Chief Defense Council Makes Stirring Plea For WASHINGTON, Dec. 1«.— (U N )-—The young Jurors in the Fall-Doheny oU conspiracy trial were urged to save the two aged defendants from being made.vic­ tims of political hysteria whan Frank J. Hogan, chief defease counsel, made his closing argu­ ment today. The case probably .will go to the Jury about noon to­ morrow. . “The government prosecution was born of political hysteria to get these two men/* Hogan declar­ ed. Ha spoke nearly all day, using nil the devices of skilled oratory, shouting, whispering, throwing letters and papers on the floor as he read them, appealing to the sentiment of the Jury, calling at­ tention to Mr. Doheny, "the lit­ tle woman, soft spoken, true and tried,** who took the stand for the husband.** Doheny, who offered the life of his only son to hid, country during the war. Hs attacked Owen J. Roberts, chief lawyer of the government as a "Philadelphia lawyer” and said It was he, not Doheny, who was dealing In "bunk.** Finally Hogan brought the lata President Harding Into his argu­ ment. THE NAME TELLS A TRUE st 6 ry The very name, fo le y ’s Honey and Tar Compound, tells why, with, without opiates or chloro­ form, It Is so quickly effective In stopping coughs and In healing the distressing cause. Because it alone combines the curative vir­ tues of pure Pine Tar and other healing ingredients, together with the mollifying, demulcent effects of clear fresh Honey. From 661 E. 48th st., Chicsgo, comes this: “A stubborn cough worried me, kept me awake nights, and resist­ ed other cough medicines, but quickly yielded to your good Foley's Honey afed Tar Com. pound. My druggist recommended it." Ask for it. Sold every- where.— No. 3 Salem business almost doubled since 192$, according to BkbeoaM debit check report. Hillsboro civic clubs plan $26 000 community building. A CORRECTION . Some time ago the Tidings stated that Lake Tahoe (Callforn- la-Jfrvada line) was 1605 feet deep and the deepest (resh wa­ ter In the U. 8. A. No well posted Oregonian' “swallowed" that statements as it is commonly commonly known, that Crater Lake (Oregon) Is the deepest Fest Basketball Came fresh water on the globe, save one Scheduled for Armory lake to Switzerland. Mr. W- F. Floor Saturday Aaranl, a resident of Ashland, Basketball will be given its of­ who was Superintendent -of ficial start in Ashland Saturday Crater Lake National Park for night when the Oregon Aggies eleven years says thpt the great-’ est depth of Crater Lake tor el­ will meet the new Normal school even years Ip' over two thousand .quintet on the armory floor In the feet. It Is said on reliable au­ main game of a big doubla bill. Coach Walter Hughes Is fast thority that for yearn the Iplm has risen three Inches annually. The rounding his squad of pedagogues Tidings Is glid to m ale the cor­ Into early season form and the lo­ rection giving Oregon Its Just cal* hoopkters are expected to give the fast Aggie team a real dues. battld from start to finish. Albert Marske, former h i g h sebO9l star, and Caldwell, are ax* pitted to start the game In the forward positions, with Butter­ field starting at center, fed Kinney, former Portland h I - g h school atar, and Ramsey, a veter­ of League Axe for an basketeer, will start at the »ball Commis­ guard positions. Clary, Hale and sioner Joe Mercer will be In readiness to take the floor at any time they CHICAGO, Dec. 1«.— (U N )— may be needed. Re-election of Judge Kenesaw M. The normal second team will Landis as ^ s e b a ll commissioner play Battery B In the opening was assured today when directors game which starts at 8 o’clock. of the American league announc­ The big game between the normal ed they would not oppose his re- election. The directors appointed a com­ mittee of three, consisting df Ja­ cob Ruppert of t h e . Naw York Yankees; Phil Ball of the St. Louis Browns, and B. 8. Barnard S now drift looks good- of the Cleveland Indiana, who will to-eat. I t ’s snow-white tell the supreme arbiter o f base­ ball that the American league a n d c re a m y a n d as might demand slight curtailment dainty as a shortening of his powers. The meeting of Junior - dzentt could he. A n d Snow­ owners got under way) following d rift is just as good as it the directors’ session at which looks, o u r cakes and new directors were recommended. There was no trade talk in the air. biscuits and pastry w ill Homestead — Interstate bridge being completed,' with steel all In place. ,- FREE Priced for Quick Sale. $10.00 down Payment places it in your home for Christmas. XL ELECTRIC Station GUY GOOD We need more storage room. Wo have cut the price on every used car in our place. Come, look them-over, you save all depreciation. Claycomb Motor Co. Ford Oarage S n o w d r ift THE VERY BEST SERVICE COAL Rock Springs Lump - - - - - {16.00 Ton in Bulk Spring Canyon Fancy Lump, {16.00 Toil in Bulk Castle Gate Stove - - - - - - • {16.00 Ton in Bulk Diamond B riq u ets...................{15.50 Ton in Bulk HALF TON LOTS, 50c EXTRA A " ■ '• /* .' IT ’ • PAYS TO BUY THE BEST. ' - A ’ -•> ’ We have a full supply of wood in Fir, Oak, LaureF* and Pine. Whittle Transfer Co. a n d -- Varnishes l paint and varnish foi every need J.O .R IG G 1 Best Pain»..Best Workmen Phone 172 Golden Rule Store ITEMS FOR THE REGULAR PRICE. OF Stationery , • 1 i I i Old S h oes FANCY BATH TOWELS Regularly 75c Three for We are going to allow you 10 per eent In order to take advantage of the sale credit on a new pair of shoes for any old FANCY BATH TOWEL SETS you must,purchase one box at the marked pair of shoes you bring our Shoe Depart­ Regularly $1.50 pride which entitles you to buy as speciT ment. Three for ........................................ 1 tied for 5 cents. No matter how old your old shoes are— Stationery, one box bring them in, they will be worth money MEN’S SILK SOCKS 2 boxes for .......... Regularly a pair, $1.00 Three pair Fancy Stationery, one box 2 boXhk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS Fancy Stationery, one box Regularly 35c 2 boxes f o r ...................... Black Patent Spike Ileel, Three for a pair ................ ........................... $6.75 One Box Stationery.......... • . # . • * 2 boxes ............................ CHILDREN’S RUBBER APRONS Black Satin Spike Heel, a pair . . . . $6.50 • » Regularly 50c One Box Stationery ........ Three for 2 boxes ................. . Black Kid Military Heel, a p a ir ---- $5.00 F R E E T O Y Given to all Children accompanied by parents - 1-------- in our store after 7:00 P. M . Saturday HER H IM What gift would please her more than a Silk Dress. We have some exceptional values special­ ly reduced for the Holiday season. Three big groups priced GARTER AND SHOE TREE SETS a combination that will appeal to her ............................................. $1.26 $9.45 $14.45 $19.85 Men’s Ties A Man Never Has Too Many. Priced ..................... 50c, 75c, $1.00 Real Reduction on Gowns ............. $3-35 Slips. ......................................... $3.35 Chemise .................................»• $1.85 Bloomers ...................................... $1.98 Vests ................... $1.25 Step-ins . . . . . . . . . . . *.................. $1.55 House Slippers Kid House Slippers in Red, Blue, Apricot ................................... $2.00 Snuggler Felt Slippers, $1.45—$1.60 Satin Slippers, ............. $1.29—$2.10 , Handkerchiefs Always Acceptable Priced from*......................... 5c to 50c Bpxed Handkerchiefs .. 50c to $1.10 Open Evenings Beginning -------— PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR GIFT HINTS FOR Rayon Munsingwear Three Carloads of COAL Fuller Paints Seven Big Shopping Days Beginning Friday, December 18th of Wonderful Christmas Gifts for Less Money. Solve the Christmas Gift Problem at the ' y i Cup Suow Jrifi X Tuupoou S alt i Clip Flour Pot water and Snowdrift in saucepan, when it comes to boiling point add flopr all at one time and stir and beat until it leaves the sides o f pan. Remove from stove and add one at a time the eggs, beating in each egg well be­ fore adding the next. Drop by spoonfuls on a greased baking sheet. Bake from 39 to 49 minutes, according to size, |n oven 900 degrees F. for the first five minutes, re­ ducing about 90 degrees at 'a time every five minutes, u n til When they begin to brown th e tem perature is 390 degrees F. W hen the puff leaves the greased bak­ ing sheet easily, they are done and should be cooled on a rack with a circulation o f air all about. When cold, fill with whipped cream. Milton— Free water baa naw fj. P. Railroad station. Klamath Falla — Klamath Moulding Company buys plant site, 10 acre«, *( $1,000 an aery. Klamath Falls— Postal receipts are 21 per cent over last year's. CHRISTMAS SALE Portland — Union Pacific or­ ders $90,000 ferry for Columbia River use, Astoria to Megler. Reconditioned Fords Extra Special Low Price, The Brotherhood National Bunk of San Francisco, 2« O’Farrell street, will open for businesq Sat­ urday, December 18; at 9 a. as., according, to Mrs. 0V. E. Sanford of Ashland, who will go to San Francisco to attend the. opening. The history of the establlsh- prove that to you when you m ake them w ith this fine shortening. with each used car sold between now and Christ- Graybar Electric Washing Machine LOCAL PEOPLE TO - ATTEND RANK OPENING couH had failed and that a divorce contest was Inevitable. Chaplin may be the first to file sudh action. The film come­ dian has indicated, through friends, that he intends to file a divorce complaint, alleging extra­ Plans on Spending Christ­ vagance and neglect of the child­ mas at the Home of ren. Mrs. Chaplin Is expected to His Children oounter with a cross complaint, HOLLYWOOD, Cal,, Dec. 1$.—- charging her Bueband^wlth cruel- (United Newa)— Whittling tops Although the boys are with and fussy bears occupied the at­ their mother at the home of her tention of Charlie Chaplin, while lawyers were preparing for legal grandparents, Charlie intends to battle between the film comedian spend a part of Christmas morn­ and his wife, Lita Grey Chaplin ing with them— at least long for the custody of their two chil­ enough to give them the presents dren* and dlylslon of the Chaplin he bought today. > millions. ’ : • While Chaplin was shopping for Homestead — 190-ton flotation Yuletlde gifts for his sons, at­ torneys announced that negotia­ mill running pteadlly, on copper tions for a settlement * out of ore. meht of Brotherhood banks at Cleveland. Hammond, New York,' Boston, Minneapolis, Spokane, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, and many other large cities, indicate that- the San Francisco bank should have a rapid growth and a prosperous fuyire. An Idea as to the growth of some of these hanks can be gained from the fol­ lowing: The B. of L. B. bank of Cleveland opened Its doors No-' vember 1. 1920. with $«60,000, and now enjoys resources of $18,000,000. The bank at Tacoma opened its doors on July 1, 1926 with deposits amounting to $729,- «69.46. On Deeember 21, 1926, its marvelous growth showed a total of $2,210,769.09. Th« Port­ land bank in leas than one year gained from $900,000 on the op­ ening day. more than $2,000,000. Ladies Coats No gift would more practicably solve Christmas gift problem.* Three groups especially merit your inspection at $9.45 $14.45 $19.85 Beacon B la n k e ts Make Warm Friends Double Wool and Cotton Fancy Plaid ......... $5.60 to Beacon Comforters .................. $3.25 to Indian Blankets ........... $4.50 to Rayon Bed Spreads ................. $6.30 to I Handkerchiefs They are surest thing in the world to give—always needed. Priced ................................. 15c to 50c Shirts Shirts, Shirts and more Shirts, many colors, so many patterns, Priced fr o m ................. $1.00 to $ Big Reduction on Men’s Suits $40 Rico Rochester Suits . . . . . . $30 $35 Rico Rochester Suits . . . . $27 $30 Rico Rochester Suits . . . . $25 Golden Rule Store Open Evenings Beginning Friday Dee. 17th