r**r •* *-*>• THBWEATHBX LY T idings - Oregon, rain in the w est portion; snow in the eastern portion^ R is­ ing temperature. Ashland*3 Leadiñff Ni per for Over Fifty Years (Ualted Frees Wir« Service) VOL, to U m EXPECT ROW OVER EFFORT TO RESTRICT NAVY PROGRAM1 Resolution is Passed Thank­ ing Local Body for Cooperation Strong Difference of Opin- ■ ion E xists Over Weeds Of Wavy , FINAL MEETING TODAY WÀSHINGTON, Dee. IS.— The nhvy committee threatens to open the safety Taire In the house to oxproso the resentment which has been accumulating In the se­ cret committee sessions held in an effort to restrict the naval build ing program. Representative Butler of Penn sylvanla, chairman, announced to­ day that the committee would hold a final iqeeting today and de­ cide what to do. Committee members are bound by a pledge of secrecy and'have declined to talk in the last few days. Two courses are open to the commlUee: 1— Introduction of a special bill to provide appropriations tor the three additional cruisers and two dirigibles whose construction Coolidge opposed because of gotiatlons for another arms con ference. Congress authorised the cruis­ ers and dirigibles at the last felon, but the budget bureau re­ fused to include appropriations for them la the budget recently submitted. 1— A statement In th » form of a protest that the navy is far be­ low the ratio provided by the Washington arms conference that construction o f the addition m id iciv witn another arms conference. HI Y CLUB HOLDS REGULAR MEHING Two Committees Are Ap pointed at Laid Wight's M eeting The Ashland high school HI-Y club held < regular meeting and dinner in Pioneer hall ’ last eve­ ning with ten members present. The meeting was given over large­ ly to business and discussion. The new life discussion course on the Sermon on the Mount was started last night and will be continued each meeting night. Two commit­ tees were appointed last night by president Nutter. A Meeting romittee, composed of Barney Miller, James Hartley and Selden Burton, whose task will be that of providing some special feature at each meeting. A Service commit­ tee composed of Gordon Clay- comb, Elliott MacCracken, and Wilfred Wagner, whose duties will be that of providing service tasks to be performed by the members of the club. Next week the feed will be furnished by Hor­ ace Dunn, Elliott MacCracken And Barney Miller. POPE GIVES MK TO FATHERS ANO MOTHERS Says "Impudent and Im ­ moral" Fashions Should' B e Elim inated ■ n o A t ROME, Deo. 15.— United Newa) -r-Pathers must interest them­ selves In elimination of "Impu­ dent, immoral fashions," worn by their wivee end daughters, Pope Plue XI declared, in an address ef welcome to representatives of Catholic federations. Prohibition of all garments showing indifference to morality most become the task of serions minded fathers, said hie holiness. .Praising all campaigns against such fashions, the pope said: "They are impudent because they Intuit human dignity as well as the body and soul. The body, m (Continued Oa Page Six) aw ns MYTH OF UNDERWBRLp Pal of Defendant "Bquea in Murdered E ditori Trial (United News Wire Service) PROBLEMS 0 F NDRMAl BASKETEERS DEFEAT H A IM IR R IG A T IO N IN THE STATE ARE DISCUSSED MASTER FISH DEMOCRATS ATTEMPT TWENTY HAVE TO GET TAX REDUCTION SUCCUMBED TO WARDEN LET INTENSE COLD OUT AFTER A IN T O DAYS STAR SESSION Î Visiting Fireman Fatally Injured1 F ast Practice G a m e ___ in 35 to 19 V ictory ■Last N ight tricts, was read and discussed. Thompson’s report, which In- eluded drafts of proposed amend­ ments to the irrigation c o d s , states in a candid manner that It was forced to instigate its investi­ gations and arrive at its-flndlnga without qld or suggestions frpm the lrrigationlsta of the state. His report continues to say that at the first meeting of jthe legislative committee, * -a policy was adopted to this effect: t "There should be no plan which Involves a repudiation of the obligation of Irrigation dis­ tricts. An effort should be made to devise a plAn which would put an earf to pyramiding tha liana of district oMigatioaa.’’ Acting accordingly the commit prepared amendments to the existing Irrigation laws, which Thompson insists will tend make It possible to accomplish certain results. The first is: “Immedtate relief tor the land owner within an irrigation dis­ trict who has the will to pay his portion of the obligation. This to be accomplished by preventing the pyramiding of Hen charges. NO. 88 )NE8DAY, DEC. 15, 192Ç ASHLAND, OREGON, The local Chamber ot Com­ merce were warmly praised by the hoard of directors of the Golf club in.a resolution passed at the regular meeting last night, f or their assistance la promoting in­ terest in the golf course. This no­ Routine Business Occupies The F irst Morning tion wai the reedU o t the success­ Session ful golf dinner and dance held In the Llthla Springe Hotel recently, which was- spoonsored by the POLICY «^A N N O U N C E D Chamber of Commerce, and also Ameadmente to th<* Present Irri­ the Golf Btyle Show and dance to gation Law Are Drawn up bo held at the Hotel Ashland on and Adopted the night of December 21, which also has received the backing of PORTLAND, Dec. 15.— (UN )— the local commercial organisation. Meeting in the Portland chamber R. W. Price has been named iof commerce for a two-day ses­ chairman of the ticket committee sion, trustees of the Oregon Irri­ tor the next affair, and has ap­ gation congress convened Tuesday pointed Mrs. V. V. Mills, Mrs. to discuss irrigation problems Louis Dodge, Mrs. George Con­ throughout the state. verse, Mrs. Harry Tomlinson and After the morning meeting of Mrs. McGarry to have active routine business, the report of charge of the sales. * W. Lair Thompson, chairman of Present plana call tor an affair the legislative committee, ap­ that will be varied and entertain­ pointed to make a survey of the ing, and which will give local proposed amendments to the irri­ people an opportunity to learn gation law la the hope that some­ more about thia interesting game. thing can be done tor certain dis­ tes m r * Coach Hughes’ normal school basketeero got their Initial bap­ tism of fire last night when they defeated the Battery B team, to 11, In a speedy game on the armory floor. The normal team showed a lot of class tor tha first ,__ . _ tha 1 boys’ ever _i______ ;.Ja a.— game played to ­ gether, and they should give a good account of themselves when they play the Aggies here next Saturday night. Ted Kinney played a aparkling game for the embryonic schoolmasters and wan a tower of strength both on de­ fense and In general team play. Fans are getting all hopped np over the game Saturday night and a big crowd is expected to tiirn out to see the normal team go up against the speedy quintet from the Corvallis college. 8AN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15.— (UN )— Andrew F. Hueft, believ­ ed to he deputy secretary of state of Michigan, residing at Lansing, was probably fatally Injured here t0