entertaiampnt that ha* t»ea rteM^ant made from new« r « l pramlaed. ‘ ¡clipp«MB. Tha ticket aalce started art The picture M arled when W11- brtakly aecordlag to a report fcy son w a a « o M e r « New Jersey tee women, « h o a fte r aboat tw o and took him to the W hite House, hoars work la the bastes« see- The aadteaee was stirred by a I Usft repotted t e h o n n « l I M W 1 thrU> »»Roet torgotfen yhfle they meeting. M ra F. O. Swedpabncg had charge of the parliamentary drill and Mrs. E. V. Carter reviewed the “ Life of O'Henry " An interesting business. session was held, and it was decided that there would be no more meetings until after the Christmas holidays are over. to their efforts. H b to W a its ghlppln M R OVtfr to private In Johnson h r « pussled statement by Toller that the ship- The « Ptog W a rd cannot operate its by predi ■hips at a profit. senate o Chairman %f the i watehed the president * ------ -- ( “ T U private bnUnam is « e k - proposal I general committee V. V. )0 |ls to ly appear before congress gad de- . « o rkin g o at a form of entertain- liver the message the* precipitated I meat that will bp decidedly ^ n k r - the declaration o f war. There Ipg to take them over in thp bp* merohaa CALK.XDAR O F EVEN TS lief that they will retai« » prof«.” «sta. Jt « d a y . Dae. Ito— Saby « I n k lab hoase. on W lab ara Way. Oooked F ood Salp ent. and according to a ll p a le - were mobilization acpnee, r-h - e ■«day, Dec. The Bmman- ' A Decided S eccese tloas, w ith the ticket sale and the departure tor France of a w ith anch aa enthusiast!* re- vigorous Wtlsoa. The cooked-food sale end barns r tbs Normal auditorium, under held at the Deacon Real Estate spoaae, and the other «omdRtteesI Many in the totte hall audience Udleàs repmèèmeats aro ordered W i W - ,Wi ■' rrfr direction o f Miss Leona Mara- office Saturday December elev­ busily working oat details tor knew Wilson personally and they for the government shipping fleet, sters. , * enth. by the ladies of the Social the entertainment, Thursday passed from applause to tears it w ill, w ithin five fire years, he ta la Friday. P i « a ri p 1 * T- * - Annual Circle of the Christian eharch, night's a ffa ir promises to be bn when t ip last o f the six reels de- danger of d b a p p M rn * from Ufe Xmas party Who Dp Opas M. E. was a decided snceesa unuanal one la local social a fU lr h .' pic ted the broken fcan appearing peal. CoBtoMte»oner\TfflMr pf the Onp-M f Block from Center'of City Church Friday evening. .Dec. They w ill hare some pf the shipping board, told the Seha{e 17. Chnrcb parlors. home-made mince ment and sev­ seipmprce ebpmlsMon toted. Monday, Dec. 9b.— American Le­ eral articles from the bazaar left,' Senator Hiram JohnPop, Call- gion Auxiliary wW « p e t in which Mrs. H. O. Holman has at Gpaunteep Hoads Are W orking fomte. annotated th—Doynl N eigh­ Useful gifts for Christmas and se that congress .p a y decide Storage M H r M o*«i Plans were consnmated, and bors will meet in thp Moose Mrs. Holman w ill appreciate the the sale pf Hall- ladies calling to see them, when Work was »tatted tickets for the golf sapper dance Tuesday. Dec. to ^ -C Iv ic Clab wSI shopping — to be hpld at the Ashland Motel meat hi the clubhouse oh W la- on the night of Thursday, Decem­ burn Way. i N E W YORK. Dec. 15:— (Halted ber 21, when Mrs. V . V. Mills, Tnredsy, Dor. Ml <— Alpha Chapter News)-«-W opdrok Wilson mpved Mrs. Louis Dodge, Mrs. Oeorge No. 1. O. E. S. w ill meet la the Converse, and Mrs. Daisy McGar­ through his stormy and dramhUf g i f ' s M P « y 4 .y » v » » » 4 s e v >*»-* *'» < *» '4 Mapenic H all. ateveW» political career hltnost as though ry were guests of R. W . Price at Friday, Dec. 84.— C. A. R. will day December eleventh. he were living again before a sym­ mdet at I p. m. The regular business session a luncheon at the Llthia Springs pathetic audience Monday aiglft in hotel today, and worked out the « « M . was conducted sad many impor­ the first New York showing of an Î2 in. and 14 in. BODY FIR W. C. T. U. Meets Taeedajr— i tant matters were taken up and details for the campaign. historical film of the w ar time 16 in. BODY FIR Unusual interest has been The W. C. T . U: met in the pub- < discussed. Delicious refresh­ 16in. BODY FINE lie library Tuesday afternoon Dec- i ments w«re daintly served by the aroused in this event, due to the' fact that the hour for starting ember fourteenth, for their regn- hostess, ] 12 in. PINE SLABS Mrs. McNair. has been set at nine o’clock in the lar business meeting. 12 in. LAUREL AND OAK evening which w ill be after the It was planned to send Christ- I closing hour of local merchants, ¡ mss cards to the older mpmbers, as well as the vnusnal and unique] and pinos were also made for packing the fru it, which to to be Rock Springs, Royal Utah and King Utah TRY B i! sent to the Children’s Farm Home. We can give yon the best The women decided to send the service on the aboye d a « Prompt Deliveries — Right Prices temperance papers. "The Dalon • repair work. Signal." for adults -apd "The f Young, Crusader” for young poo- 1 p le .to th e schools la this city« Ia ’ order that the teachers nod the 1 384 Oak St. — At Bailroad Crossing Phone Phone children may harp the privilege 1 of reading these beneficial maga- * ’• ss X m tta , LITHIA SPRINGS GARAGE , • We Mpke a Specialty of Washing, Creasing. COMPLETE STOCK LITHIA SPRINGS GARAGE Dry Wood , WINTER IS Want The Scalp Of Secretary Jardine COAL Auto Electric The next meeting w ill he on the afternoon of December twenty- eighth. and will be conducted by Mra. Patrick. green, extended sympathy to the octton and tobacco growers and in­ The Ashland Study Club held vited them to assist la gaining its regular meeting Monday, Dec­ suitably farm relief legislation. ember eleventh at the attractive hoaM.-of Mra. Louis podge on the Sixty-flye homeaeekers Acres Tumalo rec- Aahland Htady Cta> We can make prompt deliveries on Coal ami Blocks. Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. 06 LUMBER COMPANY - Bee the miniature raRs in the Window of the Standard Cleaners W ith Mra. L. D o dg e We do odorless cleaning. Whefl ’Vacwlrine” T lm to Y h yih e U.S. Navy is using' all condidona. and naU the other advantages it A T T H IS season, when you are being urged on every hand to "G ive this” and "G ive that,” be assured o f this truth: Nothing you could give a pipe-smoker could make more o f a hit than a generous supply o f Prince A lbert . . . mild, mellow, fraprant Prince Albert. H ere, fo r instance, is the crystal-glass humidor, all dolled up in holiday clothes. I t contains a fu ll pound o f P . A .— the grandest tobecco that aver lined the bowl o f a pipe. Ih e r e ’s a little sponge in the top o f the humidor to keep the tobacco Associate« PTWYT •■to Gasoline "just right,v Bvety pq>e^<4cer on Ib t be tjeUsd to death to find this geod» looking package pinong gRtg on C hrbtaiM morning. I t vffl Br^phten ffce Big D ay fo r M m and furnish deep-down p ip d jo y fo r the days that follow. Tbia Prince Albfert haMddor, by all means! lid s prime favorite.<»f experfeamd oua OKC a S 3180 CO^DCS k POVU m Q 8DQ bm O * w pauaa vtas At me tnemiB eonp» pen will f e d Prince A lbert in sizes to suit 20