▲ wondbrful • For The In Attractive Holiday Boxes At This Popular Store A box of good cigars, a pipe, a carton of cigarettes and many other supplies for the smoker. or Here is the Gift That Means Real Comfort Christinas Cant EVERYTHING SMOKER l in e • * . ‘ ' X' <*■■, W -X: At The Lowest Prices In Y ean ; y Chocolate — Creams , P . 0 . B. Plain Mix • Creams------ Çfmrty 19c Per LL Wc Per Lb. Wc Per LL; A Kids favorite ’ AU Pur« Sugar , Dandy Ohriâtmas Walnuts, Per Lb. .......... A Good Grade Of Christina» Mix Nats, Lb. . Fancy Pack Dates and Figs, Lge. Pkg. . . . Come ia and Iaspeot Dor Attractive Display House Slippers W os't Get Hard For Men—43.75 per pair ' For Women—$3.25 per pair They’re warm—Good looking and Duralrte We have a dandy selection of good used cars in perfect mechanical condition that will make admirable Christmas gifts. A MERRY 0ÄRI8TMAS TO ALL ARMY GOODS STORE ALSO CHRISTMAS CANDIES in special holiday 'boxes ial price» -for the Christmas holi For a Desirable Christmas Present jay». We Would Gome ia and look them over. Try them