ashland daily ttïmxg » W ill Spend Xmax with Fam ily— Lioeal j Personal flotes ! Eugene Bailey, who works at Kirk, near Klamath Falls, Is in Ashland to spend the Christmas holidays with bis wile and fam­ ily, on Almond stree^ C liff Payne makes shelves. M alta Q s u n e ami ry Np. 4 Talent Visitor— a sights Templar )' Carl Mellin of Talent was a Prompt delivery— quality work, Studio Ashland photographs. Expected Heme T o m o rro w - Miss Jessie Outhrie, daughter •of' Mr. and Mrs. W . C. Polk t»li Gresham street. Is expected to­ morrow or Friday from Berkeley. Cal., where shells a BtudWnt at the University of California. Miss Guthrie w ill spend the Christmas holidays with her parents. At the Motel Ashland— Francis __Lord o f . Los Angeles, Cal., J. McGregor of San Fran ­ cisco. Cal., and Ralph T. Ure of Portland, Ore., are among those who registered at the Hotel Ashland yesterday, Something entirely different In Xmas cards. Darling Studio. 76-tf Senator Hopes to uurly< Action on [is Measure The Maytag wishes you a mer­ ry Christmas. tion, agriculture legislation has been given no place on the calen­ dar, and it was freely predicted that the abort session w ill end without any action oh farm bills. N either , does the tentative house program give a place to farm relief. A sim ilar b ill is ex­ pected to 'be preeented there in a few days. Success of this bill, whenever it le taken up, appears to binge Upon support of south­ ern members ‘and an investigation today disclosed there had been no notieeqble change among southern senators who voted against the b ill last session. Eastern mem­ bers were hopeful that the recent crisis in the ootton belt ah a re­ POPE G IV I» ADVMTS TO ' FATHERS AND MOTHERS (Continued from Page One) »I mhet he remembered, is marked with Christ's sign in baptism and the administration o f other sacra­ ments.” u He referred to the scripture passage which "is the word placed by God In the mouth of the body.” “ He makes the body nay,” said the pope, " ‘Lord eave me from an Impudent and shameless soul.’ The body la sacred because it was created by GOd. Catholic men would do not only h Chris­ tian, but also a human and philan- throplcal work by, devoting atten­ tion to this serious problem at a lim e when it is necessary tor those pieserving « tense of huipan dig- r.liy aud nobility to agree on a means e f damning such unsightly and deleterious current fashions.” W A SHING TO N, Dec. 1 1 .— S lttln g * made evenings by ap­ (U N )— The revised McNary-Hau- pointment. Studio Ashland. gen farm bill, representing the re­ Stated conclave Wednesday friends. , Milton Blegal arrived in Ash Give her an Easy for Christ­ 7 1-tf newed movement for agricultural evening, Dec. IS . Routine busl- ______ laud Friday to spend the Christ­ mas. See window at Wicks. relief was added today to the nesa and Installation o f ‘ officers? Rave your furniture repaired mas holidays with his mother Medford IV opl« Attend tangle of legislation facing the Pinner at 8:45. AU Sir Knights and retinished* at Jordan’s Sash Mrs. Cx> E. Blagei, and sister Students W ill Spend Xmas I Itranian Chorus— senate. . courteously invited. Miss Calls . Illegal of Morton Here— Among the Medford residents I t provides a revolving fund street. D. H. JACKSON, E. C. Among the college students who attended the Ukranian of 1260,004,000 an dretalns the W . H. DAY, Recorder -A store full of Holiday who are expected '-home for the ,horu3 presentation at Ashland equalization fpe. / sult of the huge crop would draw Beautiful line of Imported gift Christmas holidays are: Harvey Monday evening were M r. and KIhart’s. J .’ W hile Senator McNary, Oregon additional southern suppo'rt. stationery— Darling A rt Store. Woods, Medical School, Portland; Mrs. E. E. Gore, Mies Betty Gore, 75-tf Marcus Woods, University of Miss Jessie Ludwig, Miss Carol republican, who drew up the new Fixes B illiard Tables— measure a fter conference with R. C. Danford of the Bruns- Oregon; Chester Woods, O. A. Itarasel, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton farm leaders, hopes- for early ac- See Bert M iller and Ed Dunn as Royal Coal, Hot and Clean wick-Balke-Collender company of 1 C.; Vernon McGee, University of Janes, M r. and Mrs. R. C. Young, high class coons if you want a Portland, has been in Ashland Carson-Fowler Lhr. Co. Oregon: Kenneth Hobpon, O. A. Mr. and Mrs. Carl 8wlgart,- M t. Portland longshoremen - earned good laugh h t the opening of the several days putting new covers C. Marlon Leach, University of and Mrs. H a rry W ortm an. Mrs. 72Ç0.000 during November. new community house at Bellview Stated convocation^ Thursday and other wise repairing the bil- The fin en ana most complete Oregon t Thelma Perozzi, Uni­ J. Albert McCorkle and C. M. Friday. Doc. 17. Admission 60c evening., Wed. 14. Rdntine busi­ lalrd tables at Ninlnger’s He line of Xmas cards. Dgrling Stu­ versity of Oregon; Carl Dyrud, Houston. ' ' La Grande claims a population and 26c. Concessions and good Dickey’s Orchestra, W a l k e r ness and election of officers. A ll left for Portland today. dio and art store. 76-tf North Pacific Dental College at of ,10,076. jests, 6 and 10 cents. Hall,. Medford, tonight. 88-1 companions invited. Portland, and George Francis Phone 210-J for Maytag demon C. A. MALONE. H. P. Avoid the Holiday rush by hav- At the Oregon Hotel__ Barron, University of Oregon. stratlon. W . H. DAY, Secretary. ing your clothes cleaned a n d Mr. and Mrs. Taffoon of Ever- -p -fr-r- ; 88-2 pressed this week. Paulserud's. ett, Wash., C. H. Bralley of To get to the Bellview Com­ Look at 443 Allison, just abont 86-tf Klamath Falls, Ore., and A. B. munity House go Routh on the From Klamath Falls— ----------- ! Slggin of Newport, Wash., are one block from the city library, and a 6-room cottage, bath, etc., pavement to the first street to Perfume Atomizer, 76c to |4 at maong those who stopped at the A. C. Panzer of Klamath Falls garage for only >2100. Ashland the right a fter you cross the over­ formerly of thia city, was a visit­ McNair Bros. Oregon Hotel yesterday. Realty Co. 77-tf head bridge. Keep gping up that or here yesterday, looking after Rtreet until you are at the new business attain. He returned to Motored To Weed— I f you want it done right take Maytag Christmas comes every building. The road la in perfect hie home last evening. to White. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Kerby of Monday. condition. Friday, Dec. 17. WflSBp Masowte H a ll I visitor In Ashland this morning shopping and visiting with Arrive«] In Ashland— Winter Coats Holiday special on suits o'coats at Paulserud's. tills city motored to Weed, Cal., yesterday, where Mr. Kerby look­ C liff Payne makes ed after business affairs. boards. Say M erry Christmas with pho­ Wanted five hundred men Plenty of money to .loan on women and children to buy choco­ tographs— Studio Ashland. 82-tf good security. Phone 21. Yeo, of late creams at The Rose. course. 83-tf Cutex Sets, 86c to 13.50.— Mc­ tTiief of Police Now Grandad— N air Bros. From Talent- A fine big baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Oils at the Community hospital Monday, December IS. Mrs. Glle was for­ merly Janette McNabb, daughter Of Chief of Police McNabb. A t the Lithla Springs H o t e l - Out-of-town visitors in Ash­ land yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. Milton T. Morgan of Weed, Cal., L. W . Lowry, of Eugene, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hark- Trade in your old machine on a Sef o r Sacramento, California. They stopped at the Lithla Maytag. Springe Hotel. photo- 82-tf Visiting with Pa rents J Albert Guthrie. Southern Pa­ cific employe at Dunsmuir, Cal., was In Ashland yesterday visit- lag with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Polk on Gresham St. W urlltzer Pianos at E ihart’s. Warm Woolen Dresses Sweaters and Furs b re a d W. A.. Childers of Talent was in this city yesterday shopping and visiting with friends. Mr. Childers runs - the Talent meat market. Bring Back the Old Magic of Christmas • «fc * W hat could be better tor Christ­ mas than a Maytag? Banjo-Ukes make the best of gifts tor that growing boy or Attend Ukranian C h o r u s - g lri, 22.60 — 818.Q0— E ih a rt’s. Five members of the First Na­ tional bank staff of Grants Pass Good eating apples, 60 per box attended the Ukranian chorus Bring own box. Ash. F ru it A Pro. here, Monday evening. They Assn. ’ 86-3 were Miss Carlotta Wiseman, Miss Helen Smith, Miss Marin Registered Cars H er e Kerley, Andrew H all and T. P W. A. W ilkins of Weed, Cal., Cramer, Jr. and R. E. Burgoon of Seattle, Wash., registered their cars a t ; Give her an Easy for Christ- the local Chamber of Commerce mas. See window at Wicks. morning. Let the U N IO N write your fu ll New Mottoes Just received coverage automobile Insurance. E ihart’s. • „ Teo, of course. 83-tf • New Fur Trimmed Models in Either Sport, Walk or Dresl Coats. / sentiments of Christmas—its glad Ç.X Give her an Easy for Christ mas. Seo window at Wicks. * Z* ou may reawaken the • noble old surprises; its glowing zest. Full lined and good weight. Lots to select from. All Sizes on our Racks. - ---------------------------------- Our modest pricing provide« a mean« by which you may make those major gifts of jewelry, that were the delight of years gone by • PRICED AT We have a complete line of W rist Watches, Pearls, Rings, Fostoria Glasp, Silverware, China and Novelties. Our Prices The Lowest. Chas. A. White ENDElfS J3LOCK Free Grab With Every $5.00 of Mdse PnrihRitd * FINISHING TODAY WARM WOOLEN DRESSES “Prisoners Of * The Storm” with HOUSE PETERS WECREM GATSBY- Remember i o . 4 6 , ________ .............. ...... MILLER’S TOGGERY $5.00 Cash Prize 3 Fancy Knit Ties 95c a Made of Choice Poriet or Charmene and Wool Taffettas. — They come in plain or fancy patterns in sizes 16 They Say Our Ties Are Wonderful A N ifty Calendar To' Each Patron Imported Silks - Cheney Cravats, Etc. Broadcoth Shirts at $1.38 Pajamas - Niterobes Fancy Patterns Sterling Plate Hickok Belts Beautiful Sweaters - Blazers Fancy Imported Scarfs Gift Certificates Always Please Bathrobes In Xmas Package Wonderful Line Men’s Hosiery Herbtt Brtnon a n * « « WARNER BAXTER L O IS W IL S O N , NEIL H A M ILTO N GEORGIA MALE I t is the story of Jay Gatsby who comes so mysteriously to town, o f his sumptuous entertainments, and of his great love. also “Fighting To Win” and a comedy SEE AND CHOOSE FROM THEM AT OUR LINE OF FURS ARE CHOICE SELECTIONS IN OPPO8UM -x CONEY - SQUIRREL - FITCH —WOLF AND STONE MARTIN. Each a genuine fur hide made in choker or throw pattern, W PRICED AT OUR SWEATER ASSORTMENT t s HARD TO EQUAL — W E HAVE EVERYTHING ONE COULD W ISH IN THE SW EATER LINE. Light weight Slipovers—1made of Ice Wool; Saxony weight Coat Style—Scotch Sweater Yard woven into Coats—or Germantown Loggers—Any one of these Sweaters is a real warm garment and the colors are new. One full rack to choose from, PRICED AT Toilet Sets, Kum-A-Part>Links CLQaramount picture Nifty Suit Covers With Zipper Fronts || .... $3.50 TO $7.00 ™ $12.00 Numerous Other Gifts Get Your Wann Garments At Hab-a-dash Tables Piled F u ll oÇ Select Xm as G ifts Early Shoppers Get .The Selections. Be Sure Ÿou Are One.