Trains are Delayed— Because of a slide near IJTolf Creek, all Southern Pacific truf­ fle was held up Sunday Right. Northbound paaaenger trains No. Id and 14 were delayed this aide of Wolf Creek *11 night and sontbhopnd No. IS was detoywd about an hoar. A freight train last night stuck Its pilot Into the slide bat no great damage was done. * ' Nptmed te Medford— Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Andrews, j WAMTMD—To bay front ow^er Mrs. Grace Andrews, Mrs. Eunice acreage In Bellview district. In­ tuire S II IowÁ 88-8* Kibler and Mr. and Mrs. Artknr Adams of Ashland, motored to WANTED—Subscription solici­ Medford on Sunday to bare din­ tor wanted. Phea« 888-Y. 88-8» ner with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. POR RENT — Pour room Wheeler and family and. Mrs. ngalow partly furnished, 8 —H S ty o O r a W U áldfi — 16s Mary Matthews; dianne. 82-8* Granite. Reasonable terms. 84-tf HAMAKBB TRANSFER ( Q d Mies Kerr Scymef Gave [ for RMMT— ' Splendid rsâ- Lecture—— dence on business leeatlon around S to n g e Co. office at residence, Miss Violet Kerr Seymer of 174 North Main. Phon« 410, itke corner from P in t Nt’L Bank, London, England, gave a lecture , - • 77-tf( adjoining Lithia Park, furnished on Thursday night at the Church If desired, plano, garage. 28 8. WELL DRILLING— R. C. Vo- of Christ Science, getting forth Pioneer. • 84-tf chstser, deep well drilling. Talent, the principals of that denomina­ Ore. Phone 866J8. 44-1 m o? tion. This , was Miss Seymer's only stop between San Prancisoo WANTED Msgnetoes to and Portland and attracted a charge, 81.89. Recharged good sized crowd from Ashland, onr new Servali Charger. < as well a> a good many visitors comb Motor Co. Phone 88. FOR RENTS—8-room furnish­ from valley towns. Miss Seymer ed house. Inquire 712 Oak 8L is accompanied on her trip, by 88-6* Miss Herrick, also of London. Ashland Boy and Girl Elected— FOR RENT— Two well fnrnlsh- ished houaakeeplng rooms. 210 per month. 424 Helman Bt. 87-6 FOR SALE— W. T. Blackwell’s services, bnlldlng, repairing, painting, tinting and c e m h n t work. Phone 369-L. 47-1-mo. FOR SALK—Cook and heating stoves, 36 to 226. Eagle Brass Foundry, 140 Oberlin St. 80-lm* A. 8. Parks, Phon« 442, Mansanlta wood 711 Liberty St. 24-4 FOR SALE — Standard ilcycle, in good condition, iew. Phone 262 Y or 401 J. SHORT TALKS BV THOUGHT­ FUL MOTHERS Aa Indiana mother tells this: “We find nothing to compare with Foley’*s Honey and Tar Compound for coughs and colds. 214-tf. My little lad had trouble with his bronchial tubes from his third year, but since we started giving him Foley’s Honey and Tar we have been able to control It. We know there is nothing, to compare In good team or cows. See Ash­ with Foley's Honey and Tar Com­ land Realty Company. 71-ti pound.” The very name tells a FOR SALE— 6-roem house a t l story- Good, also to r «reap (span- 271 Mountain Ave with 3 lots, 60 modlc) and troublesome night x204 each, nearly 100 hens, large coughs. Ask for It. Sold every­ hen house, garage, Ashland Real­ where.— No. 2. ty Co. 71-tf SNAP FOR QUICK SALE— My Counter Leghorn Farm, Ash- home located at 406 Iowa street. and, Ore., tor high grade, vigor- Ashland, Ore., for 83200. Address iua breeding cockerels. Order Dr. George J. Kimi, 434 East low. 84-tf 4th St. Long Beach, Cal. 86-4 Bargains POSITION WANTED—MALE FOR SALE— Barred roek cock, WANTED— Work for man end erels of the laying strain. 88, W. team or single hand. Price and L. Moors, B. » . D. 7 4-1-mo service right. Address 147 Ohio St. ' Mo«.-Wed.* R H E U M A T IS M Use Trunk’s Prescription be­ cause it is a shame to suffer I with rheumatism! This pre­ scription does not rain the [stomach, it does not depress the heart, neither does it require dieting tq make it effective. ¡Trunk’s Prescription, does not [contain any mercury or nar- cotics; but It does combine the ¡essential medical elements neces­ sary In the successful treatment of rheumatism and gout, ac­ cording to well Informed pres­ ent-day medical opinion. Uric acid solvent and liver medicine. Trunk’s Prescription sells for 81.76 at McNair Bros. The finest ana most complete Une of Xmas cards. Darling Stu­ dio and art store. 76-tf W eek-End Guest— Mrs. Fred Swigert of Port­ land, was the week-end guest of Mis» Mildred Crane, physical training *teacher In Ashland high school, and went to Medford Sunday to visit with her relatives befpre returning tq Portland lat­ er in. the week. »Mfs. Swigert Iris ond of the counselors at Camp Namanij. $400 $600 $485 All Cars in Good Condition The Automotive Shop Chevrolet Dealers SEE THE SMOOTHEST CHEVROLET •I Sure Was A Cripple Now Takes A Few Tablets a lie n Spell Comes and Is O. K. and ”1 have been using your Eopa Neuritis Tablets for two ¿ears and sure had Bome good results. I was in Seattle In 1923 and sure was a cripple. Now every time I get a little jpell 1 take a few tablets and qext day all is gone. I Just want to thank you for the good you are dqlng to the world and the money you are saving lots or poor people: Lots of my friends got cured itnce I got Eopa Neuritis Tab­ lets in our town. Sincerely and thankfully yours.” (Signed) Fred Miller. Sharp, darting pains in neck, face, back, arms and legs are a sign of Neuritis, a disease of the nerves. Fre­ quently joints become stiff and aching. Eopa Neuritis Tablets go direct to the cause and help restore the Inflamed nerves to their former healthy state. Absolutely harmless, no bromides, narooucs or coal tar products. For quick relief get Eopa Neuritis Tablets. AU good druggists. Always to stock at McNair Bros. J. O.JttGG Boot Paint—Best Workmen Phone 172 r \ 0 N T submit to a beipitaL U operation for Plies or other BectnlocCnlim slhesnt It Ie expeMhe, Hot Mineral Baths Will keep y«u fit daring the winter. Oar mineral is a rec­ ognised care for Tomorrow Night!! Mrs. G. G. Eubanks of BB1 Wlmen street, left yesterday for a visit with bar son In San Fran­ cisco, California. After spend­ ing about a week. Mrs. Eubanks will go to Pacific Grove, Cal-, where she will visit with her daughter. DK. MATTIE B. SHAW Physician and Surgeon 108 Pioneer Ava Office and Resident Phone Office Honrs 10 - 12 a. m. 2.- 4 p. m. „ 8:30 - 7:30 p. m. 0. ELLYSON SHINN "BASHFUL MR. BOBBS" Left Yesterday— DR. W. J. CRANDALL Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office Phone 11W First National Bank Building ANNIVERSARY PLAY Office Honrs: 10 • IB and 2 - 8 Swedenborg Bnlldlng Res. Phone 184 Evenings by Appointment High School Auditorium Convalescent Home Physician and Surgeon 158 Granite Street Facing Park and Llthla Fountain Service is not an easy thing to measure, to a large extent it consists of intangible things —little acts of thoughtfulness and considera­ tion that may go^unnoticed, but that leave a glaring gap when they are missing. Our beau­ tiful chapel and splendid equipment—all of this would he vain without the leaven of sym­ pathy and good will which go with it. J. P. Dodge & Sons Office Phone 106-J Residence Phone 10S-L OFFICE HOURS Practical Nursing Terms: 99 to 28-BO per day Good Cheer, Good Care, Good Food— Our slogan. WHITTLE TRANSFER & STORAGE 0 0 . The Ingredients of Service Citizens Rank Building Ashland, Oregon DR. ROLAND ALLEN Mrs. W. M. Barber la Charge CURTAIN AT 8 O ’CLOCK Physician and Surgeon OFFICE HOURS 10 to 19 a. n»— -9 to B p. n . Ashland High School Students sparkling comedy ably presented by our own student thespians. > Phone 107 X-Ray, Including Teeth • Office Phone 164-J Home Phone 164-L Office Phone 161 presented by the Eagle Meat Market Praotice Limited To Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Dentist Citizens Rank Bldg. Because—Meat has more natural heat stored up in it than most pay other food. F or your h ealth ’s sake—E at More Meat. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS Dr. Charles A. Haines Coal, Woc^l and Storage Packing, Crating and Shipping. Long Distance Hauling. Auto Freight Terminal Phone 117 Office 89 Oak St. HERE AT. LAST Taller-Made Shoes Wcmen’a Shoes, 27.85 Men’s Shoes, 87.85 For the Whole FamUy Tailor-Made Shoes are fitted to six actual foot measure­ ments In any style— In the leather you like best and In high or low shoes as you pre­ fer. Now you can enjoy foot comfort and have perfect shoe style and maximum service. H. C. HANSON 03 Gresham Ashland, Ore. THE POWDER PUFF 1ST ST. OARAGE Rear Union OU Station Valve R efaclng and Grinding a Specialty BEAUTE 8H0PPE (Over The Tidings) Now Under the Direction of We have Installed machinery which makes your valves op- erate perfectly. Wc Inspect cars, locate trouble For Appointment Funeral Directors Day Phone 212. Night Phons« »81-L— 311-J Mrs. Louis Dodge, lady assistant SPLITDORF Radio Reception for the Cultured Ear T. L. POWELL General Transfer Good team and motor trucks, Good service at a reasonable price — Phons 83. JORDANS «ASH AND CABINET WORKS Corner Helman and Van N< Phone 141. 19- Aooreditod Training Pays Shorthand Machine Bookkeeping Burroughs Cslcnuwov Business Office Practice Medford Business College Cockerels $125 Fuller Paints 1 paint and varnish for every need Spend Week-End to Aahlnnd —• Mr. and Mrs. John Dodge and family of Medford spent the week end In Ashland visiting at (toe home of Mrs. Nettle Green add daughter Ruth, on the boulevard. Mr. Dodge Is a member of the D. O. K. K. and attended the meeting here Saturday sight, $350 lacked With Pain He Hobbled Around, A Victim Of Varnishes Don't be Operated Upon 1926 Ford Sedan 1926 Chov. Coach 1925 Chev Touring, 1924 Chev. 4-Pass Coupe .................. 1924 Ford Roadster Delivery .............. at the Clayoomb Motqr Co., will spend the Christmas holidays with her parents a t- McCloud, California. Hes Heck say«: ”Tke biggest household expense Is payin’ what Will Spend Xmas with Parents— it eests the wife_to_nractloe on ■ Mips Velta Ackley, wko works netwspaper recipes.” \ /~ ~ ' - * Homer Bray, Salem, has been elected president of the 4-H club WANTED— Batteries to re­ composed of former boys’ and FOR RENT—Nloe clean rooms, charge. 21. Olayçomb Motor Co., girls’ club members on the O. 64-tf »asonable. The Annex. 78-lmo* Ford Garage. Phone 60. A. C., Ordgon Agricultural Col­ lege campus. Other officers are Edith Pugh, Shedd, vice presi­ FOR SALE— Five room house, dent; Rosina Gallatin, secretary 22,000. Seven. room, 22800. and Barnard Joy, treasurer, bot’i Large lot, two blocks west Nor­ of Ashland. mal. Others. Phone 8 4 2-J. 1-m* | FOR SALE — carload empty Confined to Home— linseed oil barrels and drums, Mrs. Charles Hooper of Harga- 80 and 78 cts.\Swenning a Gear dine street was confined to her ¡Dependable Palhtlng Contractors, home with illness the last of the 315-R. 27-6* week. FOR SALE — Old fashioned lorovian animal Christmas »Okies, foe per dox. Phone your rder early to Mrs. L. Mtksch, 431 14-3 Transferred to ishlaad- J. B. Duncan has been trans­ ferred to Ashland, after working for some time as a conductor for the Southern Pacific Co., out of Klamath Palls. He is residing on Hargadlne street. music loveris se t T v 7B HAVE a rani radio rev- V V elation for those who are blessed with a refined musical taste and whose interest in radio reception never has been aroused. Hear the superlative tone of a S p litd o rf in stru m en t. I t ie worth hearing if for no other rançon than to discover how radio. But if you heatftheSplit- dorf, we think you will want to continuo hearing it. Remem­ ber, the Splitdorf ie deeigned especially for thoee who are capable of a genuine apprecia­ tion of good music. < The receiver shown is the SPLIT­ DORF model RV-69B. n six-tube, two control set, with super-pow­ er switch. Price, 1100. The speak- Shown is the Modul D, Price, 6. Other Splitdorf receivers range In price from 866 to 2215. Big, vigorous birds, weighing over 6 lbs. each. Llnebred and Individually Pedigreed from e Progeny Tested Dam with 3 year record of 664 eggs (1st year 271 sggs). Only a limited number left. Prices very reasonable, with proven breeding sbUlty. Pedi. tree famished. Lithia Leghorns 112 NOtley St. Phone 466-J GOLF LESSONS Learn to play Golf this winter and be ready for the opening of the Ashland course this spring. Newcomb« For W ood Phone 6S1 L o a d _______________ 28.00 R Blox and Mill Ends, 8 Tier Load ...,7................... 29.00 82 la. Pine Slabs and Edge. 9 1-8 Tier Lds. ____ 97.00 19 In. Pine Blab « Ends, 2 Tier Lds. —____ 87JW 10 In. Fir Slab Mill Ron, 9 1-2 Tier Ld........... .............. 88.00 19 In. Fir Slab MUI Rea, S Tier Ld. ..................... 28 25 9 ft. Firs Place Plank Ends. PtaM « Fir, 9 Tier Ld. 20.00 « ft. Dry Pine Slabs, per cord ------------------------ 20.00 8 cord Lds. — ------ 814.00 4 ft. Dry Fir Blabs, «er Cord --------------------- 27.00 Let Me Teach Yon BILLY SELKIRK Instructor, Ashland Golf Club Btedlo, l i t B. Mato ’ A Word With the Old Folks ton, however, is just ee I to ton old as to the Meng old folks have thevalpe of Do«n*e aan ethaulant diuretic kidneys te required. S Wanted, bids for transporta­ tion for school children from Summltt Slsktyou to Ashland and return. Bids will be received ap to December 22. Addraee eehool elark, Diet. No. 33, Siskiyou, Ore­ gon. School board reserves the right to reject any or all hide. Clerk School Riet. Mo. 88. »l-8-Tuee.« Imwegtswanr score« o f i Cha ven lent Time Payments If Dealred RHEUMATISM PILLS