Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 13, 1927, Image 1

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The Tiding»’ rawest «erial
or O ver F ifty Years
will start in a few <fcye.
(to tte d to w n W ire Service)
BSDAY, JAK 13, 1927
Normal« Defeat
Linfield Squ
(W o., Ja». >)
(U N )— Climaxing a bitter dim
with Oovemcr Clarence J. Me)
CUBAR LROAL POINTS who) reliMaighed the reiné of
state gdverNKent ù i dovei
Greatest Tax Cjme te AU His­ William JU e^ e today. War
tory to Now Under Way at
Thopsas Tynan, q f t i e state »
D etroit
. ' J
tentiary at Canon City? resig
D e n v e r ,
Sewetary of State Appear»
Before Sdnate Foreign
- Committee
Sokms Dtoaeree W ith Coolidge
and Cabinet on Foreign
« ■ la n d Norm al’s basketball
¿ I*» * broke again Into the win-
.*’* « colnhin last nlght wh, „
defeated Linfield College at Mc-
Mianville, |S to 17. in a ipeedy
«»m« nt McMinnville. The local
ooUeglaha had a comparatively
teay time, according to telephon­
ed reports,
although Linfield
made a strong bid during the clos­
ing minutes of the final half.
The normal pchoolb w ill play
Pacific College at N t where this
evening. Indications are that it
w ill net have much trouble in de­
feating the Newberg Quakers.
Made by Chaplin’s
if Proved, Will
Be Serious
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 13.—One
of the richest plums, in-the history
of •’ lyorpe settlements w«»
Would Plaoe Time Limit T i ‘' « ‘ J '* n .im « a * “ 1» .
Upon Baseball Scandal
of 1 u ie t ' AutfHprlMte— m r T e -
«•tH.-------.»n per famous comed­
ian husband Is successful.
I Counsel for Chaplin’s girl wife
stated that they would seek at
llesst a 110,000,000 property set­
j I Recounting of an opto o fb e g i-
, BOSS the wonndroasg-lae of Henry
P Ford without the aid of WaU
, street was held up today while
(U N ) — The administration ap­
attorneys argued over a point
parently drove to cover today the
I of low and n lengthy stipulation'
opponents of ite Ntonrngnnn-
Iwno read into the record of the
Moxlcnn policy.*
tax snlt la history.
Secretary of State KeUogg ap­
In the government's first en-
peared before the senate foreign
leeunter w ith attorneys of the
relations committee and charged
in a peteitioners o f whom 31»,-
that botohevtste are attempting!
1821,356.36 to henlg naked in i
to undermine American influence
connection w ith the selling out J
in Latin America w ith propa­
| by
m inority
te l
ganda for . revolution aimed .a t
small quantity of food. It was
the United States.
KeUogg produced mpny docu­ b itterly cold with a temperature I In 19J9, the government len t
J The former stockholders won I
ments, one g 1 6 png« memoran­
I the right to nse testimony te l
dum quoting from state depart­
leash o th ers case.
H ereafter
ment reports on holshevist ac­
I into the record of each lndlvlddail
tivities including many excerpts
I appeal may be pat the testimony I
from reports of these revolution­
of all the other cases provided,!
ary organisations.
I the eoart stipulated, relevancy I
Chairman Borah said Kellogg
I was shown.
had presented no facts w ith which
Instead o f tolling how 'th o (
he wsa not g re e d y fam iliar and
Ford Motor company grow from
that he had not changed hto
• 333.330 in 1033 to • blHtoh
mind since he criticised the nd*j
dollar one today, ‘a ttorneys has­
ministration tost weak.
ted themselves clearing <P the
legal pointe and reading Senator
James Consens* stipulation.
In March, passed away nt
oclock this morning following an
years before Cousens was nakedL
illness of nearly two years.' She
pay an additional tax of 3 3'-]
had been unconscious fo r the
466,333.10 oh hto profits from L
past week and death earns quietly
the sale of Ford stock to Htei«?},
and without pain.
Mrs. McGee wan the mother of
J. H,. McGee, proprietor of Me-
k t o d ÿnt
- A to l
fà r this sum, stipulating Cos
eat, the other democrats o f ths
committee dtonppeered after the
meeting wan over and could not
be found about tbe capitol.
The day seemed to h^ve clos­
ed with s tremendous moral vic­
tory for tbs administration,
was the 'teal test and apparent­
ly Kellogg met It. There w ill be
some discussion on the floor Ipt-
er, but tbe senators who heard
Kellogg apparently either sup-,
port his outright, or have no
taste for a fig ^t on thia issue.
had paid In hilf,' A n » 'éùtoii
In evidence.
.»< ■ ’
■ j- ?.'» »'
general c o n te n tio n W the
peetedly ratified lU original
atto* 9 t F ort .«tesi g 3«iM
share on <W di «'rlilhnV
tax of approximately 3 9 M
Refusal to Reveal
Place of Daughter 1
Jail Sentenoe
KANSAS C IT Y , Mb., Jan. 13.
— ( U N ) — Grace Angelica' H all,
eight year old daughter of Joshua
H all, was expected to return to
Kansas City from an eastern or­
phanage this week, thus ending
her father's Jail Sentence for con­
tempt of court.
H all was sent to ja il 15 months
ago when he refused to reveal
the whereabouts of his daughter,
who hue .been awarded to Mrs.
H all In divorce proceedings.
Last Week H all agreed to have
the child returned here. Previous­
ly hs had stated he “ would rot
in Jail’’ rather than tell where
she was.
Through an oversight in llnting
the team» for the city wide bas­
ketball tournament whleh starts
tonight, the persoaneU of Battery
B’s team was loft ont of tho pub­
lished Hat. The ten members of
tho team follow: Clyde Young,
captain, H. B. Bentley, C. w .
Clary, L. J. Hoxie, D. J Wolcott.
A. C. Miles, D W . Caldwell, K . I.
Madden, A. C. Trask, and E. V.
McCurry. Owing to sickness of
players on the Ltthlsns line np, lt
will he necessary for them to
play aome o flh e men tonight who
are Hated as reserves.' A ll games
w ill start on schedule tim e tonight
and each team will be in the Mne-
up according to a check np made
earlier in the day. Two referees
have been chosen, J. R. Clary w ill
referee the Factuty-U thlan game
and Clyde Yonng w ill officiate for
tho H l-Y - Employed va. Normal
Official is Held for the
Burninsr of School
T E X A R K A N A , Tex., Jan. I I .
•— (tJ N )— Oscar-D. Patterson, 46,
school teacher, was under |1 0 ,-
033 bond today, pending notion
of the grand Jury on ¿bargee of
The charge was filed against
the teacher following a hearing
In municipal court here la which
a yonng unmarried woman eehool
teacher charged la affidavit that
Patterson wan tha father of her
baby bfora a few months ago.
The woman’s affidavit alleged
that Patterson, who was secretary
of the Sexton township school
board, where she taught, burned
the school house la order to al­
low the young teacher to absent
herself from the Job. The child
was born In a Shreveport hospit­
al a tew days a fter the school
honse was burned, the affidavit
FEROUB FA LLS . Jan. 1».—
(U N )— Uneasy lies ths head that
wears the coffee drinking crown;
personrfly gnssltqg
marathon Gust Comstock, porter
in a barber shop, recaptured the
world’s ooffee drinking title Tues­
day by gutallng down the nmas-
ing number of 86 qups la tevaa
hours and ten minutes.
By so doing he won undisputed
claim to the coveted cro.wé, bet­
tering the records o f 71 and 73
made recently by H. A- fftteety of
Dallas, Texas, and Perry Wilson
of Amarillo,. Texas, respectively. !
Gnat atoo acquired t a terrlfie
headache and, after
t o * ogp
had been tacked nadwr h t f coffee
bean Madded halt, e m b le a a ttt of j
the unique chnmpto»ski». he énid
weakly, "thaYb gll and tnr»«4
away from No. 33i \ toga p T to »!
W ith tke perfectly good I n t e n ­
tion of downing 109 capo bofore
he called quits. Oast begat drigto |
lag at 7 a. m. la tho- first fcmir I
he drained no leen than IB ¿upé]
of coffee. • . ‘ '
Twelve more were accounted (
fo r by I a. m. while nnothqr 13 I
went lato the rqeord
b re » k lh t|
performance la the next how*.
As each cap of Gaste epoclnl (
brow vanished a allp of pgsbr was I
deposited In a seated box la tho]
preénhce of JUdgen for the o ttfcJ
lnl count. Before the co«te3t Cbm-1
stock had telegraphed hill eofcpU- 1
meats to tho Tenas pratgadsrh te I
his throne.
These tee* M f I
claimed the crates betones, prp*l
vionniy Gngt had gunited only I I I
caps in one elttiag. Gnat let the I
Texans know what ho Intended to |
None of the Big Billa Y«t
Introduced at 8alem
CHICAGO, Jan. I I — Judge K.
M. Landis has followed his exon­
eration of more than n score of
ballplayers Involved In charges
brought by "Swede«* Rlsberg by
recommending fonr new rales for
organised baseball, which the
high commissioner believes " fo r
the good of the game and assists
In elimination of scandals such ns
| recently shook the national pas­
The new rules are:
1— To establish a lim itation of
time on Investigation of any base­
ball scandals.
2— To bar for one year from
organised baseball any player who
rewards any player for services
rtndered In any baseball game,
whether he Is participating In the I
tff*J * *
tlement and that Mre. Chaplin
was entitled to that much, under
the laws of this state. If adultery
Is proved as was inferred In the
sensational complaint filed Mon­
"Mrs. Chaplin is entitled to
310,000,000, Lyndel L. Young,
game or not.
, 4— To bar from organised base-
SALEM, Jan. I I . — The state
•enate-paased its first bill of the
session today when they approved
a measure Increasing ths speed
lim it on public highways from
thirty to thirty-five miles per
hour. In the house s concurrent
resolution providing for the al­
lowance of five dollars a day for
expenses of the members of pres­
ent legislature was passed.
In the senate a bill was intro­
duced to abolish the official can­
didates pamphlet, and another
bill In the senate would create an
old age pension law, giving a pen­
sion to persons over 36 years old,
if their other Income was leas
than two dollars a day.
SALEM, Jan. 1 » .— (U N ) —
W ith three legislative days in
the discard and half a day to
go on the first week’s work, the
legislature adjourned today, the
senate at noon and the bouse
by I o’clock la the afternoon to
stand la recess until Monday.
In those three nof one of the
"m ajor program bills" has made
ite appearance in either honse.
.Two bills not on the estah-
lished program, the Bntler-Car-
son income tax bill of the seaate
• a d the Haslett Income tax bill
In the house, have poked their
trouble provoking heads on to
the calendar.
Report of Cwhier J. W. Mc
Qoy Show* Bank Has
Excellent Year
Next week, so they promtoe
, which should be of Interest to the
' la both the house and the sen­
people of Ashland generally.
The report showed that the av­ ate, some of the big stuff w f l l .
erage deposits of the bank during commence to come in. Irrig a­
the year was the largeet In Ite tion hills are being pnt Into .
history. During the year it paid shape, the mala storm co a ter;
to depositors aa interest on ac­ measure Of the irrigation con­
counts, 323.358,17. I t paid as gress parentage being In .the.
taxes to ths city, state and United hands of State Engineer Leper
I t w ill put pro­
States 83,819.18.
Usual divi­ for drafting.
dends were paid to the share­ portionate construction cost on
holders and employees received a each parcel of property In a
ie *lfto£or'yadH.IH
bonus n appreciation of their loy­ district, according to a plan be­
ing worked
out so that a
alty and efficient services.
hto share of dis­
t o i l i j ‘ á te n ;
for many years were re-elected, trict construction cost ahead o f-
Dr. Lillian
A ir. Beery’s numerous friends
Salem — Lake Labish dlatrldl their names being as follows: E. hls neighbors and get Into the
¡er. jPftoldpnt ,o( the dxtend to.him heartiest congratu­
sold 3760,030 celery, onions, let­ V. Carter, C. H. Vanpel, George clear.
to r Woman's
A ll of Ite provisions have n o t
» *
te V
« I
tuce and peppermint this year. W. Dunn, E. D. Briggs, W . H.
McNair, J. W McCoy, F . D. Wag­ yet been whipped Into final
ner, O. W in ter and Thomas H. shape, but lt la expected that
the work w ill .be finished dar­
Following the annual meeting ing ths week and recess and the
of th a shareholders, the directors bill ready for Introduction
organised and elected officers and the house by Monday,
or by
employees as follows: E. V. Car­ Tuesday at tbs latest.
ter, President; C. H. Vsupel,
E arly In the week It also Is
Vice-President! J. W . McCoy, expected that active work will
Cashier; O. H. Wenner, Assistant commence on the formation of
Casher; H. C. Emery, Assistant i (he main tax measures which are
Cashier; C. E. Hedberg, Assistant i expected to furnish the meat of
Cashier; Frank Hamilton, June I the effort to solve the state's
MacPadyen .and Bells Gillings.
Commenting on general condi­
Jast what the form and scope
tions In this section the cashier ’ of these measures may finally
said: “W e have reason to con­ be remains for the committees
gratulate ouraelves that the dis­ nt work on them to decide. Right
trict adjacent to Ashland Is in now they are la a more or lean
far better condition than many nebulous and Indefinite shape.
sections of the country and pros­ But speaking of the financial
pects are excellent for ettll furth­ tangle, the suggestion made here­
er development In both agricul­ tofore la reference to some sen­
tural and manufacturing lines.
ate sentiment favoring tho. re­
"A slight tendency toward pes- peal of the six per cent tax
slmsm on tho part of a few people limitation amendment, finds Its
of Ashland seems, absolutely un­ echo In tho honse, whom mors
justified, in view of tho reports than one member la advancing
that are coming In from business arguments why that barrier mast
houses ns they close their hooks be set aside before tho state eaa
and analyse tha results from actu­ get ont of ite present situation,
al figures. Exact totals are not where a deficit tense it each
yet available, hut it Ie believed I
time the legislature convenes.
that the volume for the year will
W hile no one particular mem­
be redneed little, if any, from
ber, either of tho senate or off
1333, and there Ie some poeeblllty
the hones, seems to have aervnd
that an Increase will be shown.**
himself to tho point ot ipsalng
spenaoring a movement 3nv Mm
submission ot the ropeallag lafc-
islatlon to tho oloctronto t k i f f
are talking it and It wonl< n r*
O R E G O N AGRICULTURAL be Saprlaing to sen tho
COLLEGE, Corvallis, Jan. 13 — launched whan tho Mte 1
Barnard Joy ot Ashland. Ora., ban stuff gate to Ms white *
been chosen for the freshman de­
buts sqnnd. The subject of tke
"V *
debate Will he: Resolved: That
*m»q< ' 1 wrn* 17c:
the separate statee of the United
Staten should adopt a uniform
criminal code system ot legal pro­
cedure. Joy to a freshman la tho
. » M tltoa Berry, for many years a
prominent resident of this city,
Saving been City Recorder for
t o f i y years, an« active In church
icud Q. K. K . work, is this day
tolbbrating hie ninetieth birthday.
'•) Me has resided at Vallejo, Cali-
' f i r l a i o r some years past. Old
Acquaintances who have Been him
teceatly report him as “hale and
■earty.” His two children, Mias
Maud and Eugene live with him.
^ e latter has been a clerk In the
J&are'Island Navy Yards for many
school of ngrtonltnra.