I V •a d moat Interesting of any yet staged by the peace officers. Near­ ly 100 officers and guests were in attendance, and Ashland led all of the cities la point of attend­ A plea tor better hospital facil­ ance, w ith 1« at the banquet ta­ The Annual U g h school play DR. W . J. CRANDALL ities was voiced yesterday by ble. Osteopathic presented every >*nir by the stu­ Miss Atchison, superintendent of Physician and Surgeon dent body, win ba given Thursday Cooperation Keynote the community hospital. In a talk Bye, Ear, Nose sad Throat. night, - December 16. in the tfe h Cooperation was the keynote of before the chamber o f commerce Practice Limited To Office Phone 126 school .auditorium. A e play cho­ the meeting, and prominent state forum. She said a well equipped P in t National Bank Building Eye» Ear, Nee« and Threat W t t BALM — Steal Soteto , sen this year is entitled "The and federal officials were among hospital, with wards for contag­ Bashful M r. Bobbs,” pud is pre­ the speakers. These included ious disease and an X -ray jrodm W R R E N T — 1-room A ta ri- W l O l t i l n ~ T R A E E —W i l f tra d e " fe r eity DR. M A T T IE B. SHAW X-Ray, Including TeeU sented by a cast chosen from the United States District Attorney would be of real value to the city. meut, furnace heated, furnished roou^ fumiehed bout Physician and Surgeon property or going business, all or best material In the student body. George Neuner, Chief Deputy U. O. F. Carson, president of the and close fit. Chattln ,11« H arrs- tequ*re Hswdy Bros. 108 Pioneer Ave part of «ninety acres, three tulles The cast-has been rhearsing faith ­ S. Marshal Henry Reed, Federal chamber, gave a f«w of hla Im ­ to » « •' r — — -- ---------------- Office and Resident Phone i from Medford, en eity pipe lines, fully for several weeks under the Prohibition Administration New­ pressions gained on Vacant visits Office Hours with Irrigation: fine road, near able direction of Miss Adrienne ell of Portland, State Prohibition to the northern part of the state, 1 1 0 - 1 8 a. m. 3 - 4 p. m. school. Aot quickly C. C. Derby, Hasard. higher English and jo u r ­ Director Levens, F. M. Brown, and suggested that Ashland must \ 8:80 - 7:80 p. m. Boa 113*, Medferd, Ore. 88-* nalism instructor. The prices this chief deputy state game warden work harder In order to compete H ELP FEM ALE year are in touch w ith eyeryone’s and Senator George Dunn of Ash­ w ith other cities for the tourist W OMEN— M ak e . money sewing pocket book.' Nomihal, we mean. land. Other speakers Included trade. ' ■ Dr, Charles A. Haisee # children's drosses, bungalow ap­ The people who attend w ill not be Mayor AUenderfer »of Medford, Dr. E. A. Woods presided. ." 0 . 1LLTBOH SHIHN Physician and Surgeon roas. Experience unnecessary. disappointed In the least as com­ District Attorney Johnson of Materials cut, instructions fnr- edy Is predominate through the Grants Pass, Mayor-elect Charles D entist . R E T IR E S ON PENSION entire play. The high school Or­ Pierce of Ashland, Chief of Police ulshed. Radfleld Mte- Co., 140 Rounding out th irty years o f Off joe Phone 164-J W 4 2nd SL. New York. « 8 -1 * acts. McLean of Grants Pass, W . A. continuous FOR SA LE— Five room house, chestra w ill play between service with the Citizens Bank Bldg. Home Phone 164-L 88,000. Seven room, *2 *0 0 . Miss Laura Raguse, musical direc­ Mullin, state real estate commis­ Southern Pacific railroad the m a­ I W A N T E D Subscription solici­ O FFIC E HOURS Largw lot, t(wo blocks west Nor­ tor in the Ashland public schools, sioner, Sheriff Ralph Jennings of jo rity of this time as a conductor, Office Phons 161 tor wanted. Phone 8 8*-Y . 86-6* 10 to 18 a. m.— 8 to 8 p. ns. mal; Others. Phone 463— . 1-m* has arrangea a special musical Jackson county. Sheriff Bill Hayes J. B. Duncan, well known resident Res. Phono 184 program for the enjoyment of the of Grants Pass, Deputy Sheriff of Ashland, has retired from the FO R B A LE or E X C H A N G E — patrons. Forncrook of Klamath Falls, railroad service, on a well Granite. Reasonable terms. 84-tf Good 6-room house, furnished, 1 Evenings by Appointment Sheriff Taylor of Eugene and sev­ earned and deserved pension. lots 60x166 each, fru it and ber­ Slickers have given way to Ov­ eral others. Mr, Duncan has owned a home ries, 2 garages, hen house, wood­ ercoats and top-coats, althongh Included in the Ashland dele­ In Ashland for some time and he FO R R E N T — 6-room furnish­ shed, dandy place for chickens the ever-falthfnl galoshes seem to gation were Senator George W. and Mrs. Duncsu w ill continue ed house. Inquire « I Onk 8 t w ithin 3 blocks of city library, DR. ROLAND h j y w hang on, however, and are flap ­ Dunn, S. A. Peters, Jr., J. E. 81,600, 826 down and 225 p er ì* -6 * ping aa flippantly as ever/ Thornton, Roy Parr, Chief Mc­ W E L L D R IL L IN G — R. C. Vo- month. W ill take good car. See Physician and S u g e o a Nabb, Charles Claus. Charles A. chstser, deep well drilling, Talent, Ashland Realty Co. i8 -t f The first snow has caused 158 Granite Street Ore, Phone 2 *6 3 *. - *4-1 mo.* Office Phone 158-J FO R R E N T — Two w eU .ftrnlsh- much unrest In the study hall, Facing Park and Lithia Fountain ished housekeeping rooms. * 1 * Residence Phene 108-L F o r bargains In Reni Estate lately and books are scanned per­ per month, 424 H e lo n a SL 27-6 charge, *1 .6 *. Recharged with try Brown ra d Rice, *3 No. Main iodically while the size and num­ i. W. M . Barber In Charge oar new Servell Charger. Clay- 234-tf ber of snow flakes are remarked Practical Nursing e*teb V o te r Co. Phone 6 * . about In excited whispers, " it Terms: * 8 to «8.50 per day 6 4-tf t • F O R SA LE and EX C H A N G E— won’t be long now.” Good Cheer, Good Care, Good Five acres, splendidly located, Food— Onr slogan. will fill the bill for that Xmas gift'-for him. o f good soil In Bellview district. . A special edition of the high Some fru it. *1,000 and take part school paper, “The Rogue News” la good team o r eows. See Ash­ wiH be distributed Wednesday, In W H ITTLS TRANSFER Wtsnaa’s Shoea, 0TB5 land Realty Çpmpany. 78-tf view of advertising the annivers­ Men’s Shoes, * 7 A 5 ary play. A STORAOX 0 0 . For the Whole Fam ily FO R SALK— 5-room bouse at W A C TE D — Batteries to re­ Tailor-Made Shoee are fitted just sorted, *1 per box, 20 or charge. 21. Çlaycomb Motor Co.. r 71 Mountain Ave w ith 8 lots, 6 * Coal* W ood and Storage Basketball practice started. De­ to six actual foot meaeute- *200 each, nearly 1*0 hens, large more boxee at s discount, the 2nds Ford Garage. Phone 6 *. ments- In any Style—4a the cember 8. Twenty were out; 6 4 -tf . B iggest Little Store in Town hen house, garage, Ashland Real­ Packing, Crating and Shipping. leather yon lik e beet and In end culls trae. Ed Staples, 71 B. since then the squad has inereased Opposite New Hotel — Open Evenings Long Distance Hauling. high or low shoee as yon pre­ ty Co. 71-tf M ain. SS-S to thirty. Coach Cripe has been fer. Now you esn enjoy foot Auto Freight Terminal putting boys through practice the comfort and have perfect shoe FO R BALE — barload empty style and maximum service. last week. linseed oil barrels and drums, IL C. MANSON Phone 117 LOST— Small coin purse con­ 60 sad 76 eta; Swanalng A Gear 88 Gresham A ski sad. One. The glee clubs are preparin/N or taining * 2 1 In greenbacks and Office 89 Oak S t Dependable Painting Contractors, other cash. Finder return to an operetta to be presented after 8 U R . 7 87-6* Ckristmqs. The operetta selected 326 North Main St. Reward. Flapper, F O E SA LE— W . T . B U ckw sll’s is “Miss Cherry Blossom,” which 88-2* Matrons Let us show you our stock of Christmas slippers services, M U «ing. repairing, will be under the direction of 1ST ST. GA R A G I painting, tinting and c e m e n t tor’s last love, has avowed she Miss Laura Raguse. for men and boys. They come in three different T ira r Union Oil Station work. Phone 2S *-L . <7-l-tt>o. w ill have “at any cost.” A per­ (Over The Tidings) M ilo Gates entered school Mon- styles — $2.75 per pair. Wo exchange sizes after Valve Refacing and Grinding sonal representative of the Polish' Christmas. - « Specialty ) FO R SALE— Cook and, heating Now Under the Direction of stoves, 26 to * * 6 . Eagle Brake Ws have installed machinery oanvss m ight be offered, Rose Sullivan. Foundry, 14* Oberlin St. 8 0 -lm * which makes your valves op­ erate porfeotly. FOR H A H to -' Manzanita woo« We aspect oars, locate trouble free of charge. A. 8. Park, 711 Liberty street. market place of memories to b ar­ For Appointment Phone 4*6. ft*-* ter for the cherished personal pos- Call la for a Chat. seeridsm o f the late Rudolph V a l­ J . W. Barr A Son Counter Leghorn Farm , Ash­ entino. , Peace Officers Urge H is land, Ore., for high grads, vigor­ The idol worshipping flapper, pointaient a t «otuioj ous breeding cockerels. Order the sentimental middle aged ma­ now. 8 6-tf tron ahd the rabid art dealer, T . L . PO W ELL General Transfer bumped elbows before a curious Circuit Judge Charles M. Thom­ Good team and motor trucks, array of treasures that the late Good service at a reasonable as was again put forward as the film sheik had accumulated, while price — Phono 88. best possible candidate to succeed > FO R S A L E —-Barred rock cock, 1* special guards, watchsd over the late Federal Judge Wolverton JORDANS SASH AND crels of the laying strain, *8 , W . the display, valued at' 21,000,00*. at a sessioji of the association of . C A B IN E T WORKS Cup-hllted rapiers, parrying L . Moore, R. F . D. 74-1-mo. Corner Helman and Van Ni Southern Oregon peace officers daggers, wheel lock pistols and Phone 1*1. 1»' at the Hotel Holfahd In Medford otfier medieval arms, vied fo r ad- Medford Business College miration with rare first editions. NOTICK O F F IN A L ACCOUNT Joe Keller, special agent for the W A N TED — W ork for man and Gothic woodcuts, wood panels sf Notice Is hereby given that theft,bureau of the Pacific Coast team or single hand. Priced and ecclesiastical a rt; Varguendo fu r­ the undersigned, as Administra­ auto underwriters conference, service right. Address 147 Ohio niture and personal trinkets, in­ tor w ith the W ill Annexed o f the flayed circuit Jhdgae throughout SL Mom-Wed.* cluding an'extensive wardrobe. Big, vigorous birds, weighing Estate of Frank Gooley, deceas­ the state and particularly in Port­ over 6 lbs. Inch. Lfncbred and The El Gabellerò Jerezano, a ed, kas filed in the County Court land, where he said their leniençy Individually Pedigreed from ’ a Two business permits Issued for full length canvas of Valentino In of Jackson County, State of Ore­ Progeny Tested Dam with 8 and spineless attitudes was the- year record of 664 eggs (1st national forest town a t Crescent Argentine garb, occupies the spot­ gon, his Final Account as such greatest hindrance in the fight year 171 eggs). light of attention. I t is the paint­ Administrator of said Estats -and 384 Oak St. — At Railroad Crossing — Phone 20 Lake. against auto thieves. Only a limited number loft. ing th a t Pela Negri, the dead ac- that Monday, the 14th day o f Prices very reasonable, with proven breeding ability. Podl. January, 1 *27 , at the hour of. He declared Judge Thomas to groe furnished. 10 o’clock A. M., and at the be the 6ne circuit Judge in all of Court House la Jacksonville, Ore­ Oregon who dealt firm ly and just­ Lithia Leghorns gon. has been fixed by the Court ly with the criminal class, and de­ 112 Nutley St. Phone 48«-J as the time and place for hearing clared he would be a worthy suc­ objections to said Account, and cessor to ¿edge Wolverton. By the settlement thereof. unanimous vote of the peace of­ Drink M enty ef-W ater snd'Take GOLF LESSONS Date of first publication, Dec. ficers, D istrict Attorney Chaney, Glene of 8aHs Before Break- 8, 192«. secretary of the organisation, was Learn to play Golf this winter f a r i Occasionally S. A. PeCers, Jr., Administrator directed to send datagrams to the and be ready for the opening DÜRING with the W ill Annexed of the Es­ Oregon senatorial delegation urg­ of the Ashland course this tate of Frank Gooley Deceased. ing the appointment of Judge spring. *2 -4 Thomps. I M Me Teach You The Medford meeting last lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and as night was one of the beet attended . B IL L Y S E L K IR K , and irritate the entire urinary tract. Preventive Instructor, Keep your kidneys clean like you keep SpreM Moend-Trfp Tickets w ill be OU e rie ’ to your bowels dean, by flushing them Ashland tta tf Club with a mild, harmless salts which below from December IS , 108« to January 8, Studio, 131 E. Main . , helps to remove the body’s urinous Return lim it January 4, 1087. waste and stimulate them to their aerinal activity. The function 6t the kidneys is to filter die Mood. In 24 hours they Strain from it 500 grains of add and Portland eerie, to we can raafwy understand • Katrin 18.50 Albany 11 AO Corvallis lots of good water—- 11.10 Almost everyone knows that Sago o much* Also get fi Monusouth 18,40 Tea and Sulphur, properly com­ pounded, brings back the natural 0.4O E a r« « ' color and lustre to the hair' when Cottage Grove 8.B0 faded, streaked or gray. Years ago mg for a fen Hay« atm your kidneys the only way to get this mixtusa was may then act fine. This famous salts to make it at home, which Is arassy is made from the acid of grapes and ‘and troublesome. Nowadays, by The Salb lemon juice, combined with lithia, and asking a t any drug store for “Wyetlro Leave has been toed for year» to help clean Sage and Sulphur Compound, you and t «mutate Gened kMneys; also to 'will get a large bottle of this Asaroue The First and Orifltoal ., neutralize the acids in the system jo old recipe, improved by the addition Cold «&d Grip Tablet they sre’no longer a scetoe of Irrita­ of other ingredients, a t a smal ooa*. Leave .Dent etey gfayt Try it I No one Prove« S o b for aidra tiau* tion. thus often relieving bladder ferry on can possibly tall that you darkened a Quarter « f « C entury. youv hair, ae it does it so naturally M IL W A U K E E . * Price 30c. - , aad evsaly. You dampen a epoaga or (Uniin« Newa)— 1 soft brush with it aad draw thia The box bean title algaatora q u rite nur totry, i through your hair, taking one email stren^ a l a time, by morning the ] up the water drinking, gray hair disappears, apd after an­ you wiU « « M f what other application o r two, your halt rr kidney trouble and becomes broutifully dark, gmasy and attractive. Hospital Needs Of City Shown cost Is Owe It Convalescent Home A Remington Pocket Knife or Gun • ARMY GOODS STORE CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS OVERLAND SHOE SHOP WINTER IS HERE We can make prompt deliveries Coal and Blocks. Cockerels ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Co/rfs Gr//y, In tin - If Bacie Hurts Plash Kidneys Spedai Rales e /tjr a a y - —- - ■ • n Unitiva BE PRETTY! TURM GRAY HAIR DARK Hardware Interurhan Stage Co,