V THE WEATHER Oregon, unsettled, and local rains in the north west, southerly coast winds. ' CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Do yqur Christmas shopping early, while the stocks are com­ plete. Ashland's Leading New (United Prose Wire Service) ’ ASHLAND, OREGON, (United News Wire Service) RSDAY, DEC. 16, 1926 ear Ashland Today Bellview Folks i Will Give Show I Tomorrow Nigl - to Bolster up Their iputations By Bragging John Mabin, Caretaker of Crater Lake Lodge, . Tells About B ean CANTON. O.. Dec, 16.— (UN) For eight months John Mabin »ffered the folks of Ashland and 1 — B is talk In the Canton under- lives the life of a hermltt. F of ricinlty at*the Bellview Commun- world, where the denizens told eight months the only people he tty club houso tomorrow evening * "whoppers’* to bolster their repu­ sees is when, once a month Up The Bellview boosters have tation* as bad men. came out in snowshoes out to Klamath June- fceen working on the enjertain- the Don R. Mallett murder trial Make PomanHa JTi tlon, to mall to R. W. Price, mint for several weeks, and aid- Two Old Men Are Exonerat­ League Peels That War Wednesday, when the prosecu­ publicans to Or« owner of Crater Lake Imdge Ms by local talent from thlg cjty Prevention is an Im- * ed on Charge of tion’s “mystery witness’* took the daily reports. These reports tell they have arranged a program portant Function Conspiracy stand. ny Examination Reveals a Broken Leg, Left Hip, in a most interesting W ifi what which promises to be Well worth He was William Metzler and his Severe Gash in Forehead and Badly Injured Arm. SMOOT DEFENDS PARTY ■ testimony »M damaging to Pat LEADERS transpires at Grater Lake during while. IDEALISTS MANY TEARS ABE SHED Mail is Brought to Ashland by Postmaster Fred the winter time. The bears, the The entertainment will start at McDermott, charged with first de­ Wagner. M ulti-M illionaire and Former oirds, and all animal life, with g o’clock, and Indications are gree murder of the rice erueadlng Secretary Break Into Tears which this country abounds, have lh at a crowded house will greet editor on orders of men higher become friends of John Mabin. the entertainers. When Verdict Road up In the underworld. Crashing into tho side of a mountain about three He has named them, and as the , Following Is the program- Betzler said that he was Inti­ WASHINGTON, Dec. 16— (UN) miles west of Ashland this morning when his ul tome ter WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.— Al­ months roll around a friendship i_ _ Pfh„o duet. Selected, Misses The democratic campaign for mate with McDermott for fire has been established that grows, Madge and Marie Mltehe„ bert B. Full and Edward L. Do- failed to register the altitude, Robert B. Patterson, flying tax redaction t spread into the days ending with the murder heny were acquitted today of con­ a mail plane, received serious injuries, and the plane ss only friendships can. that are 2.— Irish Skit, "Over the Back aeaate today with demands there night, when he had supper with based upon solitude. Fence>.. Bedella Murphy> ' Mrg spiracy to defraud tho govern­ was completely demolished. Due to a dense fog, Patter­ that republicans override the McDermott. Through a special arrangement Dave McKinney; Kate Casey ment. The youthful Jury which son was flying low, and with the failure of the altometer, “He showed me the Canton mandae of the house ways and with Mr. Price, the Tidings to enf Mr‘g. L K Barneg; Tlm Murphy received the case yesterday after­ means committee against a cut Dally News, I think it was,” Bet- shied to print these reports. T hej y. c Homes; Mlke c s R noon .returned a verdict today it was thought that he did not realize how close he was at thia session and join the min­ sler said. “He pointed to an ar­ will be a daily feature of this pav Barnes. at seven minutes after ten this o the mountain side. Striking the top of a tree was his ority party In a non-partisan blU. ticle In the paper and said ’those first intimation of danger, and the plane traveling at a per. The first one appears today. 3.—Character Song, Mrs. Ed- this morning. The first democratic tax are the kind of guys I associate Both Fall, sixty-five year old speed of 125 miles an hour, passed on, completely through ---------- win Dunn. move In the senate was Inaugur­ with.’ " Secretary of the Interior under another tree, and landed in the side of the mountain. November 1, 1090. . i Da”ce’ Tom Roseberry- “Pat went out to get some wine ated by 8enator Harrison, Missis­ President Harding, and Doheny, __________ ____________________ Neurby workmen, attracted to The warren Construction Co. o ?’a,One' sippi, and participated In by but he did not drink because he tho seventy-year-old multl-tnil- the scene by the crash, found the are taking down their camp, au, ex‘#tte School Girls) Swanson of Virgin!» and Cope­ ■aid he had a Mg job on. He told tlonare, were in court when the »riator In a perilous position with but two men have left. The chief ' R^ uae J*™ 10; land of Naw York, while Smoot of me he was going to leave town.” verdict was repd. Tho court room lu l g a tank on h brw i t engineer has left Anna Spring« _ 7 - Bone8 *»«.' Mrs- D e a n Betzler said that when he met Utah, chairman of the finance1 broke Into a hub bub, as friends ■k ■ rv* i i r f t . " i a v i a i i the motor weighing one thousand the defendant accidentally on the committee defends the republican and the first snow will let the ‘ „ Chief Ranger out, he to very an- v ’ ’ R ack DlaIoRue’ Ed- Dunn- congratulated the two men, who Sunday before the murder, Mc­ stand. were exonerated of the grave xloue to go. I knew that there 1 . er‘ Harrison accused the republi­ Dermott Immediately boasted of charges against them. The ballot. ----- ;---- of these before he could be res- was something wrong for he came Elam P cans of rejecting the desires of affiliations with the “high mucky- of the jury was taken one-half )etectives Make a Wide cued- A •led being used by wood j up to-day and stayed for a long ' “ ' President Coolidge; Swanson muck.” • hour before the verdict was an­ Search for Missing cutters waa brought Into play and N«t to bp outdone, Betzler ad- , rime, got lonesome I guess. Some- T’’0™?0*’6 So,° ’ v - 0 N charged them with holding off nounced showed ten to two for ac­ English Writer the injured man was rushed to the mltted later, he told McDermott body else was lonerome too, Frit«, Acrobatic stunts. Miss Higdon. tax redaction until the 1*2S pres­ quittal. Then the two dtssentors ---------- nearby home of J. C. Hopper, The Bum. Jeff and a yearling that J? t 1 » LuCa" idential year and Copeland de­ that he (Betzler) waa also “some ' gave in. noth old men, who LONDON, Dec. 16.— (United Here he was placed In Mr. Hop- pumpkins.” I „„ Vocal Duet- S. A. Peters, Jr., J. clared that the people a t. hto have borno up well were crying News)— A mystery born of the ver’e car and taken to the Sacred Ttos crime Betzler was convict- ! atete did so t want the su n a few m inute/ after tho verdict brain, of a writer of sensational, Heart Hospital, at Medford. Hasty nd of was ajealiap. a handbag. thia year a p p H M to th e pu had been announced. mystifying fiction ended toalght examination revealed a broken debt aa now provided. difficulties. right lag, broken Up, gash In the Dancing, old time and jazz OpOBlng of the democratic « Foreign Ministers Si V o n i ixm r / h i J k I Id / h 1 ■ v XM Adm ission for the evootBff, n o i r l rO iK S of Germany, Briand of France and right wrist, with the posstbXty of conference of leaden with Chair­ [Chamberlain of England are the other Injuries. man Clem Shaver of tho demo­ leading statesmen of the league as J. C. Hopper, who heard the cratic national committee. the year 1626 ends. crash, and who drove tho injured LODGE OFFICIAL HERE Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hansen of the Shaver came here last session “The big three,” they are call­ man to Medford, declared this af­ While coming to Ashland from to advise with democratic loaders Arfeatiaa Estimates Are Ashland Hotel, returned last even­ ed. They are men of Idealtom, but ternoon that he never had seen 1 Klamath Falls Tuesday, D. Rufus ing from Portland, Ore., where regarding their tax policy. Based Upon Grain for . the present they are material­ such nerve and courage as was i Cheney, grand secretary of the A. Mr. Hansen attended the Hotel After the Christmas recess Dealer« Optimism istic in their diplomatic pursuits. displayed by the aviator. Not­ F. A A. M. Lodge of Oregon, had Men’s Association meeting. Ac­ house democratic leaden will Thus they have sidetracked the I withstanding the serious injuries .in accident on the highway and cording to Mr. Hansen, there was begin circulation of a petition to I them, means something to eat. Is need for peace on earth and seek he did not loose consciousness, his car was badly damaged. Mr. an unusually large attendance, force the bill drawn by Repre­ peace In Europe and possibly as a It any wonder that they invade the Cheney escaped unhurt, however, and although suffering Intense with hotel men from Tacoma sentative Garner, Texas, demo­ secondary goal peaceful develop­ yards and barn lots and become and has J>een stopping at the pain stood the trip to Medford Seattle, Spokane and Olympia, crat, from the ways' and means ment of European nations* trade killers. Do you know that Maggie Lithia Springs Hotel the uast few exceptionally well. Patterson had Wash, besides those from Oregon. committee, and the demand for the mother of Jlmmlna stood with­ Interest in other countries. been making his home In Med­ reduction In the senate today was in ten feet of the gun that killed days until his car receives the He said that It snowed In Port­ ford,, and his wifs was rushed to necessary repairs. land all day Sunday and Sunday regarded as an effort to spur the her? She was looking to ¿he the hospital. This was said to night, covering the streets With iiiuv k9iiiv9fi t. 1 n© BcnBic c«nnov M r?------------ ~ ” --------~ have been the flrat accident that , Troutdale dedicates new school- Icy snow and causing many cars Initiate tax legislation, but It Colonel Archibald Christie, her he had ever experienced in many (Please Turn to Page 4) house. to skid and turn over. must come from the house. husband, accompanied the detec­ years of flying. The debate was prolonged, des­ tive who finally found the novelist Rex Bushnell, Geocge Weir, W. pite efforts or republican leaden In her hotel. J. Black and William A. Chatter to get the senate to resume its Mrs. Christie failed to recog­ were the men who were working scheduled business, consideration nize her husband, and he later nearby and who succeeded In ex­ Grand Juiy Charges Ormis of the riven and harbon bill. said that she was suffering From tracting the pilot from the wreck­ ton With Conspiracy Harrison read estimates from a complete loss of memory. He ed plane. to Defeat Justice the treasury department today intends to take her to London The exact location of the acci­ showing the surplus this y e a r LOS ANGELES. Dec. 16.— A Wednesday to see a specialist. dent, according to Mr. Hopper, would reach *506,000,000 and twenty four page document, one was on the mountain ridge, about then read President Coolidge's of the longest true bills on record one hundred yards from the An­ message recommending a refund in Los Angeles county. In which derson mine, and very near the ofpiext taxes. to contained an indictment against place known aa the Hamlin house. Thé latest estimate on the 1*26 Kenneth G. Ormlston, will o’ the Swanson declared It w al 1 evi­ The mall which was not dam­ dent that tax reduction could not wheat prop, as given by tho min­ wisp radio man, was returned by, aged In anyway, was brought to istry of agriculture In Buenos the county grand jury here Wed­ be effected at thia session , Ashland by local postmaster Fred Smoot, defending application Aires was that 68,606 000 tons, nesday. Wegner, and will ba dispatched up of the surplus to the public debt, an Increase of 667,000 ton« over The indictment charges Or- The first of a numer of Pioneer from here. said the reduction in the debt '1025. The ministry estimated mlston with conspiracy to defeat I clubs to be organised In the city achieved In the past six y ea n “to the surplus available for exporta­ Justice in connection with the by the Y. M. C. A. got under way tion at 4,000,000 tons. reflected in the business of thé mysterious disappearnce of Almee last evening when the following nation, which has never been so Semple McPherson last May and boys: Wallace Stearns, John good.’’ her subsequent reappearance at Dickey, David Johnson, Cecil Har- Ague Prieta. * j bordt and Robert Bectel.m et with Bail was set at *10,600, W. P. Walter and organised the The next step depends upon ac-1 Grizzly Pioneer club of the Pres­ t(,on In Chicago, where Ormlston byterian church. Clso Howsll was Is now at liberty' Chief of De­ chosen as tha leader of the club, tectives Ben Cohn plans to leave hut was unable to meet with the SAN FRANCISCO. Doc. 16.— Pawnee Bill, self-styled blind here Thursday for Sacrafnento to boys last evening. Wallace (United News)— An automobile tie dealer of Kansas City, to obtain a state warrant from Gov- Stearns was elected as temporary toll road to the top of Mount flooding Ashland with so-called ernor Richardson to bring back chairman, and upon assuming of­ Tamalpato la Marion county, north silk knit ties which he to attempt­ the fugitive. However, unleee fice, appointed a nominating com­ of San Francisco Will eventually ing to sell to local men at an even Ormlston Is placed under arrest mittee composed of, David John­ replace the "Crookedeet rail line higher price than better ties can extradition proceedings will be I son and Cecil Harhordt to act In the world, which now takes be purchased through local deal- temporarily halted because the ra­ tourists to ths summit. with the chairman In nominating eta. dio ipan to not in the custody of I officers to be elected at ^helr next Harry W. Petris, president and The aysteln to another elever police and therefore papers could meeting which will be held In the general manager of tho railroad mall, order scheme and one which, not be served In, the state of Illi­ today announced this plan, saying apparently, has worked success­ I’resbyterjan Church on Thursday nois for his extradittoB, it was evening, December 2S, at 7:16. that steps art being taken to ob­ fully |n other parts of the coun- Much enthusiasm waa shown by tain the necessary permission from He sends the ties to men on Four witnesses testified before those present at last night’s meet­ the state railroad commission and approval without their bavin* or­ the grand fury Wednesday behind ing as tha program of activities Marlon county authorities. dered them. It the man receives closed dbors. Whether (he articles (or Pioneers work was outlined to Cog wheel engine« bar« operat­ the ties he to directed to send the of feminine attire'found In the them. The boys will begin work ed on the roads Curves for money to Pawnee Billi if hot, he' Ormlston trunk were Identified on their program at once In the 1 SO years and visitors from practi­ to told to send the ties back. He could not he learned. hope to get a good start for the 1 cally every nation In ths world uses the plea that he to blind to activities which will start after 1 have registered at the Bn mm It aid him in selling hto merchan­ the holidays. Robert Ye© was a I tavern. dise. visitor at the meeting last night, an Mfll/CI IQT I H/EQ fll/ED lUvELIul LIV UV K * U , - PART OF HER FICTION r c & r i Ä Attend Convention Happiness is Knocking OPEN UP/ opea /alie AAMeoFiwe Pawnee Bill Has Expect To Build New Sales Plan NewTolI Road In Selling Ties >17