a »m .*im daily tidings fee, Helene Made, Gertrude m ede, p alla Belgia, L e u W alker, Alice W alker, the Mesdames Dan Kay, George Blnmmenkaeur, C lift Jenkins, and the bottata, Miss with Miss Blanche Hicks at the public library. The Daughter’s ef the N ile met Dr. Inskeep of. Ban Francisco, California, Is the new he»lha. ? . Board of Health to succeed D r .1 Hotel Medford at twelve-thirty, tt tt tt V. S. Gegry, who has been head after^whlch they conducted their H igh School P. T. A. Meets The Senior high school P. T. of this Unit since March, IB IS , regular business session in the 1 A ., held Ils regular E ta tis e In th^ and who recently resigned to ac­ new Masonic hall, which Is very IB T H E ' COUNTY COURT IN Senior high school, Wednesday cept e three year fellowship at b e a u tifu l.. Plans for a ceremon­ AND FOR JACKSON COUNTY, ial, which w ill be given on Janu­ the Mayo Foundation Clinic at afternoon,'December eighth. STATE OF OREGON. ary twenty-fifth, wdre discussed. Rochester, M inn. * • Miss Helen' French, cooking IN T H E M ATTER OF T H E ES­ Those attending from Ashland » tt tt îeacher nt t tw high school, and T A T E OF CLAY QUINCY SAN­ were Mrs. H al McNair, Mrs. T. her g lrl% ’ gave an Interesting Cantata Wiursday— ‘ FORD, Deceased. P. Franco, Mrs. Clyde Malone and The. Emmanuel Cantata w ill be demonstration of making (cran­ NOTICE IS H ER EB Y G IVEN , berry pie. They tolA bow thp In­ given In the auditorium of the Miss Juanita T arr. that the undersigned has been ap­ - tt tt tt- ' gredients were mixed, the cran­ Southern Oregon State Normal pointed as administrator of the tì. A. B . Elects Officers — berry filling made and t i e pro­ school, Thursday evening, Decem­ above estate, and all peraona The local organisation o f the ber 1*. cess o f baking. A fte r the delic­ This entertainment w ill be un­ O. A. R., elected officers at their having claims against said estate ious pipe wsrd baked, thé guests der the direction of Miss Leona regular session of meeting on Sat­ must present the same, duly veri­ were allowed to sample them. fied, before the undersigned, at Following the demonstration, Marsters, music Instructor at the urday, December eleventh. The meeting was' held a t the the usual business session was Normal. Armory, and the following offic­ held, during >hlch tim e the pro- tt tt tt ’ ers were elected: Commander, G. ' position of the girls* room was O. VanNatta; senior vice com­ teksn up.' end It was decided to Host and Hostess A t Party— M r. and Mrs. J. E. Randles mander, E. H. Coder; jun io r vied make this object th e ir troth tor were the host and hostess at a de­ commander, M . . Shaw; chaplain, the coming year. lightful party given at . their D. L. Glenn; adjutant, W . .A. Pat­ tt tt » ♦ pleasant home in the Bellview rick; quarter master, G. W . Bene­ Missionary Society a t Ooagtagn- district, Saturday evening, De­ dict and officer of the day, 0- W . S n o w y -w h ite S n o w ­ tlonal Chnrch Meats cember eleventh. Noble. , The Ladles’ Missionary Society drift looks very creamy. The evening was happily spent tt « tt of the F irst Congregational in conversation and playing cards, And it is just as creamy church mat Thursday, December until a late hour when delicious N o rm a l S c h o o l F a c u lty H a v e ninth, at the home of Mrs. Don­ C h r istm a s P a rty — refreshments were served by the as it looksl It’s made ald 8pencer/ oa Iowa street. The faculty of the Southern hostess. A good program and dAlhty re­ Oregon State Norm al school had Those who enjoyed this sincere that way especially be­ freshments were the featured ef a Jolly Christmas party In . the hospitality were M r. and Mrs. Guy this meeting. cause a creamy shorten­ Randles and children, M r. and Dittila Springs H otel ballroom, tt tt tt Mrs. M. E. Randles and eon, Saturday evening, December 11. The evening was happily spent ing is most convenient Bobby, Mrs. Lulu VsnWegen and gave a delightful recltauon, ana . In conversation, .playing cards and M r. Melvin Beagle. Mias Jenny Grover sang a beauU- Tb» Women’s JTorelga Minalon- to work with. W hether dancing. The main feature was » tt » ful solo. A charleston-exhibition Bry society of the Methodiet a huge, brightly decorated Chrlst- it’s been standing in was given with much "akUl” by Episcopal church mat at the Entertains Bast Noble Grand’s one of the boys at the Normal. pleasant homo o f Mrs. A. Mariks Club— the warm kitchen or Bags of Christmas candy, paa- on Sherman street, last Friday The Past Nobla Grand’s Club of Toy Auto And Tractor nuts and apples were given to afternoon, Doeombor third, Hope Rebekah Lodge, No. M , in th e r efrig e r a to r , Trucks \ each guest. The Normal school Mr>. j . r . McCraeken Arid the were most delightfully entertain­ A new lo t of Delco Dnmper orchestra played for - t he d a n e a l v a d t - . ***** ls s t a l being ed by Mrs. George Trefren at the S n o w d rift is a lw a y s Wagons Just In. Big reduction which followed the program. The “Moslem Woman.” During the pleasant home of her daughter, In price on the new lot. party was attended by the faculty afternoon Rev. H . F . Pembfrton Mrs. Dorothy Specht, Friday af­ Able to save yon mosey on just right for quick and all kinds of Fencing against and tholr families. gave a abort ta lk on his actual ternoon, December tenth. anyone’s price. , easy m ixing. tt tt tt experiences w ith the Mohammo- A very happy afternoon, was Plows and Harrows, Garden Hoeteee A t Delightful Party— 50.00. as long as they charming hostess at a delightful Mareks was assisted by "Randles, served unusually attrac­ last. party Thursday evening. Decern- y n W alker In serving dainty tive and delicious refreshments. her ninth, giyen at the home of refreshments. There was a good attendance, her brother. C liff Jenkins on s e e everyone expressing their appre­ Pioneer Avenue. Baby Citato B oM T taunfay Dae. ciation of this Jolly afternoon. The evening was happily spent i g , _ In conversation, fancy work and ¡jp. g. u . Inskeep w ill ooadnet listening to the radio. A t a late uauai monthly Baby Clinic to hour delicious refreshments were held a t the Civic Club house served at a table centered w ith a on w in b u rn W ay, Thursday, Do- beautiful polnsetta. cember sixteenth. ,... jduests for the evening wars the Mieses Ethel Shram. Geòrgie Cof- I T ’ S ALW AYS CREAM Y S n o w d r if t P e il’s C om er Christmas F ruit Cakes Place ywut order now for the Christmas cake— 50 ets. per pound. his office In Pioneer Block, Ash­ land, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publi­ cation of this notice. First publication, December IB , B. D. BRIGGS, Administrator. SS-t-Wed. “BASHFUL MR. BOBBS” ANNIVERSARY PLAY presented by the Ashland High School Students This agency will in­ sure a bungalow or a factory p l a n t and w i l l guarantee the owners of both, prop­ erties, faithful, cour­ teous jservice. Get in touch with this office. Export knowledge of forms and rates may help you save money on your insurance. FR A N K LIN BA K ER Y - gifts here A bank account for the children will be a Christmas gift th a t will grow in value and appreciation with the passing years. Teach the children thrift now. It will pay handsome dividends in the years to come. le a v in g P o r tla n d either a t SbOO p . m . (N o . 13) o r ( N o . 53) a t 1:00 S. m .— s le e p e r s rea d y a t 9 0 0 p .m . a • AVI Ä k ,,.M s . 1» sæ *o Sa-ao M McNair Brothers ■ ‘ V . ' ' r H igh School Auditorium A .sparkling comedy ably presented by our own student thespians. CURTAIN AT 8 O’CLOCK Estab. 1883 at 41 E. Main St. Those 811 Make This Christmas NATIONAL CREST öffee A Lasting Gift for the Family. Place your order now for Christmas delivery. Runabout..................... . $106.32 Down 82c a Day Touring ........................... $106.80 Down 86c a Day Coupe ...........................-$148.05 Down $1.01 a Day T udor...........................: $153.29 Down $1.03 a Day Fordor ..................... .. $164.49 Down $1.1Ta Day The above payments include Balloon Tires—AU the new Improvements, Tire and Theft insurance and Interest on deferred*payments for eighteen months. A Gift that Renders Years of Useful Sendee. The greatest value ever offered in an automobile. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY US Claycomb Motor Co. R. L. D ANIELS FORD GARAGE M ed ford , O re. IT DOES make a difference where you buy your FORD. V ftm n k fv l! Southern Pacific G. N. Kramer, Ticket Agent—Phone 43 A new bank book and a home bank will be a REAL Christmas g ift The Nearest Thing The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregtn Suggestions WH r «’ • 1 0 * to 30*-buyrosmdtrQ>tt<*«ts. to Riding on A ir - m In U sed Phonographs U M P S and rut» w ill never boi car is equipped w ith Royal I Six rows o f tread block* cost increasing traction, minimixing maximizing brake control. ’ B $250.00 Console Vlctrola like new—t l dos. records free “ 35 2 S S • B illings Agency R e se r v e sp ace o n eith er N o . 54 o r N o . 16. T h e fo r m e r puts y o u in P o r tla n d at 7:15 n e x t m o r n in g , th e latter a t 8:50 a. m . Perfum e Sets Powder and Perfume Sets in beautiful boxes, priced from . . . . $2.50 to $7.50 , S i m i l a r c o m f o r t a b le P u llm a n s e r v ic e A Sensible A nd T hrifty Christmas We have a complete line of fartcy wrapping paper, and tissue, cards, stick­ ers, tags and -Chnstihas Greeting Cards. ‘ r e t u r n in g our store you can oosc all the gifts you for the home and Cards, Stickers, Etc. t, • ’ ' • ' . > Real Estate A Real Inaurane Special Discount on orders placed before Dec. —45 ate. per lb., or 2 lbe. for 85 cts. You Can Buy All ‘ We represent the Hartford Tire Insurance Company. O v e r n ig h t to C o m f o rtab le P u llm an a cco m m o d a tio n * a ssu re a night** restful s le e p ; arrival in r im e fo r b u sin e ss n ex t m o r n in g . Thursday Night!! D elicious H om e - Made Pie$ and Cakes Tender, Jriiey Rtekks that you can really enjoy. Come hers for dinner tomorrow for our tempting pastry and steak specials. TAVERN CAFE JOE LANE extra nexiDtiity to give you and the greater strength i flexing w ithout injury. This that is exclusive w ith U n ite W e’ll be glad to explain.*! Edison Phonograph 1 doz. records, only y , > Hew Reproducing Sonora Now A 1 $200 Sonorar-rgood as new, now Records free—Easy terms if C l j * aka This a Musioal Christmas Rose Leedoms