Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 14, 1927, Image 1

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Bain in the west, local rains and
snow in the east. No temperature
. *
The Tiding«’ newest serial
will start in a few days.
Normals Triumph >
Over Pacific In
, One-Sided Game
Edna Purvianco Has Been
on Chaplin Pay Roll
Since 1923 4
W A SHING TO N, Jan. 14. —
(U N ) — W ith “trouble In the
wind,*’ according to warnings of
Secretary of State Kellogg and
certain members'of congress, the
house appropriations committee
today reported ont the war de­
partment of 6677.976,612, so
that the American “ Tommy** can
“step in front.’’
Simultaneously w ith the report
of the bill, the hearings by tbs
tile army a ir service, tpld the
appropriations committee daring
the hearings.
Today this country ranks, with
Prance first and 'England, the
a ir service chief said.
W ith
against the nse of poison gases
In warfare still hanging firs Ifi
the .senate ths committee in­
creased the chemical warfbre
appropriation by 671,«69, o r *
total of 61.826,069,
Astoria ~ Knappton and West-
port companies bay 2,000,090,-
000 feet Nehalem tim b er,' and
will build 11-milO railroad line
for logging nse.
Portland — Libby, MeNetll A
Libby w ill build blggsst cannery
In the Northwest, to handle 600,-
000 cases the first year.
14.— (U N )—
“Consolidation end abolishment,**
e the bogey of past sessions which
' | kept the payroll boys on their
toss tor forty days each two
k years, IS going to be popped Into
Q the senate next week by Senator
r | Bell of Lane county. He propos-
a ]ee to consolidate the banking. tail
Isnraace and corporation depart* I
Iments Into one snper bnreaa an-
’ |d e r the title of the department
’ I of corporations gad finance, or I
r ] something like,that.
He also proposes to abolish the
(emergency board. The building
and loan people of the state ha vs I
( 1 a new code bill wtych they want |
I passed. which wogld create a p |
, ] entirely new department to handle |
| building end loan association rag- ]
nletion end control matters atone, j
Senator Boll’s proposal Is to I
(dam p the whole subject of eo r-j
I porate regulation into one b u r-]
loan, covering the hanks, laser-1
jane« companies and general cor­
porations. Including the enforce-1
11 meat of the bine sky tow.
The measure w ill be ready fo r I
| Introduction next week.
Administration Galled Upon | The abolishment of the eater- ]
to Settle Nioaragua
gency board, aa advocated by Bell {
Is put on other grounds than the ]
W A SHING TO N. Jaa. 1 4 — «Oto I mere necessity to wipe out a com-1
ajtor Borah, chairman of tha seo- [mission. He contends that the]
■ Cte fo re lg * rotations committee, aettvttlee o f the board ta tT fcjll
salted upo« M b adtotalstration In n u llify th e work of the batorit ]
a speech today to settle the Mexi­ oommtosloa and of the ways s ad ]'
can and Nicaraguan controversy ] «leans o f the legislature.
Institutions, departments sad I
peacebly by:
o f the stpta, Bull L
1— W ithdrawing recognition of
Dias in Nicaragua and calling for contends, go before the budget ,
a new election to determine the I [commission and the legislature L
I secure a stated appropriation, and ,
wishes of the Inhabitants.
2— Submitting the oil law dis­ then proceeded to exhaust it.
pute with Mexico to arbitration.
Preceding Borah’s speech t h / ont they go to the emergency],
house foreign affairs committee board and get more money. This I
squelched antl-sdmlnlstrstlon tac­ system, Bell argues, nullifies t h e ],
tics by voting down resolutions to work of the budget makers on the I,
withdrew marines and to question one hand, and the legislature on I .
Secretary of State Kellogg regard­ the other so te r as holding down I !
state expenses is concerned.
ing his policy.
Bell would make a blanket a p - L
Other developments included:
at marine corps proprletion of fifty thousand d o l-L
lare by the legislature and g iv e ]*
headquarters that the marine mail
guard is being stripped from that as a reserve fund fa r nse]
2600 to 100 men to provide mo­ during the closing months of tbs]
biennium. If ancestor?, to m eet]
bile forces for possible movement
emergency requirements.
Into Latin American.
The senator w ill have his rto |
A rrival of the new Dias minis­
ter from Nicaragua Adejandro peeling act ready for the senate]
when it cornea beck to work next I
Cesar, who was received by Secre­
The senate and bonne ]
tary Kellogg with subsequent ar­
both adjourned antil Monday, th e ]
rangements to present his creden­
senate cleaning Its desk shortly I
tials at the W hite House. Nor­
mal announcement by the state before noon. The hounae came |
department that It had sought to back for a brief clean up after
obtain a marine corps reserve of­ luncheon.
ficer to Instruct the Nicaraguan
constabulary at tbs request of
President Dias. Tbs constabulary,
the state department said, was
distinct from ths Nacaragnan
Statement by Senator Whoeler,
Montana democrat, that Secretary
charges is drawing a red herring
across the trail.
Inform al assertion at the state
department that the admlnistra- '
tlon has no intention o f recalling '
Ambassador Sheffield as a result 1
of ths government’s dispute with 7
Ring Tailed Cat
Is On Display
A ring-tailed cat, caught on
the Siskiyou mountains by M r.
Adgao, who sells fru it In K lam ­
ath Palls and towns la,n o rth ern
California, Is on display la n
small cage a t D. C. W ood’s
store on M ala street.
The ont Is a small animal with
a rather sharp pointed nose, and
small bright eyas. I t to eslled a
ring-tail cat, on account of Its un-
ususffy long tall, which to made
up of brown and white rings, and
to attracting much attention.
M A R 8H À LLTO W N . lo w a.,
14.— ( U N ) — A
lechool g iri told * cotonar*« J
lodar koW thè man to w h o »
waa betrotbód ktltod h ta u a t f
of grlef orar a rivai who did
CXlBt. , S "
"To test bis torà andato m
myaelf doublg prodotta to M
Vara BoUefoullto,
• «4
girl, tsstlftod,
made hla» th
thoro waa «omo ona «tee. 1 '
tha Idea ont o f a love story sili
Ashland Normal had no dlffi-
enlty In defeating Pacific Collag«
* at Newberg laat night, winning
Declare T h a t Kellogg’s
from the Qnakers, IS to 14# in a
Charges Are Malicious­
sani« which waa never in doubt
ly False
from ths opening whistle, accord­
ing to reports. telephoned here.
MOSCOW, Jen. 1^.— (U N )—
The local basketball fire - ex-
I Led by a foreign office spokes­
I tolled In every department of the
man. who haa described Secretary
I game, and the team work was bet­ Storm is Expected to Break Kellogg’s charges agaldst
ter than at any time oh the pre«- i
All Records Since
I Third Internationale as “ mallc- First of Inter-City Series
Draws Good Crowds
ent barnstorming trip to the I
I lously false,*1 sections of the press
at Junior Hi
northern part of thè state. Ted
and groups of officials have de­
« In n e r, guard, made 26 points, MORE SNOW EXPECTED nounced allegations
from the
•nd AI Marske. forward, garner­
United States of a soviet cam­ MANY CLOSE SCORES
ed 20 points tor the locale.
Central Mlsebwipp i f f alley Cover­ paign in Latin America.
Th® Normale will here a hard]
ed by Heavy Soggy
• A fter Kellogg's statement re­ Normal Second's and H i-Y I
battle against Columbia Universi-]
ceived in complete form ttOwas
ployed Boys Furnish Real
t / In Portland tonight, this being |
Impossible to elicit further com­
T h riller
the laat game of their trip.
CHICAGO, Jan. 14.— ( U N ) — ment from the office of George
Three quarters of the United Tchltcherln, foreign minister.
8tatea today waa covered by a one-
As Tchltcherln himself waa j The opening games of the t !
foot blanket of anow, while bitter mentioned in the comni®*-
basketball league were
cold and more snow was expected. ment It la po*
a Junior High gym teat
A udH od«*
Countless workers throughout ther statement! °
—• uefore a good stsed crowd
‘he country were late In getting to of official con
.cnitcher- of basketball fans. Judging from
work and home, while
the enthusiasm of the fans, they
ment stores reported a heavy
were well paid for coming out.
DiffieoRy It Found in Select falling off in business due to the j
W hile some of the scores were
inordinately heavy snowfall.
ing Unprejudiced
closer than others, all of the
In the Chicago district alone a
games were hotly contested from
Baltimore and Ohio train was de- Itude In all Latin-America toward
start to finish. The appearance of
COURT ROOM Austin, Texas. | railed but none of the passengers the western hemisphere discus­
two state traffic officers In the
Jaa. 14.— (U N )— Twelve Jurors w erejnjured.
a ’
gallery tended to alow some of
ware chosen and sworn Thursday
Three workmen were severely
The newspaper Pravda, organ
speedy players of the Paculty-
at 6 p. m. to hear the case of Tex­ hurt, however, when a roof under of the communist party declares
as* most noted minister of the which they were working collaps­ In a long editorial that American Llthlan game up a bit, bat tor
! gospel who is charged with mur­ ed because of the added weight of Imperialism has stated *a decisive the most part they staged a real
I attack.”
comeback of their former basket-
dering D. E. Chippa, wealthy lum­ the snow.;
The first game was
berman of Port Worth.
'orecaster said there was a good
"W ithout much exaggeration,” ball days.
Threads of a late afternoon chance that the storm would con­ says the Pravda. “It can be said played between Battery B and
winter sun streamed through the tinue long and heavily enough to that the present situation la a the High School Seconds, the
windows qt tbs dingy courtroom smash all snowfall marks since I stimulus toward world wide arm­ Battery taking the long end of
as court clerk, Phil Quest -«wore 1912. . The atorm was heading for ament, and that it will he a step a 22 to 10 score. The lineups
the Jsry as A body. Par to the New York state and New England, toward armed conflict among Im ­ were:
(fa r the, wind rattled a window according
forecaster, perialists.”
Battery B
smothering on Its way Indiana,
th e Jurors, all of whom,'except Michigan, Ohio and north Penn­
three, are large, bulky fellows, sylvania. The entlto central Mis­
stood with their right hands ax- sissippi valley was covered by
D. Hitchcock
taded above their heads and list­ soggy snow that left a white trail |
J. Kims
ened attentively while
no, ourving sharply northward up
Andrew McAngus, 49, grocer, to the Pacific coaat to Alaska,
Business Show« an Increase i Un, Claycomb for Prsscott, Bald­
and a member of the church of where It originated.
win for Hitchcock, Brown tor
Despite Lose of Some
Christ, w a r -tbs last to rar chosen.
iNhns and Hitchcock for Brawn;
( Battery B„ Csldwsll tor Bsatty,
The annual meeting of the High fo r Clary, Walcott for Miles,
_ I shareholders of the Cltiseas Bank
Sargaant for Cold wall and Clary
]o f Ashland waa held in the dirsc- ] for Yonag.
e I tors room of the bank at 3:30 ] The second game was between,
,t ] o’clock yesterday afternoon. The
.. ] principal Items of business wars I the Faculty and the Llthlans, the
11 the Cashier’s report covering the Pacnlty taking the long end of a
128 to 9 score. The lineups were:
| year 192«, and the election of
«. Peters Jr.
11 showed their confidence In the Hwell
t1 Board of Directors, as already ] Forsythe
. j constituted, by unanimously re-1 Crips
] electing them for the coming year. | W alter
Schuerm an
. The Board is composed of the fol- I Coldwell
8ubstltutolns for the Pacnlty:
, lowing: J. P. Dodge, C. B. Lam-
, | kin, W . P. Loomis. W . M Poley, Sheldon for W alter and W alter
| V. O. N. Smith, 8. Patterson, and | for Crips; Llthlans: Provost for
| J. W. Mlllner, all of whom have Peters, Davis for Provost, Pro-,
1 served In this capacity for a num -l
vost for Wenner, Kaegl for Read,
her of years, three of whom, *Mr. M iller tor Provost and Provost
Loomis, Mr. Dodge, and M r. Lam- , for Kaegl.
j kin, have served since the organ-1
The last game of the evening
iiatlon of the bank In 1910.
hotly contested throughout
| Imm ediately following tbs ad­
and was played between the Nor­
journment of the stockholders
I meeting, the Board of Directors mal Seconds and and H i-Y Em­
I met to organise for the year, and ployed Boys. Ths Normal taking
I reelected those who have served the long end of a 14 to 16 score.
as officers during the past year. The lineups followt
Employed Boys
The official staff Is as follows:
J. P. Dodge, President r C. B.
Lam kln, Vice-President; 8. Pat­ Gosnell
terson, Vice-President; V, O. N.
Smith, Cashier and Secretary; P.
18. Engl«, Assistant Cashier; 8. A. -
| Peters, Jr.# Assistant Cashier.
Other employees making np the 1
| staff of tbs bank ars:
Nauffeaf Back Seal Driver
Charlss Robertson, Teller; Em- J
ma Jenkins, Bookkeeper; Velma 1
Clapp, Stenographer.
♦he Cashiers report showed an |
Increase In deposits as compared t
| with a year ago, and a favorable ,
condition as to the earning ca- (
] parity..
A brief resume of the
] history of the bank was given, end
I some interesting and gratifying
] figures and edmparisons with for-
Inner y ea n wqre made. The re­
port also touched-upon local con­
ditions as effecting ths business
outlook of the community, the
tone of which was most encourag­
ing. I t was pointed o u t, that, li
»vsn with ths loss of a portion of Ij
¡ths Southern Pacific payroll, the o
Industries of the community com-
pars very favorably In number
and in payroll with tbs average
community similar to Ashland,
and tbs logical development of
thslr resources makes ths fntnrs
hold much of promise In that re-
Salem — M. 8. Sanderson wUl
build factory for street-marking