ASWLANN A t the Oregon Hotel— . . L . O. .Ormatead. o t Sacramento, Cal., Hra. Notti« M. Creator ot Sentile, "W w l, and Mr. and Mra. Wm. Frarfhk x>f C aratai«, A l­ berta, it's amoqg those who «top­ ped In A lid a d ‘ÿesterday. They reglaterfo’ w f Oregon Hotel. y U g GhciJtmas M * 1 t Monday. $ ' H a w a ii B an r I. Ukrianign Chorus plays ex­ • Stated conclave Wednesday clusively,'on Brunswick recorda evening, Dec. 15. R outine buel- Royal Coal, Hot and Clean.— • Por sale ht Elhart's. nena n A Installation of officers. Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. D im e r at 4:45. A ll Sir Knights A t the l/th h a Springs Hotel— tonrteously Invited. , C lift Payne m alee h r e a d I Mrs. A.VA.vftoss of Vancouver, Dt H . JACKSON. S .wC. board«. ' • I - 'B. C., A. k t,H a n se n of Oakland, KT, H . D A T, Recorder Cal., and A /h W ^ Shaw qf San S y . ... w, ... . .. Leaving Today for Los Angeles— 'Francisco, Cal., ^tre among those H. H. VanVaikenberg,. 9f tbli 1 {who stopped et the Llthia Springs city I* leaving today fo r' Lo» ¡Hotel jr f c f r d a y / Angeles, where he w ill splnd several days, looking a fte r his , List tbs UNION w rite your fu ll coverage automobile Insurance. Yeo, of qoúrse^.'/ 8 3 -« Sittings mads evening« by •P i The Rose — beadanarters for pointaient, studio A M U m A j ; 11 L e ft Yestardpy'Aor C fljfo ^ la — Uknlelea, Tenor Banjoa, VlöHns, : . , p 7L4 i f I. B« f foist sud w ife, who O u ttars. have been’Ahgtfcg friends fo Ash­ You’ll want to see “ Over the land for toe pamkten days, left Retnraed from San Francisco— Back Fence” at the Bellview ClnM yesterday For southern California Nelson and 8«m zNsnder- {House Frid ay hf«sr . .. , • Maytag. , W . J. W rig h t/J rh h ls * city, ex,' ; Good eating^apptnii 60 per box pecta to «pend t h e , Christmas Bring own box, Agh-< T ra it A Pro. Opening o f. the fg w Communi­ holidays at'GreAPSprhigs. ‘ • \ I ty House at B eU vle^R rid ay, Dec. Assn. 85-3 17. Irish aklts, bMck dialogues, Something entirely different In Beautiful line of imported gift Xmas cards. Darling Stadio. 76-tf street chatter, jabs and digs, stationery— Darling A rt Store. dancing. A ll up t ° the minute e. . » • w -s » » " * * ^ v * W » vod-vil. C o m a a n is e s . Admin-, ‘ • 'if 7« grades—Every size made here where there~are ao many, mn^y beau­ tiful styles to »elect from. The cleverness of the packing is to b» con­ sidered too, as even a modest gift seem« to carry morfetf a personal greeting If it seem» to show a thoughtfulness df thè giver |n thè packaging as well aS ¡he choosing of the gift itself. t Knit Seta—Cap, SNctt- or, Bootees and Mittens Beautiful Embroidery Patterns $2.98 to $4.00 TODAY AMD TOMORROW ‘ v Heavy A ll Wool Oregon City Blankets or Double» — An good colots — Dandy patterns — 8« rindows—, Priced »7.50 to »12.75 tq «17.50 ■ ; shop E arly at ■■■