Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1926)
ASHLAJCD DAILY ttD O T G S No “Bum Steer” to This Trouble in Islands Reaches a n Acute Stage, W ith Trouble Ahead.. MANILA, Dec. <. — (UN). — The clash between Governor Gen eral Leonard Wood and Filipino lead en reached an acute stage today when«. Wood appointed two pew director* of theutatfonal coal Company, only to learn that Man uel Qnexoti and Manuel Roxas also bad named twd men for the post. ” i Quezon and Royas were mem bers of the board *of control which Wood recently abolished,, but they* refused to, hped the or- «Jer and still are functioning. The hoard controls public utilities. Wood lost today’s skirmish for the presldont of the coal company recognised the Filipino appointments and If Wood’s ap pointees are to be pnt in office his administration must appeal to the Philippine supreme court and possibly to the shprertie court of the United States. Wood, who- Is ill. gave Fred Fisher,' former Justice, his proxy and Fisher named the coal di rectors. Quezon declared he would go to America and af pear before the supreme court If permitted. W. R. C. Hold Social The W. R. 0 . held a social in the I; O. O. F. hall Monday, De cember sixth. There were thirty members present. A very enjoyable time was spent in fancy work a'nd conversa tion, until a delightful program was presented by some of the mombers.of the organization. In teresting readings were given by Mrs. Hlcka. Mrs. llflmnwnd, Mrs, Harkens, Mrs. Hasler aad Mrs. Howard. Mrs. Herdon gave two and Mrs. Hersheyhad the “ques tions and answers.” Delicious and dainty refresh ments of cakes and coffee were served by the committee in charge. MAKES rounds ■ BERLÌN, Dec. 7.— (U N )- A little anecdote narrating an ad venture of Joseph Choate, erst- whlfo Ambassador of the United States to the court of St. James, Is making the rounds in Germany. Here we have “Rupert B,” world’s champion beef steer, who ws« sold to an Atlantic City hotel for P®r P°UBd aKer **i“,ln* first place In the International Livestock Exposition at Chicago jllnde Rupert Weighs #70 nsnnds. p»st runs into money He i shown share with Nell Walker and Mildren ,Nugett (right) ol Chicago. , Boxing Is Beset - By Many Dangers for of de, len Bn” -— her e8t use ior ie,r ,ng. ,re' ere but ne’ ext al* but ive’ ur* -M- German press In connection with the recent réintroduction of uni forms for' German diplomats and i s meant to ridicule the German government’s explanation that on lf by wearing uniforms could German diplomats be safe against bein)p taken for servants. - ■ Choate’s Story is related as fol lows: After i brilliant banquet at London, where -the Ambassador of thé United States had been one of the few guests in mufti, he was accosted ln the hall by a be- medailed, uniformed diplomat who haughtily addressed Choate saying: “Call me a four-wheel er.” America's ambassador bow ed politely and with a smile re torted: "You ate a four wheeler.” Twenty Are R egistered Tor ' Membership as R esult o f Round Up Federal Officers Arrest Min ister on Serious ’ Charge Twenty boys of the Pioneer age. I t tb IS years, have registered at Y. M. C. A. headquarters for Pion- neer eluh work, as a result of the round-up staged in Junior High gym last Friday evening. Offic ials of the Y. M. C. A. have every reason to believe that this num ber will be more than doubled in the next few days.- Every effort will be bent now to secure the proper leadership for these boys, and to gst their clubs under way.- following which a pioneer Central Council composed of representa tives from the various Pioneer clubs will be organised for the purpofe of outlining plans for the months ahead. “The boys have a lot of things they are anxious to see put over, and we are Just as anxious to help them put It over,“ Secretary Walter said this morn ing. Every effort possible will be made to get every boy In the city tnto some one of the Y. M. C. A.' clubs this winter. PORTLAND, Dec. 8.— (UN )— The existence of what is said to have been an extended romance between the Rev. W. G. Jones, former pastor of the Third Bap tist church hers and Mrs. Pear) Lee, a member of his congrega tion, togehter with details of a trip the two are alleged to have made from Portland to Fort Worth, Texas, was revealed by federal officials hare Tuesday, with the arrest of the pastor in Los Angeles on whits slave charges. R icardo C o r t e z ALBANY. Dec. 8.— (UN )— Thousands of children and grown people gave Sant» Claus a tre mendous ovation . here today. The schools of the county had, de clared a holiday in honor of .St. Nicholas' visit, and on his arriv CAPTIVES OF RUM RUNNERS al 4,000 children and almost as TELL A STORY OF THRILLS many adults packed Tacnah park and overflowed on the sidewalks (Continued from Page One) and Into the streets. Santa, in addre/plng the throng remaining on the alert during the said that it was most wonderful days, they kept the schooner’s crew aware that the Americans* reception he has received any were In control until thè short where and the numbers sad spir age of drinking water forced the it of the throng gladdened him .Immeasurably. smugglers to capitulate. Bakery “ . • / G IVE HER A N OLD-FASHIONED 8URPRI8B I N A NEW -FASH IO NED W A T T éb O l d C h ristm as secrets and surprises had a sweetness aod charm about them for w hich there is no substitute. B egin now , make her C H u m u i memorable by arranging for t&r present thru a gift o f ultra-ftm inau jew elry. Our m odest pricing enables you to g iv e the deserving lady o f your heart a piece o f jewelry so rich and lo v e ly that she w ill y u p w ith CHAS. A. WHITE Jeweler E nders’ Block Are You Still city. <• , The latest "Chicago decision*’ 180 which transferred t h e . middle- 108 weight championship Ito Jffickey ln Walker and Jack Keiptis hasn’t 1 MI8 helped to stabilize boxing In Illi nois. In New York it Is the war be- *** tween Rickard and “Jack6 Fug- * 8' azy which makes the boxing 'alt- llG . nation precarious and uncertain. * * J Inspired by his success in stag- er lng the Berleubach-Delaney .fight, the Italian-American promoter had ambitions to beat Tex at the latter’s own game. Ready For * ChrisfmasI We invite you tonhop now while salespeople have time to give you proper seivipe; while stocks are so ample and so varied. < E, R. ISAAC & CO ‘THE QUALITY STORE' i •» ’ Lithia Springs Pharmacy Inside the Now ' . ' 1 People didn’t know about tilings in the Dark Ages. They didn’t know w h it was. in lightning, mines, trees, air, that with a little ingenuity would make an electric light, a wartch, a high-grade soap, a radio. They didn’t know how to go abput to know things, They didn’t have many things worth while to know. Brewster met Miss Palmer six yean ago when she won a beauty contest conducted by one of his movie magazines. You no doubt have lots of gifts to buy. Vou wirtit jrtst the right things. Gifts are here in pro fusion for pveg^age, for every fancy, for SVery type, r 3 * Franklin to Fort Worth. Tbs government charges the pastor with having made the trip for Immoral pur poses, and It la to this allegation that the Rev. Jonea must answer In federal court bora. Envelop! Enchain MANY GREET SANTA NEW YORK, Dec. 8.— Profes COMPLAINT FILED Fresh Sw eet Oranges sional boxing, although it enjoyed SALEM, Dec. 8.— (UW)— A the most lucrative period o f . its Fresh Sweet Oranges 33 per history during 1#2#, enters the complaint has been filed with the box of three hundred large public service commission by the new year, beset by dangers. Size. Boxee larger than stand nfeym lll White Pine company of ard site. Sound fruit and sat For boxing, as conducted to—- isfaction guaranteed or money BraymHl. agalnst the service day,—le Its own worst enemy. Tendered hr the "Klamath Tele-’ A box of these makes an ap The public likes It and has Just phone and Telegraph company of preciated Christmas gift. Re paid an unprecedented sum <to mit with order. Chiloquin, asking institution of a witness It during the past 12 24 hour service at Bray mill and months. ! Acme Orange Farms the installation of public pay sta In the two largest cities of the LaGrange, Texas tion. United States, however, where boxing naturally would be expect ed to make the most money, those who depend upon' the game for a livelihood are none too hap- ord erin g? py over the situation. No longer need yon worry over t me names on your Chrtst- Tex Rickard Isn’t going to mas Hat when we have so many sauXUul, Une» from which build a fight arena in Chicago tp choose. aad Humbert J: Fngasy, his rival, See our Imported) and best domestic lines of toiletries lof Isn’t going to build one In New the Christmas Gift list. - York. 'The situation in Chicago is qaite different from that la this Christmas hustle; Christmas glamour; Christmas g 1 i tt e r; Christmas cheer. The holiday spirit is present throughout the whole personnel of our store. Never again will you take the time and do the work to hake your own cake. Test it by tasting. SALEM, Dee. I.—-The Oregon supreme court held today that the city of La Grande must pay AAna Bloomquist >7,80# damages for the death of four year old Leroy Bloomquist, who w a s drowned when she fell through a- defective sidewalk into a flume. Holding that Inadequate funds does not excuse a municipality, the court affirmed the damage de cree which was awarded to Mrs. Bloomquist by Judge J. W. Knowles of the Union county cir cuit court, ‘ <he Eatfle o f the Sea.', NAME SUPERINTENDENT MARSHFIELD, Dtec. ».— (UN) •—Max S. Hamm of Roseburg^ waa today named superintendent of Marshfield public schools to succeed C. A. Howard, vrho has reslghed to take up his duties as Supertnteadent of public instruc tion. The new school head bas served as superintend of Rosebnrg schools for the past six years. in the Paramount Picture The Rev. Jones was secretly In dicted here by the last federal grand Jury. Removal papers are to be sent to Los Angeles and the pastor will be brought hers to fees prosecution. Assistant U. 8. Attorney Stearns said. While the minister is .being held in Los Angeles Mrs. Lee is back in Portland with her hus band and four children at their home on Haight Ave. As Stearns described the case it apparently was the old story of the handsome and eloquent gos pel .preacher an attractive woman of fairs flock, their meetings at the church, the beginning of a love affair, its growth and then the falL 1. “The fall'*, Stearns said, came after the Rev. Jones and Mrs. Lee, forgetting everything In the ec stasy of their infatuation, left Portland last August and traveled R icK ln the colorful journey east through the southland Today you have countless conveniences. You have all the facts you need to get hold of these conveniences. You have advertisements. Advertisements tell you frankly of wonders you can buy, where to buy them, how to recog nize them, how to use them, how much to pay. By read ing advertisements you can know what they will do for you before you spend one cent. How that lubricant will net in yonr own car. How that electric stove will lighten work in your own kitchen. Advertisements spread things before you so convenientjy that almost by reach ing out — you have them! Y oufind them in any better store. Their prices low, because advertisements urge their use by thousands. Their values honest, because they are advertised as they are. The best you can bny, because what is widely advertised is what has survived harsh public test. geles, E l Paio, N ew O rleai trips ovet fantastic Apache Arizona; and into age-old bayous. A w o n d r o u s jo u rn ey , e a s ily arran ged . Stopovers a t te e n y points a n route. T h e lu x u r io u s tr a v e l a c co m m o d a tio n s o f Cm m ous transcontinental trains. A sk for an itinerary to fit your plans. Four trains daily southbound. F rom C alifornia th e noted "Sunset Limited" t o N ew O rleans. O r, i f y o u w ish , c o n n e d a t 8 a n Francisco o r L os A n geles w ith n ew eatn k fa rt fiy u a to C hicago. ’ ' N o finer trip eoat than thja. F lan it n o w . Southern Don’t let the Dark Ages touch any portion of your life. U se the advertisements. They surround you with Now • R