac of Medford took Is­ * 7 th* 9 » . * * « • ■ * k '* .iu « jb 0* 11!01» to the merger by the •s the q hya U qg ef sue with Mr. Msnsneld and Ex­ m «he-mgrimt, rif-Mtoy get Uhtoago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, plained his stand upoY the pro­ the county has cropped oat .only j t l o ^ l gw, rirtqtly to respect th. , r modification bill through, Now th8y are fnjtpreqtcd again through. ,oa the groaad that It would leave posed changes, declaring that the In,isolated instances. the soveriegtr rights fef (mop . .to and th. guprinM Court looking at the. spectacle. Thursday afternoon Mayor that road 1« an uafhlr competi­ proposed changes would further ’. Such to the cohcluston, a t least give themselves such Institutions ,t> w„ , C0Btaln , 75 w r c at B, 1 ' ' t ' tive position. Bot be deplete the fishing, and elosed Ralph a Bauer of Lyun, Mass., of the men and various pictures and to adopt such a regime which cohoIlc eont.nt, but .t ill It w ill In 1984 the St. Paul was un­ with a plea that the regulations announced that no more Chaplin r '' LOS ANGELES, Jan. IB— (U N ) tof the world war or mythical hu- In their Judgment Were most de- not an Intoxicating beverage be left as they were. This precip­ pictures would be shown in hto derstood to have sought for It­ ^ P o to Negri, motion ptotnre star, lorous after the armistice exper- legally. Yet every one . who itated a bitter controvesry. In city because of the actor’s trouble self consolidation with e ith e r' was snowed a orum for w b . ooo nees of doughboys will be re­ members the old saloon days will the H ill lin e, or with the Union ABOARD THE TUG PATRICK, which personalities were allowed w ith hto w ife who to seeing him and seven per ceht lhterdst T h u n - lapsed- his year by larger com­ PLAN FOR-DANCE remember that men did get drunk divorce on seaaatlonal charges a t a lin a , Island. Jan. IB.— (U p ) to enter, and which was finally for -------------------------------------------......C A rthu r Curtis James, day agalpat the estate e f Ru­ panies. Members of the Bellview Com-1 on beer and wine. I f the wets Pacific. In Chicago a motion demanding — In * •« • only slightly rough, smoothed over, when Mr. Isaacs now known as ths heaviest hold­ dolph Valentino. Smaller concerns are busy with munlty club announced . ________ __________ __ _ w today would only come out in the open offered an apology . fo r any re­ suppression of all Chaplin films and w l° 1 fa,r •kies prevailing, a The money wha paid on a note Similar turnings. that the Jaw dance scheduled for I and stote their case, the people of er of railroad shares In the coun- I was adopted by the Illinois hundred and threa .njpKV .nl« for marks inadvertantly that might by have As an indication of the “back next Tuesday * evening -would Amerlca could get some Idea of made him, been and i ^ '^kn e of Women Voters, bnPmo- J Die forty thousand dollars in prise which became due about the time WM considered the man who of her fiancee’s death, according to the war” trend the part which find the floor of the Cm m unlty possibly would dominate the pro­ the real purpose behind their which might be Interpreted as re- ttoB plctnre theatre proprietors jwoney offered la the W rlgley Sea which might be Interpreted to reprephhtoUon p ad s to court. the air service played ln the world ball In first class shape tor danc- moves, but they won’t do that. posed merger. He to a heavy ____ _____ __________ , continued to show hto pictures I Marathon, m . Marathon, .war* .ware na on their m way fleeting upon ... the sincerity and The superior court* also a l­ eonfllct will be shown In ‘Wings.’ Ing. The floor was too new for the Speaker declared. M ajor Bb owner In all of the railroads across the 88 mile stretch o f'th e Integrity those who did not agree lowed a cRaiih b ( the United Stu­ The picture features the St. Mihiel the old-time dance this week, but bert pointed out that 98 per cent involved, as well as In the South­ bine Pacific today. An hour w ith him. dios for <81,880 end Interest on battle. This film and - “ Barbed It will be thoroughly poltsbel and of the llqnor soldf in the old sa­ ern Pacific and ths Western Pa­ I tar the take off, the official A fter various discussions In a note given by the dead film W ire,” another war story, are to put In good shape for the affair loon days was malt liquor or beer, cific railroads, which serve large of which was named ae 11:84, which Guy Good and Dan Payne Tuesday evening. be offered. and thdt under the wet’s modifi­ amounts of western territory. all of the contestants were swim­ of Ashland took part, the motion cation program this same 93 per The merger has been under co­ ming slowly and It was predicted was pnt to a vote, and the Mane- cent could be manufactured and that the swim would not end be­ operation for six years. field resolution, which would legally told aa a non-lntoxlcatlng have allowed commercial fishing Bighteen Thousand Mon Aro fore Sunday. beverage, and that legally a man Wireless report from* the from A p ril 1> ip May Ifitb . and Scattarod Through could not become Intoxicated steamer Avalon to this tng, said then prohibit it for one month Eighth Aera with the stuff. The people were that the ship resembled a hoepH- and their continue it from Ju n e warned that unless they woke up W ASHING TO N, Jaa. 81— (U N ) al with physicians working over J5th until December first, with they would face a condition evea the use of small mesh nets from The United States army has 18.- the exhausted swimmers. I f *a s worse than the old saloon days. In Ined I how many ‘ were October 16th on, was voted down 600 men scattered through t h e . not determined closing the speaker .aid, *'I say It fh«re'¥btag bat six'who supported elgRph corps are«, which include *UI1 ln the TACI. wisely, but I say It; I would the Mexican border, it' was learn ’’ ----- • a* w«M iwmiu-l / . 0 Hopper is Named Vice the motion. •- million times rather go back to ed at the w ar dspartmeat today. C o i l T t U n h o l d f l President of Local New Amendent This also Includes troops at Forts I U p U U IU » the old ealoou days, then to see Following this H Van Hoeven- Institution the wets win this modification berg, of Medford, Introduced an­ R iley and Leavenworth ln K aa- fig h t.” Ths picture, “ Lest We The annual report of G. O. En- other amendment In which the eas and F o rt 8111, Okla. Forget,” was well received and banks, cashier ot tke Stote Bank Of these 14.6B6 «re scattered sportsmen were given the oppor­ painted a graphic tale of the dis­ of Ashland, mads to ths stock­ tunity of dividing the proposals along the Mexican herder. The N A S H V IL L E , Tana., Jan. IB __ tress and crime which followed in holders at thsir annual meeting distribution along tjis border to of commercial interests and which Constitutionality ' ot the x law the wake o f the old saloon and Its held on the 18th of January, re­ .which prohibit? teaching to | called for a vote upon the first aa followd: - beer and wins prc«ram. vealed quite clearly the usefulness F o rt Brown, Brownsville, Tex., puhllc schools of Tennessee t«« proposal of an early season. of said bank to the community. This was also voted down, as 277; Fort Ringgold, Rio Grande theory of evolution, -was upheld The stockholders highly com­ had to do with the extension of City, 200; F o rt McKlntosh, Lare- today In a decision handed dewn mended the officers and directors do, 4 S I; 'F o rt Clarke, near by the State Supreme Codrt. A the commercial fishing season and for their constant and faithful the nse of small nets. An attempt Eagle Past, 788; M arfa, Texas, teat case was taken before tha service. to Introduce still another amend­ 478; Fort Bliss, BI Paso, 1814; court by John Thomas Scopes, This belsg the meeting of exam­ ment that would have allowed Camp Henry J. Jones, Douglas, Dayton school teacher, who wai ______ 1 ' ination and election of directors. the extension of the fa ll fishing Arisons, 854; Camp Stephan D .l convicted (or violating the law. N E W YO RK, Jan. IB.— An at­ The stockholders by unaalmons hut which w ould have eliminated L ittle, Nogales, 667; Fort- Hua-1 Although the law was upheld, ths tempt to bettor the record estab­ vote reelected the hoard which the small mesh nets, was frustrat­ chuca. Arts., B7»; Preaidlon, R o n -j verdict against Scopes was ro­ lished by Edward Evans and Lin­ is composed of W. J. Moor«, C. ed when Judge Thomas, called for t e r , y, 668; Fo rt Sam Houston, versed an grounds that he was 11- ton Wells when they traveled w . Banta. O. O. Eubanks, O. 8. San Antonio, 61S6; Brooks sad legally fined <18 wfcan the max- a consideration of the original mo^ around the world In 88 daya, 14 Butler. J H. Fuller, Dr. W, ig. tlon which would leave the sea­ Kelftr fields. Sen Antonio, 8 .8 0 9 .1 imum penalty for thia law to <18. hours, 88 minutes and five sec­ Blake and J. O. Hopper. sons lust as they are now. The Justice McKenney, who dto- onds, will be made next Spring Some of the in te re s t!^ itwns chair ruled that this had to he MCGEE SER VIC ES YE S T E R D A Y sented on a part of the decision by M ajor Lester D. Gardner, re­ In the «ashlers report, ar« that Funeral services for Hannah upholding tha law, held that it considered, and the committee re­ tired. notwithstanding the past year fa port tree adopted by a vote of 88 Elisabeth McGee, mother of J. should be Invalidated on grounds M ajor Gardaar expects to girdle H. McGee, Were held yesterday at (o f uncertainty. Southern Oregon has ant bees to 10. the globe In 84 days. He will considered a good buriaaaa ynar, Macleay had opened the meet­ the Methodist chureh, w ith Rev. travel waat from New York and eppeclally for banka, yet tha Stats FORMER RESIDENT DIBS ing with an explanation 6f hto re­ Peutf>erton of that church U I w ill nse only the regularly estab­ ______ ___ _____ Bank shows aa Increase o f 8 1-8, The Misses Nlver received . a quest for a moderation of the charge. The Eastern Star’s beau-( lished commercial a ir lines with­ per cent la deposits, sad tha tlfu l ceremony was a part of the I telegram from Frahklla, Pa., thfs agreement, and presented some out employing special planes, au­ ther fact that thia haa observations that had been made service. Interm ent was at Moun-1 morning of the death ot their tomobiles, trains or hosts. Mrs.* its saving eonstltutente na 1 sister, Mrs. W . O. Curry, * h o by him over a period of yeprs rel­ tain Vieyr cemetery. Gardner w ill accompany him. on thsir savings tha a a « la addition to Mrs. McGee’s passed away la that city Friday. ative to the habits of fish. Last summer t(n Gardners 418.48. thus showtas d Following tha disposal of the Immediate fam ily la Ashland, she The body w ill ha shipped to the made a 81,808 mile flight around ors belong to tha motion. Judge Thomas made a leaves to mourn her death, a sto- old family home a t Brockway, Pa., the commercial routes of Europe, frugal class. AU ta stirring plea to the spertemen, ad­ teP, ltrs . J. 8. Harrington of Kan- tor burial, Monday. Asia and Africa. reflects a * vising them to secure more fa«(ts sas City ahd two brothers, C. H . I M r. end, Mrs. Curry were Aeh- and seta Henderson of Coin, lotos, and J .(le n d residents for a number e f - ¿ S i before they again attempted to Albany Issued building p At tha Rende: ot North Platte, { years and made many friands mite daring >881 amounting (Please Tarn to Page I ) ¡here. Nebraska. 3198,488. (1 IN FISH ING 'ASIN DANCEN WHEN HE a W A yellow mongrel dog lisa 1 FROM SENATE MANY J f l l E M M t 8 NUR P non c u n Legion Installs All New Officers For Coming Year IK PO K ES NOW IKE MDSE POPULAR M IM E D - iebb Valentino Estate Pays Pola!s Claim IKODPS M E « K i m BMKKYEN! Dissolving the Partnership STATE M H M S ITS AHNJWl MEETING Evolution Law WiU Girdle The World in 24 Days