Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 12, 1927, Image 1

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    - >
with poesiblt m in in went
pot -
- k ,’
circulation ig growing every
/ o f Over Fifty Years
(United Newa Wire Service)
DNKSDAY, JAN. 12,192fr
W A SHING TO N, Jan. IS . —
United States su-
i preme court w ill "hear arguments
in the ease o f Frederick L. M il­
ler on appeal from the Judgment
Up All Work
Pamoas Juvenile Judge Bug. of the supreme court of Ore­
gw tt Radical C haSge«- gon, affirm ing th e conviction of COMMITTEES CHOSEN
M iller on a charge of manslaugh­
in Moral Code
ter in causing the death o f Alma i «¿wrul Bins Iatredheed In Redi
H all, who died from injuries after
SOCIETY IS F R A Ÿ 1 D being struck by M in er’s automo­
bile in l» t 4 .
M ille r was found guilty on
second tria l and sentenced to IB J
I.—(UPj—Furth^ rebellions
■»ported today from various
that other names will be
>ve, been killed recently in
I (UN) — The
urged on the United States by is unconstitutional.
Judge Ben B. Lindsey o? Denver.-)
Dtotrlet Attorney Stanley Myers
Nothing else w ill stop the pres­ o f Multnomah county, w ill m ake!
ent wholesne rebellion against I the argument sustaining the law. 1i
sex conventions, the noted juve­
nile Judge has concluded from
sitting from his own court and I
unentangling the lives of unhappy I
W A * in .iU
couples living in and ont of wed­
This action w as taken at the ln-
------------------------------- —----------------- sietence of Senator Robinson of
"’i t v r W f is U o l e •
Arkansas, m inority leader.
V F f llC ld ls
Brookhart’s exoneration on the
t w t » i v ' u
' ~
Woods charge came when his ac-
t W ill
cuser, Senator Steck of Iowa,
wlthdrew the allegation.
«'«l»s«d, however, to withdraw his
----- _ _
charge that Brookhart Is In the
Mayor Charles H . Fierce and pay of ,arm organisations.
¡embers of the new city council,
“The on,y withdrawal Is no euf-
i l l b« guests a t the chamber ot f,c,ent - w ith the farm
»mmerce luncheon next Tuesday charge ,tl11 standing,” Broolttart
non a t the Lithta Springs hotel. told tb® interstate
¡cording to announcement by eommlttee.
red C. Homes, chairmpp of the
steck was * ’Ten an hour to pre-
iR in committee. ‘
_ M nt evidence in support ot hie
"Mayor Pleree and membeie of
lobby charges, then npea his
te council w ill discuss civic prob- , a,If ’T t0 f.°
th* t,ma * * ’ * * *
ms and tell w het t h .v
taB<,ed 0Bt11 tomorrow morning.
Despite the fact that Senators
a the city wide basket ball league
and Banka failed to vote
i-1 which opens tomorrow evening,
w I A ll teams' turned la their regls- for Corbett they were given im-
portant assignments. Banks .be­
L ‘ ration nt Y. M. O. A. headqnar-
ing chairm an of the committee on
. ter» on schedule time, and the | forestry and has membership on
c line upa show a number of old
other committees.
. timers at the a rt and some who
Joseph 1« chairman of the elec­
, [are not so old, but It Is going to
tion and privileges eommittoa and
. be a th rille r from start to fin-1
has membership on other major
. iah, according to, those in charge. committees.
.[T h e following teams had their
r M ajor chairmanships were dis­
peraohnel give an Idea of what is tributed as follows:
Jtie vrliests
A t r o ru m L u n ch
- Banking. Bell « U u r i M m
’ D. McNair, S. A. Peters. J r., j . ft. Uon, Butler of
M iller, Ralph E. Bowen, W a lter |
,Bt0 tb# Vare ca,e wheB K Tot_
e(j to j,aT# the gpecia i senate eom-
*•' (UF)—Twenty^ODO ball mlttee, which Investigated the prV
J From a report In Arisons,
connection with the aeries mary al8° recount the ballots and Three in One Family Suc­ I where she will rest for a few days
cumb to Strange
and Detroit
paaa on the
ot Vare*
w,n,am B-
and prepare sermons for the trip,
, K in
a L 1917
k S ' were
7 - u wnaon’
that contwrt
he- BOt
Denver w ill be her first stop. Her
Landis, baseball 8 high elected In Pennsylvania last fall.
tour w|ll open Saturday night, and
8 A LEM , Jan.
I t . — (U R )—
President H . L. Sorbett Tuesday
announced his standing commit­
[N. Davis, Melvin
H ard y B roth ers
toward a toUAelHation
have Melvin Kyner and W arren
Doramus on reserve. A playing
ball has been purchased by the
teams from N lnlngen, which w ill
be need during the entire series.
* *
Pose as Prohibition Agents
and Hi Jack Many
N EW AR K . N. J„ Jan. » . —
(U N )— Posing as prohibition ag­
ents, gangsters have collected
(600,000 by shaking down boot­
leggers In New Jersey In the past
year. Colonel Ira L. Reeves, pro­
hibition administrator, declared
” 1 have learned of a gang of
five men who make periodical
trips Into Jersey to play their con­
fidence game,” he m id,
aslne cover artist and illustrator,
[predicted recently.
Rockwell has been one of the
judges In the national beaaty
tournament since its Inception
and he knows his applecheeks.
“There should be an age and
weight lim it for bobbed hair,”
the. artist declared. "Bobbed hair
looks good only on slim young,
But It won’t be necessary to
pass a law.
“ Eventually the buxom type of
beauty," said the Illustrator, “ will
return to style. Lamb chops and
pineapple w ill disappear from the
feminine diet. And nnsbbrn locks
will again be popular.”
o f L ittle In terest
W ASHINGTON, Jan. 1«. —
I (U N )— State department officials
A not take seriously the El
Sending of Photographs Paso manifesto of a Mexican re­
volutionary group, whleh pur­
Soon to be Common
ported to announce an Imminent
uprising against the Callee gov­
N E W YO RK , Jan. I I . — (U N ) ernment.
— In a short time radio fans will
The declaration was signed by
be able to see as well as bear their Generals Nicholas Fernandes and
favorite broadcasting artists, ac­ Jnan B. Galindo.
cording to a prediction by Dr. B.
The state department had not
F. W . Alexanderson,. consulting regarded the m atter aa sufficient­
engineer of General Electric com­ ly serious as to warrant being
pany and the Radio Corporation called to the attention ot the
of America.
department as le usual when
Transmission of photographs any serioua revolutionary activ­
w ill soon be a regular feature of ities are being organised on
radio programs. Dr. Alexanderson
American soli.
told the* annual convention of the
Consular reports from Mexico
Institute of radio engineers Mon­
fall to support the claim la the
day night.
manifesto that a Mexican revolu­
Several photographs broadcast
tion is imminent. It ia said.
by station W G Y and picked up Dr.
The manifesto disclaimed any
Alexanderson, with his television
apparatus, were exhibited. He connection with the eetivtties of
demonstrated a model of his tele­ Adolfo de la H uerta whp ia ia
vision Instrument and explained Los Angeles reportedly prepar­
how it produces an Image to cover ing tor a revolutionary foray lato
a motion picture screen. The ap­ Mexico.
A. 0. Rooks Take Fast
Game, 21 to 18, at "
Aged Ashland -
Woman Passes
Mrs. Margpret Lloyd E ttas,
aged •« years, passed away f t her
home on I t * Ohio s t m t tooy dt
7 a .m . She Ypsa nht|v«of WAloe
and had m ld*d I« g th lh iK fpr
too past t yuan.
Funeral »orvieto will b* h*ld at
Btock’a Undertaking* parlor«, Jan­
uary l l t h ’at lb i . ' h . inter­
ment will b* t* too AhlRnd Mafct-
T g m o u g Artist Predicts
That Pendelnm Wifl
8 wing Back
M an ifesto P ro v es
Choice to Fona Cabinet
Comes ap Surprise to
Southern Oregon Normal school
lost Its second basketball game of
too wook’s northern trip last
night whea^t fell before the prow­
ess of the O. A. C. Rooks. SI to
I t . 1» another close and hard
fought hdep game.
[ A cced ing to Jelephoae reports
(to Nlninger’s and The Tidings last
(night to* gam* was d soowaw af­
fair from start to RaMh. wit* the
m u l t ta doubt pntii th* fiaal
The aormal basketeers will
play Linfield College at MeMla-
avUe tonight.
from there she w ill go to
City, San Antonio, Dallas, New
Orleans and other southern cities,
according to her tentative Itiner­
[the near future will be a buxom
lass and a real arm ful, Nenana
[Rockwell, nationally known mag-
Hardy Brothers, grocers, have
purchased the entire grocery stock
52 of the Ashland Feed and Grocery
lg according to announcement today,
d- The hay and feed stock was pur­
chased by the Ashland Fruit and
r, Produce association. The store
d. was operated by the late 8. C.
d Bratton before It went Into ré-
r- ccivershlp. Hardy Brothers will
2 I move the grocery stòck Into their
1 own etore )n the Enders block.
schedule has been necessitated,
and Battery B w ill play the high
school seconds at seven instead |
of eight, and the faculty w ill play L
the Llthlana at eight Instead of I’
seven. Several players who are | .
eligible have had to he placed on r
a reserve list as the tea lim it has ,
¡been filled. The L it h ia n have r
C. J.- Read. F. W . Hamilton and "
C. W . Robertson on their reserve, |
and the H I-Y Employed Boys*)
other leaders.
The appointment followed a
conference between the president
and President Loeb of the roleh-
though physicians are not pre-
pared to state the nature of the
Arthur, H , was the first victim,
dying New Year’s day; Frances,
10 yaar old daughter, died Satur­
day, and on Sunday, Alta, I,
passed away.
Two other daughters and the
father are suffering the earns
_X .
B u y B ig S tock
M iller, Kay Nell, H arry May, Jack
Broil! and Voyle F ranklin ; FncUl-h
ty team, B. C. Forsythe, Captain; I
RuaaeU Crlpe. W alter Hrtgheo. W . |!
P. W alter, V . V. Caldwell. Roland |.
Allen, Dean Sheldon, Ceo H o w ell,!
Lee Byers and Wayne Wells; ,
High school seconds, Jay Brown,
John Baldwin, Sam Preadott, Dick
Hitchcock, Howard W iley, B illy
Halen, M arion Moore, John R ng-|
) er and Jack Nlms. The games w ill I *
start promptly at aeven o’clock to-1,
I ¡borrow night, and all six teams
I wlH play. A alight change in the H
Mr. Curtins Is opposed by two
SALEM, Jan. IB.— (U N )— Lo­
cal medical authorities are baf-i
fled by three mysterious deaths
in the Am ity district.
The deaths are In the A. R.
G riffith fam ily and are due to a )
strange malady which la said to)
resemble Infantile paralysis, a l-|
R. |
Schnermag, W illard z Grubb and
Jo. H . Wenner. Normal seconds,
[J. R. Clary, Captain; Joe M ercer,)
Arnold Gosnell. Lyle Ashcraft. A I- J
«to . |n
bie Beck, K irkp atrick slid Brelt-J
lop o i l
enbnaher; H i-Y EmploySd Boy*a|
Roland Parks. Captalfc; Fred ways ai
[Katser, Hod Dunn, Eugene O’-1
[G rady, W illiam Austin, Barney!
B E R L IN , Jan. 1 2 .-r-(U N )— Dr.
Julias R. Curtins, leading mem­
ber of Foreign Minister Streee-
manu’s folks party, was today
asked by President Hlndeahurg to
form a cabinet.
Hlndenbjirg’s choice of Cnrttns
to succeed Dr. W ilhelm M a rt, who
holds the premiership pending
formation of a aew cabinet, was a
surprise to German statesmen. I t
was said that the president’s con­
sideration of candidates was just
ROSEBURG, Jan. H .— (UN)
. — No positive identification has
been made of the body which was Evangelist, With Charges
found Sunday suspended from
Against Her Dropped,
must hang
bushes on the banks of the South
Plans M eeting
2 — (UP)—George J. Hassel,
Umpqua river four miles below
G. 0 . P. Solon is this city.
r o f his wife and eight chil- Insurgent
Exonerated After Senate
A Myrtle Point man who viewed
rst degree mnrdeV by a jury
Probe Tuesday
the body Sunday expressed the be­ Declares H er Revival W ork W ill
ence imposed. Has**l con-
lief that it was that of an old
Cause Furore Through
CH A R G ESWITHDRAWN prospector who had passed
through there several weeks ago,
Senator Steck Admits Ho Was
driving two burros. The body was
Wrong; Other Charge to
found by a boy who was follow­ (U N )— W hile thousands of her
Be Probed
ing his trap line. It had evident­ followers stood by and cheered,
ly been caught in the bushes dur­ Almee Semple McPherson, inter­
r a g announced today P ™ * H,.N 0 T ? N ’ ,a B ' n — <U N > ing the high water, and left sus­ nationally
uuvu suuuy. I ^ S e n a to r elect Smith W . Brook-
pended when the water receded. left here late yesterday on what
| hBrt' Iow*- republican, was exop- Apparently sixty years old. the
ip expected to prove a triumphal
k ra te d late Tuesday of being h man had been dead about a
evangelistic tour of the middle
of American mi—irm- pald lobbyist to and in the con- month and hi» *
is were not west and east.
ad revolutionists ac- l f!rmaUon of Cyrua E- w oods A
Freed by the action of the dis­
" ° ' p l ,e interstate commerce c o ir * * * ,
trict attorney
ie afternoon. Chinese «ion. chargee accusing hi»m J
charges In connection with her
1 missionary building being in^the pay of farm or;
- lsations are still pending.
The senate decided to go deep-
months imprisonment and H OB
fine. T ie appellant, roprosented
N E W YORK, Jnn. IS.-—Terns la the state courts by Thomas
porary tria l marriages for young Manalx and Edward W . Wlckey,
people, recognised by law end I alleges the Oregon statute under I
bleeaed by public opinion, are ! which the conviction was secured
tees for the H th session of
Everything is In readiness for
n n d Suspended From
Bushes; May be Pros-
s *
1* °
h. tAXU
' s
paratus waa email and indicated
that televiaion in the home le
among the possibilities of the fu­
Probably . the
moat difficult
problem ip radio photography Is
that of Synchronisation between 1
the light and the sound, the engl- 1