T îë Cott is S *» » 1» FOB RBMT —• 4-room apart­ m ent, furnace heated, furnished and close in, Ohattln ,314 Harga- 41ne , 8 |- t f FOB RENT— Furnished cabins end sm all apartments. Reason­ able by w ask or month. 163 Oran i u St. z sO-tf FOR RENT— 6-room furnish­ ed house. Induire 711 Oak It. 8<-5* FOR RENT— Two w ell furnish- lshed housekeeping rooms. >10 per month, 424 Helm aa S t 17-6 FOB RENT— Nice clean rooms. Reasonable. The Annex. 72-1 mo* SNAP FOR QUICK SALE— My home located at 406 Iowa atraat. WANTED— To rent 4 or 6 Ashland, Ora., for >1200. Address room furnished house, cloee In. Dr. George J. Klnz, 434 East Inquire Hardy Bros. 88-tf 4th St. Long Beach, Cal. 86-6 ~ ma * rrnit ¥ home — 1S3 «- FOR SALE or EXCHANGE— Granite. Reasonable term s. 84-tf Good 6-room hbuse, furnished, 2 W U U K E R TRANSFER a n d lots 60x166 each, fruit and ber­ Storage Co. office at residence, ries, 2 garages, hen house, wood­ shed, dandy place for chickens 174 North Main. Phone 410. •» - 77-tf within 2 blocks of city library, >l,8Q0, >26 down and >26 per* , WBU> HW AW fl- R. C. ,Vo- ihOQth. W ill take good car. See chstser, deep w ell drilling. Talent, Ashland R ealty Co. - 78-tf Ore. Phone I I I J I. <4-1 mo.« Beal Estate WANTED— M agnetoes to For bargains In ^eai Estate charge, >1.60. Recharged try Brown end Rice, 63 No. Main our new Servell Charger. I 234-tf comb Motor Co. Phone 60. ‘ FOR BALE and EXCHANGE— Five acres, splendidly located, AMT GIRL H i TROUBLE— May of good soil in Bellview district. com m unicate w ith B aslgn Lee Some fruit. >1,000 and take part of the Salvation Army at the in good team or cows. See Ash­ W hite Shield Home, 565 May- land Realty Company. 79-tf fair A ve., Portland, Oregon. FOB SALE— 6-room house at WANTED— ; Batteries to re­ 1.71 Mountain Ave with 3 lots, 60 charge. >1. Claycomb Motor Co.. x200 each, nearly 100 hens, large Ford Garage. Phone 60. 64-tf hen house, garage, Ashland Real­ ty Co. 71-tf FOR BALE— Five room house 12000. Seven room, >2600. Latge lot, two blocks west Nor­ mal. Others. Phone 463-J. 89-1-mo.* L. M oots, Jt. F. Ashland Lo40» Jh». « A. M.— Meets fo tfc, hall svery 2nd T h irN er. Dr. R. L. Bnrdle; I W illiam Dap. FOR BAIAI MIBCEIxANEOUB Public Building Program Skimpy WASHINGTON. Doc. 17.— (U N )— Small cities will receive little benefit from th* public buildings program authorised St the last session of congress.^. Secretary of the Treasury Mel­ lon told the house buildings com­ mittee today that under the 1 150.- 000,000 fund not more than 800 cities would receive consideration. Representative Woodrum, dem­ ocrat, Virginia, brought o u t that six large cities, New York. Chi­ cago, St. Louis, San Francisco. Philadelphia, a n d Louisville would absorb >46,000,000 o f the 1 100,000,OOP to be used tor con­ struction and improvement in those states. ' S.- ■ NEW POSTOFFICE .« Final steps toward making Orescent Lake a regular town along the new Cascade line of the Southern Pacific, are being taken this week by G. E. Haugen, post­ al Inspector, who is establishing a fourth class postofflce at the lit­ tle railroad city. ^Crescent Lake is reported to be sw elling rapidly in p1 per box, 20 or of 1617, have all gone home and >m Medford; on city pipe lines, more boxes at a discount, the 2nds Arctic weather now grips north with Irrigation; fine road, near and culls free. Ed Staples, 71 E. ern Russia. Only a sm all clus­ school. Act quickly. C. C. Darby, Main. . 88-3 ter of newspaper men and* a few Box 1 1 » , Medford, Ore. 88-6 FOR SALE — carload empty foreigners having business in linseed oil barrels and drums, Russia, remain to face the winter R0 and 75 cts. Swennlng A Gear with the natives. D ir e c to r y Dependable Painting Contractors, The little Christmas Seal, sym F. AsMand Lodge NO. 43, I. O. 315-R. 87-6* nlc O. F — M sets In the I. O. O. F. bol for health, is 1st your ser­ at- hall every Thursday. Noble FOR SALE— W. T. Blackw ell’s vice again this December. Its ry, Grand, Mr. Hazelwood Vice services, building. repairing, sale takes place in every state. Grand. H. J. W alcott; Re- painting, tinting and c e m e n t It pleads for prevention o f dis­ —- cording Secretary, C. E. Hoop- work. Phone 359-L. 67-1-mo. ease, especially tuberculosis. hall every 3rd Priest, Clyde . retary, W llliai T — M eetì te the Masonic hall on the 1st and 3rd W ednes­ days. Eat. Commander, D. H. Jackson; Recorder, W illiam Day. H llah Tem ple A. A. O. N. M. 0.— Meets la the Masonic hall every 1st Friday. Illustrious Potentate, F. D. W agner; Re­ corder. w n itu ft Day. ^ zk ^ h ii Chapter Mo, 1, O, E. B.— Meets la the Masonic hall on the 1st and Srd Tuesdays. W orthy Matroa, Mrs. N ellie Fetefo; Secretary, Mrs. Leak N. Caldwall. Zuleima Tesn*fo, DaoghM n of The MHe— Meets ta the Ma­ sonic hall every Sad Saturday. Meets alternately e t Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass. Prin­ cess Tlrzah, Ldreha McNair; Princess Zulelka. Grace Ma- the Masonic hall on *nd 4 th Mondays. Counsellor, Milton Senior Counsellor, ihogany Gama No. 0368, h A x -M eete In the Moose oa th« 2ad and 4th Frl- focrican Lackni A axlflarj -8 Mondays, in the Pioheet hall oh W lnbufn Way. Mrs. C. E. Shinn, secretary. Addresfc 174 Oak St. or Phone 184. f Acorn Circle No. 84, Neigh­ bor* of the W oodcraft.— M8«ts in the t O. O. P. hall on thè le t end 3rd Mondays. Guard­ ian Nnl*hl>or, Mrs. W. G. Préx- cott; Clerk, Mrs. Wm. Sten- C Hope Rebekah Lodge No. 14 -Meets ih the I. O. O. F. hall dad 4th Tuesdays. fobie u n 1, Mrs. May Elb; Secretary, M lss .coordina Ashland Lodge Nt». »44, B. P. O. E.— Meets in the Elks Temple every Saturday. E xalt­ ed Rnler, Jam es Bowers Sec­ retary, Ed Thornton. Ivy Camp Mo. 28»3, Royal Neighbors. — Meets In the Moose hall on the 1st and Srd Mondays: Oracle, Mrs. A. A. Madden; Recorder, Mrs. Alice Turner. Ashland Lodge No. 117, K. of P.— Meets In the I. O. O. F. hall oa la t and 3rd Fridays. Chancellor Commander, Mil- Burnside R elief Corpe, Mo. B4.— Meets in the I. O. O. F. hall no the lBt and 3rd Satur­ days. at 2 p. m. President, Mrs. Alice Turner; Secretary, Mrs. S. A. Peters, Sr. Ashland Homestead No. 4067 B. A. Y.— Meets in the I. O. O. F. hall dn the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Fraternal Brotherhood— 1st and Srd Thursdays, at the Moose Ran. Thesophtcal Lodge meets each Monday night, 7:30 at Library. Ashlann Camp No. 243, W O, W— Meets in the I. O. O. F. hail on the 2nd and 4th Mon­ days. Clerk, J. R. W ick; Con­ sul Comthander, C. E. Lane. Filot Rock Encampment No. 16.— Meets in the I. O. O. F. hall on the 1st and Srd Tues­ days. C. B. Hooper, Scribe. G. A. R.— 2nd and 4th Sat eaeh month, Armory, 2 p. m. Visitors W elcome. G. O. Van­ natta, C om m aA er. Business and Professional DR. W. J. CRANDALL Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Off ley Phone 126 First National Bank Building TURIN— (UP — The last a<- nose, « tempt on the Duce’s life was pro- kick or pbesled from the spirit world by more fi a departed Fascist, Amos Mara- a cold mottl, according to followers o f hair, the Duce who aay they communl- On ( cated with the spirit shortly be- the wal fore the attempted assassination, issue a The conversation with the spir- turbanc It of Amos Maramotti took place the spli in a house wherein strange physl- seance cdl manifestations occurred night- fray be ly. The phenomena were first | ad out, noticed by a girl living in the onoe. house. One night, she was awak- tlnct ki f ned by odd sounds inside closets, of the Each bight the sinister noises be- ->Enco cam e, louder and more Insistent, the Fi Finally, the ho like seemed to have questioi been possessed by devils. commui Loud, ominous knocks, sud- with thi den opening and shutting of by mea doors and windows by a myster- cd if th ious power, and invisible hands or, the which, groping in the darkness, rirmatli dealt out blows and caresses ac- Bolognt cording to the spirit’s mood or escaped fapey. These were the portentious of a yoi omens which nightly perturbed c the peace and quiet of the Inmates until horror-stricken, they inform- Notl(, fed the authorities of the phenom- - I uudersl ena. .. , . , ,, Executi At last, several Fascists decid- garet A ed to unravel the mystery. They Count set night watch In the house. The Oregon first night a frightful fracas In- „ i persons terrupted the vigilance. It sound- ; 8ald egf ed as if the ------- whole world SttlllC HI —--------------- JR--- spirit * had run amuck. One of the j j ooro watchers received a blow on the PILOT RESTING EASY Late reports from Robert Pat­ terson, pilot on the ill fated mall plane which crashed Into a moun- tain side near Ashland yesterday, indicate that he has an excellent chance to recover from the serious injuries he sustained in the acci­ dent. He was said to be resting easy today, and with no compli­ cations setting in, it is thought his recovery will be rapid. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW Physician and Surgeon 108 Pioneer Ave Office and Resident Phone Office Hours 10 - 12 a. m. 2 - 4 p. m 6:30 - 7:30 p. m. Citizens Bank Bldg. Office Phone 151 Rea. P hoas 184 Convalescent Home , 158 Granite Street Facing Park and Lithla Fountain r X , x^ ve SFenrr YHc most o f A M Y T1MÇ Ö6TTINQ ACQUAINT- > E p V/lTH MY N*W NQ6RB0RS- Ï . CAL LCD ON MRS TY TE Y C STC R D A Y -M Y ! XTHÍNK S H E ’S THE MOST floRESOME / FBRYON X EVER AND STiNQY / — o=pá = L Q O O b N ie H T .S X n t® New Invention Saves Millions A Lamp that ¿urns 94^ Air A new oil lamp m at gives an amazingly brilliant, soft, white NOTICE OF VACATION light, even bettor than gas or HARTLEY STREET By order of the City Council, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN U. S. Government a: that at the Council meeting to be universities and fov held on the 21st day of Dec., P«rtor to 10 ordina 1926, the Council will bring up 11 burD8 without od for eoneideration the vacatioa o f apise - np pumping, Hartley Street, and any and all d ean, safe. Bum s persons having objections thereto a*r a,1<^ ® ^er cen^ c are required to present such ob- Bene (eoal o il). jection to the City Council at the The inventor, V. time of such hearing. 161 N- Un,on Avo- F Datod at Ashland, Oregon, this ls ofiar,nK t0 fleird a ;oth day of Dec., 1926. day 8 FHER tr,al- or GERTRUDE BIEDE, one FREB to tho 1 c ity Recorder. each locaHty who wl O H .S H e s A N ic e LlTTLe WOMAN. B U T — IF 1~ NAP TrtG MONEY SHE SAYS TH6Y HAWS’. I/O B O Y SOME F«T LOOA’fNGr CLOTHES — 9HG TOLCT M E THB p f f e s s shc h a p o n H a d bccn M ADE OVER R xJR T iM es- -« x V IT Looks it , T o o — x- Office Phone 164-J Home Phone 164-L OFFICE HOURS 10 to 12 a. m.— 2 to 8 p. m. Citizens Bank Building Ashland, Oregon DR. ROLAND ALLEN Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 16S-J R esidence Phone 168-L Practical Nursing Terms: *2 to *3.30 per day Good Cheer, Good Care, Good Food— Our slogan. Auto Freight Terminal Phone 117 Office 89 Oak St. HERE AT LAST Tailor-Made Shrine Wcmon's Shoes, *7.80 Men’s Shoes, *7.33 For the W hole Fam ily Tailor-Made Shoes are fitted to six aotuel foot measure­ ments in aay style— la the leather you like beet and. In high or low shoes as yon pre­ fer. Now you can enjoy foot comfort and have perfect shoe style and maximum service. n . C. HANSON 6 3 Gresham Ashland, Orc. THE POWDER PUFF 1ST ST. GARÁGE Rear Union Oil Station Valve Refncing - and Grinding a' Specialty ,, We have installed machinery which makes yonr valves op­ erate perfectly. BEAUTE 8HOPPB (Over The Tidings) Now Under the Direction of Rose Sallivaa. free of charge. Call In tor a Chat. For Appointment J. W. Barr ft Son T. L. POWELL General Transfer Good team and motor trucks, Good service at a reasonable price — Phone 83. JORDANS SASH AND CABINET WORKS Cornor Helman and Van Ness. Phone 161. 194-ti Accredited Training Pay* Shorthand Machine Bookkeeping Burroughs Calculator Business Office Practice Medford Bu8in*M Colkgfi Bus Fair Allowance Cockerels Big, vigorous birds, weighing over 6 lbs. each. Linchred and Individually Pedigreed from a Progeny Tested Dam with 3 year record o f 664 ^ ggs (1st year 271 eg g s). Only a lim ited number left. Prices very reasonable, wild proven breeding ability. Pedl. groe furnished. T jit hi a Leghorns’ 112 Nnlloy St. Phone 466-J Newoombe For Wood Phone • 631 Fact, and P l. Blox, 180 eu. ft. Ijoad ............................. *6LO* R Blox and Mill Ends, 3 Tier ij o a d ................................ *&*e 10 In. Pine Slabs and Edge. 2 1-3 Tier Ixis. ......... *7.M 12 in. Pine Slnb » Ends, 3 Tier Lds......................... *74(0 10 In. F ir Slab Mill lt«u, 2 1-* RHEUMATISM trusler V rhevm  t Ï c tablets H A V E G IV E N H I L I E F A U D n in O u . Tw» Stac. 5Oc «-U Í I OC. T ru. 1er Remriir O» Cincinnar,. O R ja x 1 WHY, X RATHER L IK C M R S. TYT6 Physician and Surgeon i. W. M. Barber In Charge GOLT LXSSONS By Taylor FM MRS KLÔTÉ IRPSN n e x t D o or - T hought X'p DROP BMANP G6T Office Hours: 10 • 12 and 2 - • Swcdenburg Building Evenings by Appointment Packing, Crating and Shipping. Long Distance Hauling. SULPHUB CLEARS ROUGH, RED SKIN X-Ray, Including Teeth Dentist Coal, Wood and Storage Church Directory Practice Limited To Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Dr. Charles A. Haines 0. ELLY8ON SHINN WHITTLE TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. FOR HALE— Cook and heating stoves, >6 to >28. Eagle Brass i der, to satisfy said Judgment, to- Foundry, 140 Oberlin St. 80-lm * gether with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as provld- od by law , a ll o f th e right , title and Interest that the said defend- ants, W. C. Gibson and Camilla Counter Leghorn Farm Ash- Gibson had on the 18th day of land, Ore., for high grade, vlgor- December, 1922, or now have in ous breeding cockerels, Order and to the follow ing described now. 86-tf property situated in the County of Jackson, State of Oregon, to- wit: NOTICE OF SH ER IFF’S HALE Lots 1, 2 and 3, of Block 3, in By virtue of an execution on foreclosure duly issued out of and Yes, some of these modern under the seal of the Circuit shows are pretty bad. But at least Court of the State of Oregon, in rokiarks an old tinier, they let and for the county of Jackson, to women in to see ’em now. me directed and dated on the 30th day of November, 1824, in a eer- taln action there, wherein The Pacific Savings and Loan Associa­ tion, a Corporation as P laintiff I recovered pudgment against W. Methodist Episcopal Church Church N. Main and Laurel streets. Four 1C. Gibson and Camilla Gibson, H. F. Pemberton, Pastor, 117 P. C. husband and wife, the defendants, Laurel street. Phone 87. • — for the sum of one thousand sixty- F ull Gospel Templo four and 61-100 (> 1064.61) Dol­ Presbyterian Church Boulevard Face, Neck and Arme Easily N. Main and Helman Streets. J. S. Murphy, Pastor lars with interest at 10 per cent Hugh T. Mitchelmore, Pastor, Made Smooth, Says v 1th costs and disbursem ent tax­ Pentecostal Church 132 N. Main St. Phone 491-L. Specialist • ed at Twenty-one and no-100 Stone Charch, Fifth and Main (> 21.00) Dollars, and the fur­ streets Lutheran Church E. F.. Bingham, Pastor Services in Adventist. Church ther sum of One hundred Any breaking out of the skin, even Fourth and C St. H. H. Young, ! (> 100.08) Dollars as attorney’s fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly Trinity Episcopal Chui-ch Pastor, 638 Boulevard. fees, which judgm ent was enroll­ overcome by applying a little Mcntho- Second Street Sulphur, declare* a noted skin special­ Rev. P. K. Hanynond, Vicar. ed and docketed in the Clerk’s of­ i s t Because of its germ destroying First Church of Christ 4 2 Second Stroot. Phono 110 fice of said Court in said County properties, this sulphur preparation Si lentlst— South Pioneer Avo. begins at once to soothe Irritated skin Mrs. Willinffl Aitken, First on the 29th day of November, Congregational Church and heal eruptions such as rash, pim­ Reader, 128 S. Pioneer. Phone ! 1926. Boulevard , ples and ring worm. 448-L. Rev. Chas. D. Gaffney Notice % hereby given that It seldom fails to remove the tor­ 469 Boulevard pursuant to the terms of the said ment and disfigurement and you do Christian Chtireh B and Second Streets. execution, I will, on the 8th day of j not have to wait for relief from em­ Fron Methodist Church Improvement quickly V. K. Allison, Pastor, E. Main and Sixth Street January, 1927, at 10:00 a. m., at: barrassment. 8I’OW*- Sufferers from skin trouble 630 Boulevard Emma E. Thompson, Pastor the front.door of the Courthouse , should obtain a small jar of Rowles in the City of Jacksonville, in 1 Mentho-Sulphur from any good drug­ Baptist Church Catholic Church Hargsdine and First Rireets, Jackson county, Oregon, offer for gist and use it like cold cream. Sixth and C Streets M The Rev. Father, J. A. Carmody Myron S. Woodworth, Pastor, sale and will sell at public auc­ F s r Fret Satnplt U»U TKir PHARMACAL CO;. 1m. Oak Street’ Rtxth and C Streets. Phone 108 tion for cash tt> the highest b id -, DR. B&NE8T A. WOODS [ N O -N O T A T H tN G r- WeLL, X «»POJC s O ut t know a l l YOU KNOW ALL l A bout m r s t y t ç A&OUT OUR NEW NE(6H6OR 8 Y . t TH(S TfM C P IL E S DonVbe Operated Upon FVON’T submit to a hospital JLff operation for Pile* or other Rectal or Coloa ailment It h expensive, Learn to play Golt thia winter and be ready for the opening of the Ashland course thia spring. Let Mo Teach You BILLY SELKIRK Instructor, Ashland Golf Chib Studio, 181 E. Main Some people eall the don barred croaa of the National berchloMa Associatfim ,'Ho0 barreled.” It is. In a way- shoots joy at the letter or parcel stuck, and t i e oi out a charge at tuberculosis sull«