SATURDAY ASHLAND DAILY TIDING» Fraak Walker Expected H o m e - A t the Ltthla Springs Hotel— bocal ; Personal flotes Prank Walker, student at the University of Oregon at Eugene, is expected home to spend the Christmas holidays with his par­ ents. . C. Pedemont and Louis Thom­ as ot Corvallis, Ore., and O. A. Wallace of Seattle, Wash., are amocg those who registered at the Ltthla Springs Hotel yester- Books for book lovers and Royal Coal, Hot and -nothing is better for a Xmas gift Carson-Powler Lbr. Co. — Elhsrt’s. From Klamath F a l l s - Owen Purdy of Klamath Falls William Briggs, who attends Dickey’s Orchestra, the Oregon Agricultural College Is in Ashland for the Christmas Hall, Medford tonight. at Oprvallla, la home to spend the holidays, visiting with his par­ ents and his sister. Christmas vacation with his par- Clean. Walker Somethlng entirely different la 91-1 Xmas Ards. Darling Stndlo. 76-tf Registered Cars H e c * - W ill go to School a t Xmaa ■ . Otis H. Johnson Jr., son of E. R. Chaney of Berkeley, Mayor O. H. Johnson of this Cal., Arthur Oats of Los Angeles, WUI Arrive Tonight— Cal., and A. W. Dodge of San city, will attend the State uni­ Vernon McGee, Son ot Mr. and Franclscb, Cal., are among those versity at Eugene, ‘ right \after Let the UNION write your full Mrs. J, H. McGee, will arrive to­ He has been em­ who registered cars at the local Christmas. coverage automobile insurance. night from Eugene, where be at­ ployed by the Standard Oil Com­ Chamber of Commerce this morn­ Teo, of course. 88-tf tends the State university. He pany here. ing. win spend the Christmas holidays H. C. Berper of San Bernadino, Steaming Hot Chicken Tamales Phone 810-J for Maytag demon­ Cal., F. E. Weet of Seattle, Wn. , > , served 30c. To take hoibe 26c. The Beautiful line of Imported gift and F. E. Greene of Sacramento, stration. -Plaza. . 80-tf Cal., are among those who stop­ stationery— Darling Art »tore. Marines Stationed H e r o ■ ped at the Ashland Hotel yes­ 76-tf The following marines under Mildred Beeson Her o Mr. Husband why not present terday. ’ ■ Miss Mildred Beeson, student the charge of Sergeant the family with a new piano bench at the University o f Oregon at Scroggins are making their head­ What could be better for Chrlat — walnut, mahoghany or oak. E1-- Eugene, Is home to spend the quarters at the Ashland Hotel: mas than a Maytag? hart'a. »1-1 Harry Davis, Walter A. Mattson, Christmas holidays with her par­ Gale C. Alford, Henry A. Strom, ents In thia city. Cliff Payne makes cupboards, Going to Portland— Lorenzo I. Brandt and Arthur Miss Pearl Durst, librarian of Look at 443 Allison, Just about L. Rudes, all of San Franclaco. the Southern Oregon Normal, la Will Arrive T o d a y - one block from the oity library, Miss Thelma Peroxxl will ar­ another member of the faculty Plenty of money to loan on and a 6-room cottage, bath, eto., who is going to Portland. She rive in Ashland today, from Eu­ leaves about the 23rd and while gene where she Is aatudent at good security. Phone 21. Yeo, of garage for only 82100. Ashland Realty Co, Mr. and fa Portland ahe will visit with the State university. Mrs. Perossl drove up to Eugene Candy from 60c to yesterday to get their daughter. Former Resident Holding box at The Plata. Avoid the Holiday rush by hav- Services— Candy Canes and Stick Candy g your clothes cleaned < n d Reverend Oscar Cooper o f eased thia week. Paulsernd’s. as well as high grade M i x e d Left Yesterday— Canby. Ore., formerly of Ashland Miss Marion Ady, art Instruct­ 80-tf 86-tf Candy at The Plata. will hold Chrlstqias services at or at the Southern Oregon Nor­ Woodburn, Ore., so he will not mal, left yesterday for Eugene, Beautiful Xmas Stationery- be able to spend the holidays in Klhart’s. where ahe will spend the Christ­ this city with his mother, Mrs. mas holidays visiting with rela­ W. A .' Cooper. tives and. friends. She Is driv­ Went Through A s h la n d - Frances Clearer, University of ing to Eugene with Miss Virginia I Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, who W ill Arrive Tomorrow— teaehas school at Persist, Ore., Oregon student, passed through Hales. Joe Nell, son^of Fred Nell of was la Ashland yesterday visit- Ashland yesterday on his way this city, will arrive tomorrow We wrap our Christmas Candy lag with relatives and friends. to his home In Callfernla, where from Eugene, where he attends Mrs. Morgan was .formealy Miss he will spend the Christmas holi­ and Cigars, all ready for mailing, the State university, to spend the days. & free of charge. The Plata. Hansen of this city. week-end with his father. He 80-tf has to return to Eugene Mon­ Manicure Roll-Ups, |2 .6 0 to turkey, phone day evening. 810.00— Blhart’s. Visitor from Oakland— Mrs. James Ship of Oakland, Home -for Christmas! Try oar 86c Special Plato lunch Have Cal., formerly of this city. Is in ery noon. The Plain. 80-tf those photographs made now. Ashland where she will spend the Miss Leona’ Marsters, music Stadio Ashland on The Plata. Christmas holidays with her Instructor at the Southern Ore­ 88-tf. rnseed niroogta Ashland— mother, Mrs.. L. J. Heer on High gon Normal, will spend the Xmaa Rlber Bash, student at th e street. Mrs. Ship will be re­ holidays In Eugene and Salem State university nt Eugene, pass­ Former Resident Passes Thru— membered to her many Ashland visiting with friends and rela- ed through Ashland on his way Dr. James L. Wooden of Clat­ friends as Miss Thelma Heer. tivea. to Dunsmuir, Cal., where ha, skanie, Oregon, former resident will spend the Christmas' holi­ of this city, passed through Ash­ NOTICE days with his parents. land toflajr enroute to Los I will not be responsible tor Angeles to spend the holidays debts contracted by anyone other New Banjo-Ukes Just reoelved with relatives In that section. than myself. C. R. Butler. Slhart’v - ™ „ 8 1-1 land High, class of *01, and has made good In the medical pro­ Arrived Thursday from V o f b — fession. The Misses Edith Dodge and V A ttate mesutng • - Marlon Leach, students at the Z Mr. and Mr/. A. A. Madden Men’s afternihavlng toilet sets University of Oregon at Eugene, and family left this morning for Blhart’s. arrived home Thursday to spend Vstatura. Cal., where they will visit with their daughter. . Aid fashioned dance Moose hall the Christmas holidays with Saturday night. Tuckers . Or­ their parents. chestra. 88-3 The Maytag wishes you a mer­ Royal Neighbors WUI Entertain— ry Christmas. Eastman Kodaks, 61.00 to McNair Bros. At the Oregon H otel— A. J ., Segault of Coos Bay and Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Page -of Los Angeles, Cal., are among those who stopped In Ashland yester­ day. In Central Point— Mrs. Edith Duel, student at the Southern Oregon State Nor­ mal, will spend her Christmas vacation at. the home ot her par­ ents la Central Point. . « Call 410 for Transfer service. 77-Thur.-8at. V. K. A llison W ill Hold M e e t in g - Reverend V. K. Allison of the Christian church of this city, will «pend about two weeks at Tarn- hill, Ore., where he will hold Christmas services. Reverend G 111st rap of Eugene, Ore., will conduct the services here tomor­ row and* Reverend Morgan, also of Eugene will hold the servioee in the local Christian church Sunday Dec. SO. Will Spend Xmas at Seattle— Miss Elisabeth Richardson, English teacher at the Southern Oregon State Normal, left today by auto for Seattle. Washington. She was accompanied as far as Portland by Mbs Hall. Loft for Portland— ’ Miss Helen Anderson, English teacher and dean of women at the Normal, loft this morning for Portland, Ore., where ahe will spend the Christmas holi­ days. Miss Anderson la also considering a trip to San Fran­ cisco, Cal., during the holidays to view the pageant, “The Mir­ acle.” Chester W oods Home— Chester Woods, son of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. W o o d s I s in this city to spend the holidays with his parents on N. Main street. He is a student at the Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis, (Continued From Page Four) The entry ended by saying, Ing, whether he was afraid be wouldn’t make It,, or that he “I’m tired ont.” - would, ton see he was a married There were seven cere nt the man, his wife was waiting for him rim today. - * and we had stayed a day longer I am «till working on the bat­ than we had expected. When we teries, have them *)V out ‘and tak­ got to the lodge we” had to wash en apart. our hands and face in snow un­ Clear today, there was a bite in til the blood started. It was one of the southwest wind. Temp. H. BI, the hardest things I ever did. L. 414, R. 10, M. 4«. There was a warm fire Just .inside the floor and there V e were out there In the wind and storm try­ ing to thaw out. The door open­ ed and there stood Supt. Sparrow. Somehow you forget all the hard­ ships of the hours before in Just knowing that you were backed up one hundred percent by a man like him. He had come' all the ! Graybar Electric way fVom Medford to see us I Washing Machine She Ice we let It stay. The road to Hdtven hasn’t a thing on that climb over the Watchmen. As we went over the shoulder of the mountain the wlnfl was bead on, at times It blew us backward and we would have to fall down to keep from being brown over the through.’’ cliff. After we got down oft the mountain the wind wasn’t so bad Jju-t, we kept breaking through thè crust ever few, steps we would havé to stop and rest. About a mile from the lodge the ranger .» with me began to cry. I couldn’t figure out just why he was cry- » " . Extra Special Low Price, $10.00 down Fuller Paints Paymént places it in your and home for Christmas. , Varnishes 1 paint and varnish fo: every need FREE J. 0 . RIGG GUY GOOD Beet Paint—Boat Workmen Phon» 173 - ' It) Lb. Turkey with each used car sold between now and Christ­ mas. Reconditioned • Fords SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER Try Our Special Dinner Sunday. Tender Ashland Chicken-Complete Dinner 75 Cents Priced for Quick Sale. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TIDINGS. STARTER GENERATOR BATTERY IGNITION COILS TRY US! We need more storage room. We have cut the prioe on every need oar in our place. WE HAVE TENDER, JUICY 'ST E A K S AND CHOPS Come, look them over, you save all depreciation. TAVERN CAFE JOE LANE W e can give yon the best of '«service on the above class of repair work. Claycomb Motor Co. Auto Electric Ford Garage Genuine Home Cooking Do you remember the home-cooked chicken dinner of the good old day»? Well, that*» just what you can expect tomorrow if you and your family come her» for Sunday Din- A CHICKEN DINNER COMPLETE AT 85 GTS Ont of the everywhere TODAY ONLY Don Juan’s Three Nights also “ SNOWED IN ”/ AND A COMEDY The Royal Neighbors will en­ tertain the Modern Woodmen at H om e from O. A. C.—— Hugh Bates is in Ashland to a . Covered-dish supper In the Moose hall at 6:80 Monday even­ spend the holidays with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Bates ing, December 20. on Scenic Drive. Hugh Is a student at the Oregon Agricul­ Holiday special ou suits tural College, at Corvallis. o’coato at Paulaernd’s. Have your furniture repaired Trade la your old machine oa a and retlnlshed at Jordan's Bash Maytag. A and Cabinet works. 77-tf Hudnut’s Toilet sets— Elbert's. Professor A. C. Strange and daughter Frances, left today by motor' for Portland and Astoria, where they will spend the Christ­ mas holidays. Professor Strange Is instructor of edncatlon a t,th e Southern Oregon »U te Normal. We have a wonderful assort­ ment of Box Candy and Cigars for the Holiday Season. The Plata. Hot Mineral Baths WUI keep yon fit daring the winter. Our mineral la < rec­ ognised cure for Rheumatism Jackson Hot Springs • k » soft texture, exotic perfumes, fine spun silks, combs of LITHIA SPRINGS GARAGE amber, cool stretched linens, lamp-shades of parchment, One-half Block from Center of City slippers with -buckles ready to blazeT How are- they brought into one show—how gathered into one home— We Make a Specialty of Washing, Greasing. how enjoyed by one person f A simple tumping -through Free Crankcase Service the advertising pages of magazines or newspaper is the Storage somplett line ot Xmaa cerda. Darling Stu­ dio and art atore. 76-tl LITHIA SPRINGS GARAGE things. That’p news. They tell all the amazing truths of a good thing. That’s honesty. They arouse the desire that brings it closer, inform you where you can find i t , . advise how much it ’s worth to you. That’s service. And means the mo»t to you because you compare the advertis- F * » ed tr u th s___ that’s economy. • , • Bargains BATTERIES RECHARGED Generators Overhauled Starters Overhauled Magnetoes Recharged polls Tested ¿The famous , Black Bottom -the dance that threatens to outdo the Charleston.— * Laughs—Laughs—Laughs. 1996 Font Sedan $400 1936 Cher. Coach $600 1935 Ober Tonring, $485 1934 Chew. 4-Pass Coupe ........ .. $350 1934 Ford Roadster Delivery ¿............ $135 Let us do yotu* work on above, we save you money. AU'Care in Good Condition CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. Automotive Shop Ford Garage Phone 50 Chevrolet D a ih ff SEE THE SMOOTHEST CHEVROLET per Month Advertisements give you intimate, stories of new you are sure of because' it ’s advertised, the value that The finest ana moat $4 Advertisements summon them into the here. when you enter the shop,to choose, and choose the value 80-tf Plaza Where do •they come from . . . gloves with a fawn- nnswer. Left for Portland— XL ELECTRIC Station Surprise Your Wife ■ ' • u Make Her Sunday a Complete Day of Rest Tomorrow by Bringing Her Here for Her Sunday Dinner. To the housewife food always tastes better when she dines away from home, and this is especially true if you bring her hprt where food and service and surroundings cannot be bettered. , JOEttl Read the advertisements. They Sunday Dinner—5:30 tó 8;30 p. m. give yon wisdom when you buy $1.00 PER PLATE efHzssa